"So this is definitely a symptom of something profoundly ugly lurking in the underbelly of our society that’s worth drawing some attention to."

This psychosis is not just lurking in the underbelly of Israeli society. It is proudly parading as part of the mainstream. Israel as a country is doomed, not by the hostility of its Arab neighbors, but by the depravity of its society.

Lest anyone level the ridiculous charge of anti-semitism in response, know that there are Jews around the world who understand this perfectly and are as appalled as any decent human must inevitably be.

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Stay strong Caitlin and remember that you have a lot of friends and supporters out here.

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I just can't prevent my surge of disgust and rising bile at reading, seeing and hearing such expression. Its unfathomable to me that anyone, let alone anyone that subscribes to some kind of divine justice, can conduct themselves in such ways. But then, even as a child, when reading some of those Old Testament massacres and genocides, I was appalled and asked my Sunday School teachers how they could even teach such awfulness. I was told that God worked in mysterious ways. "Psychopathic ways" I later came to see. In this, Israelis are behaving now as they always have - in service to their own specialness, to their own superior status in the eyes of their god. Except now they can do it with US supplied weaponry and international impunity.

I can't do anything about it myself, except to rail on my now largely banned social media accounts. But what I can do and always will do is to forever refuse to buy anything Israeli, as much as I am able to have nothing to do with their brands, their companies or any of their people. Not a dollar for them or from them, nor a minute of my time nor a kind thought towards them. They have forever abrogated their rights to basic human compassion or consideration.

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"What I’m saying here will be spun as antisemitic by Israel supporters no matter how I put it because Israel supporters are manipulative liars, but to be clear this is not about Jews at all."

It's not, as in one ongoing case it matches entirely what's been going on in Ukraine since 2014 when they started bombing Donbass. Dehumanization of all kinds, from statements by Poroshenko - the then president - "our children will go to school and theirs will be cowering in bomb shelters" to menus in restaurants with atrocious names of body parts of Donbass people, and everything in between.

It must be said, though, that Ukraine was being coached and groomed by Israel along with the US. So there's that link again. Like father, like son.

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It’s absolutely reprehensible! I wonder if the writers of any of those deplorable comments have children themselves. Actually, hold on … they don’t view Palestinians as humans so nah … it won’t matter.

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Hello Caitlin,

Thank you for sharing this. For my part I did not realize what you are going through (not many zionists around me). We are all with you.

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Caitlin, this is indeed an ugly reality that I have come across myself. I come across these absolutely evil scum of humanity not only in the comments section of the saddest news from Gaza but also under the much needed fundraising campaigns. I just feel like throwing up when I see such heartless creatures. One of these comments that I kept seeing from a user named Scott Ross Sr. saying that it’s enjoyable to watch Gaza being turned into a parking lot. The sadder part is that Facebook doesn’t find such comments to be against community guidelines.

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For what it is worth (not much, I know), Caitlin, I totally support your comments. The criticism that you receive from the Judeo-Nazi crowd and their various supporters is of course, thoroughly despicable. But ever since the Vietnam War days, I have come to accept that there is a subset of our species that are capable of such thoughts. They are the sort of 'humans' (and I use that term very advisedly), that make possible the rise of people like Hitler and Mussolini to power.

From my empirical observations, the three things that seem to most often motivate these individuals are either religion, nationalism or capitalism/greed; or perhaps some combination.

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These people are brought up with diabolical hatred pounded into them. It’s like Hebrew school is psychopath training. Can a normal brain be conditioned to psychopathy through early training? Apparently so.

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As to the genocide fans you get email from, my bet is that, to a person, he/she has never been in combat, never see other humans thrashing in death agony, and, likely, never even been in a fist fight. In contrast, it's a rare combat vet that's enthusiastic about war.

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The majority of my family are Israel supporters and apologists. No amount of carnage can unseat “Gods chosen people”. The cherry on top is they’re all born-again, heaven bound and ….. pro-life.

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The uncomfortable truth is its is all hidden behind being Jewish ...plenty of Jewish folks say not in my name but no matter how you jugle the numbers or do the math statistically speaking the tribe backs up the tribe and the Christian ziopaths back then up. The sickness is profound and the moral disconect to humanity is even more so.

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I said this long ago that I felt the Israelis “kept” Palestinians for the sole purpose of NEEDING someone to torture. Like a psychopath keeps its prey alive till he/she expires. Zionists walking through Gaza shooting children in the head for sport proves my point. This is a tragically perverse society we’re seeing.

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Some people refuse to see evil especially if it comes from them. It also is easier to deny the humanity of others than it is to see your own inhumanity, and by now so much evil has been committed by the IDF that to fact would be extraordinarily painful for a supporter.

People deny their own and others humanity when they split the world into pure good and evil when people are both in varying combinations.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Disturbing and sick. And it must be condemned, if we are to hold on to our humanity.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

The behaviour of many Israel supporters has also been remarkably self-indulgent. Most people who harbour the sick sentiments which you describe (and they shamelessly express) keep them to themselves.

Democrats and Republicans seem to favour Israel over the American taxpayer and citizen, and have done for decades.

Does it have anything to do with the following? Cause or effect or and effect?

Foreign Reserves by country - gold , cash and credit- seem to tell an Uber-sick and seamy story. Israel has more than 30x more foreign reserves per cap than the U.S., and they cadge aid from US taxpayers.

Israel foreign reserves per cap are greater than those of the US, France , Germany and China combined. See link. Seems like it can’t be true. What is going on? This looks like fraud and ?theft.

Search per cap foreign reserves by country.

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