Navalny was a CIA color revolution asset. Assange has been imprisoned for exposing the regime’s crimes. What do your think of Gonzalo Lira? An American journalist dies in Ukrainian prison after criticizing the regime, yet no MSM propagandists spill any ink or tears over him.

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I had a difficult time listening to the cbc news talk about the death of Alexei Nalvalny and how horrible Putin is while there was not a word about Julian Assange or all the people in Palestine or any of the people that have suffered because of US interference and corruption. To listen to them, one would think the US is a kind and loving entity that has to do battle with the evil empire of Putin which interferes with the US aiding and abetting genocide.

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Re Navalny - he was a nobody in Russia and never had a chance in anything. Western creation to stir up things over there.

Also, if the West was so concerned about him why did Germany push him out to Putin following his recovery from "poisoning" by said Putin?

The moral of the story is this: whenever a westerner hears from their government/MSM about some persecution somewhere, he/she should know straight away - it's 100% bullshit. Never believe the crap.

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Frankly, Navalny wasn't really "the opposition" leader at all. He polled at 2%. The communist party of Russia has far more support and others probably do as well. Navalny is a wannabe Guaido.

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A story I published last month on how the media feasted on every twist and turn of Alexei Navalny’s disappearance, while barely even mentioning the latest update in Julian Assange’s extradition appeal process.


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Navalny was a two-bit thug who robbed with his criminal brother. The US tried to make him the "competition" of Putin, i.e., talked about him as if he were a freedom-democracy seeking guy who could unseat Putin, the most honest leader in the world today. God, how can people fall for this crap? Navalny's ads against Muslims were horribly sickening, he hated them so much. Unseat Putin...not in a million years. Putin didn't have him killed...he wasn't worth the trouble. Besides, Putin doesn't poison anyone, but he US public falls for that crap all the time. Idiots.

Thanks again, Caitlin. Don't know what we'd do without you.

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It's not like the US government has never assassinated a political candidate domestically. We would never stoop so low.

Except of course for JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, and possibly several other assassinations of political figures. Not to mention many put in prison (Eugene Debbs) or forced into exile (WEB Dubois).

If we didn't have such a tightly controlled two party political system where only acceptable candidates are allowed to rise, we'd probably be seeing more imprisonments and killings of political candidates today in the USA.

The system has been trying for a while to put Trump in prison, but fundamentally though ugly he is compatible with keeping the system going. Even mild reformist candidates like Bernie and Nadar recieve immense pressure and dirty tricks to shut them out.

It never looks good when people die in prison, but hand wringing over Navalny is the pot calling the kettle black.

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+ Gonzalo Lira, US citizen dead in prison in Ukraine, not a word from the criminal Biden.

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Navalny was caught on tape promising to spearhead 'regime change' in Russia for the right price. He confided in a CIA asset said view & spent many years organizing marches & protests where people went around calling Muslims 'Cockroaches' & *insert other profane terms here*... the guy was a Useful idiot who the Americans sought to utilize in order to undermine the foundations of the Russian state. Traitors like him often meet an Ignoble End. Good Riddance!

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17

"... insane how many of them now have nothing to say about Gaza, or are outright siding with Israel."

Gaza - the litmus test of our time.

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In everything they do and everything they say Western leaders are becoming more and more desperate. The world they thought was theirs has moved on to inevitable change. They can't accept the party is over and its time to move on. They disgrace themselves at every turn.

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Any “spiritual” teacher who supports Israel is showing that they are an imposter!

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I don't understand why everywhere I turn people are concerned about Alexei Navalny and no one is mentioning that he's a Nazi. This video I've seen shows him to be a full on Nazi. Is there something not true about it? I don't give one bit of concern for a Nazi. https://twitter.com/HotSpotHotSpot/status/1758508965904744625

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The Egyptian government is once again shooting its own citizens in the back. They want to corruptly take advantage of joint Israel Egypt development plans for the Gaza off shore natural gas while Israel digs a new canal that will take revenue away from the Suez.

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"I used to follow a lot of teachers who talked about enlightenment and spiritual practice, and it’s insane how many of them now have nothing to say about Gaza, or are outright siding with Israel."

Absolute majority of them are grifters. Ultimately focusing on their lower chakras while claiming higher enlightenment.

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I don't trust anything the mainstream media gets upset about anymore. We're lied to so much. I read somewhere that Navalny had some previous health issues. Not jumping on that bandwagon. As I type I see that he was a CIA colour revolution asset. My tears are for Assange. Please let him be freed!

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