US Empire narratives have been repeated so many times that they've become dull. A terrorist is anyone the US government doesn't like. A conspiracy theorist is a political or policy dissident. I've been told I hate Jews or am anti-Semitic so many times since October 7 it's become like water, meet duck's back.

The actions of the US Empire have so frequently been exactly what it accuses its rivals of doing that its own narrative describes its actions to a T. The Yemenis blockade trade to Israel to protest an ongoing genocide, and so far have killed no one. The Empire responds with sanctions and bombing raids that kill Yemeni children.

Who is terrorizing a civilian population to advance a political goal here? (Hint: It's not the Houthis)

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The purpose of designating these groups as terrorists is to also stifle freedom of speech. The UK is doing the same thing- labelling groups as terrorists because then it is illegal to express support for them. If you think the Houthis are doing a good thing in preventing supplies reaching genociders, but Houthi is a proscribed terror group, you can be arrested for that. If you do not condemn them, they will attempt to twist this to say you do support them - and you're not allowed to support them by law. This is what Piers Morgan does and the purpose of the 'do you condemn Hamas?' question.

It's to stifle the fact that people in these countries are believing there is a resistance in the Middle East - and not terrorism. And they are absolutely not allowed to think that - it is a big threat to the western empire to have such dissent and freedom of thought from within

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That's for sure. Genocide? No problem. Block ships belonging to countries committing and enabling genocide? Problem.

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Once again Biden acts in a non-sensical way. His first terrorist designation was no more sensible and humane than this one. I for one have been cheering the Houthis. Nobody else is even trying to help Gaza.

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Up is down. Firing squads are diplomats. We are Soylent Green. Israel is a Democracy. Zionism isn't Judaism.

So, the reality is -- Un-United $nakes of Amnesia-Terror-Chaos-Lies-Pollution -- when Five Myopic Blind Eyes call 'them' terrorists, they are heroes.

Defned your fucking people, man. Heroes = Houthis.


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US CENTRAL COMMAND ? 🤣🤣 the emperor still has no clothes

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"When Yemen sets up a blockade to try and stop an active genocide, that’s terrorism, but when the US empire imposes a blockade to secure its geostrategic interests in the middle east, why that’s just the rules-based international order in action...We are ruled by murderous tyrants. By nuclear-armed thugs who would rather starve civilians to protect the continuation of an active genocide than allow peace to get a word in edgewise. Our world can never know health as long as these monsters remain in 'charge."

It's time to cage or slay the "monsters in charge." We can't allow them to stay where they are any longer. Our lives are in danger and our world is under threat. "Rules-based order" be damned.

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Well written. Rules based order reminds me of "democracy ". It doesn't mean what they say it means. Truth hides behind rhetoric, but most are captured by the spectacle.

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I cannot possibly be the only one here who recognizes that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

If Ansrallah were targeting Russia or any other country that the United States doesn't like, we'd be hearing their praises non-stop and they'd be granted virtually unlimited cash and weapons to do so.

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Well, I’ve long been disgusted with Biden, US government inhumane policies.The US is in bad moral shape.

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Great post!

Meanwhile the Israeli government has been and still is imposing a naval blockage on Gaza since 2007 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip

And that blockade is an essential building block in the Israeli genocide going on now in Gaza

But the US government led by zionists like Blinken and Sullivan has not imposed sanctions on Israel and designated the “IDF” a Foreign Terrorist Organization. No - in fact these gentlemen have evaded congress and US laws in order to send the Israeli terrorists MORE money and weapons.

But the Yeminis trying to stop the genocide are “terrorists”? Right.

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That's why it's needed Yati. YATI - For the majority of the planet's inhabitants, effective freedom, justice, legality and democracy do not exist, while the concentration of wealth in a few hands prevents general well-being. Four-fifths of the planet's inhabitants live in poverty and many find themselves in desperate conditions. At the same time, fear, insecurity and wars are increasing. The risk of an apocalypse is becoming more and more concrete. A few small groups organized on a national and international level prevent billions of people from living in the best possible way. Using legal tender currencies with no real value, they control most natural resources, means of production, information channels, governments and mass organizations. These groups constitute the oligarchy of real power on the planet. National states and their international organizations are instruments of this small minority that controls money, means of production and information. This is why states are either dictatorships or apparent democracies. Through approximately twenty thousand people, these groups exercise their power over all peoples. They are the decision makers: bankers, financiers, publishers, governors, magistrates, policemen, soldiers and other exponents of the institutions of national states. Some consider these decision makers to be the guides, the leadership necessary for the evolution of humanity. In reality, they are simply people chosen and designated by the top of the oligarchy, which attributes to them the fundamental function of maintaining economic relations unchanged and guaranteeing the hegemony of the global elite. Just when technological development would allow every human being to satisfy their own needs and make those who are ill feel good without making those who are well ill feel bad, those who hold wealth become more oppressive and try in every way to preserve and indeed enhance their own privileges. We could have energy at very low costs and instead we depend on the usual oil multinationals. Meanwhile, we have less and less drinking water, more people dying of hunger and curable diseases, less culture, less social communication, ever-increasing consumer prices, more pollution, more disinformation, less security, less freedom, less real democracy, more mysticism. At the same time, more is spent on military equipment than on energy, more than half of the available drinking water is wasted due to the inefficiency of sewer systems, a quarter of the food produced is destroyed and the production of low-cost medicines is prevented. to keep market prices high, the nominal value of the monetary mass is equal to over fifty times the annual wealth produced on the planet, the vast majority of peoples want peace while states wage war and this shows that popular sovereignty is only appearance. This situation depends on the hierarchical structure of the human system in the shape of a ladder pyramid made up of double-valued dyadic levels: each person represents himself with respect to those on the higher levels while representing the totality with respect to those on the lower levels. In this structure, it is the level, and not the personal value, that determines the valence. Moving to the next level requires an effort that very few people can sustain. The hierarchical structure is selective: the strongest, most gifted and fortunate use others as their tools. Nothing can change if this structure is not changed. It will always seem like everything changes but in reality everything will remain as before. Even the largest revolutions have resulted in the replacement of people in the upper levels but not in the change of the structure of the system. To change the hierarchical structure of the human system, it is necessary to transform its pyramidal shape into a helical shape and then into a sphere, moving from hierarchy, which establishes a mutual relationship of supremacy and subordination, to conarchy, which allows command in common, in union . We must eliminate levels, classes, classes, inequalities between the starting material conditions. And excesses must be limited. This is only possible through the awareness of reality, the assumption of responsibility and the concrete action of that very large majority of people who find themselves in the lower levels. The new structure will no longer have different levels but only different functions. Everyone will be able to have the same relationships with the means of production and therefore social classes will no longer exist. National states will be transformed into administrative bodies, overcoming the dualism between democracy as dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and dictatorship of the proletariat. The dictatorship of the owners and the dictatorship of the proletarians are two political solutions for the control of the state. By abolishing the state, both solutions are useless.

Everyone will be able to freely participate in a new social organization based on the self-government of post-state civil society through substantial democracy. A world government elected directly by the inhabitants of the planet will guarantee universal peace and the application of the essential rules for civil coexistence. The information will be true and free. The speculative economy will be eliminated and the real economy based on work will be supported. Property rights that do not derive from work but from crimes, thefts and wars will be abolished. A real value currency representing work will be introduced instead of legal tender currencies which should represent products and instead represent debts. All this is possible. Unfortunately, most people perceive the problems but, due to a lack of information, do not know the causes, therefore they cannot become aware of the reality and have the will and conditions to change the structure of the system. Whoever controls the banks controls the money. With money you purchase ownership of the means of production. With the ownership of the means of production, information is controlled and power is exercised over the economy and politics. To allow awareness of the causes of problems and raise awareness of reality, we need to inform about the facts. In order to inform on the facts it is necessary to isolate and render powerless the groups at the top of power and the twenty thousand people through whom they control banks, finance, governments, judiciary, police, armies and other bodies through which a small minority manages to exercise its hegemony over all humanity. It involves practicing a sort of caesura (yati), a suspension of the functions of decision-makers in the main sectors (politics, economy, finance, money, justice, army, information, law enforcement), to free society from its own summit, the only real obstacle that prevents the modification of the structure of the human system. Freed from this obstacle, human society as a whole will be able to freely decide whether to repeat the past or reorganize itself in a new way, in a more advanced structure, to build a future different from the one that otherwise awaits us. It will be the first concrete and perhaps last opportunity to change. If it does, there will be pure universal democracy and perpetual peace which until now were thought impossible. Otherwise, everything will remain as before. Yati has this sole goal: to allow the majority of human beings to freely decide about their future. Together it's possible. Friday, 25 August 2006. Rodolfo Marusi Guareschi

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New idea.

One must wonder how many decades people will cling to the vision of a two-state solution for the Israelis and the Palestinians while the facts on the ground move continually in the other direction. Nor is a one-state solution any more plausible. Time for a new idea.

The fundamental problem for Israel and the Palestinians is that there are 5 million stateless Palestinians and Israel will never accept them as citizens because they are not Jewish. Historically no Arabic country has welcomed them either.

>>For the past month, both Jordan and Egypt have repeatedly declared that their borders would not be opened to receive even one Palestinian—not as a way to deny humanitarian assistance to Palestinians under attack but rather as a countermove to deny Israel the opportunity to empty the West Bank and Gaza of as many Palestinians as possible. Jordan’s fears are not unfounded, and its redline of refusing to admit Palestinians remains unlikely to change for several reasons.<<


Without a country, the Palestinians will never be free. I see one possible solution: the world should buy a country for the Palestinians.

It would not be cheap. Rebuilding Gaza after Israel destroys it will also not be cheap, but the world will pay for it. Here is my proposal.

The idea when first proposed was to buy a less-developed part of Sudan bordering Egypt with a size close to that of Israel. A refinement is to negotiate a deal with the micronation self-proclaimed as the "Islamic Republic of Hala’ib Triangle". This entity covers 7,950 square miles (20,580 sq km), comparable to the size of Israel (8,630 sq mi).


Set aside the claims of Sudan and Egypt for this area, and focus on justice for the current inhabitants which number about 1500. I'm proposing a payment of $1 million US per resident, infants included. The nominal cost would be $1.5 billion, about the cost of 2 to 3 weeks of bombs to be dropped on the Gazans. Also a grant of ten acres of their choosing per resident.

Hala'ib lies between Sudan and Egypt and borders the Red Sea to the east. I believe the best approach is that the current residents, mostly Bedouins, would have citizenship in the new country along with the Palestinians. They would be suddenly rich, of course, which would not be a new phenomenom for Bedouins.


The 1500 rich Bedouins and the five million not-rich Palestinians would be the citizens of the new country which might be called the Hala'ib-Palestine Alliance.

Hala'ib-Palestine would be far enough away from Israel that continued hostilities would be unlikely in addition to being pointless.

Many persons claim that the Palestinians would never accept the idea of moving away from the birthplace of Islam. Not living in the birthplace of Islam does not seem to be a problem for the rest of the nearly 2 billion Muslims. A quick poll of the Palestinans in between bombardments and sniper attacks could resolve that question.

There would need to be a threshold for final approval on both the Hala'ib and the Palestinian sides. Of course a proposal which looks very good to those directly involved will probably be repugnant to Sudan and Egypt, so those countries must be dealt with. One possibility: offer to redirect the aid that the US gives Israel (approximately $4 billion per year) for ten years: $2 billion per year to Sudan, and the same for Egypt. Set a one-year deadline for agreement: if either country does not agree, all of the money goes to the other country. Regardless, the establishment of the new country would proceed under UN and US protection.

The new country should include a nature preserve for the Nubian wild ass.


It should also include a large interior area which is reserved for nomadic occupation only. In addition a strip of land one mile thick along the Red Sea plus land for an airport and various parcels for government installations should be under permanent government control. The oceanfront area could be leased for resort development. The land remaining after the grants to the original Hala'ib residents would be divied up among the Palestinians.

Enlist a coalition of nations to build a new Palestine in the new country. The US can contribute the money it would otherwise spend replacing the buildings and infrastructure in Gaza that Israel has turned into rubble. Israel can rebuild what it has destroyed in Gaza.

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Biden reinstates Trump terrorist designation on the Houthis, Trump fund raised for the police and border security, Trump draconian measures on the border, Trump Abraham Accords in the Middle East, Trump settlements in Palestine, Trump embassy in Jerusalem, and then says don’t vote Trump!

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Excellent piece, Caitlin. Let us hope the suit against Biden Blinken and Austin will get some traction on these hypocritical bastards.

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The U.S. Government is demonic-period.

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