Profound humility does not exist within the Israeli & US governments. Human decency does not exist there either.

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Isreal's control system at home and abroad requires tension to maintain itself in power. The greatest threat to the system is the threat of a sudden and sustained outbreak of peace. It eliminates the justification for and various tools of control.

The corrupt Establishment relies on manufactured tensions across the board for power and control, not merely the Isrealis.

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"Self-defense" is the talking point slapped in my face by my representative and senators after I wrote to them demanding a ceasefire. That, and "concern" with civilian casualties and abuses committed by Israel in the West Bank.

Concern is not an appropriate response to apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.

Self-defense is not an appropriate description for Israel's mass bombing campaign, its destruction of all Palestinian civilian and health infrastructure, Israel's use of starvation and disease as weapons, its arbitrary arrest and executions of journalists and activists, its desecration of religious and cultural sites.

The narrative they try to tell in the face of reality reveals a lot more about them than it obscures the truth.

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If we are told that the genocide of Palestinians will lead to peace, ask them if the same logic does not apply to The Holocaust.

For the record, I am against genocide. I also am against double standards and special pleading.

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Caitlin, This is exactly the same narrative the criminal cabal posing as legitimate government in DC has been spewing about every intervention they have provoked worldwide for over a century. It's necessary, it keeps us safe, they (the enemy) are evil, so on so forth. How is it that only zionism must be protected even as they attack their own devout jews? People who resent the zionist mafi!

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According to Craig Murray, no state (not even an Arab state) has reported Israel to the International Court of Justice , because the ramifications of a ruling of genocide are too threatening to the elites and the international global order. According to the "logic" it is better to allow the slaughter to continue:

"It is not that people are worried that a claim of genocide will not be successful at the International Court of Justice. It is that everybody is quite sure it will succeed.

The problem is that once the ICJ has determined that this is a genocide, it follows that not only are Benjamin Netanyahu and hundreds of senior Israeli officials and military personally liable, but it is absolutely plain that “Genocide Joe” Biden, Rishi Sunak and members of their administrations are also criminally liable for complicity, having provided military support for the genocide.

The International Criminal Court cannot ignore a judgment of genocide from the International Court of Justice and will have no choice but to issue arrest warrants.

But to the global 1 percent whose interests rule the world, no number of dead Palestinians makes any real difference to their interests. On the other hand, the ramifications for the international system of wealth concentration, if western political elites start to be held accountable for their crimes, are uncertain and therefore carry more risk."


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Israeli and US regimes have proven themselves to be the ultimate evil humanity is facing right now. They are just laughing at us who still think there can be a political solution. They want us provoked and raging in madness.

The only thing that comes to my mind when I'm going to sleep is, imagine sleeping knowing next day there will be no food, no water, no electricity, no fuel and you never know which bomb has your name on it or even worse will you keep all your limbs intact by the next night.

At this point I'm so devastated I can only wish death to the evil nation of Israel and US.

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It looks more and more likely that Israel *wanted* to be attacked to justify what has transpired since.

Just like the U.S. *wanted* (read: was complicit) to be attacked on 9/11 to justify our invasions that transpired after.

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Such a pack of lies, it's hard to believe that so many are swallowing them.

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Of course, the demolition of Gaza is absolutely not necessary. The nightly news lies. They lie all the time. The news is just one big, continuous psychological operation. "The news" is propaganda. It took me many years to understand and finally accept that but I accept that now.

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Sadly, Caitlin, it won’t happen. There are too many US empire interests at play to allow a cessation of war anywhere. The US bombs or provides bombs so the US can rebuild in the way it wants. The US is the biggest consumer and isn’t going to let that go, nor is it going to allow any other country acquire any meaningful power. The US will continue to do what it does irrespective of the pain and suffering caused. It is not interested in people or any other natural resource, it is only interested in power and wealth for the sake of power and wealth.

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I just got through watching Oliver Stone's 'Untold History of the United States' for the third time (there's so much to see, I learn something new each time I watch it). As horrible as what we did in the past, nothing was as bad and criminal as what we are complicit in now – and that's out and out murder...playing out in front of the entire world. It's outrageous.

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The genocidal slaughter IS necessary, to:

- meet the agenda of of the Zionists who are in full control the U.S. government and deep state

- satisfy the bloodthirst of the Zionist oligarchs who own those political figures

- satisfy the greed of the military industry in the west and the financial industry that profits from it

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Netanyahu's government is clearly seeking in Gaza the peace and quiet of a cemetery. In that, he has had the full backing of the Biden Administration as well as its Nato lackies.

The unknown factor is who breaks first -- Netanyahu's cabinet because the IDF casualties are too high, or Biden because the floor beneath him cracks as in an Arab government that the US relies on crumbles or Biden's polls tank further. More likely the latter will happen before the former.

For the moment all eyes are fixed on the battlefield where Israel seems to be losing. And how far Israel and Washington can drive the Palestinian civilian population into starvation and epidemics.

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It is getting obvious by the day that the attack from Hamas has been fully used by Israel to create this abomination of destruction and massacre and to control a huge piece of Gaza. Israeli intelligence CANNOT have missed the plans of Hamas. It is a deliberate strategic choice, most probably known snd endorsed by US and UK intelligence and secret services. This is as obvious as 9.11, the most gigantic swindle of the century. Israel will no get away this time. The dementia of this destruction reveals to the world the true face of Zionism which is nothing but the flag of Israeli ruthless and delf destructive colonialism.

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Just got back from a demo downtown and, as usual, there was no mainstream media there. The only way people know these demos are happening is by social media or email. The media is really on the wrong side of history for this.

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