"You get peace by pursuing peace."

What a concept! You mean we could do something so simple, so straightforward like not bombing or genociding or sinking or shooting our way into peace? And even a brainless Congressman can figure that out? I don't know what to think... Could Biden and his corporate paymasters really want a genocide and another war in the Middle East? Could there be money in this course of action? Hmm...

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Quit the genocide in Gaza to stop the Houthis in Yemen? Makes sense to me.

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As you point out, the US does not want peace in any way, shape, form, or location. There's no money or ego-stroking or rush of perceived power in peace.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

These fuckers must know this is an escalation. We have a corrupt ignorant old fuck for a president, surrounded by a bunch of lunatic warmongers who have been feeding the corrupt US military industrial complex for decades now - because it's all about the billions of dollars being made in military profits.

We really are on a road to ruin now. A lot more lives are going to be lost - and pretty soon it will be American lives - if something doesn't stop this madness soon.

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I’m totally disgust with “ I am a Zionist “ Biden! The American Congress, the complacent, ignorant American people! Sorry World! Sorry Human Race!

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Caitlin says: "In the end, you get peace by pursuing peace."

Yes, but peace is not profitable. War is necessary (at least in the minds of the ruling elite and corporations) to keep the engine of neo-liberal capitalism going.

Empires don't want peace. It doesn't serve their interests. It doesn't matter how many people die in wars. If peace does not keep the steady stream of money flowing into the coffers of the elite, it serves no purpose.

Changes need to happen at a systems level - at a structural level. Systems of government and ideologies need to change to bring about such changes. And until that happens, war is what we'll always be left with.

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2024 is going to be a very hot year as the only way Biden can win the presidency is to use war as a weapon of mass distraction, as so many presidents have done before. The US is a kakistocracy where war prevails regardless of consequences.

If they were going to call a cease fire they would have done it by now.

This is the War/Genocide for the Greater Israel, and who gets to dominate the Middle East. After decades of meddling in the ME this is Washington's last chance to control it hand in hand with Israel.

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A most logical approach:

Not a “politically plausible” one (?), :

But certainly the most principled, compassionate, and honest one.

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Peace in the Middle East would mean the end of US interference on the Eurasian continent, with relative loss of political and economic hegemony. But, it would also and above all mean the end of the hegemony of the dollar as an international currency since this hegemony is based on the denomination of raw material prices (not just oil) in dollars. To prevent this end, the US, among other things, provoked and supported the ten-year Iran-Iraq war, waged two wars against Iraq and Libya, provoked the war in Ukraine and seeks to maintain the Jewish conflict -Palestinian. But, now, with the BRICS +, the situation is becoming desperate and therefore we are witnessing the famous "backlash". The key is the dollar. Without the dollar as an international currency, the US could no longer support its military bases and could not continue to purchase the goods and services of other countries in exchange for "unexpired bills". If the dollar is the key, it must be brought back to the national currency. Those who buy from the United States pay in dollars and those who sell to the United States get paid in their own national currency. How to achieve this result? The only way is to form an alternative payment system to the banking system with which the dollar is managed. But, that's another story. That there will be.

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If Blinken intends to bomb Yemen into submission, we’ll see the USA concurrently mirroring Israel in the use of bombing to destroy the infrastructure of a targeted population. This approach to foreign policy would not exist if the US were not the world’s hegemon. If killing civilians for political purposes is the definition of terrorism, the US is far and away the biggest terrorist nation in modern history.

Destroying a country’s infrastructure causes untold harm and suffering. Massive bombing and its consequent effects have become the hallmark of US foreign policy going back to Kissenger’s bombing frenzy of populations in South East Asia, McNamara and Lemay’s firebombing of Tokyo, Truman’s nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The most prescient precedent for the US foreign policy of bombing is the bombing in 1937 of Guernica by Hitler and Mussolini. Bombing as foreign policy destroys the target population without taking on casualties when the target population does not have the capability to retaliate with bombing of its own.

Bombing as foreign policy will not lead to a future world of international peace and cooperation. It will lead to nuclear armageddon and the end of human existence as we know it.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Considering the timing it seems to be an F. YOU not only to the Houthis and Iran, but to South Africa and it's genocide case against Israel and basically telling all, Israel can do anything she wants and no one will stop her.

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Yes. The blood drinkers, the cabal want war. This is what they want. Also, do you remember General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East. The last country was Iran.

¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More

General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min


General Clark on the Iraq Invasion | American War Generals 2:59 min


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Peace! But the WMD in the White House is the lap dog of the weapons industrial congressional complex

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Jan 13·edited Jan 14

The powers-that-be WANT a wider war in the Middle East. "Israehell" wants "justification" to get rid of most of their Muslim enemies, enemies which "Israehell" intentionally created through stealing their lands, attacking their countries, and "living" like aggression is "unavoidable", etc.. Why? Because mass- death and destruction are so obscenely profitable. Parasites like the Ashkenazim and "Israehell" will not be satisfied until they have fulfilled their lord and master, Satan's, desire for the eradication of all humankind. So, for Satan's primary minions, the Ashkenazim, their prime goal is right now exterminating most of humanity that was entered into in earnest with "Covid", the scamdemic(s), and the "vaccines". The Ashkenazim "Fourth Reich" is in an all-out attack against all of us the world-over at this very moment, and most are clueless, believing the poison-shots to be "safe". So, what are we going to do, for it appears we're just going to mostly go on being clueless?

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Just what the plan was all along

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Who'd have thought that Ronald Reagan had more of a moral compass than Biden?

Our morally bankrupt president will sacrifice thousands more innocents on the Altar of Re-election.

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