Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

Anyone remember the Kuwaiti Baby Incubators ZOMG from the run up to the first Gulf War?

The story was a total lie, and the supposed eyewitness was the daughter of the Kuwait Ambassador, but the news networks sort of glossed over that little detail and ran with it hard.

By the time the lie was comprehensively debunked, the neocons had already gotten the war they so craved.

Similarly the lies about Saddam's supposed WMDs and involvement in 9/11. Another lie, again exposed only after it no longer mattered..

Or the Libyan rape rooms. Or the Syrian poison gas attacks. All lies. But the very real truth of the Yemeni genocide is memory-holed, because it doesn't suit the Empire at the moment.

EDIT: what amazes me is that humans fall for it, over and over again.

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I’m 34 years old, Jewish, and from NY. I was in “conservative” Jewish religious school from preschool till 14, in addition to NY public school from k-college. Conservative in quotes because it is nothing like the American definition of conservative - an analogy to American politics is that they would be considered liberal, and the reformist sect progressive. I don’t “look” Jewish, and I am not a practicing Jew as I have my issues with the Abraham of faiths for many reasons. But Jews are not just a religion but an ethnicity as well - I’m ashkenazi. I’m giving this background information for a reason.

Since I was TEN YEARS OLD I’ve been a supporter of Palestine. What israel has done and continues to do is in my opinion just a recycling of the cycle of abuse they received on behalf of the Germans in the Holocaust. The open aired ghettos, ethnic supremacy, genocidal violence... it’s so obvious to me and it’s been obvious to me since I was fucking 10. I’ve been a Palestinian supporter to great personal blowback - I was nearly excommunicated from my own family for not being pro Israel. Right now I have to be very careful about what I say and how I say it, and I hate that. My mom - 66 years old practicing Jew - is heartbroken. She can’t believe what the world has come to. I have Israeli family friends, and they have relatives in Israel. It’s scary and horrible - innocent people on both sides are going to be the ones paying for this with their lives and limbs, especially the Palestinians.

And that’s the thing. It NEEDS TO BE SCREAMED that 40% of the population of Palestine is under 14. 50% under 18. They’ve been in essentially PRISON for 16 years! They don’t know any other world. They’re trapped. This is a prison outbreak, a slave revolt. It’s not a religious conflict although religious reasons are convenient - it’s a conflict of land and resources brought on by settler colonialism. Thanks Europe! Israel likes to call every operation they do in Palestine as “mowing the grass”. The once genocided are now the genociders.

The general vibe I get from the Jews I know is bomb the Palestinians to the stone ages and eradicate them. They don’t see them as human. They’re literally fucking children. They don’t care if they die - the children of Palestine - because they’re already the living dead.

The brutality is horrible but deserved. What did israel think was going to happen imprisoning children their entire lives? They grow up and become terrorists.

The comparisons to 9/11 are uncanny. Netanyahu was warned a few days prior by the Egyptian prime minister and he did nothing (times of Israel reported this). He is facing major domestic unrest due to his unpopular judicial reforms. How convenient... meanwhile the US/NATO is losing in Ukraine despite the propaganda, and the US would LOVE an excuse to bomb Iran. Hell the neocons are probably having wet dreams over the thought, I immediately thought of how excited John Bolton must be at this latest war. Iran is supplying Russia with equipment for their war in Ukraine. I’m pretty sure we are in the earlier stages of WW3 (starting with Ukraine but maybe even covid if it turns out to be an intentional lab leak - I buy the lab leak theory but err on the side of human error) and the media isn’t reporting it as such because nobody wants a panic.

Really though. 9/11. How did the worlds most powerful intelligence agency in 2023 not see Hamas planning this right under their noses? Those paragliders must of practiced somewhere beforehand, no? I’m in the future “conspiracy theory” camp of Netanyahu and co LET IT HAPPEN. Just like bush at minimum let 9/11 happen so he could have an excuse to attack countries that had nothing to do with it. I don’t see us attacking Saudi Arabia or Yemen who were the majority of the hijackers... in fact the Saudi royals got to leave the US while airspace was closed. How convenient!

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The thing is, most people still haven't figured out the level of propaganda that came out after 9/11. Most people still think we went to war in Iraq because they were involved in 9/11 and that restrictions on liberties where necessary to keep us safe.

So good luck trying to discuss nuances with this one in the heat of the moment.

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Ahh, so the propagandists upgraded, "They threw babies out of incubators" to "Children were beheaded as their mothers were raped." Why not throw in, "And their pets were killed and eaten."

The last sentence is the one that will incense the most Americans.

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Even if Palestinians were "animal-animals" that wouldn't justify their wholesale slaughter.

Just another sickening example of how the myth of human superiority paradoxically justifies the total disregard for human life.

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Palestinian child.....Israeli child.... does it matter? It's wrong, regardless....

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Another good article from Caitlin. Earlier this week I posted that I had a suspicion that Israel knew about the potential attack and decided to do nothing to give it an excuse to obliterate which ever bits of Palestine it fancies, whilst also killing as many Palestinians as possible.

It seems I was correct in that the US has said Egypt told Israel days in advance. It is also pretty clear from the lack of resistance put up by Israel.

There is no doubt in my mind the Gaza Strip will be completely destroyed and if all the 2.5 million inhabitants die, that will be viewed by Israel as a bonus.

The Football Association is intending to have a minute’s silence on Saturday. This is being reported as a silence for Israel. This proves, if any such proof was needed, that Israeli lives are worth something, Palestinian lives are not.

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Two often heard assertions about the NY Times have certainly been validated over the past week . Open the digital home page and one is greeted by images of rockets supposedly halted by Israel's iron dome or by rubble of Gaza's buildings produced by Israeli bombing. Accompanying headlines tell of atrocities by Hamas, whose fighters are at best "militants", at worst "terrorists", but rarely if ever patriots exercising their rights to armed resistance under international law. Hence: "The Times never met a war it didn't like." And: "The Times never witnessed an action by the IDF that it condemned" are both reinforced assertions about the grand old crook of US pseudo-journalism.

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It’s disturbing to read comments from the anti-woke crowd (I agree with them on a number of issues by the way) where they reflexively reject any notion of the Israeli apartheid system contributing to what happened on the weekend. The answer to woke-ness is not counter woke-ness, especially if it means supporting the actions of a murderous government like Israel’s

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As the parent of a child I can say with authority that people, especially in the US, do not give a flying fig about children. People only care about children when children serve their own selfish political purposes or when they can enrich themselves off children. It's why I'm deeply suspicious when anyone says "but what about the CHILDREN?"

So I wasn't surprised when Biden parroted the manipulative lie about decapitated children. I also wouldn't be surprised if the online astroturfers spreading the same lies at the behest of the MIC also likely in real life brag "I hate children".

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The insanity is hard to bear. Will humans ever see that war/violence doesn’t solve anything?

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I have no proof of their involvement, but I do know that one of the big "beneficiaries" of this war is the psychopathic, war mongering neocons. They used Ukraine to fight a proxy war to weaken Russia and that, along with sanctions, has been a huge, embarrassing miscalculation which has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, the destruction of a country and $Billions of dollars wasted.

This humiliation has made them desperate to find a way to extricate themselves from the disaster, without appearing to abandon their campaign after recently slithering out of Afghanistan in disgrace.

This new war in the mideast is a gift-wrapped excuse. It bumps the embarrassing, impending defeat in Ukraine off the front page and might slow or even derail the recent progress that's been made in Saudi-Iran, India-China and Syria-China relations. Slowing down the incredible growth of BRICS would be a bonus! Biden 2024 just got a boost too, if his handlers can escape claims that his incompetence contributed to the attack on Israel.

The neocons are an evil bunch. They cling to power no matter who becomes president. They gave us 9/11, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, the 2014 Ukranian coup, the current war with Russia, etc. Despite those costly disasters, these leeches hang on, reaping more destruction.

Again, I have no proof that they somehow caused the current war in the mideast. But I do know that these cretins are screaming for an attack on Iran, which has been a goal of theirs for decades. They have their puppet Nikki Haley beating their war drum. She's calling for an immediate attack on Iran, despite some American and Israeii intelligence officials claiming that there's no proof of their involvement!

The MSM has been doing its job, fanning the flames and running false stories in order to turn up the volume on a hateful frenzy.

Netanyahu was right in calling the attack "Israel's 9/11". After all, it was the neocons who benefitted the most from 9/11, putting a surveillance state in place and perfecting the use of FEAR as a means of CONTROL. As Nutty Yahoo uses this latest excuse to accelerate his decades-long war of hatred, land grabbing and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians in the coming weeks and months, let's try to rise above the propaganda and remain sane!

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

I made youtube mad at me with a comment that Israel would find it much less expensive to stop dropping bunker buster bombs on Gaza and just build some "showers" to herd all the animals into.

I hate the blood lust I see in so many people, against civilians and children.

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As for the lies about baby-beheadings, the source and its disseminator have been exposed: an extremist who called for the total eradication of a Palestinian town full of families, who was “giddy” after making these false claims of rape and baby killings and even pet-killings (to arouse the rage of every demographic and secure worldwide support for a MASSACRE), and it was broadcast first on i24 TV, exposed as the personal news network of Netanyahu. Whose govt REFUSED TO TRY AND SAVE or spare HOSTAGES even Hamas was shocked and released a mother and child unconditionally as a gesture of goodwill. Netanyahu’s government does NOT want hostages to live because they might give testimony as to humane treatment by Palestinians which could counter their description of them as “animals.” But had they slaughtered this many animals the Israelis would have risen up in protest. But for the Palestinians NOTHING THEY DO will ever change the determination of Zionists to commit ethnic cleansing. They only worry – a little – about what the world might think and therefore lose support.


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Highly recomended, analysis from Richard Medherst:


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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

In order to commit atrocities one of the things that must be done is dehumanization of the victims.

~In Regards to Mass Murder (Also Known as Genocide)

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