Ronald Reagan had Marines in Lebanon. In 1983, October third they were hit by a truck bomb. The attack killed 307 people: 241 U.S. and 58 French military personnel, six civilians, and two attackers.

Reagan did not use that as an excuse to invade Iran. He pulled the rest of them out of there.

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The US military personnel were killed because they were brainwashed into thinking Biden knows what he is talking about when he refuses to press for a ceasefire. Pelosi is bringing up the Russian scare again. Back to the days of McCarthy. What a bunch of crazy people who seem to have lost their ability to think.

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I think it’s safe to assume all of our personnel over there have now taken on the role of bait. The Neocons are all too happy to hear about stories such as this. Anything they can use to justify more force.

What one must understand tho is that these Neocons are almost out of runway. They are playing a very dangerous game. Right now the US is operational. It’s being held up by a thin veneer of nostalgic confidence of a time in which we were indeed strong. An embarrassment now could lead into a cascading effect which guides into a dystopian time.

Here’s Larry Johnson’s podcast from today. Larry is former CIA Analyst for those who don’t know. Watched and read him plenty. He seems very agitated in this video.


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“They didn’t die defending US interests, they died defending Biden’s refusal to press Israel for a ceasefire. Their lives were put at risk by Biden to defend Israel’s ability to continue its carnage in Gaza.”

One has to wonder if the lives of three US troops will cause enough backlash in Congress to shut down our "escapades" in the region and bring the rest of the troops home, leaving Israel exposed and pressured into ceasing their genocide in Gaza as per the ICJ's instruction. But if the deaths of 30,000 civilians (with over 12,000 of them being children) doesn't caused a backlash enough to shut down our arming the Israelis, maybe nothing on this earth would. The US oligarchy just wants to dominate the world, and it doesn't care if innocents are massacred and it doesn't really care if its cannon fodder--I mean soldiers--are killed as well. All life is worthless to billionaires except their own, of course.

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The blood drinkers, the cabal, the psychopaths want war. This is what they want. They try everything they can and provoke as much as possible for WW3.

General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East. The last country was Iran.

¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More

General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min


General Clark on the Iraq Invasion | American War Generals 2:59 min


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Any 'War' with Iran would mean the deaths of thousands of US troops courtesy of SRBMs & IRBMs Saturating Air Defenses rapidly with Massed Volleys; Iran has Full Escalation Dominance in West Asia.

Such a 'War' would also mean the Implosion of the Global Economy due to 200+ USD per barrel Oil prices overnight, as well as the likewise implosion of the 'Rules Based International System.'

If the Americans have steeled themselves for all that, so be it!

Another Global Empire would bite the Dust!

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Start a war for 3 grunts, do nothing for all the people being tortured to death slowly by Warren Buffett in East Palestine.

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The death of every Empire in history has been accompanied by the following four traits :

- Breach of the social contract

- Hedonism

- Mass Debt

- Never ending wars

Anyone willing to hazard a guess as to the future of the empire???

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"Escalation" is the rules based order as sponsored by Blinken the undertaker.

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"Get out of the middle east. Just get the fuck out. Stop backing a genocide in Gaza, stop murdering people to shore up domination of world resources, and leave. Leave before you unleash something far worse than the nightmare you’ve already inflicted upon our species."

I absolutely agree, but how to make that happen?

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Why is it that even those I agree with call events in Gaza a "war" this is NOT, by any stretch of imagination a war. Palestine civilians have no bombs, planes, missiles, white phosphorous or tanks. As there are some Israeli military fatalities we must assume that there are some armed fighters in Gaza unless, of course, the Israelis are shooting each other as is alleged to have happened on 7/October but apart from this there is no armed resistance in Gaza so to define it as a WAR is atrocious.

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I don't believe anyone quoted actually believes that the troops are fighting terrorism, or that BDS supporters are Russian agents. But what worries me is how many either believe, or are in the pay of those who believe in the fever dreams of Armageddon and the Rapture and Jesus coming back to preside over a time of massive destruction of the Earth and all the Bad People who aren't fundamentalist Christians. I recently read that the Zionist lobbies who have so much influence in US politics are mostly not Zionist Jews, but Zionist Rapture Ready (TM) Christians. And it sure does look like the world is careening toward the scenario that has been giving these deranged people wet dreams for years. Yes--it includes nuclear war, oh boy, here comes Doctor Strangelove, riding a rocket

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I am releived when I see that there are people in the world who sees the US policies for what they are, cinical lies based on personal profit. I asked myself, does it matter what we simple mortals think, will that influence the decisions of those corrupt politicians who only care about personal gain? I believe it does, we should not underestimate the movement of the civil societies, it is us who can make revolution. Evey action matters, so keep up with BDS, speaking up, brinnging up awarness, donating to UNR WA and other organisations that are on the ground in warzones and protesting.It all matters

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

Wow, Caitlin, amen again! Your telling it like it is such a breath of fresh air, what with the level of false propaganda and the constant false claims that all of the U.S. and its allies' aggression ("the supreme international crime" according to the Nuremberg Protocols) is "justified". People having the courage, as you have, to speak the real truth to power about the unending imperial aggression(s) that the U.S. inflicts unceasingly, are fulfilling their DUTY(IES) to do so. You are of course right, it's all about resource preservation and control, and according to the empire, everyone must bow down to the extreme level(s) of evil unleashed by them. Thank God not everyone is fooled by the constant false propaganda and calls for everyone to blindly go along with the Empire's endless mass-murder.

The U.S. government and its allies are the war mongeriing scum of the Earth, having caused millions upon millions of deaths of millions of people, the vast majority of whom are civilians, a severe war crime. But the U.S. and its allies have committed atrocities with immunity and impunity for many decades now; and, no matter how much most of the American people and the people of the world don't want this endless war, we are completely ignored (even though We the People are supposed to be the ones who run the government, not war mongers and extreme criminals who have run everything for far too long), and the mass-carnage at their hands goes on ad nauseum no matter what the majority of the people want and don't want. But how do we take our government(s) back?

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It sure seems like Biden wants to bomb-bomb-bomb Iran. Of course it wasn’t Israel! Oh, didn’t Israel recently bomb an eastern neighbor, Syria or Iraq?

This is beginning to remind me of the French Revolution in the 1700s.

I have to agree that American soldiers do not belong in the Middle East. Nor do American weapons sold to Israel to bomb Gaza.

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I’m really very weary of Biden’s bullshit, Israel’s genocide! Utter insanity!

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