When even The Intercept, which fired its founder Glenn Greenwald because he wouldn't follow one establishment narrative, calls out the Washington Post and CNN for being the propaganda outlets they are, you KNOW it's because the propaganda is simply unbelievable to any rational human being.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6

To be fair, The Intercept merely confirmed what was already apparent, and has been apparent for a long time.

For instance, from the coverage of the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh, the bullet that killed her just inexplicably came out of nowhere, when she was shot by an Israeli sniper, far from an ay fighting and wearing a flak jacket labeled "PRESS" in large characters.

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As a one-time newspaper editorial cartoonist journalist I can say that such censorship and conflicts of interest extend down to the local news coverage. It would be great to see every community with a network of local Substackers collaborating to follow and report on the news that is ignored or massaged by local media outlets. Here in the US, local newspapers are falling like leaves from a tree, leaving many communities as news deserts with no coverage of local government.

Last night's coverage of Biden's campaign event near Valley Forge was yet another example of failed network journalism. While focusing on the campaign machinations, the obvious cadaver sin the newsroom -- dead Gazans -- were ignored. Feel free to make use of the cartoon with: CARTOON: Bomb-Dropping Mass Murderer Urps Up Every Myth, Lie & Bromide Imaginable About 'Merican De'mock'racy


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Another good story Caitlin, thanks much.

I am reminded of a comment by William Blum: "The American people are very much like the children of a Mafia boss who do not know what their father does for a living, and don't want to know, but then wonder why someone just threw a fire bomb through the living room window."

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In this case the Israeli propagandists have a hard row to hoe. There is the usual need to pretend that Israelis are the innocent victims, that a massacre of Palestinians by the IDF is "conflict" and that the Arabs/Muslims are probably all "terrorists"--but to achieve Israel's objective i sacrificing a thousand Jews==getting other countries to take all the Gazans, or at least half of them but preferably all so Israel can take over Gaza and develop its offshore gas fields--they need to horrify the world about what;s happening to the Gazans so Egypt or SOMEBODY agrees to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees. Of course so country wants to, Egypt reportedly because it doesn't want more "troublemakers" in its dictatorship, but also because these people are a big burden on the state...and in the case of Arab/Muslim nations, because they don't want to be seen as facilitating Israel's ethnic cleansing. Seems lately like within Israel, they lean toward making the atrocities highly visible, and make forthright statements--which leaves the propagandists elsewhere a monumental task to try to use a tattered figleaf to cover an elephant.

I'll tell you one thing--we should stop using words like Nakba to describe what's happening in Gaza--we should use the word "holocaust', which Zionists have tried to appropriate to refer exclusively to what happened in Europe to Jews in the 30's and 40s. But what the Zionists are doing in Israel is much more like the Holocaust then like the Nakba. When Israelis call Palestinians "human animals " (untermenschen) and say they are the chosen race and God gave Israel to them 2000 years ago (Master Race), and they need more places for settlements (lebensraum), and the untermeschen are getting in their way and they need now to go for a Final Solution--its time to recognize that playbook. Israel has become the Fourth Reich. The fact that the Nazis were speaking Germans and their most numerous victims were Jews, while the Zionists speak Hebrew and English and their victims are Palestinians speaking Arabic is irrelevant.

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Unfortunately, not a surprise. Their numbers have fallen but not enough as some people just turn on their TV without realizing they are being exposed to conditioning by propaganda. This has been going on for years.

One would think that when their propagandized so called reporting takes place, they'd actually be aware of the documented facts. Where are their morals, ethics, values and judgement? Don't they realize they're actively aiding and abetting genocide, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, Nakba, and out and out slaughter?

Souless, shameless presstitutes.

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Israel is now like the world's psychiatric patient needing treatment for pathological psychosis that threatens everyone and everything on the planet. It's as if they're trying their damnedest to make everyone despise them. And succeeding. They're doing to the Palestinians exactly what the Nazis did to them and reveling in it.

Who do they think is cheering them on besides the arch-fools Biden, Blinken and their band of crazed Zionist asshats? The Zionists (Zionazis) in the US are just as culpable as Netanyahoo and his fascist Likud party.

Israel has written its own death certificate. They aren't going to survive the world's wrath over what they've done and are determined to keep doing. As long as Biden keeps the billions flowing to them, and our warmongering weapons makers keep getting richer every day, they'll keep massacring Palestinians by the thousands. With the whole world watching in horror.

Do they really think we're all going to just forget this, maybe congratulate them after they've exterminated the last Gazan and lay claim to every square inch of sacred Israel? They're not only the most barbaric assholes on earth since 1945, they're also the most delusional. And they will pay a heavy price.

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Now, *why* does Israel get these special privileges?

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Hollywood helps this along big time too, and so do cartoons for the young ones: good guys and bad guys. We need more accurate news and better stories.

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Oh Caitie, you can sure scewer CNN & WAPO! Touche'! Bravo!

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Grayzone's Friday Podcast has a fun(ny) but also depressing live call to WaPo "reporter" who is really a Zionist agent/agenda setter/settler for Israel.

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Pro Israel propaganda has been not only published by major news sources well beyond CNN and the Washington post, but even repeated by President Biden. The first casualty of war is always the truth, and American officials and journalists have reduced themselves to leading sources of disinformation. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/the-first-casualty-of-war-is-the

As much as the genocide in Gaza presents a test of human rights, it also reveals the widespread, institutional, and continuing failure of American institutions designed to supposedly ensure government transparency and accountability. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/the-genocide-in-gaza-is-a-test-of

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I surprised.

Just like the State Department and the Pentagon are run by Zionists - look at the top management and ownership of the news media such as CNN and the Post: an improbable percentage of Zionists.

No wonder they do the bidding of the Israeli Genocide Force (IGF).

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"The lie goes around the world before the truth gets it's pants on. "

That quote was said in many different iterations by many well known orators and writers spanning many generations.

The "system" of the western allies nations has used it to great effect on it's people.

It does not matter that we who are critical know it. The propaganda is not made for us. Its made for the average westerners to repeat and create the communely reinforced "common knowledge" lie to be spread around as an assumed "fact"

Propaganda has a two fold effect, fool the fools and give moral and intellectual cowards all the excuses they seek.

The average numpty will never think for themselves and just repeat whatever the TV one way lie machine tells them..

I see this every day from friends family and colleques who bolted a cinema display to every spare room and blank wall of their home. And it's gone on to infect most of the world.

It takes guts to accept that your own country are the baddies. Americans especially have been systematically conditioned to be gutless. And israel is their command center and has been for generations. To the point it's become self destructive. And it's all being run by opulent psycopaths.

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Today is January 6th Ashley Babbit day. Murdered by armed government agents during a false flag 'insurection' as cover for the biggest coup in American history after JFK assassination.

So many people are absolutely insane. They turn on the tele and watch reruns over and over, they watch ludicrous so called 'news' with out thinking. They are either Cognitively Dissonant, or Brain Washed. If questioned the retort is ' you can't believe the Internet' or ' what do you Know'.

Well,I know enough not to watch television news!

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Don’t forget this: William Casey: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

FEBRUARY 4, 1981

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