When they forced my family into a condition of genocide, I could not believe we were American citizens in the State of Utah. Using the battering ram of LEO's, and Lawfare to occult their bloodsport from the public view, they always denigrate and disparage those who are not aligned with "their way of thinking". They have as much as admitted to written and recorded reports, but are so protected by power and privilege that money can buy, they know the poor cannot sue them in their show trial courts, so the beat goes on. Those who survive their ethnic cleansing are constantly monitored and still under siege by American hypocrites who will never surrender their power or ill gotten gains.
Although I know United States Code Annotated defines Genocide under 6 criteria, in 18 USC, 1091, and Conspiracy against Rights and Deprivation of rights in 18 USC , 241,242 as two or more persons conspiring against a third person (party or family in my case) When a Sheriff's department deputy, A School principal, and a CPS worker held an ex parte meeting isolating, interrogating, strip searching (encouraging the moral turpitude of a minor) and photographing our My wife and I, as the Natural Parents) not being notified of of the aforementioned institutional activist for Agenda 21 were forced into 57 days of incarceration, and my wife and I only learned about their perfidious treachery of the 47th day of our "incarceration" and the fact that the breach of fiduciary contracts were glossed over and ignored by the public pretenders and prosecutorial partizans who self identify as "Judges", you can't win for losing when forced into absolute despotism of those who hate you, and can employ all the powers of the State to "control the narrative."
Can't say I understand the above with enough clarity to give an opinion, but I think I get the picture... as in Big Brother is here... When observing the conditions happening in Gaza, nothing should surprise anyone --- almost makes me think George Orwell's 1984 has arrived.
You say the US is the master and Israel is the slave. What is Judaism? Aren't the Israel perpetrators Jews? Aren't the vast majority of the US Jewish Lobby Jews? Why do you keep Judaism out of the picture? Do you fall for the propaganda that Judaism is only a religious, ethnic, and cultural tribe of people and that Zionism/Israel have nothing to do with Judaism? That Judaism can only be a victim and that its leaders cannot do wrong? Utter nonsense! Aren't you aware of the fact that there is a US Jewish lobby that is composed of the leaders of over 300 Jewish political organizations that are funded by the US Jewish community and Israel?
The false justification given to exclude Judaism from criticism for wrongdoing is that "not all Jews are guilty." But by the same argument, not all US politicians and citizens support the genocide, yet you freely bad-mouth the US as "the master." The same for Israel. Are you aware that about 20% of Israelis are Arabs? Are you saying that All Israelis are genociders? Aren't you aware that some Israeli Jews aren't? Aren't you aware of how self contradictory your statements are? Why do you so freely badmouth the US and not Judaism?
There's no question that Judaism has a tremendously powerful and organized political arm, and I believe it's leaders - both inside and outside Israel - are the major wrongdoers behind the fact that both our government and society is complicit in the genocide conducted by Israeli Jews on Palestinians because Palestinians are not Jews. The Israeli Jews conduct the genocide and the US Jewish Lobby makes it politically possible. Why is it so hard to understand that it's an overwhelming outcome of Judaism itself, a fact that has been going on for 120 years? Our entire nation is hopelessly brainwashed into not seeing such a simple fact.
Jim - I don't think you understand this conflict at all - it is about GEOPOLITICS and US Empire and imperialism and colonialism (settler-colonialism). There are more US Christian Zionists than all the Jews in the world (Zionists and not) that are supporting Israel. So, if you do want someone to blame for all this - blame the Christian Zionists, the global Capitalists and the Empire Managers (along with Israeli Zionists - Jewish or otherwise) for EVERYTHING that has been happening in the Middle-East for the last 100+ years.
And, Judaism is NOT Zionism, just as Hinduism is NOT Hindutva, etc. Don't confuse religions with political/supremacist ideologies.
Enough said. You must be new to this substack - since everything you say has been debunked multiple times already ad nauseum. I'm not going to waste time covering basic material that EVERYONE should know by now.
Chang, are you a person who can understand facts and be guided when they tell us the most important things we need to know before we form our beliefs? If so, read in the link below a comparison between the funding supplied by the Christian Zionists and the funding supplied by the US Jewish Lobby. If you're honest, I think you'd admit that this money trail proves beyond reasonable doubt that the Christian Zionists play a minor role in the US government/society support for Israel.
If you disagree with this potent data, please offer your own. I'd be very surprised if you can find any real data that supports the beliefs you assert above.
Here's a hypothetical, alternate scenario in which the Jews are wiped out completely by the Nazis (I will use this to explain that the ME crisis is about Capitalism above all else):
(1) Assume all Jews are wiped out, Nazi Germany loses, migration of Zionist Jews to ME is stopped in its tracks
(2) Recall from history that before the 1967 6-day war, the US did not support Israel anywhere remotely at the level they support them today. At the time, the US had its eyes on Iran and Saudi Arabia as representatives (proxies) of the US Empire in the region
(3) In this hypothetical scenario, there would be NO Israel-Palestine conflict since there wouldn't be enough Zionist Jews in the region to form an Israel.
*** (4) I contend that even in the scenario of NO Jewish/Zionist state of Israel, the US Empire would STILL create conflicts in the region (especially the Israel/Palestine area) as a way to maintain hegemony on the WHOLE MENA (middle east north africa) area for multiple reasons - energy domination, US dollar hegemony, trade routes, other geopolitical issues, etc.
(5) Given the importance of the MENA region to whichever Empire that intends to maintain global hegemony (US or otherwise), conflict in the region would be unavoidable. For a while during the Cold War years, Russia was in play too in the area - to counter US global domination.
(6) Hence, regardless of Israel or Jews or Muslims or Christians, the US would be pursuing an aggressive imperialist stance and policies in the area.
This is WHY (based on my extremely condensed reasoning above) I say that the US is the main problem in the Middle-East. Since Israel is a US proxy state in the region and represents its interests, the US will support it to almost the same level as though Israel is a part of the US. If after one year of a genocide the US is still sending 2,000 pound bombs, F-19 fighter jets, american troops, military logistics, and much more - what does that say to you? It means, even if the Israelis were to wipe out ALL of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria - the US would still be providing 100% support.
Hence, the Israeli lobbies (as per your article) form a convenient scapegoat/sleight-of-hand/deflection-of-blame strategy to continue the charade of hiding the fact that this is the US (and its global Capitalist Western allies) that are the cause of this - with Israel being the perfect tool/weapon to do its bidding.
Just as the Inquisition and Crusades were about acquisition of land and resources (under the guise of religious ideologies), similarly this conflict is about settler-colonialism and capitalism (under the guise of Jewish supremacy and Zionist ideologies).
The only "points" that mean anything are facts. The major fact here is the humongous list of US Jewish political organizations in the link I gave you that are funded to the levels of billions of dollars by the US Jewish community and Israel. It's the leaders of these organizations that make up the US Jewish Lobby. Interestingly, you avoid even mentioning or discussing this major fact. Why?
But I can't really criticize you for that. I don't know who you are or what capacity you have for analysis and rational thought. Without knowing that, I cannot pass judgement on you. I can only conclude that for some reason you don't acknowledge the significance of important and relevant facts and incorporate them in a fact-based rational discussion. I thus ask you, what benefit is there in me continuing a discussion with someone who acts in such a way?
What’s a crying shame is that it didn’t have to be this way. I guess even if our leaders would have done the right thing, and tried their best to stay on the right side of history, things wouldn’t be perfect, but they’d be much, much better than they are. (And you wouldn’t have had to write your poem).
I actually think that it’s possible to try to turn things around but among other things it would take the right people at the top.
Look at the two next week. Four years to go wth one of them. Who deserves that? The best that America can offer?
Across the world as well. Germany, France, Canada, Australia, certainy the UK…. and how. It is the current climate. They are all the same with their loyalties to the wrong countries, sacrificing independence, living standards, decency, education, all of which they had enjoyed, 50 years ago. The ordinary people in those countries do not want to be like little Americans, armed to the teeth, seeing every other different country as a threat, an enemy. But that’s the new climate.
Without something like a hated Israel, propped up by a militarist profiteer like the USA, who now need wars to keep up the staggering profits, we may have had a chance. I doubt if the changes required to return to “normal”( before US hegemony and Israeli genocide) are at all possible now (plus adding in climate change to which everyone seems to have given the big finger), before both of which, we might have had a chance.
Not now.
Finally. Biden leaves the White House (a House with a black reputation for the past 50 years), highly regarded by the American people and the Catholic Christian Church (what a disgrace) no sins to forgive, no crimes committed and whose actions, or lack thereof have killed hundreds of thousands as was also the case with Trump, Obama, Bush and way back to 1970 times. Even before that in Korea, Vietnam and still killing by default in Laos and Cambodia and not a single tear in sight.
Such is the now hated beast. AMERICA
Never forget President Allende from Chile, either. Killed because he was a Socialist. I mean, what an insignificant crime, if it is a crime at all, when compared to being an American citizen voting for a Harris or a Trump next week. That’s a crime. The best you can muster out of 330 million people ?
Let’s not mention South America and the US dalliances in almost every country for some kind of gain.
And still there, waiting for the final run at power and war are the likes or disciples of Cheney, Pompeo, Clinton, Nuland, AIPACERs by the thousands, Nikki Haley an extreme Israeli stooge, a very large percentage of US resident Jews, grafted politicians at 86%, Bolton. Neocons, Israeli spies and traitors, the likes of Wolfowitz and that mob of US war planners from Iraq war days.
These US-eating “parasites” now on deck in mainland USA in their multi millions, dancing like happy puppets to Israel's tune, the Genocide Rag.
"Look at the two next week. Four years to go wth one of them. Who deserves that? The best that America can offer?"
I don't know what channels you have watched or on which planet you have been living Contrarian, but there are other candidates on the ballot... some of which appear to have the right stuff in more ways than one... Google "Jill Stein' .... listen to her and see if you will have to be obliged to listen to Harris/Trump for the next four years......
Might Jill Stein have the right stuff??? Well..... she did say that on DAY ONE of her presidency, she would be on the phone to Netanyahu to inform him that the last shipment of bombs from the USA would be the last one he would ever see... Sounds like a pretty good start to me..... ???
Probably not, but it won't be my fault because she got my vote. Still worse is that if by some miracle she were to win, our overlords would silence her, by whatever means was necessary.
An excellent encapsulation of reality, Contrarian. Liked the bit about us 'Strayans, who have watched this country go from being relatively fair and progressive fifty years ago, to being a pathetic lackey (and military base) for our Big Bro. The gradual Coca-Cola-nisation of this country in every aspect of society is evident in our ongoing evolution as a nation and the Grand Canyon-wide gulf between the entitled and the plebs. Our craven adherence to the US' blinkered, no, blindfold view of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and latterly, Lebanon, does us no credit whatever. Our own mainstream media and its political affiliates reflect the inclinations of Big Bro with its propaganda, denial and lies about the evil in which we are involved.
I just said to another writer, that it is sad when you see in a public place all the happy mothers with their young and wonder, really wonder what a world will look like in twenty years time.
On such occasions, it has become a very real preoccupation. Can’t seem to shake it.
You won’t get any argument with anything you’ve said with me.
Unfortunately, and sadly, you’re exactly correct.
It’s interesting because I’ve developed what I call a “course” which is aimed at remedying these problems.
I’m pretty sure I’m exactly spot on but so far other than the wise old ladies at my mother’s retirement home I haven’t gotten anyone to listen to what I have to say.
"I actually think that it’s possible to try to turn things around but among other things it would take the right people at the top.".... If that was so, then why are we humans unable to find such people? Maybe it's not the "right people' that are missing, but the correct information as to why we end up with more corruption of ballot names than not... Maybe looking at homeless encampments in every country on Earth can help us discover our most basic flaw... Do something about it, if not physically then at least mentally... . If not, YOU -- ME -- WE are part of the problem as much as the politicians who tell you what to do.
I don't know who angers me most: Israel committing these crimes, or the American government supplying money, weapons and diplomatic cover. They both make me sick.
Me too. Follow the money and you'll see that Israel couldn't have afforded to start and continue this genocide without the arms and money of the US and its Western allies. No money and arms, no genocide. So, the US and its helpers are the worse, IMO, but it's close, really close.
The American government/elites/empire (with the support of Western countries) angers me more - Israel has been a tool to perpetuate Western neo-colonization and imperialism - initially by France and UK, then by America. The US tried using Iran and Saudi Arabia, but when that failed, they turned to Israel and found a willing partner in crime and GENOCIDE!
Half the voting public is going to throw a vote for a genocidal corporate tool who wants to continue the slaughter, and the other half will vote for a genocidal corporate too who wants to accelerate it. All the while knowing that their tax dollars are going to be used to blow small children into smaller pieces.
The world is appalled, and I am ashamed of my country.
It's Zionism that's the problem not Judaism, Jim. Many Jewish people are leading the protests because they go against their religious beliefs and their values.
Diana, please think a bit more on this. Yes, a relatively small percent of Jews are protesting what the Jewish leaders are doing, and also a relatively small percent of Americans are protesting against their own leaders. But that doesn't invalidate our claims that the US is complicit with genocide, and also doesn't invalidate our claims that Judaism is the culprit behind the immoral deeds of the Israeli Jews and the immoral support the Diaspora Jews give to their fellow Jews in Israel. We cannot deny that those Israeli Jews could ever get away with their crimes if it wasn't for the political help the Jewish Lobby gives them, ensuring that the US government gives Israel unconditional political and military support. In other words, please use the same criteria by which you bad mouth the USA towards Judaism. Why would you be so willing to badmouth the USA and let Judaism off without any accountability?
Jim, what I'm criticizing isn't the USA, but the ruling class of the western world who are supporting this genocide. There are good people in all of these countries, but we're powerless.
All of the Jewish public figures I most admire are appalled at this and are speaking out about it. I believe it's the Zionists, a group that includes more Christians than Jews, who appear to be the problem.
And, yes, some of these people were formerly Zionists and are no longer, and openly speak of the indoctrination they experienced growing up. Many have had to deprogram.
It's those who support Israel who are the problem, in my view, whatever their religion.
Doesn't Judaism itself make you sick? I mean its leaders both inside and outside Israel? The Israeli Jews do the deed and the US Jewish Lobby makes it politically possible:
Few, if any, Western democracies have a mainstream newspaper and publisher with the courage of Ha'aretz and Amos Schocken. I suspect Israel is farther down the list of most propagandized than you realize.
Maybe... which other countries do you think are more propagandized than Israel (other than the US) ? From observing the attitudes of local Israelis, they seem to be indoctrinated/propagandized from birth about their "Zionist supremacy".
How about the UK? They. or at least their government/media are as full throated in their support of the genocide in Gaza as the US. And their independent journalists have no constitutional right to free speech to protect them. France? Germany? I admit that it's a pretty tight race.
None of them come close to the US (as evidenced by the constant vetoes of the US in the UN). Also in terms of arms, military, etc. no one supports Israel as much as the US.
Wait, I thought we were talking about most propagandized, not most supportive (as governments, not as populations) of Israel?
I thought about it some more and realized I'm not really in a position to evaluate the level of propaganda in other countries. I mean, based on what I've read, the people of Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. etc. etc. are all subject to pervasive propaganda. But the truth is, I don't know, and can't unless I spend significant amounts of time there.
But I will stick with the UK as being almost as heavily propagandized as the US. Anti-Israeli genocide rhetoric has been, and continues to be, severely punished in the UK. e.g. the case of Richard Medhurst, Sara Wilkerson, Asta Winstanley are just the better known names victimized by the legal system for pro-Palestinian sentiments.
And Britain has no equivalent of the 1st amendment, so the heavily pro-Zionist corporate media has free reign to propagandize on behalf of Israel. There is no British (or American) corporate media outlet that could get away with saying what Ha'aretz in Israel regularly reports about the ongoing genocide.
As horrible as are the crimes of Israel that we all decry, I take heart in one fact emphasized by Scott Ritter. Hamas HAS WON in the sense that on Oct. 6 2023, hardly anyone (other than folks like Miko Peled) was seriously discussing a Palestinian state. That has certainly changed a year later. The tragedy of course is that the cost was / is the lives of thousands of innocents. It seems like history tells us that one essential consequence of the violence of human nature is that the cost of liberation from genocidal murderers like Israel (or the USA) is a certain massive count of innocent lives lost. A sad commentary on Homo sap, I suppose.
What 'depopulating Elites'? Please be clear: the human population has risen by 58.5 million this year to date. The genocide by Israel and the US is of a particular phenotype of human and Hamas has won in bringing Israel's brutality and racism to social media.
Please don't be fooled that any killing is 'globalism', which is a complete and purposeful con, the killing is the miserable end of a dying Empire.
It's unbelievable that we can have “too much evidence” and zero convictions of war crimes. That fact alone should wake people up to the fact that there is no justice for the oppressed, the victims of US imperialism. It leaves us with only one option: We must rid ourselves of all obstacles that are blocking justice from being enacted. Who's with me?
Not just no action on the war crimes, but that many countries haven’t cut all ties with Israel. South Africa is the biggest exporter of coal to Israel and last report is that they are still exporting it. Turkey hasn’t cut off fuel to Israel and yet Erdagon calls Netanyahu Hitler.
Very few countries are doing anything except flapping their gums.
I couldn't find any evidence of Russia increasing their coal exports to Israel in 2023 or 2024. All the data I could find indicates that their exports to Israel fell significantly from 2022 onwards.
Netanyahu is an athiest Zionist who calls himself a Jew - but he does not believe in Judaism. In fact, many Zionists are not believers/adherents of Judaism - many are Christian, athiests, agnostic, etc. One doesn't have to be a Jew or believe in Judaism to support Israel - as is evident by observing all the support from Christian Zionists in the US for Israel's Genocide (which should be called America's Genocide - based on how they are the ONLY country to VETO ceasefire deals in the Security Council).
Chang, Judaism is many things, including a religion and an ethnic/cultural group, but the largest feature that dominates in the world is the fact that it's an enormous, organized, political entity. It's the Jewish leaders of this entity, who are in both Israel and in the Diaspora and who are the perpetrators of all the wrongdoing that Judaism perpetrates. Yes, Judaism has brainwashed many non-Jews over the last 55 years, and these brainwashed worshipers of Judaism - including the Christian Right - believe that Jews can only be victims and that their leaders can never do wrong. This has been an enormous political victory and Judaism has accomplished what the Nazis couldn't accomplish, and that is to convince the Western nations that genocide is the right, moral thing to do. They are on a roll, and the Jewish Hitler and Jewish Big Brother are too strong for any hope to save the Palestinians from virtual extermination by the sword of Judaism.
You need to separate the religion from the political ideology. Judaism is the religion, Zionism is the political ideology. Until you are able to distinguish and differentiate between the two, you will keep falling for the trap set up by supporters of Israel (especially Israeli Zionists).
The Hinduism/Hindutva analogy is especially apropos for explaining this. Just as Zionism is a Jewish-supremacy based ideology (separate from the religion of Judaism), so too is Hindutva a Hindu-supremacy based ideology that is separate from the religion of Hinduism.
If you would like to discuss murders/genocides in the name of religion, Christianity would win out (based on history). Even in this instance, I wouldn't blame the religion of Christianity. Rather, religions have been scapegoated and blamed for all the evils of man (regardless of which religion it is).
I don't think you're understanding me. I'm not blaming the religion. I'm not blaming the Jewish religion. I'm not blaming the atheism within Judaism. You don't seem to be aware that Judaism cannot be defined as a religion, nor as a culture, nor as an ethnic group. It's too varied for that, and the majority of Jews will tell you that.
I'm not blaming the culture of Judaism, either. I'm not blaming the bagels and the Seders of Judaism. I'm blaming the political expression of Judaism - the political expression of its political leaders. The political expression of the leaders that are supported by those who identify with Judaism. What's too difficult for you to understand about that?
With other groups we routinely do this. We blame the Christian Right for outlawing abortion. The "outlawing abortion" is the political outcome. Genocide is the political outcome of Judaism. We blame the Republicans for lowering taxes on the rich. The "lowering of taxes" is the political outcome of Republicans. It's not relevant what the religion of Republicans is. The system of Apartheid is the political outcome of Judaism. The atheism or Orthodoxy of Jews within Judaism is irrelevant to that criticism. Do you understand? The control of the US government is a political outcome of Judaism. Whether the Jewish political leaders are Reformist or Orthodox is irrelevant. It's the political outcomes that Judaism is responsible for that damn Judaism. Not the religion or the Lox or the pickled beef tongue. Do you understand?
:We must rid ourselves of all obstacles that are blocking justice from being enacted." Could it be MONEY as an answer, or what MONET does, or its absence? Give me MONEY, plus its power, and I don't care who is in charge of governments, so long as MONEY is the final arbitrator of survival.
The “evidence” of Zionist terrorism has existed for over a century. All of Israel’s male prime ministers have been “terrorists.” And the “instigators” of the terrorists are those who paid to obtain the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917, financed Hitler and paid to obtain recognition of the “state” of Israel on May 15, 1948, designated Israel as the representative of Anglo-American hegemony in the Middle East and continue to support the Jewish invasion of Palestine, etc. Israel is a “terrorist state” as are the states that give it the weapons to commit genocide and have propaganda made in its favor as well as the states that do not intervene as required by international law to stop the genocide. These are the same states that allow over 20,000 children to die every day in the world from hunger and/or curable diseases.
Correct. We see that many of these western powers lament the murders of so many Gazans, but none of them step in to stop the Israeli Jews. We are all under the command to worship Jews, to consider them only victims and incapable of wrongdoing. Then when some Palestinians group together and try to stop their extermination by meeting violence with violence, all these hypocritical countries condemn them as "terrorists." Disgusting. Even when the Palestinians attempt an honorable method of Boycott, Divest, and Sanction, a noble peaceful way, they are again severely criticized with the US Jewish Lobby making sure that laws are enacted against it. As I say, Jew worship is highly prevalent in western governments and societies.
Caitlin brings us back to the most pressing issue of our times - the ongoing genocide and war crimes of the present day settler colonial state of Israel. Aided and abetted by the US/West. The horror of the slaughter taking place seem to have no bearing at all on Americans or the sham elections in the US. With its crude obscenity of two factions of the same ruling class fighting to prove which one can better serve the oligarchs.
It is left to South Africa to fight for the Palestinians. The evidence keep piling up. The numbers killed keep rising. The brutality of Israel has no limits. Where has hope gone....
"Humanitarian aid in Gaza has reportedly fallen to its lowest level since Israel’s genocidal onslaught began" in line with Israel's slide to a very bottom level in regard to their humanity.
Fuck my congresspeople, they get an earful of hate through their complicit staffers. Not one of them claims that a genocide is taking place. Their tps are that Hamas and Hezbollah are a danger to the US. I’ll call back and tell them that these groups are real freedom fighters. Nothing deters these biatches. They’re useless AIPAC puppets.
Israeli's apartheid regime is the 21st century's most nefarious regime & the nadir of modern humanity. The failed artist would be impressed by their unrelenting callousness & zeal for eradication (esp of children, women, & folk who can't fight back).
All washed, dressed, & fed by its shills in The West.
Our collective soul is being abused & poisoned by those visiting genocide on Palestinians. Only the myopic adherents to the colonial illness fail to recognise this.
Either the genocide ceases, Zionism bites the dust, & Western hegemony is defeated...or our species will deform & die.
Palestinians are our example of the courage required for the struggle. They are the apex of modern humanity.
He was only described.by his opponents as a “failed artist”. As a lifelong artist myself, I have observed that his watercolors( by far the most difficult medium) were very, very well executed.
Meanwhile Scottish First Minister John Swinney disgracefully endorsed Kamala Harris after Trump said he opposed Scottish independence. Endorsing someone committing a genocide is endorsing a genocide. U-turn and apologise, and endorse a third party, or resign.
Harris herself no doubt supports the Union, but Swinney doesn’t care about that fact because Orange man bad, and yes, Orange man is bad, but so is coconut lady. Both Harris and Trump are evil and endorsing either is endorsing genocide. Fuck anyone and fuck everyone endorsing either.
I look more closely at the computer screen. Where are the body parts? I can’t quite make them out. I see figures, long and short, those most likely children, each shrouded in a covering of some sort – is it a sheet? Is it a blanket? There is rubble all around, not a building standing, but where are the body parts? The bombs are able to dismember people, tear them apart, like a bullet entering a body and scattering on impact, lodged in various organs of the victim’s body.
I can’t see them, but I can imagine what the people inside the screen can see: a head over there; a limb lying by that broken wall. I see children crying in front of their dead parents. And I think, who cares who wins the election. We live in a country that makes those bombs and bullets and ships them abroad. But who cares? These are images on the computer screen and anyway, you can’t see the body parts.
I imagine that it is easier not to look. I’ve got to pick up the kids at 4:00. Can I get there on time, the traffic will be heavy. Could the computer image be your child? But this realization must be too gruesome, too grotesque, to imagine. After all, they are simply images son a screen, and you can’t find the body parts anywhere, no matter how hard you look. We go on with out day. Should we hate our country? Move to Spain or Ireland – at least they’re not sending bombs anymore.
Your observations remind me what I told someone earlier today….
A few months ago I saw a “children’s hospital” ambulance. It was brand new and much larger than a normal ambulance. And I thought to myself, here in the US we go to great lengths to keep our children alive.
When one contrasts that to what’s happening in Gaza it hard to make sense of it all.
In my humble opinion those at the top of our political systems should do everything in their power to avoid nastiness and war. And if they aren’t willing to do everything they can to avoid nastiness they shouldn’t be leaders.
It will keep getting worse untill we all get together and stop funding this genocide.
That won't be easy to do. If we stop Israel from killing babies, then we still have to deal with the psychopaths in the WEF that want their own version of the CIA.
Pretty obvious that Blinken and Jake Sullivan need to stand trial for war crimes, aiding and abetting in the supply of the armaments necessary to continue to carry out war crimes, not to mention providing global political cover as well.
Pretty obvious that if Trump grants them immunity from prosecution then he does not represent the US people, he represents the Jewish people in Israel. Which isn't the role he standing for via election, is it?
If you read the daily papers, all things cannot get much worse
So here’s a a little poem for you…...,
The USA, in verse
lf you give me your attention I will tell you what we are…..
We're arrogant and murderous but 'exceptional' by far.
killing children by the millions, starting wars lor years and now
assassinating foreign leaders, just the ones who do not bow
To kill off friends and enemies we have the ClA,
the journos in the media do exactly as we say.
We control all NATO armies, and use them when we can
and every Western vassal state is part ot every plan.
We forced our slaves around the world to join our growing war ring
and with their grovelling partnership, new bases we are scoring.
We bribe and kill or threaten any person in our way,
continued wars for further power our aims on every day.
So if you are an enemy it's dangerous you see…..
"but to be a friend is fatal”, said late Kissinger with glee.
When our masters call from lsrael we do what we’ve been taught
‘cause Senators and Members by the AIPAC mob were bought.
To support in full all lsrael's plans to own the Middle East
we saw those grafty Senators had their electoral funds increased.
We are crippling China's progress in every way we know
bringing Russians to their knees using NATO as we go.
We need to know the total world is hearring our commands
that's why we work for total power, with slaves in all the lands.
So why we are much hated ….is so very hard to place
But get the message one and all . . . . .we are the Master Race.
Awesome poem (that needs one correction -> The US is the master, Israel is the slave).
The fact that people still don't realize who's calling the shots (the US is) shows how deep American propaganda runs...
I think I know what's calling the shots... it's spelled MONEY.... or better said... The power of MONEY.
When they forced my family into a condition of genocide, I could not believe we were American citizens in the State of Utah. Using the battering ram of LEO's, and Lawfare to occult their bloodsport from the public view, they always denigrate and disparage those who are not aligned with "their way of thinking". They have as much as admitted to written and recorded reports, but are so protected by power and privilege that money can buy, they know the poor cannot sue them in their show trial courts, so the beat goes on. Those who survive their ethnic cleansing are constantly monitored and still under siege by American hypocrites who will never surrender their power or ill gotten gains.
Clyde, I'm not quite following some of the above but in general the picture you portray is clear. Money talks, the rest walk.
Although I know United States Code Annotated defines Genocide under 6 criteria, in 18 USC, 1091, and Conspiracy against Rights and Deprivation of rights in 18 USC , 241,242 as two or more persons conspiring against a third person (party or family in my case) When a Sheriff's department deputy, A School principal, and a CPS worker held an ex parte meeting isolating, interrogating, strip searching (encouraging the moral turpitude of a minor) and photographing our My wife and I, as the Natural Parents) not being notified of of the aforementioned institutional activist for Agenda 21 were forced into 57 days of incarceration, and my wife and I only learned about their perfidious treachery of the 47th day of our "incarceration" and the fact that the breach of fiduciary contracts were glossed over and ignored by the public pretenders and prosecutorial partizans who self identify as "Judges", you can't win for losing when forced into absolute despotism of those who hate you, and can employ all the powers of the State to "control the narrative."
Can't say I understand the above with enough clarity to give an opinion, but I think I get the picture... as in Big Brother is here... When observing the conditions happening in Gaza, nothing should surprise anyone --- almost makes me think George Orwell's 1984 has arrived.
Our son was 8 1/2 years old, and they refused to call him as a witness as to whether or not he was an "abused child".
I cannot write about this without being censored. I attempted to explain, but it "magically" disappeared.
DEMOCRACY(tm) (any similarity to classic democracy is purely coincidental and no guarantee of freedom or justice)
You say the US is the master and Israel is the slave. What is Judaism? Aren't the Israel perpetrators Jews? Aren't the vast majority of the US Jewish Lobby Jews? Why do you keep Judaism out of the picture? Do you fall for the propaganda that Judaism is only a religious, ethnic, and cultural tribe of people and that Zionism/Israel have nothing to do with Judaism? That Judaism can only be a victim and that its leaders cannot do wrong? Utter nonsense! Aren't you aware of the fact that there is a US Jewish lobby that is composed of the leaders of over 300 Jewish political organizations that are funded by the US Jewish community and Israel?
The Jewish Lobby
The false justification given to exclude Judaism from criticism for wrongdoing is that "not all Jews are guilty." But by the same argument, not all US politicians and citizens support the genocide, yet you freely bad-mouth the US as "the master." The same for Israel. Are you aware that about 20% of Israelis are Arabs? Are you saying that All Israelis are genociders? Aren't you aware that some Israeli Jews aren't? Aren't you aware of how self contradictory your statements are? Why do you so freely badmouth the US and not Judaism?
There's no question that Judaism has a tremendously powerful and organized political arm, and I believe it's leaders - both inside and outside Israel - are the major wrongdoers behind the fact that both our government and society is complicit in the genocide conducted by Israeli Jews on Palestinians because Palestinians are not Jews. The Israeli Jews conduct the genocide and the US Jewish Lobby makes it politically possible. Why is it so hard to understand that it's an overwhelming outcome of Judaism itself, a fact that has been going on for 120 years? Our entire nation is hopelessly brainwashed into not seeing such a simple fact.
Jim - I don't think you understand this conflict at all - it is about GEOPOLITICS and US Empire and imperialism and colonialism (settler-colonialism). There are more US Christian Zionists than all the Jews in the world (Zionists and not) that are supporting Israel. So, if you do want someone to blame for all this - blame the Christian Zionists, the global Capitalists and the Empire Managers (along with Israeli Zionists - Jewish or otherwise) for EVERYTHING that has been happening in the Middle-East for the last 100+ years.
And, Judaism is NOT Zionism, just as Hinduism is NOT Hindutva, etc. Don't confuse religions with political/supremacist ideologies.
Enough said. You must be new to this substack - since everything you say has been debunked multiple times already ad nauseum. I'm not going to waste time covering basic material that EVERYONE should know by now.
Chang, are you a person who can understand facts and be guided when they tell us the most important things we need to know before we form our beliefs? If so, read in the link below a comparison between the funding supplied by the Christian Zionists and the funding supplied by the US Jewish Lobby. If you're honest, I think you'd admit that this money trail proves beyond reasonable doubt that the Christian Zionists play a minor role in the US government/society support for Israel.
The Jewish Lobby
If you disagree with this potent data, please offer your own. I'd be very surprised if you can find any real data that supports the beliefs you assert above.
You seem to miss the point.
Here's a hypothetical, alternate scenario in which the Jews are wiped out completely by the Nazis (I will use this to explain that the ME crisis is about Capitalism above all else):
(1) Assume all Jews are wiped out, Nazi Germany loses, migration of Zionist Jews to ME is stopped in its tracks
(2) Recall from history that before the 1967 6-day war, the US did not support Israel anywhere remotely at the level they support them today. At the time, the US had its eyes on Iran and Saudi Arabia as representatives (proxies) of the US Empire in the region
(3) In this hypothetical scenario, there would be NO Israel-Palestine conflict since there wouldn't be enough Zionist Jews in the region to form an Israel.
*** (4) I contend that even in the scenario of NO Jewish/Zionist state of Israel, the US Empire would STILL create conflicts in the region (especially the Israel/Palestine area) as a way to maintain hegemony on the WHOLE MENA (middle east north africa) area for multiple reasons - energy domination, US dollar hegemony, trade routes, other geopolitical issues, etc.
(5) Given the importance of the MENA region to whichever Empire that intends to maintain global hegemony (US or otherwise), conflict in the region would be unavoidable. For a while during the Cold War years, Russia was in play too in the area - to counter US global domination.
(6) Hence, regardless of Israel or Jews or Muslims or Christians, the US would be pursuing an aggressive imperialist stance and policies in the area.
This is WHY (based on my extremely condensed reasoning above) I say that the US is the main problem in the Middle-East. Since Israel is a US proxy state in the region and represents its interests, the US will support it to almost the same level as though Israel is a part of the US. If after one year of a genocide the US is still sending 2,000 pound bombs, F-19 fighter jets, american troops, military logistics, and much more - what does that say to you? It means, even if the Israelis were to wipe out ALL of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria - the US would still be providing 100% support.
Hence, the Israeli lobbies (as per your article) form a convenient scapegoat/sleight-of-hand/deflection-of-blame strategy to continue the charade of hiding the fact that this is the US (and its global Capitalist Western allies) that are the cause of this - with Israel being the perfect tool/weapon to do its bidding.
Just as the Inquisition and Crusades were about acquisition of land and resources (under the guise of religious ideologies), similarly this conflict is about settler-colonialism and capitalism (under the guise of Jewish supremacy and Zionist ideologies).
You said: "You seem to miss the point."
The only "points" that mean anything are facts. The major fact here is the humongous list of US Jewish political organizations in the link I gave you that are funded to the levels of billions of dollars by the US Jewish community and Israel. It's the leaders of these organizations that make up the US Jewish Lobby. Interestingly, you avoid even mentioning or discussing this major fact. Why?
But I can't really criticize you for that. I don't know who you are or what capacity you have for analysis and rational thought. Without knowing that, I cannot pass judgement on you. I can only conclude that for some reason you don't acknowledge the significance of important and relevant facts and incorporate them in a fact-based rational discussion. I thus ask you, what benefit is there in me continuing a discussion with someone who acts in such a way?
How old are you?
Great poem!
Excellent poem!
What’s a crying shame is that it didn’t have to be this way. I guess even if our leaders would have done the right thing, and tried their best to stay on the right side of history, things wouldn’t be perfect, but they’d be much, much better than they are. (And you wouldn’t have had to write your poem).
I actually think that it’s possible to try to turn things around but among other things it would take the right people at the top.
Where do you find such people, Kevin?
Look at the two next week. Four years to go wth one of them. Who deserves that? The best that America can offer?
Across the world as well. Germany, France, Canada, Australia, certainy the UK…. and how. It is the current climate. They are all the same with their loyalties to the wrong countries, sacrificing independence, living standards, decency, education, all of which they had enjoyed, 50 years ago. The ordinary people in those countries do not want to be like little Americans, armed to the teeth, seeing every other different country as a threat, an enemy. But that’s the new climate.
Without something like a hated Israel, propped up by a militarist profiteer like the USA, who now need wars to keep up the staggering profits, we may have had a chance. I doubt if the changes required to return to “normal”( before US hegemony and Israeli genocide) are at all possible now (plus adding in climate change to which everyone seems to have given the big finger), before both of which, we might have had a chance.
Not now.
Finally. Biden leaves the White House (a House with a black reputation for the past 50 years), highly regarded by the American people and the Catholic Christian Church (what a disgrace) no sins to forgive, no crimes committed and whose actions, or lack thereof have killed hundreds of thousands as was also the case with Trump, Obama, Bush and way back to 1970 times. Even before that in Korea, Vietnam and still killing by default in Laos and Cambodia and not a single tear in sight.
Such is the now hated beast. AMERICA
Never forget President Allende from Chile, either. Killed because he was a Socialist. I mean, what an insignificant crime, if it is a crime at all, when compared to being an American citizen voting for a Harris or a Trump next week. That’s a crime. The best you can muster out of 330 million people ?
Let’s not mention South America and the US dalliances in almost every country for some kind of gain.
And still there, waiting for the final run at power and war are the likes or disciples of Cheney, Pompeo, Clinton, Nuland, AIPACERs by the thousands, Nikki Haley an extreme Israeli stooge, a very large percentage of US resident Jews, grafted politicians at 86%, Bolton. Neocons, Israeli spies and traitors, the likes of Wolfowitz and that mob of US war planners from Iraq war days.
These US-eating “parasites” now on deck in mainland USA in their multi millions, dancing like happy puppets to Israel's tune, the Genocide Rag.
Contrarian 33,
"Look at the two next week. Four years to go wth one of them. Who deserves that? The best that America can offer?"
I don't know what channels you have watched or on which planet you have been living Contrarian, but there are other candidates on the ballot... some of which appear to have the right stuff in more ways than one... Google "Jill Stein' .... listen to her and see if you will have to be obliged to listen to Harris/Trump for the next four years......
Might Jill Stein have the right stuff??? Well..... she did say that on DAY ONE of her presidency, she would be on the phone to Netanyahu to inform him that the last shipment of bombs from the USA would be the last one he would ever see... Sounds like a pretty good start to me..... ???
Stein is not going to win.
"Stein is not going to win."... Probably not, but your conscience will...
I have every intent of voting for Stein, even if I were the only cat who did so.
Of course she won't........USA has the mindset of 3rd graders.
Probably not, but it won't be my fault because she got my vote. Still worse is that if by some miracle she were to win, our overlords would silence her, by whatever means was necessary.
An excellent encapsulation of reality, Contrarian. Liked the bit about us 'Strayans, who have watched this country go from being relatively fair and progressive fifty years ago, to being a pathetic lackey (and military base) for our Big Bro. The gradual Coca-Cola-nisation of this country in every aspect of society is evident in our ongoing evolution as a nation and the Grand Canyon-wide gulf between the entitled and the plebs. Our craven adherence to the US' blinkered, no, blindfold view of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and latterly, Lebanon, does us no credit whatever. Our own mainstream media and its political affiliates reflect the inclinations of Big Bro with its propaganda, denial and lies about the evil in which we are involved.
A sad state of affairs, David.
I just said to another writer, that it is sad when you see in a public place all the happy mothers with their young and wonder, really wonder what a world will look like in twenty years time.
On such occasions, it has become a very real preoccupation. Can’t seem to shake it.
I have precisely the same reaction to that scene, Contrarian.
50 years ago ++ The US were still fomenting coup d'etats!
Take a LONG look at S. America.
You’re preaching to the choir.
You won’t get any argument with anything you’ve said with me.
Unfortunately, and sadly, you’re exactly correct.
It’s interesting because I’ve developed what I call a “course” which is aimed at remedying these problems.
I’m pretty sure I’m exactly spot on but so far other than the wise old ladies at my mother’s retirement home I haven’t gotten anyone to listen to what I have to say.
"I actually think that it’s possible to try to turn things around but among other things it would take the right people at the top.".... If that was so, then why are we humans unable to find such people? Maybe it's not the "right people' that are missing, but the correct information as to why we end up with more corruption of ballot names than not... Maybe looking at homeless encampments in every country on Earth can help us discover our most basic flaw... Do something about it, if not physically then at least mentally... . If not, YOU -- ME -- WE are part of the problem as much as the politicians who tell you what to do.
Another correction: NATO has not brought Russians to their knees, rather it's starting to look like the other way around!
Of course, Diane, you are right, but it is there in the wings, waiting on the US command....."GO".
A constant NATO threat with "bringing Russia to its knees" as the objective.
A small touch of poetic licence.
I don't know who angers me most: Israel committing these crimes, or the American government supplying money, weapons and diplomatic cover. They both make me sick.
Me too. Follow the money and you'll see that Israel couldn't have afforded to start and continue this genocide without the arms and money of the US and its Western allies. No money and arms, no genocide. So, the US and its helpers are the worse, IMO, but it's close, really close.
The American government/elites/empire (with the support of Western countries) angers me more - Israel has been a tool to perpetuate Western neo-colonization and imperialism - initially by France and UK, then by America. The US tried using Iran and Saudi Arabia, but when that failed, they turned to Israel and found a willing partner in crime and GENOCIDE!
Half the voting public is going to throw a vote for a genocidal corporate tool who wants to continue the slaughter, and the other half will vote for a genocidal corporate too who wants to accelerate it. All the while knowing that their tax dollars are going to be used to blow small children into smaller pieces.
The world is appalled, and I am ashamed of my country.
I'm ashamed of my country, Canada, too which supports this carnage.
Jews should be ashamed of Judaism.
It's Zionism that's the problem not Judaism, Jim. Many Jewish people are leading the protests because they go against their religious beliefs and their values.
The Talmud actually says all non-Jews are animals in human form, to be subjugated. Luckily, not all Jews are religious in that way.
Diana, please think a bit more on this. Yes, a relatively small percent of Jews are protesting what the Jewish leaders are doing, and also a relatively small percent of Americans are protesting against their own leaders. But that doesn't invalidate our claims that the US is complicit with genocide, and also doesn't invalidate our claims that Judaism is the culprit behind the immoral deeds of the Israeli Jews and the immoral support the Diaspora Jews give to their fellow Jews in Israel. We cannot deny that those Israeli Jews could ever get away with their crimes if it wasn't for the political help the Jewish Lobby gives them, ensuring that the US government gives Israel unconditional political and military support. In other words, please use the same criteria by which you bad mouth the USA towards Judaism. Why would you be so willing to badmouth the USA and let Judaism off without any accountability?
Jim, what I'm criticizing isn't the USA, but the ruling class of the western world who are supporting this genocide. There are good people in all of these countries, but we're powerless.
All of the Jewish public figures I most admire are appalled at this and are speaking out about it. I believe it's the Zionists, a group that includes more Christians than Jews, who appear to be the problem.
And, yes, some of these people were formerly Zionists and are no longer, and openly speak of the indoctrination they experienced growing up. Many have had to deprogram.
It's those who support Israel who are the problem, in my view, whatever their religion.
Doesn't Judaism itself make you sick? I mean its leaders both inside and outside Israel? The Israeli Jews do the deed and the US Jewish Lobby makes it politically possible:
The Jewish Lobby
No it doesn't, Jim. See my comment above.
A genocide committed by the United States of Genocide. The US population is the most propagandised on earth.
🎯 (and after that, Israel is the second most propagandized)
Yes, but they’re indoctrinated into a death cult as well.
Few, if any, Western democracies have a mainstream newspaper and publisher with the courage of Ha'aretz and Amos Schocken. I suspect Israel is farther down the list of most propagandized than you realize.
Maybe... which other countries do you think are more propagandized than Israel (other than the US) ? From observing the attitudes of local Israelis, they seem to be indoctrinated/propagandized from birth about their "Zionist supremacy".
How about the UK? They. or at least their government/media are as full throated in their support of the genocide in Gaza as the US. And their independent journalists have no constitutional right to free speech to protect them. France? Germany? I admit that it's a pretty tight race.
None of them come close to the US (as evidenced by the constant vetoes of the US in the UN). Also in terms of arms, military, etc. no one supports Israel as much as the US.
Wait, I thought we were talking about most propagandized, not most supportive (as governments, not as populations) of Israel?
I thought about it some more and realized I'm not really in a position to evaluate the level of propaganda in other countries. I mean, based on what I've read, the people of Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. etc. etc. are all subject to pervasive propaganda. But the truth is, I don't know, and can't unless I spend significant amounts of time there.
But I will stick with the UK as being almost as heavily propagandized as the US. Anti-Israeli genocide rhetoric has been, and continues to be, severely punished in the UK. e.g. the case of Richard Medhurst, Sara Wilkerson, Asta Winstanley are just the better known names victimized by the legal system for pro-Palestinian sentiments.
And Britain has no equivalent of the 1st amendment, so the heavily pro-Zionist corporate media has free reign to propagandize on behalf of Israel. There is no British (or American) corporate media outlet that could get away with saying what Ha'aretz in Israel regularly reports about the ongoing genocide.
As horrible as are the crimes of Israel that we all decry, I take heart in one fact emphasized by Scott Ritter. Hamas HAS WON in the sense that on Oct. 6 2023, hardly anyone (other than folks like Miko Peled) was seriously discussing a Palestinian state. That has certainly changed a year later. The tragedy of course is that the cost was / is the lives of thousands of innocents. It seems like history tells us that one essential consequence of the violence of human nature is that the cost of liberation from genocidal murderers like Israel (or the USA) is a certain massive count of innocent lives lost. A sad commentary on Homo sap, I suppose.
but the depopulating Elites have great JOY
What 'depopulating Elites'? Please be clear: the human population has risen by 58.5 million this year to date. The genocide by Israel and the US is of a particular phenotype of human and Hamas has won in bringing Israel's brutality and racism to social media.
Please don't be fooled that any killing is 'globalism', which is a complete and purposeful con, the killing is the miserable end of a dying Empire.
“Too much evidence.”
It's unbelievable that we can have “too much evidence” and zero convictions of war crimes. That fact alone should wake people up to the fact that there is no justice for the oppressed, the victims of US imperialism. It leaves us with only one option: We must rid ourselves of all obstacles that are blocking justice from being enacted. Who's with me?
Not just no action on the war crimes, but that many countries haven’t cut all ties with Israel. South Africa is the biggest exporter of coal to Israel and last report is that they are still exporting it. Turkey hasn’t cut off fuel to Israel and yet Erdagon calls Netanyahu Hitler.
Very few countries are doing anything except flapping their gums.
No, not the biggest. Until recently, it supplied 15%. Russia is now the biggest apparently, after Colombia instituted a ban.
I couldn't find any evidence of Russia increasing their coal exports to Israel in 2023 or 2024. All the data I could find indicates that their exports to Israel fell significantly from 2022 onwards.
Who would've guessed that there would arise a Jewish Hitler and that Big Brother would be a Jew?
Netanyahu is an athiest Zionist who calls himself a Jew - but he does not believe in Judaism. In fact, many Zionists are not believers/adherents of Judaism - many are Christian, athiests, agnostic, etc. One doesn't have to be a Jew or believe in Judaism to support Israel - as is evident by observing all the support from Christian Zionists in the US for Israel's Genocide (which should be called America's Genocide - based on how they are the ONLY country to VETO ceasefire deals in the Security Council).
Chang, Judaism is many things, including a religion and an ethnic/cultural group, but the largest feature that dominates in the world is the fact that it's an enormous, organized, political entity. It's the Jewish leaders of this entity, who are in both Israel and in the Diaspora and who are the perpetrators of all the wrongdoing that Judaism perpetrates. Yes, Judaism has brainwashed many non-Jews over the last 55 years, and these brainwashed worshipers of Judaism - including the Christian Right - believe that Jews can only be victims and that their leaders can never do wrong. This has been an enormous political victory and Judaism has accomplished what the Nazis couldn't accomplish, and that is to convince the Western nations that genocide is the right, moral thing to do. They are on a roll, and the Jewish Hitler and Jewish Big Brother are too strong for any hope to save the Palestinians from virtual extermination by the sword of Judaism.
You need to separate the religion from the political ideology. Judaism is the religion, Zionism is the political ideology. Until you are able to distinguish and differentiate between the two, you will keep falling for the trap set up by supporters of Israel (especially Israeli Zionists).
The Hinduism/Hindutva analogy is especially apropos for explaining this. Just as Zionism is a Jewish-supremacy based ideology (separate from the religion of Judaism), so too is Hindutva a Hindu-supremacy based ideology that is separate from the religion of Hinduism.
If you would like to discuss murders/genocides in the name of religion, Christianity would win out (based on history). Even in this instance, I wouldn't blame the religion of Christianity. Rather, religions have been scapegoated and blamed for all the evils of man (regardless of which religion it is).
I don't think you're understanding me. I'm not blaming the religion. I'm not blaming the Jewish religion. I'm not blaming the atheism within Judaism. You don't seem to be aware that Judaism cannot be defined as a religion, nor as a culture, nor as an ethnic group. It's too varied for that, and the majority of Jews will tell you that.
I'm not blaming the culture of Judaism, either. I'm not blaming the bagels and the Seders of Judaism. I'm blaming the political expression of Judaism - the political expression of its political leaders. The political expression of the leaders that are supported by those who identify with Judaism. What's too difficult for you to understand about that?
With other groups we routinely do this. We blame the Christian Right for outlawing abortion. The "outlawing abortion" is the political outcome. Genocide is the political outcome of Judaism. We blame the Republicans for lowering taxes on the rich. The "lowering of taxes" is the political outcome of Republicans. It's not relevant what the religion of Republicans is. The system of Apartheid is the political outcome of Judaism. The atheism or Orthodoxy of Jews within Judaism is irrelevant to that criticism. Do you understand? The control of the US government is a political outcome of Judaism. Whether the Jewish political leaders are Reformist or Orthodox is irrelevant. It's the political outcomes that Judaism is responsible for that damn Judaism. Not the religion or the Lox or the pickled beef tongue. Do you understand?
The Rev,,,
:We must rid ourselves of all obstacles that are blocking justice from being enacted." Could it be MONEY as an answer, or what MONET does, or its absence? Give me MONEY, plus its power, and I don't care who is in charge of governments, so long as MONEY is the final arbitrator of survival.
The “evidence” of Zionist terrorism has existed for over a century. All of Israel’s male prime ministers have been “terrorists.” And the “instigators” of the terrorists are those who paid to obtain the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917, financed Hitler and paid to obtain recognition of the “state” of Israel on May 15, 1948, designated Israel as the representative of Anglo-American hegemony in the Middle East and continue to support the Jewish invasion of Palestine, etc. Israel is a “terrorist state” as are the states that give it the weapons to commit genocide and have propaganda made in its favor as well as the states that do not intervene as required by international law to stop the genocide. These are the same states that allow over 20,000 children to die every day in the world from hunger and/or curable diseases.
Correct. We see that many of these western powers lament the murders of so many Gazans, but none of them step in to stop the Israeli Jews. We are all under the command to worship Jews, to consider them only victims and incapable of wrongdoing. Then when some Palestinians group together and try to stop their extermination by meeting violence with violence, all these hypocritical countries condemn them as "terrorists." Disgusting. Even when the Palestinians attempt an honorable method of Boycott, Divest, and Sanction, a noble peaceful way, they are again severely criticized with the US Jewish Lobby making sure that laws are enacted against it. As I say, Jew worship is highly prevalent in western governments and societies.
It looks like Ethnic Cleansing (by Genocide) - BECAUSE IT IS.
If if walks like a genocide, and talks like a genocide, and…we’ll, you know the rest…
Caitlin brings us back to the most pressing issue of our times - the ongoing genocide and war crimes of the present day settler colonial state of Israel. Aided and abetted by the US/West. The horror of the slaughter taking place seem to have no bearing at all on Americans or the sham elections in the US. With its crude obscenity of two factions of the same ruling class fighting to prove which one can better serve the oligarchs.
It is left to South Africa to fight for the Palestinians. The evidence keep piling up. The numbers killed keep rising. The brutality of Israel has no limits. Where has hope gone....
"It is left to South Africa to fight for the Palestinians."
And Yemen. Credit where credit is due.
"Humanitarian aid in Gaza has reportedly fallen to its lowest level since Israel’s genocidal onslaught began" in line with Israel's slide to a very bottom level in regard to their humanity.
Fuck my congresspeople, they get an earful of hate through their complicit staffers. Not one of them claims that a genocide is taking place. Their tps are that Hamas and Hezbollah are a danger to the US. I’ll call back and tell them that these groups are real freedom fighters. Nothing deters these biatches. They’re useless AIPAC puppets.
AIPAC is only a drop in the bucket of the full US Jewish Lobby:
The Jewish Lobby
Israeli's apartheid regime is the 21st century's most nefarious regime & the nadir of modern humanity. The failed artist would be impressed by their unrelenting callousness & zeal for eradication (esp of children, women, & folk who can't fight back).
All washed, dressed, & fed by its shills in The West.
Our collective soul is being abused & poisoned by those visiting genocide on Palestinians. Only the myopic adherents to the colonial illness fail to recognise this.
Either the genocide ceases, Zionism bites the dust, & Western hegemony is defeated...or our species will deform & die.
Palestinians are our example of the courage required for the struggle. They are the apex of modern humanity.
FREE PALESTINE! & save humanity
Correction, Mark:
He was only described.by his opponents as a “failed artist”. As a lifelong artist myself, I have observed that his watercolors( by far the most difficult medium) were very, very well executed.
I stole it from a Fat White Family lyric.
There are still the Asians species and Middle East species. Mark.
I don't care if the western hegemony dies..it's old and decrepit. Just feel so sad for the young people.
Respect to Haaretz Publisher and those who object to Israel/ US utter evil against human beings.
Meanwhile Scottish First Minister John Swinney disgracefully endorsed Kamala Harris after Trump said he opposed Scottish independence. Endorsing someone committing a genocide is endorsing a genocide. U-turn and apologise, and endorse a third party, or resign.
Harris herself no doubt supports the Union, but Swinney doesn’t care about that fact because Orange man bad, and yes, Orange man is bad, but so is coconut lady. Both Harris and Trump are evil and endorsing either is endorsing genocide. Fuck anyone and fuck everyone endorsing either.
With all due respect, expecting a Scottish politician to endorse anything other than The Sensible European Consensus(R) is a bit much, really.
Snotty remark coming from an American!
If you do not like the truth, then change it, rather than complain about the messenger.
I look more closely at the computer screen. Where are the body parts? I can’t quite make them out. I see figures, long and short, those most likely children, each shrouded in a covering of some sort – is it a sheet? Is it a blanket? There is rubble all around, not a building standing, but where are the body parts? The bombs are able to dismember people, tear them apart, like a bullet entering a body and scattering on impact, lodged in various organs of the victim’s body.
I can’t see them, but I can imagine what the people inside the screen can see: a head over there; a limb lying by that broken wall. I see children crying in front of their dead parents. And I think, who cares who wins the election. We live in a country that makes those bombs and bullets and ships them abroad. But who cares? These are images on the computer screen and anyway, you can’t see the body parts.
I imagine that it is easier not to look. I’ve got to pick up the kids at 4:00. Can I get there on time, the traffic will be heavy. Could the computer image be your child? But this realization must be too gruesome, too grotesque, to imagine. After all, they are simply images son a screen, and you can’t find the body parts anywhere, no matter how hard you look. We go on with out day. Should we hate our country? Move to Spain or Ireland – at least they’re not sending bombs anymore.
Your observations remind me what I told someone earlier today….
A few months ago I saw a “children’s hospital” ambulance. It was brand new and much larger than a normal ambulance. And I thought to myself, here in the US we go to great lengths to keep our children alive.
When one contrasts that to what’s happening in Gaza it hard to make sense of it all.
In my humble opinion those at the top of our political systems should do everything in their power to avoid nastiness and war. And if they aren’t willing to do everything they can to avoid nastiness they shouldn’t be leaders.
Hi Marc 👋
If you're well off, try Panama 🇵🇦 😉
It's a beautiful place,lots of rich people are moving there
The.other place is Portugal 🇵🇹
You can live well there and not involve yourself with politics.
Staying in the USA is still your best bet. There's a whole bunch of BLM land that will be up for grabs when SHITF
It will keep getting worse untill we all get together and stop funding this genocide.
That won't be easy to do. If we stop Israel from killing babies, then we still have to deal with the psychopaths in the WEF that want their own version of the CIA.
The path to total control by the global elite is now becoming unstoppable 🙌
Pretty obvious that Blinken and Jake Sullivan need to stand trial for war crimes, aiding and abetting in the supply of the armaments necessary to continue to carry out war crimes, not to mention providing global political cover as well.
Pretty obvious that if Trump grants them immunity from prosecution then he does not represent the US people, he represents the Jewish people in Israel. Which isn't the role he standing for via election, is it?