Of course we're not alone in intelligence. We share this very planet with dolphins at least as intelligent as us, and we treat them appallingly putting them in tiny pools and training them to do tricks for our children to enjoy. We share the same DNA with pigs, just arranged in a different order, and pigs are as intelligent (by our understanding) as a 3 year old human child, and we treat billions and billions of them appalling for their short brutal lives confining them in crates they can't even turn around in. Our cousins the monkeys and apes are models for diseases like Parkinson's so that Pharma can say they've tested their ineffective and toxic drugs on them and make lots of money.

If alien life came to this planet they would be imprisoned, experimented on and killed. Humans would not sit down and talk to them and ask their advise.

The wisdom of our beings, also called the universal consciousness is in all of us. We just need to stop the chatter on Twitter etc long enough to be able to hear it; before we annihilate ourselves and most other things on this planet. However species come and species go. Civilisations come and go; indeed we're watching the decline of the US empire before our eyes. Humanity will certainly cease one day, whether we do the 'right' things or not.

I don't think it's the fear of being alone that drives us. It's the fear of death, that we're not needed, special, eternal nor in control.

Letting go of all these things brings the freedom to live with our neighbours and other animals in peace, acceptance and harmony.


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I doubt we qualify as "intelligent life" in the universe. And there must be intelligent life somewhere because we have some inkling that something is wrong compared to - something else. Life that is obsessed with objects and money, and takes no thought to its own immense suffering and the distinct possibility of its absolute extinction for all time cannot qualify as intelligent. The narrative and official political statements now make Jabberwocky sound totally intelligible in comparison. Can you take in, for instance, Ursula Von Der Leyen's actual scolding and warning to Xi Jinping? In his own country, yet? I'm damned if I can. And now she's promoted to NATO Secretary General.

You couldn't find a worse choice in a back alley.

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I still vividly remember Ronald Reagan's speech on television in 1983, when he mentioned the Evil Empire ! At that time, everyone thought that he was talking about the Soviet Union at that time, but now everyone knows that there is an Evil Empire on the planet, which is still killing the peoples of the planet and is against peace !

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Thank you Caitlin, more people need to hear the hard reality, nuclear war isn't an option. In talking with a friend who is like minded, she asked where I thought the probability line was for nuclear war is. I said at the 60% level. She was horrified because we both know what that means. As people in the u.s. ( I am one ) realize the war on Russia is lost and bending the knee of China isn't possible, End Stage Capitalism will trigger the not so creative destruction. The slow decline of the u.s. dollar accelerates the nuclear option. The u.s. since Vietnam has been a hollow paper dollar tiger and now the world knows it and is accelerating it's decline. All of what is happening is a result of the death throes of empire.

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" . . . a completely false narrative that the US is 'polarized" politically'".

Indeed is it the case for The Power Elite - their Political Class give a false portrayal of their Faux Democracy.

As for their Ukraine Proxy War, One Great Game Too Many . . . To be settled on Russia's terms - - -


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I would say that the vast majority of sex workers aren't in it through choice. I think sexual abuse, drug abuse, discrimination and financial reasons probably are major factors. Journalists are well educated and I would say have made some kind of choice to prostitute themselves or not.

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Agreed. A new culture is required. This one sucks.

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I haven’t forgot this is Easter so happy Easter to everyone if you’re not glad for this day then you need to find why you’re not.

Exactly there is no outrage!!

Millions of thinking Americans realize the MSM are liars. They perceive the lies have been coming for the purpose of thought control for decades yet there’s not enough outrage to power a light bulb.

We say this, we hear it said, and we’ve heard it said multiple ways it’s all about money, follow the money.

And it’s absolutely the truth I may have posted this recently but I repeat then, “our two political parties the R’s and D’s are just two wings of the same vulture.

The RNC wants money. The DNC wants power. The RNC uses power to get money. The DNC uses money to get power. The donor activity of the RNC drives their ideology. The ideology of the DNC drives their donor activity. This is the essential difference in the business models of both wings” quote taken from Sundance at the theconservativetreehouse.com

It’s plain and simple we gotta cut the money off. It’s our money our country it’s our piss poor government that needs to be unplugged.

We need leaders and a plan. Regardless if we are the only ones in the universe or not; it doesn’t matter whether there’s a Creator who manages His creation or not.

It’s all a moot point because I can tell you this:

God is not gonna do for you/us what we can do ourselves.

We done got soft, lazy and confused and rightly so. However, we as a people’s better start thinking right, gets our heads on straight, quit be led like sheep to the slaughter. We need to use our brains hands and what power we have left to tell the government run media to pound sand.

There’s 300 million if only 50% of us that 150 million voices half that again is a mighty number.

What is happening is not going away and it’s not getting better actually all indications are it’s getting harder and harder to breathe.

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The idea that humans are the only intelligent life in the universe is the very hubris that got us to this point. And thinking we're the superior species on Earth is demonstrably delusional. We're not even intelligent; an intelligent species doesn't foul its own nest, doesn't destroy its own land base. An intelligent species doesn't wipe itself out. What the intelligentsia and horse-faced academic clods mistake for intelligence is actually congenital insanity. The only difference between humans and the rest of the natural world isn't that humans are uniquely intelligent, but that they're uniquely insane. Perhaps a long overdue acknowledgement of this fact is what is needed to mitigate the rampaging hubris that we operate under? Even a nominal reduction in that conceit would be nominally beneficial. Most tragically, those in power are more captured than anyone else by the hubris embodied in the claim of the superiority of unique human 'intelligence' and the carte blanche it bestows, which places them, more than anyone else, beyond the reach of reason -- and which places the rest of us and the living world in a uniquely grave peril.

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023

Are we alone? Each day I find myself leaning more certainly toward the hypothesis that we exist in a simulated universe where a fat 40ish guy with a perpetual 3-day beard sits at a keyboard in a blue lit room surrounded by pizza boxes. To break the monotony he uses a digital cat lazer to make fast moving dots of light here and there in the fake sky. Im sure he uses the same software that the porn gods use to fuck with our minds since they dont have real dicks. I like this hypothesis because it pretty much explains everything.

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To the contrary, if we're the only intelligent life in the Universe, then let's be thankful that it hasn't spread. If we exterminate ourselves, then the problem is solved. Humans aren't capable of transcending our inherent violence and stupidity on the scale that we're at now. We were fine beating each other over the head with clubs, now not so much with nuclear bombs. The evidence is clear. I don't expect a sea change anytime soon.

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023

I think of the MSM as more like strippers than prostitutes. I've never used either, (what use has a cat for either?) but I've known enough of both.

Prostitutes tend to be flatly transactional. This is what you pay, this is what you will get. No sweet nothings or forced flirtation. The presence of a pimp, a real boss lurking ominously in the background makes the analogy more on point.

Strippers are always promising just a bit more, faking empathy and attraction, suggesting that maybe a little more just might be available if you only open your wallet and in the end, leaving you with nothing.

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There’s very little chance that we’re the most intelligent life forms in the universe. The aliens that are likely running things are probably not that smart either...😄

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I used to think a long time ago that the news media was the worst offender. But I came to the realization that the worst is the public who swallows their narrative whole and craves for more.

No excuse for being fooled anymore. Those people are not fooled, they want what they get.

Thankfully the world is moving on. I hope the post-empire will be better, even if it's not good. Millions of idiots in the collective west won't learn anything, but nobody else gives a single sh*t anymore.

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"China must be stopped before it imposes totalitarian diplomacy on Ukraine and authoritarian peace in the middle east."

How dare anyone impose peace on another country! It's like they actually have other peoples' health and welfare in mind. We can't have that sort of compassion thing going on, now can we? Capitalism needs all the wars and conflicts it can get, or else the military industrial complex would cease to exist! And then where would we be... just living in peace and harmony with each other? Ooo, it's all too weird. *sarcasm*

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