Propaganda is going to get worse. Just read a report of a video wherein IDF (women soldiers) pretend they are being trashed and beaten by Hamas.

Now considering the above, we on here, would probably check it out and form an opinion. Plenty of others will take it as face value.

AND it's going to get much worse.

Israel is angry because it's losing the 'war' so here we go..........

NO lies any more or you will be prosecuted. Journalist in the MSM are complicit in genocide.

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If we talk about the same video (recently released) I wonder why this is such an outrage. You are a soldier (which means you are a trained killer) you are sent in to kill the 'enemy' (whoever that is or what your government told you to kill), if the enemy gets you, you either get killed or beaten/bruised - the longer a conflict/war goes on the more deranged and cruel it gets - see WW1 WW2 or whatever war ... so my opinion is DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THE MILITARY!

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Elisabeth. The only outrage is is because it was 'staged' filmed and sent out as truth!

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At this point anyone who signs up for the military is a poster child for eugenics.

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Please clarify, this is the first I've heard the practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations (as by sterilization) to improve the populations' genetic composition being raised in this context.

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Deltawhiskylima: IF you do not understand I suggest you look up what Israelis are doing in their torture camps. Not too much difference between ths and Mengle!

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I did some research and didn't find anything about selective breeding or sterilization. Can you point me to the articles about eugenics?

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Unfortunately, words' meanings change over time, because of their use by people that don't know the original meanings of the words and just use the words mindlessly.

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Yes, I've seen that with the word genocide among others.

You give Kevin too much credit. I don't think the meaning has changed at all. I think Kevin was trying to be profound, pointed, and witty, and he used a word for which he didn't know the meaning.

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Yes, Kevin apparently didn't know the meaning of the word eugenics. The word eugenics as it is used in his comment results in a sentence that doesn't make sense.

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Eugenics, the selection of desired heritable characteristics in order to improve future generations, typically in reference to humans - exactly as practised by the apartheid Israeli regime - i.e. seeking to prevent intermarriage which they do by extreme familial and cultural pressure to marry within the faith, and especially not marry Arabs (there are societies and pressure groups who promote that specific aim), the desire that gentiles who do marry Jews should convert, the declaration that their state gives preferential treatment to Jews, the 'right of return' is only open to people who can prove Jewish ancestry, and specifically against Arabs. All these things point to the wish to preserve racial purity on the grounds that it will provide 'better' humans. Genocide seems to me to be the ultimate way of assuring selective breeding - i.e. in this case, preventing the breeding of Palestinians by killing them all.

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May 28·edited May 28

It seems that what you describe as eugenics, does not actually involve selection of heritable characteristics, but rather non-heritable traits - i.e., faith (pressure to marry within the faith). None of the examples you cite point to "racial purity," but rather to cultural purity. Using the word eugenics though certainly makes it easier manipulate public opinion.

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One of my nephews wants to join the Navy or the Air Force and all I can say is if this nation goes to war, God forbid, he will be going to war and this scares me. Recruiters tell people great things about whichever branch one wants to join, but they don’t talk about if one is called up he or she may be sent to the Middle East to, who knows, fight along side the genocidal state of Israel. I don’t want anyone to fight for these Zionist pigs. 😢🇵🇸☮️

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One of the unfortunate aspects of military service is that the service member swears to obey the orders of those appointed above them. They don't get to pick and choose who or where they will fight.

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Unfortunately you’re correct. That’s exactly why I would never encourage anyone to join the service, especially now. IMHO fighting to defend the Constitution is not the same as being sent to fight in Ukraine or Israel. No way would my son or daughter, if I had one, be sent to fight along side the IDF(IOF) or the Neo Nazis in Ukraine, if I had anything to say about it. That’s not the same as fighting to defend this country if we were actually invaded.

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I was heartened that Trump was booed by Libertarians, enough of whom apparently realized that either cheek of the duopoly's arse was just a mostly meaningless variation on Fascist authoritarianism, hyper-financialized economic inequality, censorship, imperialism, endless war and genocide. Perhaps they were saying, we might support bullishness, but definitely not bullshit.

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May 26·edited May 26

Surprising they booed him. Get rid of government and guess who ends up running the country? Billionaires like Trump. Oh I forgot, everybody will act cooperatively, including the Billionaires. And Unicorns also will lay down with the lambs and lions.

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Come on, You know the score. Zionist billionaires are already calling the shots. As in any other group of bent humans (we're all bent). there are reasonable free-speech, anti-war Libs and unreasonable let-money-talk-louder idiots for whom I have only disdain. But I refuse to reject the first group because they think less [ultra-corrupt, fumbling, unconnected to voters] government might be a good thing.

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May 26·edited May 26

It's comfortable believing Libertarians haven't played a key role in corrupting the US government isn't it? With the last four decades of anti-government talk by so-called Libertarians - supporting extreme right-wing anti-tax legislation, deregulation legislation, loosening all kinds of ethical rules meant to constrain governmental corruption. The libertarians were in lockstep with the Koch brothers and all the other billionaires wanting to corrupt the US government.

And guess what - the US government now is entirely corrupted, the US Constitution doesn't mean jack shit anymore. The country is run by a bunch of genocidal, lawless crooks who don't give a flying fuck about ordinary Americans or the state of the public good. Libertarians played a key role in this corruption.

One doesn't have to be Einstein to figure this shit out. I'm just some retired yokel living in Idaho - and I figured it out.

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Every movement is susceptible to corruption. Even libertarians, who tend to believe in limited government or limiting the aggregation of power, can be full of bad actors using this mantra of ‘reducing government’ just to remove regulatory constraints so they can pursue their own version of aggregation of power (unrestrained capitalism). The key is to prevent aggregation of too much power in all forms, otherwise its ’meet the new boss…same as the old boss’

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May 26·edited May 26

Completely agree. But the Libertarians have been especially egregious in corrupting the US government and are among the biggest hypocrites regarding what they pretend to stand for. The Koch Brothers were a scourge upon the American public - were the epitome of Elite one percenters waging war on workers and the economic freedoms of the majority of Americans. And they did it by funding many secret organizations.

Scott Walker was a corrupt goon - was in constant assault mode on working poor Americans, opposed any kind of mass transportation, was anti-abortion, was an opponent of same-sex marriage, gave huge tax breaks to corporations while eviscerating government programs, rejected even the bullshit Health Care Exchange program for Wisconsin. Walker was corrupt as the day was long when he was governor - and the LIBERTARIAN Koch brothers funded his ass every which way from SUNDAY.

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I would define the Koch’s as garden variety crony capitalists. I might suggest that Ron Paul is your more traditional libertarian

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okay now give me a listing of the who else -- other than Libertarians played such a role. A list that woud include some "liberal" NGOs with good reps. Let's not be naive. Corruption of this impoverished excuse for a government has been a collective affair with many players of all stripes, with the biggest player always big $$$.

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Yes, and libertarians are big $$$

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Yes, one of many sources thereof.

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One of the many things about Libertarianism is they do not give a shit about the people ONLY themselves.

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May 26·edited May 26

That's pretty much what it boils down to Jenny.

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Apparently you've never heard of the Koch brothers. Take a hike.

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Ah yes, Jamenta reaches her frustration point, tells other discussant to "take a hike. In the immortal words of Mussolini. Cazzo a te.Va fa in culo. OK? Discussion ended. It's almost always time wasted where you're concerned.

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I am not 'bent' nor is my mouth 'stitched up' from speaking the truth. How can you have a good Govt. when your 'olde worlde constitution is ....dead.

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Then what you actually want is Anarchists.

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Y'know, I'd be lying if I were to say that there haven't been times when the extent of corruption in western governments have so disheartened me that I thought anarchy might be preferable to endless lying for the benefit of big donors. I don't want anarchy, but I hate what we've got. Mea culpa!

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Actually, Anarchism isn't "anarchy", bizarrely. It's simply a synonym for Democracy. It means "No inherited power or privileges", which is obviously incredibly radical. For those currently with inherited power and privileges, lol. For everyone else, its common-sense.

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you don't know what anarchy is. Anarchy actually means government but from the bottom up. The rich, entitled libertarians would have to go.

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Granted, you're correct. But starting with the "you don't know" is not exactly a good foundation for exchange of ideas, and I'm frankly fucking tired of it. Why would you think -- from any of my other remarks -- that I have any attachment to rich entitled Libertarians, or rich entitled Republicans, or rich Zionist Democrats posing as social warriors. All equivalent fecal matter to me. I'm a biologist with 45 yrs of immunology expertise. So ---if I tell you that in my informed opinion based on fundamental cellular biology that RFK Jr. was largely correct about mRNA COVID vaccines, does that mean I support his Zionist horseshit? Of course not. Likewise, if my close Libertarian friend back east and I agree that the Bill of Rights is sacrosanct, I also disagree strongly with her opinion on the US military and several other issues; and I tell her so. I see far too much desire in this forum and elsewhere to put people into singular labeled categories from which they're not allowed to cross-opine with other philosophical/political thought streams. Sorry, just not where I am. And in the face of a declining empire that's pressuring all of us bigtime, I think finding avenues of commonality of resistance is probably necessary. Because resistance to any standard pabulum emerging from a lying corrupt moribund institution is, at this juncture, a critical necessity. Again, if that makes me seem inconsistent, I apologize. But that really is a value judgment on the part of an observer if one really thinks about it.

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I think that Anarchists would eschew any form of government as an organising entity. They simply do not accept being told what to do or think by any institution whatsoever. There are no doubt degrees of anarchic thought and behaviours. I know there is an extreme form of it that would have no truck with anybody making any demands for conformity upon them at all about anything and do not recognise property ownership. The idea that people at 'the bottom' would form or impose some kind of governing body is just not part of an anarchist's way. Being an anarchist doesn't mean blowing everything up, though violence has been blamed on people who profess anarchistic views but really they just want to be left the hell alone to self-determine their way of life free from all institutional control and interference. It's really quite appealing but not for the faint hearted or anyone without unshakeable self-reliance. It's also a celebration of living with chaos for a period of time while we all remember how to live with more self-reliance. Our stupid government here are still sending out appalling ear-bleeding 'Emergency notifications' to our phones. One nearly gave me a heart attack last night (probably an added bonus in their eyes), and I read the message and paraphrase a part of it - 'If you are in danger, don't wait for the government to tell you what to do, remove yourself from the situation.' Holy Jesus, infantilising us much? In breaking news, human brains are reduced to the size of a peanut. We are living so far from anarchy now, it's little more than a dream of a dream of a time when human life was worth it.

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Gnuneo. Anarchist are happening and there is NOTHING you can do to stop them.

USA decided 'guns' were OK for most people who have them in their homes.

I have been in a Civil War and I can tell you: Neighbours will turn against neighbours (probably from some old dispute).

Family members will be separated and abused or shot.

It really does not take long for a society (with guns) to start killing.

Unfortunately the mindless killing will be amongst citizens and NOT the people who need killing.

USA is a naive society/ill-educated and incapable of making moral decisions.

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Here is the real heart of the problem! This is how fucked up the people really are! Instead of oh look we all have the same ENEMY! They are busy fighting for the enemy of us all!

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That's not really what anarchy is. It's just really angry people fed up with being told what to do by corrupt mobsters. Anarchy doesn't mean blowing shit up. See my really long comment above!

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No, it is not "really angry people" etc. It is about people looking for a better way to live. There is a lot written about anarchy. If you are interested, you could read about it. Peter Kropotkin. Enrico Maletesta, George Woodcock, Emma Goldman

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May 26·edited May 26

"Get rid of government and guess who ends up running the country?"

Exactly. I don't know what kind of world serious libertarians live on, but about length and breadth of human nature, it's as delusional as that of communists. I've tried to explain that without carefully enforced structure -- including that necessary to enforce the very free markets you salivate over -- you end up with warlords, whether it's the Mad Max kind always operating in several parts of the world, or simply that of banksters et al that ebbs and flows in the West.

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Right? Who can't see that? Look, sure a corrupt government does no one any good, it does immeasurable harm to a country. But government itself, Representative government that moves a civilization forward is essential. You just can't get around it. Without some kind of laws and regulations - you might as well live like savages.

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Yes please! 'Savage living' gets such a bad rap! Why not let chaos reign for a time as people turn away from 'civilisation' - where has it got us anyway! Poisoned and mad and afraid and trapped people living in hell, meaningless and far from peace and spirituality. I have more faith in people than you I think. When there's a crisis around here people who you normally have nothing to do with come forward and help each other. We are better than this - they just want us to think we'll all combust without the system holding us together. You will never get representative government from a large centralised system, we've proved that. NEVER! 'Savages' is a really faulty term to use I think, there's just too much negative assumption about the ways of life outside the system.

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Yes no laws. No rules. Let's all be drunk'n teenagers again! PARTY!!

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That's not what I meant at all, though I feel your sentiment.

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Communism isn't delusional.

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May 27·edited May 27

Well, please tell me how, after more than a century of dozens of attempts in its name, it is (a) to be properly implemented and (b) to work for all.

I believe only in perpetually-evolving hybrid systems, because only those take into account all known, and emerging known, aspects of human nature. IMO Marxism is a fatal perversion of the original Leftism, in which democracy was undermined in support of an (admittedly brilliant) insights of certain aspects of economic activity, but also along with a huge pile of totalitarian claims and demands, as if they were not only positive, but normative, economics as "settled science". It was a call to create intramural armies, not solve societal problems. In my experience, Marxist pretension on these things is just breathtaking.

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Well there is China and Russia but they are a bit less communist than before.

Both seem to be doing ok!

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China is communist only in name (they're completely two-faced about it, copying only the totalitarianism part), and Russia hasn't been communist since 1991.

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I would say we are already at this stage as we no longer have an elected government. We have our enemy the Terrorist State of Israel in control of our government and they (especially Netanyahu!) have clearly stated their hatred for the American people and their intent to destroy this country. They are succeeding in spades at this endeavour!

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I don't think there's been a truly elected government anywhere for years and years!

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Sad, but probably very true

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My cousin is a libertarian and he mistakenly thought that meant he is an anarchist because he does not believe in government. Anarchy would have government, but from the bottom up. Libertarians just want to get rid of the government regulations that prevent them from making as much money as they want.

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May 26·edited May 26

Libertarians argue for less government, but it always translates into giving more power and money to the already obscenely rich 1% - which many Libertarians worship as the "job creators" and "entrepreneur winners". Libertarianism is social Darwinism on steroids.

I'm sure there might be a few reasonable Libertarians alive, but they are few and far between. Most of the one's I have known in the last four decades bowed at the altar of the Koch Brothers. And we all know the record of the Koch Network - and the corruption involved.

The whole plan from the start (of the Elite Wallstreet One Percenters to Wage War on the Poor) was to starve the US government - cut taxes, create huge debts (starting with Reagan) and then get Americans to hate the US government because it was doing nothing for them (although quite capable of feeding trillions into the MIC and WALLSTREET) - and to blame government itself as the problem. Meanwhile the billionaires like the Kochs who were the ones who corrupted the government - were all about deregulation and getting rid of any kind of reasonable taxes on the 1% obscenely wealthy. And well, we're all suppose to think of the Kochs as American Libertarian HEROES. Libertarian heroes my ass. They sucked the life blood out of American society, and the result is the greatest wealth TRANSFER and wealth INEQUALITY in the US not seen since the Robber Baron gilded age. Most ordinary Americans can't even afford a mortgage on a house and can't even afford to see a bloody doctor any more, let alone pay for a $100,000 truck. Try paying for a University education for your kid these days. Well - if you have more money than God and are one of the lucky few top 1% obscenely wealthy - Universities are no problem. But the rest of ordinary working American serfs- that haven't had an effective pay raise since the 1970s - you can forget the American dream - because you'd have to be asleep to believe it.

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I agree with everything you say. I find it sad that so many people, including some libertarians, think that anarchy means no government. Even sadder when libertarians consider themselves to be anarchists. Sad for me, anyway. I am so sick of wealth being equated with success. Really, extreme wealth is just piggishness. Not success at all. I was listening to a program about the spread of wild pigs in the US and now in Canada. They are really difficult to deal with. They are manipulative, smart, greedy and they reproduce at an alarming rate. Except for the reproduction part (and who even knows about that) wild pigs could be a prototype for libertarians. Maybe a bit hard on the wild pigs, but there it is.

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May 26·edited May 26

Yeah for me - the class warfare is pretty much at the foundation of the rot within the US, and the level of wealth inequality now is worst than it has ever been historically.

The lawless pursuit of greed and the philosophy that an entire society can be healthy based on self-serving greed alone - has now, in my opinion led to its denouement. Out-of-control Militarism. All three branches of the US government corrupted by the fat 1% pigs that still want to cut taxes even more. RECORD I mean RECORD profits by corporations and Wallstreet even as ordinary Americans have to cut back on what they eat, and how often they fill their gas tanks up. It's sickening to live through the economic destruction of this country, and have to watch a BRAIN DEAD American president run for office again while another billionaire rich fuck who is just as gung-ho on mass murder in GAZA - as the rest of the corrupt goons in DC are - it's sickening to have to listen to the crass intellectual bullshit that government is the problem, that American workers are lazy - and that if you just cut taxes even more - it will all trickle down. I've been listening to this bullshit now all my life - along with how democratic and freedom loving the Israelis are. It's all 24/7 nonstop propaganda led by the most evil empire ever to exist on this planet.

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The American Dream Isn't Dead... You Just Can't Afford It: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeCbejSGEXU

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That's funny about the lambs and lions, because if it wasn't for some people, they really would do just, back in the days when butterflies and the like still existed, before some people started killing them off just because they were to pretty for us to look at, they'd stop and rest on top of a blade of grass next to you if you would choose to lay down in the grass to rest. So, that's something for someone to hate? That's the sort of excuse that insanity makes. Like this week I discovered that I was supposed to be a victim of a d

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That's too funny

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I dunno, budget deficits were ballooning under Trump, even before COVID.

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May 26·edited May 26

Indeed - under right-wing Presidents MOSTLY. Apparently the runaway "budget" is great for making sure they pacify their base. But among the biggest deficit spenders starting with Reagan were on the right. The military budget is whacko. And given how poorly the NATO proxy war in Ukraine has gone - all the trillions spent on the US military looks like it was more a money laundering scheme for the Big Defense Contractors - from Boeing to Lockheed Martin to Raytheon - they made a shit ton of money off of military hardware that might last a week in a real war. Outside of nuclear weapons - the Russians would wipe the floor with any American force that attempted to fight it - the technology and now out-of-date military doctrines would make American forces easy game. Why? Because it was all about the money and profits. It was never actually about war or "defense".

For Republicans - the budget was just as much a propaganda tool as Wokeness has been for the Democrats. But when it comes to the real donor important issues regarding MONEY - both parties are two cheeks of the same backside.

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Perhaps they were saying, we might support bullishness

Vin LoPrestii - do you mean BULLIES?

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Yes, and Trump also gets booed when he talks about the clot-shot...It's not like the Libertarians have a good track record, however...they endorsed Obamacare...

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Fascist authoritarianism as opposed to what other kind of authoritarianism - socialist, communist, woke? Does fascism resonant w/ cancel culture?

Fascist is such a throw away, historically empty word. Have you read any revisionist history? Do you realize the fascists were the good guys in WW2? It was the freedom-loving democracies that were supporting the totalitarian Soviet Union. It was they who engineered the NWO not the fascists.

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Ah yes, the immediate ad hominem "have I read, do I know." At 76 , I'd be pretty sure I've read you under the table. In two bloody languages. il fascismo è  chiaro dalle parole di Mussolini. Una collusione tra il governo e i corporazioni. Which we've had in the west for quite some time. Go back to the closing moments of WWI for some better insights between Bolsheviks and "freedom-loving democracies", aka the our world view is always right interventionists. Essentially a battle of subterfuge and outright hostility between groups of narcissist exceptionalists. i.e., human cretins.

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May 26·edited May 26

Oh two languages. Wow you're smart! Who can speak two languages!? Talk about subterfuge - ever heard of the Koch brothers secret network? You know Charles Koch arguing that it was best that nobody really should know who is actually running a society? Talk about secrecy - right-wing Koch brother Libertarian assholes took the fucking cake for secrecy.

And the Koch family spent millions BIG MONEY CORRUPTING the US government. The political candidates the Koch's supported were not INDEPENDENTS, but the majority REPUBLICAN whack jobs - including the wingnut SCOTT WALKER. The LIBERTARIAN KOCH NETWORK was behind a multitude of anti Global Warming political campaigns, played a key role in making sure Americans have been fucked for decades now with corporatized, for profit Healthcare - unlike the rest of the civilized Western world where Healthcare is Universal and part of the PUBLIC GOOD. The Koch Network played THE LEADING role in eviscerating the tax base of the US government - with untold trillions of tax breaks given to the obscenely top 1% Americans, and huge tax breaks to corporations and wallstreet even as these same corporations and Wallstreet continued to make record PROFITS decade after decade while ordinary American workers waited for it all to TRICKLE DOWN into their wages and their standard of living - and the workers are still waiting for the TRICKLING. The Koch brothers were ANTI-UNION up the kazoo.

You want to talk about HUMAN CRETINS. Thy name is KOCH BROTHERS. Fuck the Koch brothers and the CATO Institute and fuck AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY - and all the rest of the bullshit government corrupting phony THINK TANKS, along with the 100+ million dollars Kochs spent on extreme CORRUPT right-wing candidates that fucked over our US government to the point where we no longer have a working government. And that was their goal all along. And the BIG LIE that Libertarians were doing it all for the good of the country. Horseshit - it was all for the MONEY. Their own self-serving greed - and a working US government FOR THE PEOPLE stood in their way - so they bought the US government, they CORRUPTED IT with their big money. That's what it was about. That's what it's always been about: MONEY and GREED.

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Not trying to go ad hominem. I'd really like to know if you've read historical revisionism. Your casual reference to fascism didn't evoke deep understanding of WW2 to this 78 yo. And then spouting off in Italian didn't add anything but braggadocio. Are we to think oh, he speaks Italian therefore ... ? Don't be so defensive. Maybe English is a second language for you. That might explain why I'm not understanding where you're coming from.

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May 26·edited May 26

In "Tyranny of Words" Stuart Chase refers to a little experiment he did back in 1937:

"More important than trying to find meaning in a vague abstraction is an analysis of what people believe it means. Do they agree? Are they thinking about the same referent when they hear the term or use it? I collected nearly a hundred reactions from friends and chance acquaintances during the early summer of 1937. I did not ask for a definition, but asked them to tell me what 'fascism' meant to them, what kind of a picture came into their minds when they heard the term. Here are sample reactions:

Schoolteacher: A dictator suppressing all opposition.

Author: One-party government. 'Outs' unrepresented.

Governess: Obtaining one's desires by sacrifice of human lives.

Lawyer: A state where the individual has no rights, hope, or future.

College Student: Hitler and Mussolini.

United States senator: Deception, duplicity, and professing to do what one is not doing.

Schoolboy: War. Concentration camps. Bad treatment of workers. Something that's got to be licked.

Lawyer: A coercive capitalistic state.

Teacher: A government where you can live comfortably if you never disagree with it.

Lawyer: I don't know.

Musician: Empiricism, forced control, quackery.

Editor: Domination of big business hiding behind Hitler and Mussolini.

Short story writer: A form of government where socialism is used to perpetuate capitalism.

Housewife: Dictatorship by a man not always intelligent.

Taxi-driver: What Hitler's trying to put over. I don't like it.

Housewife: Same thing as communism.

College student: Exaggerated nationalism. The creation of artificial hatreds.

Housewife: A large Florida rattlesnake in summer.

Author: I can only answer in cuss words.

Housewife:The corporate state. Against women and workers.

Librarian: They overturn things.

Farmer: Lawlessness.

Italian hairdresser: A bunch, all together.

Elevator starter: I never heard of it.

Businessman: The equivalent of the NRA.

Stenographer: Terrorism, religious intolerance, bigotry.

Social worker: Government in the interest of the majority for the purpose of accomplishing things democracy cannot do.

Businessman: Egotism. One person thinks he can run everything.

Clerk: Il Duce. Oneness. Ugh!

Clerk: Mussolini's racket. All business not making money taken over by the state.

Secretary: Blackshirts. I don't like it.

Author: A totalitarian state which does not pretend to aim at equalization of wealth.

Housewife: Oppression. No worse than communism.

Author: An all-powerful police force to hold up a decaying society.

Housewife: Dictatorship. President Roosevelt is a dictator, but he's not a fascist.

Journalist: Undesired government of masses by a self-seeking, fanatical minority.

Clerk: Me, one and only, and a lot of blind sheep folowing.

Sculptor: Chauvinism made into a religious cult and the consequent suppression of other races and religions.

Artist: An attitude toward life which I hate as violently as anything I know. Why? Because it destroys everything in life I value.

Lawyer: A group which does not believe in government interference, and will overthrow the government if necessary.

Journalist: A left-wing group prepared to use force.

Advertising man: A governmental form which regards the individual as the property of the state.

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I like this, thank you, as it shows how there was no consistent definition of the term even when there were active proponents making the news. When I say the Fascists were the good guys in WW2, I'm not referring to the politico-economics that the Axis Powers employed and advocated (technically only Italy was fascist), but simply their nationalistic authoritarian style v the Allies as liberal democracies and the USSR as a revolutionary totalitarian regime.

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OK in English, but a translator would've told you that by Mussolini's definition of Fascism, we've had it in the US since the big 19th century capitalist barons decided that government should always bend to their wishes. UK/US collaboration at the end of WWI, at the urging of these barons, led to a post-Versailles military attempt to thwart the Bolsheviks, and perhaps formed one of the roots of how the Soviet Union reacted to Hitler in seeking that Stalin-Hitler madmen pact, prior to the USSR's finally mobilizing against the Nazis. Hence, any reference to Fascismo isn't casual. It's a reference to the original source and an extension to its manifestations that predate Hitler and Mussolini. I'm trying to be more rigorous, rather than confusing it with any old form of authoritarianism, as is often done these days, which is what I sense you're trying to guard against.

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I appreciate this more reasonable, less emotive explanation for your stated views. But now that I better understand where you're coming from, I see your sense of history is flawed because it passes over Jewish Power and its intervention into world events as if it didn't exist. Who were the Bolsheviks, who controlled the USSR, who egged the UK and US into WW2, what promise was made to found Israel, and looking back, who seeded the 19th century robber barons, who seized control of the Fed to insure they kept control of America's money power? Who is still calling the shots in the US, UK, Germany where politicians fawn over Bibi like he's a shining light and example of a new Churchill? Finally who did Churchill owe money to that kept him in line to Zionist wishes?

You think you're rigorous, but your version of historiography is full of kosher approved holes. That's why you need to read some revisionist history.

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You're right that my knowledge is somewhat thin about the various kvosts (Georgian etc.) in the circa 1917 USSR power struggle and the exact role played by Churchill, but that was a side discussion, hardly central to the Libertarian issue, where simply my image of a Individual actually true to Lib principles would be Ron Paul, while others kept trying to ridiculously shove the Koch Brothers down my throat. But I'm interested in filling in the gaps in my understanding of that history, particularly one that's not "kosher approved". How about suggesting a source?

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"Do you realize the fascists were the good guys in WW2?" - are you serious? If yes, then what definition of 'fascism' do you use? Obviously that definition would not cover those who actually called themselves fascists. What did they know...

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Members of the Biden administration should be charged with 18 U.S. Code § 1091, the law that brought the genocide convention into US law. Put this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.

They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. Here's what may be the best news of all, "an offense under this section, an indictment may be found, or information instituted, at any time without limitation." Just think, wiIthout limitations; no statute of limitations!! May they have visions of prison all the days of their lives, and dwell in the house of corrections - forever.

The propagandists in the Mainstream Media need to be charged as well.

Let us find the way!

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An insightful book on the way our hypothalamus is attacked, shrunken, and how that affects our ability to do higher level thinking is introduced in this interview; https://realfoodchannel.com/how-to-protect-your-brain/

This is really important, when you connect the austerity/poverty, electronic device addiction, and myriad ways that our ability to reason is affected. We need to educate on how to protect and enhance our thinking abilities as a major front in the current conflicts.

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SPOT ON! You are absolutely right! This needs to be stated everywhere every chance and added to every statement until we see sweat on the foreheads of every single Zionist Nazi politician!

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I certainly try putting it everywhere, every time. The people here are very tolerant of my repeat offending.

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I hope Caitlin is correct -- that most people whose eyes have finally been opened by Israel's genocide against Palestinians, will never close their eyes again to propaganda, manipulation and violence by the neocolonial power structure of 'the West'. However, I worry that too many people have only awakened to 1 or 2 small pieces of reality; they now acknowledge the deception and injustice regarding the issue that affects them immediately and personally, but may stubbornly refuse to see the whole monstrous and cruel 'game' in it's entirety... But again, i sincerely hope I am wrong and Caitlin is right.

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It is nearly impossible to discuss anything with people who can only mentally entertain binary either / or views. In some respects they are still children.

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Yes. Once you understand you're dealing with intellectual children and intellectual fucking midgets, it's easier to get a handle on your own emotions regarding genocide. And that's not so easy a thing to do.

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Honestly… Covid has shown the Govts what a bunch of useless idiots we are

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Yes, imperialist propaganda has become so absurd it's damned near impossible to do a proper satire on it. The ridicule writes itself. For Americans, the required doublethink is causing massive cognitive dissonance among both liberals and conservatives.

For liberals, who have been told for decades that it's bad for white people to colonize, displace, and eliminate brown people, it's the ongoing Israeli ethnic cleansing campaign that they have to pretend to ignore or rationalize to be good Democrats.

For conservatives, it's an old-fashioned, individual liberty issue. The Republicans have been posturing as defenders of free speech against liberal cancel culture for YEARS, and now they want to censor or even prosecute anyone who questions a bunch of genocidal maniacs in Israel.

It's too much bullshit coming too fast. And the fools pushing it don't know what else to do besides doubling down.

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It reached a high-water mark in the Ukraine war where the stupefied masses were told simultaneously that the Russians were inept idiots and being thrashed on the battlefield but would overrun Europe if X funding wasn’t immediately approved.

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That's a big one for sure. How can the Russians be an existential threat if they're primitive, stupid subhumans? OTOH, if they are such a threat, they cannot be primitive or stupid.

As I've said before, US Empire propaganda has become so absurd on its face that it's difficult to do a good satire on it.

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I’m amazed at how our fellow Americans are so easy to flip on their principles and attitudes about world events to near opposite views. I remember watching popular HBO series like GOT, that could get an audience to hate a character so much and perhaps in just 2-3 episodes, that same character was a good guy and loved. The whole thing seemed like some kind of mass experiment. Maybe it was? Maybe we’re seeing phase 2.

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Humans are herd animals to rival any sheep or lemming.

Trump is weak, stupid and easily manipulated.

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Somebody is lying:

Al Jazera reported yesterday that the $320 million Biden pier was destroyed by waves:

$320 million US pier collapses in Gaza, drifts to Ashdod (Video)


Today, based on a Pentagon statement, they walked that back somewhat, saying boats drifted and only a portion of the pier floated away, but emphasized, again based on Pentagon statement, that the pier was functional:

Vessels supporting US-built Gaza aid pier wash away in heavy seas


NPR reported today that boats floated away, with no mention of any damage to the pier, which even the Pentagon statement mentioned:

U.S. Army aid vessels become unmoored near floating Gaza pier


This is Biden's Jimmy Carter's failed hostage rescue operation in April 1980 moment - he was humiliated and it led to his defeat. Biden is on the same path.

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NY Times just reported this now (5/28 pm, EST - 72 hours after event) as "breaking news" - no joke..

The Pentagon was lying when they initially claimed the pier was fully functional. They now admit it is not functional, see:


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I just saw a few actual photos of this and it sure looks GONE to me!

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I did not see this on Wash. Post today either.

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Check zero hedges. Lots of photos and tweets. It’s like the 3 stooges are in charge. Biden, Blinken and Sullivan.

Larry, Curly and Moe.

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The imperialists have been propagandizing the Israel occupation of Palestine from the beginning. Once you learn the truth, the propaganda fails. Hence the rush to ban TikTok.

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Yes, it is truly unbelievable how stupid the propaganda has gotten. Which is a direct consequence of the character of the average American.

The "Chinese Spy Balloon" should have jolted everyone concerned about the power of US propaganda. There was no more absurd claims possible than those made about hat balloon, but the country fell for it. My guess is that the intelligence community saw it as an opportunity for a physical-op just to see how gullible the American people actually were.

Now you come to October 7, and are dealing with some of the better propagandists, i.e. the Israelis, who were able to get governments to withhold funding from UNRWA for completely specious claims (I mean lies). And then there are the lies about what actually happened on October 7 and since.

This gullibility all comes down to the character of the people. People of poor character are vulnerable, while people of solid character are much less vulnerable. This has been described for thousands of years.

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The biggest lie we are supposed to believe is that Israel had no idea that Hamas was going to attack. I just read a report on the fence that Hamas cut down to enter the area and the author detailed how the security teams work. Plus not only fence defenders warned their superiors, but 3 countries did to. Final straw was that Israel had the plans for a year.

No way it would have taken hours for troops to get there. And yet….

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Israel's method of deterrence is to strike back multifold of what was done to them. This also has a long history in the US dating back to the Puritans. But if you look at the trustworthy parts of the Israeli press you will find that much, if not most of what has been reported in the Western press about October 7, is a bunch of lies. Biden has repeated many of these lies numerous times, even after multiple sources debunked them, and these lies are routinely seen and quoted in the corporate press on a daily basis.

There is no equating October 7 to the current genocide and mass slaughter of civilians and mass starvation. October 7, was mostly a Hamas military operation. According to international law - which the US claims to recognize - the occupied (the Palestinians) have a right to defend themselves from their occupiers (the Israelis) militarily. There is no such right for the occupiers. We are watching war crimes, on an unimaginable scale, done in the open. And the corporate press calls it some find of war when you intentionally drop 2000 pound bombs destroying the vast majority of the civilian property and infrastructure.

Only a morally corrupt society could even try to defend this.

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Thank you for this. Yes, if you dare to criticize Israel's war crimes you will be told your comments "reek of antisemitism."

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The whole of Israeli ambition is just to kill as many Palestinians as possible in as short a time as possible so leaving the area called Israel free from any persons who do not not totally obey all US instruction

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Code pink


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023

Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Here’s a new petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Please join also in calling on Hamas to open the tunnels to the population.

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May 26·edited May 26

You mean the 2,000 pound bombs Israelis have dropped on the 15,000+ children they've murdered so far, hasn't opened up the tunnels?

I wonder why?

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Ouuu ya, Nutty would love that!

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"And of course there’s also option (C), which is that Israel has been lying about its stated goals this entire time and is actually accomplishing exactly what it set out to accomplish."

Well, I've read enough official statements and articles featuring quotes that refer to the people of Palestine as amalek to feel fairly confident that the stated goal is actually a genocide of revenge.

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A man named "Goebbels" said something to the effect that propaganda need not be intelligent, it didn't need to reach intellectuals (who anyway were weenies), it needed to be effective.

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"Mein Kampf", part I, chapter VI "War Propaganda" - Hitler spells it out in the clearest terms possible.

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"The problem with the past is that it has no imagination; it can only repeat its script. The sociopath is limited to the early perception that the 'Other' is here to hurt him, so he can only hurt the other in return."

~James Hollis #GPBT #p65 #Jung

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