To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you’re not allowed to criticize.

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It's a snappy trope but a misleading one unless you specify who is not allowed to criticize. Regular folks can and do, but the thing is they don't matter.

The saying suggests somebody can't. Who is that and what follows from the discovery?

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It is not misleading. If you are censored by certain groups or on certain issues then those groups or those behind the issues have greater power than they should have in a modern democracy. That makes them dangerous whether it is the pharmaceutical industry, the Zionist industry, the Israeli industry, the Jewish industry, the whatever industry.

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The saying says "criticize". When you are "censored" it doesn't mean you cannot continue to "criticize". Even if you're put in prison you can continue to criticize the system that put you there.

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Sorry Botty, but if you get put in jail for criticising, you are not allowed to criticise.

That's close enough to cannot for most I think.

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Sorry to hear things in NZ are so bad you're not allowed to criticize your government. Proving it does rule over you.

Do you have anything down there that you can criticize, which would prove it has no power over you? Like, can you criticize your spouse?

PS: I'm really trying hard to clarify what I meant in my response to the top comment of the thread.

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FWIW: you make an excellent point.

Some just don't want to hear it because they think they have some "snappy phrase" that means something.

By itself, Richard's phrase is "true".

But in the context of the "real world", we're criticizing everyone and everything with no change in the outcome whatsoever.

The result, we don't recognize who it is that rules over us. "They" don't care what we say because we're totally ineffective.

I dunno, but perhaps some operators are trying to dilute your message for diabolical reasons? They sure seem to go out of their way to not understand it.

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Reply to R Bot, I'm not in NZ I'm in Australia. But it doesn't matter where you are, if you get punished for criticising by being jailed, you will keep getting punished in jail.

Criticise on pain of reprisal. In jail they do more than just censor people.

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If you are not allowed to criticize, that means you are prevented from criticizing or are punished for criticizing and that is censorship.

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Can you not criticize the government right now right here? Can you not criticize Pharma, big or small, right now right here? Big IT? Police? Military? I think you can. Here and at quite a few places more. On a corner somewhere with a banner. Etc.

Does it mean they don't rule over you?

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Yes you can criticise those things but not as freely as should be possible. Try criticizing Israel and you will be actively censored. We see that in the mainstream media who also censor criticism of BigPharma and others.

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"Even if you're put in prison you can continue to criticize the system that put you there." Aha. The new free speech.

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Can you not? Which would prove the prison doesn't rule over you.

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How bout you go first.

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The prison doesn’t rule over you. Except for the fact that you cannot leave, have to go to bed at a certain time, eat, exercise, wash, have visits from outside when permitted, have all of your correspondence opened and read by the prison officers, and may have to go to solitary confinement if it suits the needs of the regime. Besides all that you can criticise anything or anyone to your hearts content. Even while in solitary. You can talk to yourself. Or the wall. You’re quite free to knock yourself out criticising any thing, person, or government of your choice.

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Yes, agree but not what I was talking about.

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I know Athena. I was replying to the hairsplitting nonsense. If you expose a lie, and are jailed for doing so, you are ruled by liars. You can criticise in your head, if needs be. We are at a fork in the road. Critics need to be vocal. Hold a mirror up to others and show them the error of their ways. Non compliance from within the only remaining ideology, the one that rules over the planet, is our only course of action.

Take care.

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Sorry I misunderstood. The medium is cryptic.

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I am not so sure russian bot. I am a nobody in New Zealand but as I stepped up the campaign against the poisonous bioweapon I came to the attention of the NZ Security Service. I have my cell phone blocked and this internet is using the next door neighbours receiver. Repeat I am a nobody and old >. and my life has been made very difficult. All cell phone and Internet applications are know ti the NZ Security who are a puppet of the NWO

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Why don’t you explicitly tell us who rules over you?

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He just pulled the quote off the internet. He has no idea what it means.

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I think it might be more accurate to think of the censorship, or can’t criticise, issue in the context of what issues can’t the people in ostensible power meaningfully address, or even refer to in any negative way.

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US should be accused of genocide -- together with Israel !!

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Israel runs the US and is the root is US warmongering. The neocons are almost all Jewish and almost all congressmen are funded by AIPAC and have literally sworn oaths of loyalty to Israel.

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This is the root cause of all evil!

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Israel seems to have plenty of cash to slip to Govt representatives - and you can be sure the US is not the only recipient. Makes me wonder what do they do with the $4 billion a year Amerika gives them?

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The USA doesn't really give it. They send over the $4 bill, the honchos take their cut, and the rest comes back to US arms manufacturers. Same thing with all military aid. That's why it's inflationary. More money comes into the economy but no new domestic goods or services are produced. So all the money can do is drive up prices.

However this inflation was dwarfed by the trillions passed out to the politically well connected during COVID. They had so much cash they decided to buy up housing, as it was the only investment that could absorb such a sum. This is never mentioned. The two trillion a year deficit is "the crazy aunt in the attic that no one talks about." -- Ross Perot.

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Patrick Powers - what you say is so true. Unfortunately, very few people realize this.

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This is spot on with a little addition in We The People funding our own demise by the money (our taxpayer money) going to the Zionist in Israel and some comes back through the lobbyists who pay these fucking traitors (politicians) to become traitors! The whole crowd will attack anyone trying to put an end to this.

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US has been warmongering for most of its history. I'm not absolving the neoncons, without them we would have fewer wars, maybe in different places.

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They are mostly Zionist Nazis and then a big group of Evangelicals who believe that even if they have to help it happen they are going to get the Jews in Jerusalem and the 2nd coming will happen. They are on record saying this very thing. It has become the real issue and shows there isn't a "Deep State" because these are the real criminals!

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South Africa already put the US formally on notice that they will amend their ICJ Genocide complaint to include the US for complicity in Genocide and failure of the mandatory duty of all countries to oppose and punish genocide.

The Center for Constitutional Rights is now suing Biden administration for Genocide, see:


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The money given to the Holocaust Industry needs to be returned or disgorged, obviously. The fraudulent cry of "Never Again" was proved empty in 1948 with the Haganah made up of Holocaust survivors committing the first Nakba genocide. They couldn't wait a year before committing a genocide of their own. The Zionist genocides have been serial in Palestine and other countries, such as Guatemala. One genocide does not justify another one and the perpetrators need to be locked up and their funds disgorged. Any past Reparations paid to Israel need to be seized and given to Palestinians.

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well said

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The way I see it the Jews have a 6 million corpse genocide credit. They've used up maybe a million so far in the Middle East. The current project could produce another three million. That leaves a reserve of two megacorpses before they are even and the world can begin to judge their crusade for Lebensraum.

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The manipulation of the Holocaust is still being played out with brave little Israel defending itself against savage Arabs, especially in its latest lies we are living through. Thank God for South Africa and Yemen. The Axis of Resistance is fighting to end the occupation and they will win.

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Hi Patrick

That “six million” number is highly debatable. Jews have been tossing around the “six million” phrase since long before WWII.

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How would you effect that?

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I think it is a raw nerve in the Zionist book of lies. It would be worth attacking the lie that Israel was established as a safe haven for Jewish people in the aftermath of the Holocaust and that it is therefore justified as a country. Pure travesty. The tools for disgorgement of the ill gotten, stolen funds would have to be produced by a civil society mandate that stands up to the theft from the real victims. Even then the present Genocide negates the past incredibly and thoroughly. There was a group of Jewish activists who actively protested Synagogues in the US, who march to the beat of the Zionist machine. The Torah Loving Jews who burn Israeli flags. Neutral Karta is such a breath of fresh air!

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According to Hanna Yablonca’s book, “Holocaust Survivors” published in 1999, 22,000 Holocaust survivors were in the post war Haganah in 1948.


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"A political establishment which tells you you have to choose between two presidential candidates who both want to help Israel murder children by the thousands is a political establishment which must not be permitted to exist."

It shouldn't exist. It's time to take out the evil establishment forever. Stand up to it. Protest it vocally, financially. Dump the duopoly. Vote third party/independent. Crush the status quo once and for all. Restore grassroots democracy. Promote People, Planet and Peace.

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time to flip the tables on the money changers

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"time to flip the tables on the money changers"

It is not just Jews; it is any of the rapacious megalomaniacs of which the Deep States is made.

The Deep State is in it for all the marbles, and they have no intention of losing.

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But look who’s funding the Deep State. AIPAC alone is expected to contribute $100 million to candidates who support the Zionazis.

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"But look who’s funding the Deep State."

And you think the Gentile billionaires are not?

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Not only there consider the EU, UK, Germany, France etc. All in on genocide.

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Sounds great!!

I wasn’t aware the interstate electoral vote compact had more than 16 states supporting it.


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I think that compact is a joke. The day that the polls indicate that the compact would deliver their state to an opponent they abhor is the day that the compact would be rescinded.

The Ds were fine with the system for two hundred years as long as it was working for them. Once they lost they want to change the rules. Boo hoo.

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The Secretary of Slaughter commemorating a slaughter with his right hand while conducting a slaughter with his left. To be sure he doesn’t truly care about either set of victims.

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"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." ~George Orwell

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The Zionist entity exists as an indispensable instrument of US Empire in West Asia. If it is not given free rein to commit Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, etc. against the Olive & Brown-skinned 'Savages,' American Hegemony & Unipolarity is put into question on several key levels:

The most obvious of which is Force Posture. President Putin in his 2008 Munich Speech foreshadowed this: 'A Unipolar Hegemon eventually has nothing left but appeal to more & more violence, in the absence of their values & moral standing to continue their Rule over others.'

'Israel' is simply that American 'privilege to violence' being borne out LIVE in front of our eyes!

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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What does brown skin have to do with it? Look what they *just* did to the West with the covid vaccines.

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Doesn't seem that not taking one's meds is working out well for you comrade 😉.

As Usual,

Thom Williams aka EA

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Amen, yet again. We must NOT defend "the most powerful empire (the U.S.) that has ever existed and the most murderous and tyrannical power structure of the 21st century". THAT is the TRULY American thing to do. Supporting this out-of-control tyranny and its mass-murderousness is not only completely wrong, it is also entirely unAmerican and anti-America(n). The U.S. and all of its people are supposed to be totally against tyranny, but they have been so successfully and thoroughly mass-false-propagandized, indoctrinated, conditioned and programmed to support such tyranny, that they are doing just that, and have been doing so for quite awhile. We've all got to rise up against all of the genocide and tyranny or the U.S., the West and the entire world are completely frakked & doomed.

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Yes, and people seem to forget that the US MUST support the Israeli genocide because we did the same thing after 9/11 in Afghanistan, Iraq and everywhere in the GWOT.

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I'd put the "MUST" in quotes, though. :o)

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Not sure there is a more transparent, foul example of imperial scumbaggery than this, responding to warnings that a genocide is occurring by cutting off aid to those suffering the genocide, for purely political reasons.

Another in a long list of BLATANT Biden cover running exercises for the Apartheid State. You cannot tell me that has been the ENTIRE policy from day one- hands off, let them do whatever they want, just run cover, no matter what. And LIE LIE LIE as much as you need.

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As soon as I read that news, I went to the UNRWA US site and signed up for a monthly contribution. My message was, “ If my government won’t, I will.” Let us all do that.

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I’ll do the same Joy!

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If commemorating the Holocaust is to remind us what blind hatred can do to people, it was the Russians that liberated Auschwitz, and they're never invited to the Commemoration.

The Washington Post suspended me for the 8th Time since the US WAR with Russia over Ukraine in NATO started, and my 1st comment 4 days into the WAR. The worst part of the ban is I can't even up-vote a comment I like.

I can't comment on anything until February 3, deleting the comment from this article, 'Opinion - A top U.N. court’s ruling on Israel and Gaza is a perversion of justice'

It's mandatory for US Politicians to end their speeches with "God Bless America!" President Biden changed that to "God Bless our Troops!

It's not antisemitic to recognize and say it Publicly the White House and the Congress have been bought off by the Israeli Lobby. The US attitude and subsidizing Israel with $Billions of US Tax dollars every year confirms that Fact.

Maybe that's the fault of the so called 'Christian' Leadership. It's not understood by most Christians THE COMMON ERA of Christ in this 2,024th Year after his birth, means Jews no longer have any EXCLUSIVITY with the God of Abraham. God is for ALL People, ALL Nations, and ALL Tongues including Jews and Palestinians.

It seems to me the POWER and MEDIA Elites live in a bubble. I listen to Israeli Politicians and their Spokespeople who get the lion's share of positive coverage of the WAR, say over and over again they take "every precaution to save Palestinian Civilians in Gaza" on the same TV channels. They deny Israel is carrying out an Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza.

MY eyes tell me they're LYING. I see the horrific pictures on TV. MASSIVE DEATH of Grandparents, Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters, Children, and BEHEADED BABIES!

My eyes tell me they're LYING. I see the MASSIVE DESTRUCTION of Palestinian HOMES in Gaza so there is NO PLACE to return HOME for the Palestinians Israel shuffled to the Egyptian border for safety and there's NO SAFETY.

The systematic Israeli destruction of Hospitals just when they're needed most to treat those who were not killed by US-Israeli bombs, tanks or artillery.

Journalists reporting from Gaza are targeted by Israel, killing over 100 of them in 3 months. Close to 150 UN Workers providing the much needed aid in Gaza have been killed

That aid is needed because Israel imposed a near total Economic embargo on Gaza since 2007 designed to keep Hamas and Palestinians in Gaza lean and mean displayed October 7 breaking out of the Israeli jail

Getting back to LIES and TRUTH, I would like to see the big Time Christian Evangelists cite these ignored verses in their Bibles in this TIME of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, brought into much clearer FOCUS with the Israeli MASSACRE of the Palestinians in Gaza.

[9] I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2

[9] Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Revelation 3

That's not antisemitic. It just recognizes there are True Jews and Fake Jews!

By extrapolation there are True Christians and Fake Christians, True Muslims and Fake Muslims.

There was no space left for this last thought that was not in the deleted article;

Many People recognize Fake People these Days aka Hypocrites!

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Stop reading the WaPo. Don't give them a cent. That's my recommendation. Take it or leave it.

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I don't agree.

I keep commenting on WAPO and sending people to substack.

Mostly I have only had 2 comments taken off.

The only way to fight the MSM is to be on there and comment.

I see they are losing money anyway.

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I'm surprised they are that permissive. Are you sure they aren't shadowbanning you? That means you can see your own comment. but no one else can. That was done to more than one Congresswoman, who didn't like it one bit. Or to be even sneakier, maybe 10% of the audience can see it. Twitter actually had a policy about shadowbanning Congresspeople.

Youtube routinely hides 45% of replies to comments so censorship is both rife and prevalent.

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Yes - I always wondered why YouTube was not showing me all the responses to the comments. Their censorship is insidious indeed. When I browse the internet, I'm probably not even aware of what I'm NOT seeing - of what is being censored and made invisible. This leads to us forming incorrect perceptions based on a limited set of opinions and biases. How does one combat this?

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Oh. I have no idea. I look to see if I have replies too.

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"I see they are losing money anyway."

Losing money is not a problem for those who do the government's (Deep State) bidding...they print more. There are dozens of companies 'losing money' following the dictates of our government: GM, Ford, Anheuser-Busch, Gillette, Disney, most MSM, and many more. It is the cost of empire.

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I got kicked off X for a week 😂

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Well done....not on anything other than Substack/WAPO and just see friends pics on FB

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I'm not a violent person. I am NOT. But, if I ever were to cross paths with this son-of-a-bitch, I'd likely take exception to my usual quiet nature and give this stupid asshole a good firm slap across his stupid fucking face. The very sight of this lying ass wipe raises my blood pressure every time his ugly (stupid) face crosses my vision. Scum of the Earth.

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Mikhael Arnold - you are too polite and a gentleman. For my own health reasons, I try not to think of what I might do if I come across him.

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Well, thank you. Your strategy is probably the best way to handle it. What surprises me is with the fact they are responsible for so much death and carnage, that these evil jerks never seem to be on the receiving end any, uh..ahem–'backlash', or perhaps one might say 'street justice'. I'm guessing the cowards just never leave their bubbles.

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I always say, the real/true/major criminials are not the ones in jail - they are the ones running the country (government), corporations, billionaires, the power elite.

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I would shove his front teeth against the back of his skull, after I made sure he had no functioning testicles left.

Cowgirls don’t fuck around.

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Which son-of-a-bitch are y'all talking about?

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'Blinken'. I know, lots of good choices, it can be quite confusing.

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I'm often surprised myself at the level of anger I feel when I hear some of these guys - or listen to some asinine trope I've heard a million times from brainless political zombies. I do find my emotional response unsettling (to myself) - like Whoa - where is all this emotion coming from? It's actually a red flag that I need to de-stress a bit, not take life too seriously. Since so much of life is not in my control - nor am I responsible for the rest of the world, or what other people do. And I like to assume that its all going somewhere (life and us) - although I have no idea where.

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I recognise the feelings, but I also understand that we, as a species, cannot survive if we don’t figure a way to get past those feelings.

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It seems Blinken did not mention the millions of others murdered by the Nazis. Come to think of it, those others are still the marginalized and vulnerable in our current society. Odd isn’t it? Or just deliberate!

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I wondered if this sick irony bothered anyone else. I'm guessing the Military Industrial Complex is the driving force behind this "holiday" in hopes of painting Israel as a nation of victims.

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"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals." ~ Edward Snowden

THEY'RE HERE: Israeli IDF Soldiers Attack Protesters On US Soil... Clearly, Israeli soldiers are on the ground and active in the US. Will flaccid federal officials do anything about it?


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I’m all for eliminating US’s political system; the rot exists in both Democrat and Republican Parties in every state. Indeed the choice of two evil candidates, Biden/ Trump is unacceptable! The shenanigans that occur to keep talented, moral candidates from the ballet is appalling. The American people so dumb!

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A few years ago, we were duly assured that "Ukrainians" (in the form of the Red Army Second Ukrainian Front, which was a geographic designator and had nothing to do with the ethnic origin ot the troops) liberated Auschwitz.

In fact, many of the concentration camp guards were the Ukrainian nationalists so lionized today in the West. Ukrainian state TV ran a recent fawning interview with a surviving camp guard.

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What this action, by the US and its sycophants,amounts to, is collective punishment of the Palestinian people for not being dead yet.

To put it in context, already by 2017 the UN described Israel’s occupation and blockade putting gazas people living under conditions that were inhuman, and are worse now


From what I can see, in any “western” country the government would put their own citizens in prison for treating a dog like that! Even a dog.

And yet in these now WORSE conditions in Gaza, the colonial countries are removing the funding of the main UN organization helping these people?

This is deliberate mass murder. Nothing short of. By ALL the west.

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Correct about the dog comment, Kudjoe.

If Israhell bombed animal shelters resulting in 30,000 deaths, the world’s outcry would be deafening.

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