To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you’re not allowed to criticize.

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US should be accused of genocide -- together with Israel !!

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The money given to the Holocaust Industry needs to be returned or disgorged, obviously. The fraudulent cry of "Never Again" was proved empty in 1948 with the Haganah made up of Holocaust survivors committing the first Nakba genocide. They couldn't wait a year before committing a genocide of their own. The Zionist genocides have been serial in Palestine and other countries, such as Guatemala. One genocide does not justify another one and the perpetrators need to be locked up and their funds disgorged. Any past Reparations paid to Israel need to be seized and given to Palestinians.

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"A political establishment which tells you you have to choose between two presidential candidates who both want to help Israel murder children by the thousands is a political establishment which must not be permitted to exist."

It shouldn't exist. It's time to take out the evil establishment forever. Stand up to it. Protest it vocally, financially. Dump the duopoly. Vote third party/independent. Crush the status quo once and for all. Restore grassroots democracy. Promote People, Planet and Peace.

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The Secretary of Slaughter commemorating a slaughter with his right hand while conducting a slaughter with his left. To be sure he doesn’t truly care about either set of victims.

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The Zionist entity exists as an indispensable instrument of US Empire in West Asia. If it is not given free rein to commit Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, etc. against the Olive & Brown-skinned 'Savages,' American Hegemony & Unipolarity is put into question on several key levels:

The most obvious of which is Force Posture. President Putin in his 2008 Munich Speech foreshadowed this: 'A Unipolar Hegemon eventually has nothing left but appeal to more & more violence, in the absence of their values & moral standing to continue their Rule over others.'

'Israel' is simply that American 'privilege to violence' being borne out LIVE in front of our eyes!

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28

Amen, yet again. We must NOT defend "the most powerful empire (the U.S.) that has ever existed and the most murderous and tyrannical power structure of the 21st century". THAT is the TRULY American thing to do. Supporting this out-of-control tyranny and its mass-murderousness is not only completely wrong, it is also entirely unAmerican and anti-America(n). The U.S. and all of its people are supposed to be totally against tyranny, but they have been so successfully and thoroughly mass-false-propagandized, indoctrinated, conditioned and programmed to support such tyranny, that they are doing just that, and have been doing so for quite awhile. We've all got to rise up against all of the genocide and tyranny or the U.S., the West and the entire world are completely frakked & doomed.

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Not sure there is a more transparent, foul example of imperial scumbaggery than this, responding to warnings that a genocide is occurring by cutting off aid to those suffering the genocide, for purely political reasons.

Another in a long list of BLATANT Biden cover running exercises for the Apartheid State. You cannot tell me that has been the ENTIRE policy from day one- hands off, let them do whatever they want, just run cover, no matter what. And LIE LIE LIE as much as you need.

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The US and most of its current allies shamelessly supported genocide by refusing to give asylum to fleeing Jews during the Holocaust.

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If commemorating the Holocaust is to remind us what blind hatred can do to people, it was the Russians that liberated Auschwitz, and they're never invited to the Commemoration.

The Washington Post suspended me for the 8th Time since the US WAR with Russia over Ukraine in NATO started, and my 1st comment 4 days into the WAR. The worst part of the ban is I can't even up-vote a comment I like.

I can't comment on anything until February 3, deleting the comment from this article, 'Opinion - A top U.N. court’s ruling on Israel and Gaza is a perversion of justice'

It's mandatory for US Politicians to end their speeches with "God Bless America!" President Biden changed that to "God Bless our Troops!

It's not antisemitic to recognize and say it Publicly the White House and the Congress have been bought off by the Israeli Lobby. The US attitude and subsidizing Israel with $Billions of US Tax dollars every year confirms that Fact.

Maybe that's the fault of the so called 'Christian' Leadership. It's not understood by most Christians THE COMMON ERA of Christ in this 2,024th Year after his birth, means Jews no longer have any EXCLUSIVITY with the God of Abraham. God is for ALL People, ALL Nations, and ALL Tongues including Jews and Palestinians.

It seems to me the POWER and MEDIA Elites live in a bubble. I listen to Israeli Politicians and their Spokespeople who get the lion's share of positive coverage of the WAR, say over and over again they take "every precaution to save Palestinian Civilians in Gaza" on the same TV channels. They deny Israel is carrying out an Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza.

MY eyes tell me they're LYING. I see the horrific pictures on TV. MASSIVE DEATH of Grandparents, Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters, Children, and BEHEADED BABIES!

My eyes tell me they're LYING. I see the MASSIVE DESTRUCTION of Palestinian HOMES in Gaza so there is NO PLACE to return HOME for the Palestinians Israel shuffled to the Egyptian border for safety and there's NO SAFETY.

The systematic Israeli destruction of Hospitals just when they're needed most to treat those who were not killed by US-Israeli bombs, tanks or artillery.

Journalists reporting from Gaza are targeted by Israel, killing over 100 of them in 3 months. Close to 150 UN Workers providing the much needed aid in Gaza have been killed

That aid is needed because Israel imposed a near total Economic embargo on Gaza since 2007 designed to keep Hamas and Palestinians in Gaza lean and mean displayed October 7 breaking out of the Israeli jail

Getting back to LIES and TRUTH, I would like to see the big Time Christian Evangelists cite these ignored verses in their Bibles in this TIME of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, brought into much clearer FOCUS with the Israeli MASSACRE of the Palestinians in Gaza.

[9] I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2

[9] Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Revelation 3

That's not antisemitic. It just recognizes there are True Jews and Fake Jews!

By extrapolation there are True Christians and Fake Christians, True Muslims and Fake Muslims.

There was no space left for this last thought that was not in the deleted article;

Many People recognize Fake People these Days aka Hypocrites!

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I'm not a violent person. I am NOT. But, if I ever were to cross paths with this son-of-a-bitch, I'd likely take exception to my usual quiet nature and give this stupid asshole a good firm slap across his stupid fucking face. The very sight of this lying ass wipe raises my blood pressure every time his ugly (stupid) face crosses my vision. Scum of the Earth.

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It seems Blinken did not mention the millions of others murdered by the Nazis. Come to think of it, those others are still the marginalized and vulnerable in our current society. Odd isn’t it? Or just deliberate!

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I wondered if this sick irony bothered anyone else. I'm guessing the Military Industrial Complex is the driving force behind this "holiday" in hopes of painting Israel as a nation of victims.

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"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals." ~ Edward Snowden

THEY'RE HERE: Israeli IDF Soldiers Attack Protesters On US Soil... Clearly, Israeli soldiers are on the ground and active in the US. Will flaccid federal officials do anything about it?


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I’m all for eliminating US’s political system; the rot exists in both Democrat and Republican Parties in every state. Indeed the choice of two evil candidates, Biden/ Trump is unacceptable! The shenanigans that occur to keep talented, moral candidates from the ballet is appalling. The American people so dumb!

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28

A few years ago, we were duly assured that "Ukrainians" (in the form of the Red Army Second Ukrainian Front, which was a geographic designator and had nothing to do with the ethnic origin ot the troops) liberated Auschwitz.

In fact, many of the concentration camp guards were the Ukrainian nationalists so lionized today in the West. Ukrainian state TV ran a recent fawning interview with a surviving camp guard.

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