Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

Dear Caitlin, I'm amazed that you continue finding new words to describe this ongoing horror with such eloquence and compassion. I myself am aghast and beyond speechless in the face of what Israel is doing and what the U.S. is supporting. Bless you for keeping on keeping on . . .

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"When the holocaust returned in the 21st century it came denouncing anti-semitism and wearing a Star of David.", very sad and true.

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"The word “terrorism” has no meaning unless you apply it first and foremost to this murderous western civilization."

We folks living in the West must admit to all our crimes against humanity and make restitution and atone for them all. This includes making amends to our own indigenous peoples and those peoples whose ancestors we enslaved in the past with land back and reparations. We'll need to set up reconciliation courts and train advocates and adjudicators in how to deal with traumatized populations. Until we at least attempt to make these amends, we'll forever be 'terrorists" in the eyes of the world and within our own damaged souls.

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“I’ve seen so many dead kids while gathering information about this massacre. Never seen so many dead kids in my life. I’m already at the point where I see kids around the neighborhood and just feel reflexively grateful that they’re standing up and moving and breathing with all their inside parts on the inside, like kids are supposed to be.”

This is where I arrived yesterday. Thank you for describing it perfectly.

Also, in case you weren’t aware, your page is starting to be marked “insecure” on web browsers, I can only access through the App.

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What does it tell us about the Israelis laying bombs down on the precious little ones, apparently unperturbed by their own murdering of new life, innocence? And what does Biden's active support - using our tax dollars - of this obscenity tell us about him? and his cohorts in his Administration? Deploying USA special forces and secret military sites in Israel? Is this what the USA has come to? Is this what it represents? Did we vote for this?

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I've begun reading the history, going back to the 19th Century and then the Balfour Declaration - it's a British Imperial project taken up by the US. Hard to believe the bad faith involved and just how bad and consistently the Palestinians were screwed. In light of this history, the Western media coverage is beyond corrupt.

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Chris Hedges interview with Dennis Kucinich is excellent, an eye opener. Bombing children is what evil doers do! NOT IN MY NAME!

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Very well said. Children are being killed by the thousands. It does not matter why, it must be stopped. Indefensible

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

I don't know if the relationship between Hamas and Netanyahu is well known, but they are, or were "buddies." Neither one supported a two state solution, so Netanyahu cultivated and endorsed them, paid them, built them up, and weakened Abbas, and turned the West Bank into a hell hole, If he can be that malignant did he also turn a blind eye to this assault? Israel can turn Gaza into an open door prison, where the majority who reside there are 18, or younger, live in poverty, and be ignored by the world. Gallant felt he could casually reference them as animals, and state they would be denied food, water, fuel before the attack first happened. Then of course this mass onslaught, destruction and death. Is Israel so arrogant they feel that all of this can be swept under the rug and forgotten, since the US is on their side and neither country pays any attention to international law and suffers no consequences as a result? I guess they feel there will be no price to pay, and I'm afraid there might never be. Perhaps bibi, will leave, and that will atone for Israel's sins? It certainly will not.

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..Just a part of K. Kelly article!.....Is the mass slaughter of civilians self-defence?

Every person has the right to life and to self-defence, but Israel’s “right to self-defence” is constantly being used to obfuscate the non-defensive nature of its military violence in Palestinian territory.

Israel’s self-defence is a lie, not just because their actions are not defensive but because Israel cannot legally use its military in self-defence against Palestinians.

Let me repeat that, Israel cannot legally use its military against Palestinians in self-defence. That is the big lie at the heart of the current horrors.

There are four reasons why Israel cannot cite a legal right to self-defence in response to Palestinian violence.

First and foremost is that the ability of a very strong military power to achieve anything defensive by the attrition of a much weaker military power is spurious and leads into the genocidal logic of attempting to deprive a people of all capacity for violence.

The second reason is that Israel is actively contravening UN Security Council resolutions and the UN Charter is very clear on the fact that the right to self-defence exists “until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.” A state that works to thwart UNSC measures to maintain peace and security cannot logically be extended the unimpaired right to self defence.

On the third count Israel is an occupying power and the occupied have a legal right to armed resistance. It would be nonsensical to accord a legal right to use arms to defend against another’s legal resistance.

Fourthly, it would be equally paradoxical to allow each party to act in self-defence against each other’s acts of self defence. Thus one of the parties must be the aggressor. On several counts, not least its defiance of UNSC resolutions, Israel must be considered the aggressor. TRUTH HURTS!

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Israel's claim to having the right to defend itself is the equivalent of a rapist claiming the right to love a woman.

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It's not a bruse that's defending itself but who can still lift that arm to do it. The west insist a defensive act by Hamas for the abuse of the last 80 years constitutes an attack..while Israel's attack response is said to be the right to defence.

Maybe if i spot what looks like a Hamas looking guy near NYC we should start carpet bombing Brooklyn.

I have come to the conclusion that USrAel is a death cult and its supporters are weak minded sycophants.

The world is deviding itself up between the empathetic human and the psycopaths..

Take note who is who. This is your litmus test.

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They are murdering children. It is so hard to see people getting arrested for objecting to this. But it is a small relief to see people protesting.

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Israel does not have the right to cite self-defense as justification for its military operations in Gaza because it is an “occupying power,” Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia told an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.


They just want to kill all the Palestinians or move them permanently somewhere else, like the Sinai desert, so the nice Jewish families can have "lebensraum" without "rabid dogs in the house".

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For more general news visit the Al Jazeera News website. It gives much more detail than other news services. It really does show the completely indiscriminate destruction and killing by Israel, supported by the US and UK leaders. Netanyahu plainly doesn’t care and none of Israel, the US or the UK has any intention of complying with international law. In view of the huge international support for Palestinians, one would have thought some of this might have some effect on Israel, the US and the UK but, apparently and sadly, not. It raises a lot of questions about man’s inhumanity to man and what is considered by those three countries to be reasonable behaviour. It is, as I said earlier, not countries, it is real people making very specific decisions about who lives and who dies.

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Everyone is terrified of being labeled: antisemitic. And then there's the Holocaust thrown in our faces.....It's over, Israel, you're a rotten country full of rotten leaders and a huge % of of your citizens are as complicit as those Germans in WW2. The excuses and lies: 'Oh well, this is a war. so children get bombed...tough shit."

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