“If this is true, Biden is green lighting a massacre so that Israel doesn’t start a wider war with Iran.”

Let that sink in.

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This is good news. No attack on Iran, just more lies from mainstream media. Now how do we stop the attack on Rafah?

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

So the Biden administration

- greenlights Irael’s to bomb embassies of other nations

- green lights Israel to bomb Iran

- gives Israel money and weapons to commit genocide

- brings out missile defence system to protect Israel from anyone aiming to stop the genocide

Wow, let’s thank god that they are NOT John Bolton…….right?

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Definitely time to get the Biden Administration arrested. Let's get them to focus on the criminal charges they so rightly deserve. 18 U.S. Code § 1091 is the statute that incorporated the Genocide Convention in US criminal law. Members of this administration shouldn't go a single day without having this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.

They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office. They have set the precedent of charging former presidents. Visions of prison all the days of their lives is in order. Let us find the way.

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Just Suppose the US said, Look Benny go ahead and annihilate the Palestinians in Rafah. If that doesn't incite Iran, then after we can attack them together. Either way you get the land and we get another war to boost our Bankrupt economy.

We do know the evil Terrorist state of Zion will continue the Genocide. That is a given.

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Thanks Caitlin for being quick to get some information out on this.

Based on the very limited information available so far, it appears that this was primarily a psychological operation aimed at its own population and its supporters in the West, purely for face-saving purposes. The reason I say this is because there were numerous early reports from US-based outlets that gave “unnamed US officials” as their source, which purported that Israel had launched missile strikes on multiple Iranian cities.

It appears that in reality that there were no missiles and only three or so small, unarmed quadcopter drones, which were launched from somewhere inside Iran or Iraq, and that these were all intercepted by air defences in the Iranian city of Isfahan. The explosions reported there were apparently from these interceptions. This suggests that the whole thing was a psy-op carried out at the behest of and with help from the US. The aim seems to be face saving for Israel while preventing a large escalators retaliation by Iran.

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Sorry but Israel WILL attack Iran AND kill thousands in Rafa.

These people have nowhere to go.

What does one do when your kid has been naughty, they are given consequences.

Israel gets no such thing.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

Surprise, surprise, the bully (Israel) promises that he will not harm others if he is allowed to harm his main target and the sucker (United States) falls for it. I question the intelligence capacity of everyone in the White House, not just Joe Biden. I think it has been determined beyond the shadow of a doubt that no one there has a heart or a soul.

Better yet, can we Americans have the elections today? Do we have to wait until November? I'm ready to vote Biden, every single Republican, and every single Democrat out of office.

Finally, if want want a list of celebrities and musicians to boycott, go to the "Creative Community for Peace" (what an ironic name) page and look at the celebrities who sign open letters to support the terrorist nation. Hollyweird is overrun by Debra Messings.

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Iran has been attacked, so Israel will do both.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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An Iranian military security official has revealed exclusively to The Cradle that the US contacted the Islamic Republic, asking the nation to allow Israel “a symbolic strike to save face” following Iran’s retaliatory drone and missile barrage this weekend.


Funny , isn't it ?

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Code pink


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate Let us do it to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Let us call for a No Fly-Zone over Gaza!

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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CNN saying Israel has carried out a strike inside Iran.

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"Feeble" describes a lot of things about the Israelis... They're "feeble-minded" to think the rest of the world will continue to look the other way at their genocide against the innocent civilians of Gaza. They're "feeble" in the sense they have weak to zero morals or compassion and empathy when it comes to taking care of the oppressed and the orphaned. They're "feeble" in understanding how detested and despised they truly are to the rest of us, and how we're "strong" in our resolve to shut them down. Forever. #FreePalestine !

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The Israeli/U.S. death machine continues its bloodthirsty rampage…

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