I realize that many of Caitlin's readers aren't on the right like me, but I am on the right, and all I want is peace, and I want the U.S. to stop provoking wars all over the planet. And as a result, this masterful takedown of Kinzinger was highly entertaining. Thank you.

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Most political and economic systems can be made to work tolerably well, if and to the extent that they are run by non-sociopaths.

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Then they are unfit for production use.

It's worth asking ourselves whether a common totality is necessary at all, let alone desirable, or whether it is simply an English cultural tendency that serves to enable commerce and empire.

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I would prefer small, local systems over large, dominating systems.

I'm "communist" in the sense that I believe in community and giving.

I'm "free market" in the sense that I believe we should come together because we want to, not because some dictator says we have to.

Life is a balance between individuals and communities. If both are healthy, then they create healthy tension, or polarity, like in a good marriage or a good family. When someone has to be a control freak / sociopath, then, well, we all know what that means.

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If the community supports the talents and endeavour of the individual, the individual will prosper and inturn support the community.....much more effectively.

This is a virtual impssibility from the acctivities of large centralised systems of governance. They will support only those with prominent positions of power and influence simply to retain the power and control of such governance. The individual becomes an economic unit only to be sucked dry of his resources as far as possible to the expiry of his life. This is anti human

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brilliantly said.

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Just say that you think you're entitled to command others without reciprocation and leave your emotional noise out of it.

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It's amazing how many Americans insist on their Freedom, but refuse to take any Responsibility for it.

A bunch of fucking juveniles.

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023

Civilization is based on cooperation. Collaboration/cooperation is one of the strongest survival traits known to nature. That is why humans have been incredibly successful - it's not due to individual heroism or fucking over your neighbor, but via civilized cooperation for a common good. Those countries who have decent health care for their citizens, provide some respectable standard of living for their citizens, including affordable transportation and education - these countries are thriving right now.

In the US (and in other Western countries) it's the opposite. The myth of rugged individualism and anti-governance i.e. privatize every fucking thing in sight, has led to mass corruption, greed and a society that is decline at light fucking speed. Take a look at all the homeless camps in LA right now. Anyone who tells you corporations and private ownership is the only way a society can maintain itself - tell them to take a hike or live like a Neanderthal somewhere in Antarctica. See how long they'll live alone out there on their own.

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I question whether a total, global order, of the kind that people call civilization, is necessary or desirable. That is, whether it is worthwhile to forcibly "unify" every corner of the globe and every human under one common system of administration and one common set of values, to which everything else about them can be reduced for exchange; or whether communities should fashion and uphold their own values as they emerge from their conditions, answerable to no outside commandment save the extension of hospitality. The first is the authoritarian, liberal capitalist way, and that includes left, right, neo, and every other liberalism. The second is a less formal, more local, lower-overhead way of living and relating.

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I like your thought process and have thought along those lines a lot. I’d love to see it happen and have come to the conclusion that if we were to become more matrilineal, more nurturing, with an economy closer to “giving” than “getting”, and social support through the economic system, and smaller local councils of governance, (and free health spa’s with meditation guidance), we could pull together a pretty nice little cooperative. Those who still wanted to march around in Uniforms and shoot things could be formed into local WPA’s and anybody could join them as a gift to their society. I’d join one and I’m 78. I could help set up and instruct in one of those old “go’ment” school buildings that need tearing down, until we develop a decent educational policy. Shit like that. Basically join our citizenry.

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Your idea was already tried by Barbarians. They didn't last long.

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Cultures and polities create myths for functional purposes, such as to keep people attached to them. Bourgeois capitalist culture created that one about the barbarians and the indivious value of the state. Please read _The Dawn of Everything_ before presenting myths as fact.

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The sanders left and trump right were born, in large measure, from the disgust of the swamp's love of war.

Disgust of the warmongers is not a left/right issue, it is a ghoulish sociopaths v sane, rational people division.

PS: You are correct, though that the right is the right side ;)

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Yep. Be on the side of right or be left behind!

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The divine right of Kings has always been about depop. The teal truth is what gives the divine right. Moloch?

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i was on the (now all but nonexistent) left, but you and i are in total solidarity on this. there is no longer a visible progressive movement in america, it disappeared with the total corruption and subjugation of bernie. what is now called "the left" is against nearly everything i and all actual liberals believe.

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Sir, this is not necessarily a conflict between left and right; but it is a conflict between top and bottom. There are far more of us at the bottom to challenge the top and to hold them accountable. That's the real fight. If you want peace and stop the US provocation of wars, then you, sir, are in the right place.

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So deeply satisfying to read this. You nailed it, Ms. Johnstone. That dude is vaccuous, warmongering trash--did not realize CNN, despite its eager embrace of military and intel agency has beens, could sink quite this low. Love that Greenwald did that poll back in October!

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"War Slut". Perfect description of this low-life scum.

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Seldom is truer words uttered - something that can be attested to by MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of this planet's inhabitants [and then the MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dead speaks for themselves!] . . . .

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It's a particular case of "War is the health of the state", the famous title of a great, tragically unfinished essay that everyone who wants to dearrest reality should read.

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Kinzinger is bringing out the best in you, Caitlin. I'm trying to avoid the word zingers but it's hard.

And I'm loving Glenn's snarky new System Update show. The gloves are coming off!

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Was there a time when Glenn had gloves on?

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Haha. I think he keeps on his dissecting gloves in print. It's fun to see him loosen up in the interviews and go on full blast scathing withering witty scorn.

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Let the gloves come off; let the caesti come on!

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I've got something really big {💸} i’d like to introduce you to

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WOW! That was crazy fast! I cannot stand this little _______!

I do not know how people like this call themselves men and are able to look in a mirror everyday.

It’s all such a clown world!

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A very, very dangerous clown world, Renee.

As I said last week, this kind of thing is par for the course and the saddest part of it all is that the citizens of the once great (and respected) USA (yes, some time ago) have no way to pass on an opinion on anything to anyone thanks to the corruption in the media (who have joined the policy dictators and probably owned by them as well) and the fact that any one elected politician is the mirror image of all the others. The rightwing Republicans have now been out-rightwinged by the Democrats. The battle inside the USA is now who can outreach the other by being extreme. Where does that end?

This point has been reached already.

Now there's the greatest pity of all. They speak with different voices but say exactly the same thing......sanctions as a weapon, absolute power, total control, endless wars, and on it goes.

The master race 2023

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You couldn’t have said it better. Personally, I’m “dropping out of society”. That’s does not mean I’m EVER giving up! I simply want to be in the world, but not of it.

I worked 40 years straight (since 1981 out of hs). I only retired (forced) because I refused the test/jab. My employer wouldn’t let me work.

I’m simply fed up with the pure insanity. I want to enjoy the beauty of God’s beautiful creation that I see. I’m ashamed by the state of humanity at this point in time.

I feel at home when I’m with nature…God.

I don’t blame Noah for building an ark! Lol!

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I love nature, and feel so at home there.

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023

Good for you. 40 years - you've done your duty. There is more too life than being on the Hamster wheel. Certainly one can find more meaning (in my opinion).

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It feels like it was in a blink of an eye! Time is very interesting.

I agree. I feel like I’m just beginning to live and I’m 59!

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I really didn’t have a “choice”. I try to live for God. I’m not perfect, but I always try to put God FIRST in everything (in a healthy way, not fanatical). I think many people will see how attitudes change as one gets older. I’m very blessed by my Father.

Imagine if everyone said no. What would the elites do? They need us, don’t they? They’ve done a very good job of lying to people. But, people need to take some responsibility…they haven’t been diligent.

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CNN Lords of the vacuous. This guy is a knucklehead.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

In a real democracy, people would be barred from entering politics, public office and the media after the exit they military. It pollutes the public discourse and results in abnormal concentration of power.

The biggest warmonger of all is the ex solder and military industry lobbyist who is currently “serving” the public as Secretary of Defense, where his entire agenda is war war more war and more lucrative contracts for war profiteers . I mean that’s a direct tap into the country’s wallet!

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In a real democracy, "leaders" wouldn't exist. We would have delegates and public councils instead.

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Sure. BUt still would not matter if the councils were full of professional warmakers.

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Delegates are strictly agents for their constituents. They have no mandate to act beyond their constitutents' specific instructions, so their personal charisma, moral fiber, etc. are irrelevant beyond the ability to receive, understand, and follow constituent instructions. The trustee or politico theories of representation both celebrate the representative as an agent of conscience, with the expected leisure-class aloofness and disconnection, and the self-flattery about tough choices and so on.

Councils, where delegates are instructed and given their mandates by their constituents, are generally small enough that their members can be forcibly removed by their constituents should the need arise. I know that's a provocative thing to say after 1/6, but in a system where there is no such thing as a right to rule, and delegates can be recalled at any time by their constitutency, one has little reason to overstay their mandate.

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Some people's concept of "serving" - is the tax paying public - well prepared - on a platter - with a fork in them.

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>To Serve Man

It's a cookbook!

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A cookbook!

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Yes - one of the best TV episodes ever (full disclosure - I can't remember very many TV episodes). How well do you remember The Twilight Zone episode ''To Serve Man''? https://metv.com/quiz/how-well-do-you-remember-the-twilight-zone-episode-to-serve-man

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If that is not a clear message from CNN, then I don't know what is.

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While completely disgusted by this, at least we can all take some comfort in the fact that CNN is watched by fewer and fewer people every day. Their viewer numbers are atrocious. One can only think that karma is at play here.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

More young viewers watch YouTube podcasts like Timcast and Jimmy Dore (who is decidedly anti-war). They've cancelled pro-war, Russia hating CNN and MSNBC.

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Give this slime a helmet, rucksack, and a 16, then put him in the front lines. See how he likes it.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

I really knew very little about this man, but when he joined Goldie Locks on the January 6 comm, I looked him up. From what I read he was in the air force and served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and no doubt elsewhere and he seems to relate to the world with the old expression if the only tool you have is a hammer, you treat everything as if it were a nail. I heard him speak of how his heart bleeds for the children and people of Syria, and no doubt he doesn't acknowledge our role in that dirty war, and wants to solve their problem by taking out Assad. A no fly zone in Ukraine? He resides in a black and white world, so there never is any middle ground for him. Better he goes to CNN then he serves in the Congress. Eventually they'll get rid of him too.

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That's a bit harsh-let's list the positives:

1) He'll embarass whatever effort he represents

2) He can cry easily

3) He is incapable or unwilling to ask simple questions [related to #1 above]

4) He may be able to cry on command

5) He has a losing personality that even the GOP doesn't want

6) He might be able to wet himself...on command

7) His smile reminds me of psychopathic killers and pedophiles, allowing me to feel good about myself

8) His ability with organic fudge could launch a new niche on OnlyFans

9) His presence at CNN shows how little has changed with new management

10) His emotion-laden appeals will be heralded by 3rd wave feminists [SEE: misandrists]

11) He can model unwelcome behavior easily

12) He AND LizCheney could relaunch Crossfire as soon as either can find actual principles

13) He makes my balls tired, which reminds me to be an adult

I hope former RepresentativeCrySlinger receives all the same benefits that CNN offers America and the world.

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Horns, fangs and split tails are now assets for media pundits. Supposed to be exciting,but this guy is predictable and boring. And that smile - only a motherpf***er could love.

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..hmm, scary, clowns become fullblown psychopaths!(sociopaths)....or they are born with faulty chromosomes...eather way, no cure!.....and worst , they find each other so easy!, it is more than scary ...see chicken brain ex cia ..whatever morell!

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I assumed he would go to some defense contractor, but I wasn't thinking. That would have been a waste of his Twitter skills.

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