I just cannot purge from my mind Miko Peled's recent talk at MIT. I'm only slightly paraphrasing. What the hell is wrong with us, he insists. The terrorist is Israel. Sanctions and a no fly zone over Gaza immediately. Disband the apartheid state. He's absolutely right. We should be bloody tired of this and demand nothing less.

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Good for him. Maybe I'll try and find that talk. I think Biden should be impeached for illegally sending weapons to human rights violators. I don't know why they think it's not illegal when the president does it. I haven't seen anyone else mention the idea of impeachment. Maybe because obviously congress won't. But I feel obligated to pepper my congress tools with demands for impeachment for this crime anyway.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

I am Jewish (and who cares?!). In the name of humanity, stop the f@*$n bombing, cut off all US aid to Israel, Stop the Occupation!, and let the huge amount of humanitarian aid needed into Gaza NOW.

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I think that you missed the most important part of the post.

“Stop the Occupation!”

That’s always been the Palestinian end game, hasn’t it?

The Jewish state of Israel must be no more.

That’s how I read it.

Not stopgap in my estimation.

The Jewish state of Israel goes bye bye for good.

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But it has to happen politically, not militarily, and many say the 2 state solution is a step in the direction of Israel disappearing.

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I wish that you were correct.

But, the entire history of the Jewish state of Israel doesn’t inspire any confidence in me.

The crime that is the Jewish state of Israel has, in my opinion, become a capital offense.

I’ve never been pro death penalty, until now.

Israel and its supporters have gone way, way, too, too far.

They have become the equivalent of Hitler, or worse.

It breaks my heart, but Gaza is over.


I don’t believe for a second that the Jewish state of Israel is anywhere near done with their murderous behavior.

Never will be.

Not the chosen ones.

And, sometimes the best defense is a great offense.

I hope that you’re right, and I’m wrong.

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It had happened before the fall of civilization.it's the beginning of the fall but it won't be anytime soon

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I hope so Jeano!

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I think people are losing sight of the greater picture - Israel's reputation is damaged forever! Trying to throw Netanyahu under the bus will not work although he will be spending the rest of his life in prison if they don't assassinate him first - or I could see him committing suicide like Hitler as he knows the walls are closing in - the IDF was responsible for the majority of deaths on 10-07 and when the truth becomes to unbearable for anyone to deny - Israel's history and fate will be sealed.

Witnesses are coming forward to testify it was the IDF who slaughtered them on 10-07 and not Hamas. This is why I believe nearly a quarter of a million have relocated to Europe. They know what happened!

Listen to the Ron Unz interview - he basically says what so many of us had already learned. He believes the number of people Hamas killed may be as low as 100 and I agree. Listen to how he derives that figure. It's not something he simply picks out of thin air. The order was to kidnap not kill!

The mere fact that the lies that followed are so unfathomably egregious I believe solidifies this! Babies in ovens - cutting off breasts, cutting babies out of wombs? Who in their right mind would've ever believed something so hideous? Those days are over! People have woken up - they know there is no truth to anything the media reports. Look how fast everything is debunked!

And again, if none of this were false then why they need to destroy all the evidence. Not only did they bury the cars - one poster on these lists said they shredded them before doing so! I assume they know one helluva an investigation is about to unfold. All the video from the security breach of the fence has mysteriously disappeared? The world knows this was a false flag!

All this said I personally don't foresee Israel (as we have known it) will exist in the future - so talk of two state I believe is moot. I personally believe Russia is going to be the worlds super power and will never allow and or perhaps even control the Middle East and all it's resources.

It's highly doubtful anyone will have an ounce of respect or sympathy for Israel ever again (they have lost all their allies) but especially the Israel's themselves. They tore a page out of the Holocaust - so forget sympathy for that as well. If the US continues to stand with Israel they will simply sink with them but you know with the upcoming election all of that will change. I'll bet anyone anything that Russia takes over everything and of course under the guise of bringing an immediate end to this and seen as the hero.

I have read that is the USA's greatest fear.

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

Che, here is where our opinions part ways.

Can you imagine the scum-of-the-earth squatters living in peace with their Arab neighbors? I don’t give a flying fuck what happens to them; let “greater (ha ha) IsraHell” absorb them, or send them back to under the rocks from which they came.

The Palestinians will NEVER have equal rights under One State…unless the state is called Palestine, and only the Jews who can get along with their Arab neighbors are allowed to stay.

I just don’t see that happening.

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I hope that I have been clear and explicit enough.

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Yes. Two state solutuion will only end up the same as before.

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Hey Jen . . . .

Strictly my opinion okay? People are basing the future on the past and I personally believe the entire world, but especially the middle east, has changed profusely and therefore nothing is applicable anymore. Most imperatively, Israel's reputation has been completely eviscerated and therefore so has their clout. Saying Israel is our friend is now considered a Scarlett Letter - changing the entire perspective of going forward and more precisely, with whom. They might have a handful (at best) of remaining allies.

I can't help but think Israel as we knew it will cease to exist. I believe Russia is going to take over everything but also resolve this matter. Putin has been extremely vocal of late - he gave a 4.5 hour press conference with questions - the leader of Hamas traveled to Russia and Putin went to the Middle East just last week. I read this is the USA's greatest fear. I see this as him clearly flexing his muscle in addition to giving the USA the middle finger regarding the proxy war.

I truly believe this is all about strategizing - to put the final nail in Israel's and the USA's coffin. People forget Putin is brilliant - just listen to him speak. And contrary the lies they continue to spew he is known as a "geopolitical genius more astute than Clausewitz, more subtle than Sun Tzu and more audacious than Napoleon".

Russia, contrary to the sanctions which backfired profusely, is also running a surplus while the USA's debt continues to increase by the minute. I also tend to think the Ukraine conflict is related to the Israel conflict because Russia is involved in both!

Looking at this from afar one could very easily say the USA has lost all it's power. Our military was already at it's very lowest it had ever been and then we gave how much to Ukraine and now Israel as well. Strictly from a strategic view point it would seem to me the US is not in a very good position but especially versus Russia and the entire middle east which he is now (unlike the USA and Israel) allied with. I think Putin knew and saw this coming from Day One. As reported everyone knew about the attacks on 10-07 over a year ago and I think Putin worked it to his fullest advantaged as their military intelligence is far superior to Israelis.

We know Netanyahu's days are numbered and perhaps his life - spending the rest of it in prison. Did he take Israel down with him - it is not far fetched to think he might have made a deal with Putin to destroy Israel - because we all know this is all about Russia, Iran and China taking over the middle east. I can also conceive Hillary being involved as no one hates Putin more and is a greater supporter of Israel. This is the greatest power grab we've seen in quite some time to say the least.

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Yes we do! I think it could work if somehow those Zionists were shut up, made to work at a job and allow their women to work too if they wish.

Not sure if I would like them in the Military1

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Yeah I know but one can HOPE!

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I have been watching Al-Jazeera (Arabic and English) since October 7th and they have been showing the daily carnage since it started. Can anyone really claim that they are only now seeing these images? Really?

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

I've seen reported (mostly from Independent news sources) there is a measurable gap of young vs. old Americans who support Israel. The younger generation being far more against the slaughter. I suspect part of the reason is many older Americans are not on the Internet as much as the younger generation - more of whom would probably come across Al-Jazeera sooner or later. Al-Jazeera is the only network I watch for the remarkably brave reporting coming out of Gaza - and also for other events announced or voted for at the U.N. The others I don't bother with.

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I've thought a lot about this myself - our generation had kept saying for years how much we'd pitied this generation coming up. Well thank God it turns out we may've hopefully been wrong.

I noticed at first when they discovered the Bin Ladin letter and how it went viral and all these reports about the numbers some as high as 13 million on TikTok or whatever the hell it's called. But what I noticed is the age of some of these replies and what they were saying - they were so involved. It was amazing! One young girl wrote: I woke up this morning to discover my Government has been lying to me about everything!

Look what she said and how she said it - she wasn't just passing criticism per se but rather understanding the depth. I was so impressed as so many others wrote similar things. This was not nonsense, these kids were actually thinking understanding and getting involved AND voicing their intelligent opinion. It wasn't the normal Taylor Swift bandwagon BS.

And then the crisis started in Gaza and they came out in droves. Once again I was listening to how they spoke - and it was the same as before. Well informed well spoken - not some bandwagon garbage.

I attribute it to the reality of being forced to MOVE BACK HOME! They finally-finally get it!

These are educated kids that can't afford to leave home - can't afford to buy a house and now they're asking and learning why! By the grace of God and what little is left of this Third World Country we are living in - maybe just maybe there is a slight glimmer of hope.

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Just goes to show you how important media control is and why one of the very first thing anyone who seizes power does is to take over the TV, Radio, and Newspapers.

But when one can't do that -- in the age of social media -- the truth starts to spread faster than a lie. And that is something that many, many believe is something very dangerous -- the fast spreading of the truth -- and will (and have already started to) move to reverse. Let's hope that such a task -- reversing the reality of distributed social media -- will be an impossible one to accomplish.

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

Very true and well said - the irony being the lies about Covid and the lethal injections. Thank God - one good thing was able to come of this - no one believes anything the media and government say anymore. You can tell by how fast everything is now debunked and the fact no one is getting the boosters. The other side of that coin and I thought about this many years ago when I stopped believing anything - is that there will be a bio-terrorism attack (of course intentional) and people will be instructed to remain in place. No one will believe the warnings and move around instead and wind up killing millions by spreading it. This is how I have always believed they will regain trust! I thought about this YEARS AGO!

Lastly - before social media and even telephones word always got out hence why the deliberately locked us down during Covid and closed all churches and gatherings. Not going to work this time. The other side of THAT coin is people now know they are being monitored and watch what they say. Talk about tyranny!! The revolution is coming or civil war I believe it will commence next year when they try and overthrow yet another election. Trumps lead is far to insurmountable to pull it off yet again. It will have nothing to do with who won and who lost but rather - they did it yet again and so blatantly! I swear Hillary is absolutely coming back! You know she's going to replace Kamila

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You know you’re my buddy, but I and everyone else in my circle of acquainted has been “jabbed” and boostered and somehow were still walking and chewing gum at the same time…

My husband had two unvaxxed uncles die from complications due to Covid.

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Please accept my deepest and utmost sincerest apologies, I meant no malice and know it's an extremely delicate topic and bone of contention . . . .

Would you be so kind to and not hold it against me by allowing me to say that unfortunately I know at least 50 people who've sadly succumbed to them. Just this week two more - a 60 year old woman - she was my friends 1/2 sister never sick a day in her life - perfect health - got the shot massive kidney failure blood clots and passed Wed night - I saw a friend while walking my dog his - niece 24 year old DEAD 26 days after the shot RARE cancer. I know so many people - even though I'm retired I get around - I deal with the public working part time. But again please forgive me

I say this ONLY because I don't want you to think it's without warrant - I only wish to God it certainly wasn't! Again please accept my apologies as I meant no disrespect!!!!

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If Clarissa Ward's report made it clear that Israel was the attacker, if she made it clear that Israeli murdering was facilitated by American money and munitions, she would have been out of a job.

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The fact that this was allowed at all speaks volumes! Everyone knows the truth but especially the Jewish Community - watch how fast the propaganda machine lambastes CNN claiming they exacerbated the antisemitism showing this - I'm shocked they didn't try and kill her like all the other journalists they've slaughtered to silence the truth!

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

I've been aware, and kind of surprised that CNN pretty much from the beginning of Israel's onslaught in Gaza gave it coverage. I didn't evaluate it, but thought for CNN that's pretty good. Every little bit helps, and I think pictures help more then words since they tell their own story.

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Absolutely Fran! Pictures don't lie and the people know this story stinks. Thank God for Covid and the lethal injections - now people no longer believe the media and sure as hell the government! The people in Israel know the truth and are not only coming forward to testify - but I think I read something like 350,000 have moved to Europe. If what Israel is doing is so righteous and noble - what exactly are they running from? I would assume their own government - after knowing they slaughtered so many on 10-07 and blamed Hamas in order to start this conflict

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I really feel Israel knew this was coming, since they were warned several times by three different sources. They exaggerated the number of deaths, introduced rapes and baby killings, to justify their very obvious intent of implementing a genocide to clear the land of Gaza. Oh, Netanyahu would never do that say many, however the widow of Rabin blamed Netanyahu for his death. Rail violently against the Oslo Accords, create a funeral procession for Rabin, and surely someone will hear your message, "Kill Rabin!"

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Oh they knew it was coming and used it as a pre-text to start the invasion and genocide. That's why they needed to slaughter their own people - Hamas's orders were to kidnap and not kill civilian's. When it didn't unfold or pan out as Israel assumed - they had to do it themselves which is why they continue to destroy all the evidence! The orders were given to kill everyone. Watch the Ron Unz interview he almost nails everything bringing the truth to light but says he has a hard time believing the conspiracy this was intentional. For such an esteemed political activist he should not have used the word conspiracy. l can't wait until the truth becomes to unbearable to deny to hear what the Israel's have to say about their own government. Israel witnesses are coming forward to testify what happened - it was the IDF and not Hamas who slaughtered the majority on 10-07. Unz thinks and I agree - it was closer to 100 that Hamas killed. You might be able to censor the truth in the media but people that were there that day know and saw what happened and rest assure are talking - hence the massive migration to Europe. Imagine knowing your own governments murdered IDF soldiers? Everyone knows the truth - why the lies are just so incredibly egregious.

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And NOW… Europe is being “hailed” as stopping “Hamas terrorist attacks “ within the EU!

I can hardly stop laughing. Now, wasn’t this little story convenient at the same time IsraHell’s reputation is in the sewer!

Look at Hamas’ track record. They have absolutely no record of fomenting any kind of attacks against anyone outside of the Occupying Power.

Nice try, though! 😂

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It's the same BS being used to say Jewish kids are now scared at school - turns out they really are scared - but they're scared of the enormous Pro-Israel presence and security and petrified of speaking their support for Palestine. One girl on my local college radio station was saying she never felt so uncomfortable to be a Jew at her school in her entire life but NOT because of antisemitism!! Isn't that amazing but especially when you factor in how many of these Jewish kids and the plethora of Jewish Groups throughout the entire world are marching and protesting in SUPPORT OF PALESTINE!

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

YES I saw that the minute it broke - it also caught my attention because I have Danish friends. Pardon my language but another total crock of shit! WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! till they discover that it was the IDF and not Hamas who slaughtered the majority of people that day and as I said in an earlier post Ron Unz thinks the figure could be as low as 100 and I have agreed since Day One! The Israelis are coming forward in droves to testify what happened on 10-07. Again this is why I also say, why have over a quarter of a million fled to Europe instead? People will claim because they fear future war but we all know it's their own government they fear the most. Common sense okay? Imagine the family members of the IDF soldiers who were slaughtered - does anyone really believe word did not get out - who was killed by whom? Really seriously. C'mon! Furthermore why would ever go in with such massive artillery and bomb everything - who gave the order to annihilate everything within sight but more imperatively why, why, why? Who invoked the Hannibal Directive? Might it have something to do with making sure there were no witnesses to confirm what actually happened? Well thankfully they were! We know beyond the shadow of doubt this was NOT a lapse in security! If defies every microscopic ounce of all reality. Could Netanyahu have sunk so low to use it for his own personal gains whatever they may be, which are myriad? Bottom line is they and not Hamas sacrificed at least 1000 Israel's that day! Two pertinent questions, why the excessive force on 10-07 and then again in Gaza? WHY? WHY? WHY?

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I think it's natural for him to hold back, and hopefully the truth will come out and people can state what happened in a more affirmative way. If not true then that should be acknowledged also.

Scandal-stained Israeli ‘rescue’ group fuels October 7 fabrications



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You know I sat down to reply to your original comment then forgot what it was - I don't remember where I read/saw it but it talked about the sophistication of the Israel security and military. I think they said the 2nd or 4th best in the entire world. Anyhow, what they said was that there is no way in hell Israel missed this. The person went on and on in enormous detail describing just how intricate it is. I knew nothing about Mossad - but the person was saying there is no way in hell they failed.

This is what really really annoys me - everyone keeps attributing this to a security's failure (which you know it's not) and basically - this person (as best I can recall) was saying it is absolutely impossible. He said they have drones that monitor every single thing! I had read elsewhere a bird sets off the alarms on the fence. I also read somewhere else that Hama's knocked out the power but that's not true. It may have been this interview but if not it was still excellent!


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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023

Hi Fran

Last night on CBS (don’t ask me why I bother!) Ziobitch Nora O’Donnell presented a quasi-serious “inquiry” about “sexual assaults” on Israeli women on 10/7.

Problem is, there are no survivors, and no forensics were done on anyone who was supposedly assaulted!

She crowed about women “bleeding from their vaginas.” Well, anyone who knows one damned thing about the birds and the bees are perfectly aware that yes, younger women DO bleed from their vaginas on a monthly basis. It’s called “menstruation “.

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Hi, Gypsy, The more they talk the more confused I become with all their contradictory accounts. I personally doubt that women were raped, nor do I believe they killed babies, which no doubt provides Israel the propaganda they need to implement their horrific carnage. and justify their killing of so many women and children. I don't know if you go to Aljazeera but their video coverage of the Israeli assault is so profoundly disturbing. I have never supported the Balfour accords, and it was no more then a reflection of a colonial, prejudicial mindset during that period, but unfortunately it continues to this day and Israel has made that very clear.

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It could be argued that if she had any compassion, any empathy or any sense of honour, she would quit. But if Ward stays with CNN and continues to push the boundaries further, she might win some brownie points.

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Her being allowed to go there and do this kind of reporting to begin with was already predicated on her nose colored dark brown.

Now she earned more rewards. I'll leave it to people's imagination what kind and to what extent.

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There remains the tactic of fight back from within and any ally is an asset. For me, the jury's still out.

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That's what they'll claim if and when convenient. The principled thing would be to quit. Or better yet, tell the truth and get fired.

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Who are these 'they' you speak of? CNN? They won't find it convenient until we break into the MSM. Caitlin has been writing for yonks about the propaganda machine and the spin mill and no matter what is published in indie media, it won't overcome that. the best chance to find a chink in the armour might be from the inside.

If CNN shuts Ward down, she has two choices: resign or sell out.

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I speak of Ward type.

Unless I misunderstood you presented her as some sort of a rebel, doing a fine-tuned job being undercover, exposing the empire. I don't think that at all. She ensures wool is kept over the public's eyes.

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i see no evidence she is toning down her report to pass muster. i think she is pushing the new company line.

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Can you ellaborate?

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I'm not sure what's to elaborate, but Ward may have just have been following company orders in attempt to improve the public image of CNN and the MSM ( More and more people are gradually becoming aware of the propaganda and outright bullshit from biased and corrupt media ) and perhaps they feel the need for some favourable PR.

Or, Ward might be genuine and feel that if one person can start chipping away at the B.S. from the billionaire corporate class and their servants others might follow.

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The reasons do not matter. They are improving.

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I suppose we can only surmise as to Wards motivation. I would like to think she has a conscience and wants to be a real journalist, but whatever the reasons, her report might encourage others to grow a backbone and stick their heads above the parapet.

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She should lose her job, that shill for the empire.

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Susan T. IF every journalist told the truth they would all be out of jobs and then at least there would be NO propaganda.

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I remember the NYTImes and CNN headlines when the bombing started saying that Israel was "pummeling" Gaza -- as if we were witnessing a boxing match.

If Biden thinks that the outrage of the people who have been following this closely in the US will dim and subside once the bombing stops to give him time to recover his brand after a few months, he has no clue. Once the bombing stops, that's when the reckoning begins, as the images and stories of hell and horror emerge, and the question will become: How could you not only have let that happen, but actuallty financed it with OUR tax dollars.

That and the outrage will surely rob him of any moral overtones as he talks about Ukraine.

And there is the matter of Democracy -- and its gross violation by the DNC by effectively banning any challengers to Biden to stand in primaries.

And then there are the many broken promises -- including his weak, dismal moves to protect women's right with whatever tools he has (and he has plenty).

In any case, it is indeed fitting that the Democratic Convention this year is going to be in Chicago. It's going to be 1968 all over again, with the many, many factions loudly calling for a platform against militarism, corporatism, political spinelessness (Trump's Louis DeJoy is STILL Head of the US Post Office!), the destruction of the environment. In the middle of all that, the Trump scarecrow will be consumed and reduced to ashes by the flames of anger and disgust for Biden, the DNC, and their many minions in the US mainstream media.

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What’s more, that idiot Biden has finally pulled the best “flub” yet—he just announced that he is a Zionist. So that takes care of that.

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Oh Jeano, he’s been doing that all along.

And….drum roll please…VICTORY!

Yesterday I was reading an updated list of congressfolk who’ve signed onto Cori Bush’s legislation for a permanent ceasefire. And MY US CONGRESSMAN’s name had magically appeared on it!

After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I immediately called his DC office to thank him.

Now I certainly cannot claim to have accomplished this by myself. But by calling his DC office three times a day over the past few weeks, I’m confident that I had some small part in it 😁

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RemovedDec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023
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I modestly thank you, Che. ☺️

And no, I never physically threatened him 😁

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I know Che, lol.

It’s just that my fists have a reputation to uphold 😉

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

I can’t wait for it! 😁 @ Ahmed

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I was contemplating writing a Substack about how you don't see CNN's Clarissa Ward in Gaza, but only a team of al-Jazeera reporters instead, risking life and limb. This article pre-corrects what I would have mis-written, so Big Thanks! Of course, Palestinians are merely "dying," not being indiscriminately killed by US-backed Israeli bomb strikes. IDF no doubt were well aware of Ward's assignment, probably OK'd it, and deliberately "non-targeted" her location. All said, CNN's coverage of Gaza still doesn't hold a candle to al-Jazeera's; translation: More people are watching al-Jazeera English than CNN--so send in the Clarissa Ward to Save the Ratings!

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Excellent. Plus, I think the desperation of elites is starting to show in this CNN hustle for the hearts and minds of the public. As is Genocide Joe declaring he’s a Zionist. As if we didn’t know.

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100% true! They're a little slow at CNN, but they finally got the "memo" that al-Jazeera is "scooping" them like nobody's business, so they sent Clarissa in, who's an expendable asset based on her time served with the company, benefits accrued. She survived her foray into Gaza based on pre-arranged visit with IDF, who no doubt had exclusive rights on her report. Framing, framing, framing: the Genocide's all in the Framing. Joe Biden, by the way, could be on Traflamadore for all he knows, old Zionist Joe...

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Yeah, but considering CNN's shortcomings, not too bad. Ever listen to FOX on this issue?

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Oh, HELL NO, Fran ! 🤮

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How you doing gypsy?

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Thanks for asking, my friend🙂

I have bad days and decent days. Trying to occupy my mind with some home improvement projects since gardening season is long gone. I miss being outdoors; mostly I miss my sweet mare.

How about yourself, Fran?

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Who is sweet mare? I also garden, big time. front, back and sides of the house. I miss it too. Not to mention going to garden shops and buying flowering plants.

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My Morgan mare, Angelina. She passed away not long ago at age 29.

I never knew how much having her distracted me from the fuckeries of life until she was gone 😢

She was my best friend and confidante.

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Mondoweiss has a correspondent in Gaza risking life and limb to get the word out.

I’m a modest monthly contributor. If you are able to as well, please do!

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Towards the end of the segment, Clarissa Ward enumerates other cities that had undergone horrific destruction this century. Grozny, she says, Aleppo, Mariupol... No Fallujah, no Mosul, no Raqqa.

Together with everything that Caitlin describes here, I have to say that's quite a way for a reporter to pull their pants down and take a dump on all the hard work they'd done. I am sorry for the wording, but it pains me to see the Palestinians being taken through a spin yet again, and that as they are being literally wiped out.

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The irony being that Russia has bent over backwards to avoid civilian casualties in Ukraine.

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I know. I followed Aleppo and Mariupol as close as it was possible from afar. Having made some adjustements for the length and dynamics of operations, the measures taken by the advancing party to safeguard the civilians, secure routes of evacuation etc., it's safe to say there is hardly a comparison to be made.

If anything in the last decade comes close, it's Mosul, or the brainless bombardment of Raqqa.

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Or Fallujah.

What all these have in common is left as an exercise for the reader.

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And is considered a weakling for that matter, if those scum were honest.

I can see so many parallels exposing Israel's hand in Ukraine's media and other moves. Like identical twins.

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"At no time in the 14-minute segment does Ward or anyone else make any mention of the fact that this relentless massacre can only happen because it is being backed by the US, and that the Biden administration could end it at any time by withdrawing that backing."

This. The completely disjointed coverage that the US has nothing to do with this immoral genocide of Palestinians is almost worse than calling the bombs dropping "strikes" without mentioning the Israelis' hand in dropping those bombs. Most can figure out who is doing the carpet bombing of Gaza (the folks next door), but not everyone understands that without the US handing these bombs over to the murdering Israelis, these wounded people in a Gaza hospital where CNN filmed wouldn't be in the state they're in. CNN must accept its responsibility for misleading their viewers, but, of course, they're on the US "Ministry of Truth's" payroll so they won't.

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And look—it worked well. Hardly a voice here sees this for the propaganda that it is. Every body’s all “better than nothin’”. The ministry of truth reads the sheep well.

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The performance's goal was running interference for Biden's USA.

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Scott Ritter maintains that Israhell couldn’t bomb for 24 hours without a steady supply of Amerikkkan instruments of death.

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RemovedDec 15, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023
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I'm hoping and praying they run out of US bombs as of now because they're still people in Gaza trapped and starving that need UN aid workers and Doctors Without Frontiers to come in to help them.

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More UN workers have been killed in Gaza than in any other conflict since the establishment of the UN.

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"Still, every little bit helps, and if the CNN segment opens one more pair of western eyes to what’s going on, I’ll take it." - the bar for commending a western MSM media outlet is indeed very low, if off the ground at all.

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I am beginning to feel vaguely optimistic that Israel has begun to finally push their fiction over the edge. For the first time on local news tonight I did not hear about an alleged war between Israel and Hamas, but instead details about the Palestinian humanitarian crisis.

I am so tired of funding bullies, both at home and abroad. We need to cut the purse strings.

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Hi Marci

My husband and I are each withholding $25.25 from our tax returns this year.

That’s the amount that each Amerikkkan taxpayer “contributes” to Israhell each year. Nuh-uh, no more, ain’t a-gonna happen in our names.

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No, every little bit does not help. This bitch Ward and her pablum reporting masquerading as “news” is just to let the supine US public feel reassured that it’s not so bad after all. This is the height of the propaganda so deplored at this site because it puts a pleasant and reassuring wash over the real blood soaked, body parts carnage that real journalists are dying to get out to the public—literally. One mass airing of this tripe makes the real pictures and real reporting seem like put up jobs—because after all, that wasn’t the cute blond’s experience—and she was REALLY THERE!!!! You should be ashamed of falling for it.

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The passive voice strikes again.

She died.

The wounded child.

The destroyed hospital.

The distressing numbers.

Were caused by ...

a religious and white supremacist, racist settler colonial regime called the government of Israel.

The nation was self declared by Zionists who had already rejected unoccupied land in Africa when the lands of Palestine were gifted to them by guilt stricken Europeans after the last World War. Or, the pathetic Europeans, who also don't like the scheming Zionists, solved the problem by dumping it on the Palestinians and shifting it out of Europe.

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ZNN (Zionist News Network) otherwise known as CNN is a propaganda outlet, nothing more. Thank you for watching so I don't have to. Fact that even this farcial 'News' organization reports some truth gives you a sense of the catastrophe happening currently in Gaza. Free Palestine, stop the Genocide.

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I guess some mainstream, sloppy coverage of Gaza is better than none at all.

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Even if she had said those things, the managers back in the US would have edited them out.

I suppose once those conscripted Ukrainian women and teens start buying farms and it can't be ignored, Western media will call them "civilians".

The BBC- if they ever get there - will be even more craven.

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The british, like most europeans, just lurrve being slaves. Nothing gives a european greater delight than being permitted to lovingly fellate his American master.

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Really bad visual there, Feral 😂

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Witnesses Say IDF Troops 'Executed' Women and Children in Gaza School

The Biden administration "must respond to the reported execution-style massacre of women, children, and babies," said the spokesperson of a U.S. Muslim advocacy group.


Dec 13, 2023

Eyewitness testimony reported Wednesday by Al Jazeera accused Israeli troops of massacring forcibly displaced women and children sheltering at a school in northern Gaza, an allegation that prompted a leading U.S. Muslim advocacy group to demand a response from President Joe Biden.

The reported massacre took place at the Shadia Abu Ghazala School in the al-Faluja area west of the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip. Video footage aired by the Qatar-based news network showed numerous covered bodies piled in one of the school's classrooms.

"The Israeli soldiers came in and opened fire on them," one unidentified witness said. "They took all men, then entered classrooms and opened fire on a woman and all the children with her," including "newborn children."

"The Israeli soldiers executed those innocent families point-blank," she added.

A man who arrived at the scene after the alleged mass murder told Al Jazeera that "we found dozens of dead bodies in the classrooms."

"There is no sign of any missiles or shells," he added. "All those who were in the buildings were executed from point-blank. The Israeli soldiers opened fire on them. Many families came searching for their children. They found them all killed. They were all killed, executed at gunpoint."

As of press time, the alleged massacre had not been independently verified.

Ibrahim Hooper, national communications director at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said in a statement that "because the Biden administration stands almost alone on the world stage in defending and enabling the far-right Israeli government's campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza, administration officials must respond to the reported execution-style massacre of women, children, and babies seeking refuge in a school in Gaza."

“Our nation must stop enabling what even President Biden privately admits is the 'indiscriminate' targeting of innocent Palestinians," he added.

Also on Wednesday, Palestinians sheltering in the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza said Israeli troops stormed the facility after days of shelling and siege.

"Conditions in the hospital are dire with no water or electricity," one survivor told Al Jazeera. "Bodies are scattered on the ground."

An elderly man told the network that "the Israeli army used loudspeakers to demand the evacuation of the displaced individuals from the hospital," but IDF troops subsequently shot people trying to flee the facility.

Gaza health officials said Wednesday that at least 18,608 Palestinians—most of them women and children—have been killed by Israeli bombs and bullets since October 7, with over 50,000 more Palestinians wounded.

Additionally, more than 1.9 million Gazans—or upward of 85% of the strip's population—have been forcibly displaced since October 7, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

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Joe Biden's owners are triangulating on "the official narrative" now? Quel surprise. Clearly, the present administration decides such matters on a committee basis and so are limited to the lowest functioning members capabilities. They learned NOTHING from using that approach to sell Hillary Clinton, did they?!

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Of course not because she’s now running his campaign for next year. Did you ever see Jimmy Dore’s take on John Stewart piddling himself during an interview with the Queen of Pain? It’s hy-larious!

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Basic principles:

When a "thought leader" in an area of import is ID'd, pressure will be applied to sway them into the required consensus. Money, trappings of power, high status employment, under age & kinky sex + embarrassing photos, whatever.

If a thought leader is required but not easily available or is unpalatable to the target demographic, a new or more suitable one will be created. Think ad agency PR department beholden to a whale type client, most MSM news and entertainment are chosen by such.

'Twas ever thus.

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Jeffrey Epstein has entered the chat.

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@Feral Finster

Damn, did I leave the Ouiji board out again?

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I can’t find it Jeano. If anyone could provide a link, I’d love to see it!

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