By, 'US interests' I suppose they must mean 'Globalist multinational corporate interests', because it ain't doing a thing for you and I!

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Do the Ukrainian men being fed into the meat grinder realize that their sacrifice is for Senators Karen, Lindsey, and Da Nang Dick as well as Vicky Nuland?

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A generation of Ukrainian men is being wiped out. Contempt is too weak a word for how I feel about those that support this war.

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Ukraine: a money laundering auction economy sold to the highest Biden.

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While I'm not expert in geopolitics, I seem to have missed Putin threatening the US... It seems to me that he simply wants to be left to govern and protect his country and people in peace ...

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"...without any diversion or misappropriation of American aid.”

Hahahahahahaha!!! I just couldn't stop laughing at that line. As if the missing trillions from the "Defense" budget had never happened... As if Zelensky and his fellow money launderers hadn't appropriated something like $400 million for themselves to purchase mansions around the globe.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we endeavor to deceive!

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Of the many columns Caitlin has written indicting the DC terrorism leaders, this one ought to be airdropped into Ukraine. The unabashed, cavalier contempt for the loss of life that these functionaries proudly flaunt is nauseating.

And while they bask in their ignorance, Russian diplomats are working overtime to point out that the constant ramping up of the delivery of weaponry, foreign mercenaries, staged border provocations is piling up the corpses of the very people they purport to care for.

The fact is that this despicable, fraudulent posturing intended to pass for responsible governance is a comment on their opinion of the voters. How many Americans are going to endorse this shit show? I think of the histrionic, staged rage of the Tea Party, and then I recall the impassioned anger of the ant-war protesters in 1968, and look how far unabated propaganda can take a submissive culture in less than 3 generations.

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These sociopathic ghouls. Literally bragging about how they're getting good returns in blood, for the low, low cost of a million odd Ukrainians. May they all awaken in a Twilight Zone episode where they're transformed into a middle aged Ukie accountant, dragged from their job, given a few weeks training, being pushed across open fields into a maelstrom of Russian artillery. The ending would feature a Western military advisor commenting on the guy's body in a pile in the back of a truck that "Well, we think it's a real bargain, they aren't Americans, after all!"

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This is what I’m shooting for Caitlin. I want to see them flaunt this attitude here. I want to see the face who calls for young Ukrainian men to the slaughter demand it of us. These fucks have no regards in the end. Everyone is expendable but them. However that is VERY unwise. Even dictators need a strong position in the population. You can almost see the pressure of a dream pulling them along. A failed dream of a gulag run by technofaggots in 2030 drive them over the rails.

I try not to get too hung up on blaming greed here. It’s not, not at this point. It’s survival that’s generating such strong actions by the GAE. I really do believe it’s roots are in London. It’s just America has become their warhorse (militarily and financially). Anyhow we are way past greed as being the reason for any of this. I think we have drifted off into the land of virtue. That’s what is making the gears turn.

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Three things: This is basically an admission of a proxy war - I'd love to hear what the Ukrainians have to say for sacrificing their country and lives instead on behalf of the Americans and last but not least but the most pertinent - I would kill to hear what Putin has to say! He should go blow up a few things just to solidify just how weakened they truly are! Perhaps start with DC!

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So far it's maybe $2 million per Russian death. At that rate all of Russia could be killed for a mere three hundred trillion dollars. Imagine the return on that investment. And all we've got to do is print the money.

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It's "perpetually war-horny senator" for me 🤣🤣

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At first, I thought that quote had to be satire. "Germany has weaned itself from dependence on Russian energy and, in many ways, rediscovered its sense of values." Germany, like a 2-yr-old still on the tit, needed to grow up and learn to freeze and starve like a big boy. Did it really wean itself by blowing up its own pipeline? And what is that sense of values? Obedience, subservience, groveling for LNG.

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Senator Blumenthal, like the rest of Senators and congressmen, does not serve the American public.

He serves a tiny handful of ultrarich oligarchs and a cult of pathologically hateful, nihilistic neocons.

For them this is money well spent to own Ukraine, and for the neocon jihafists well they would be happy to spark nuclear Armageddon.

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Caitlin's critical thinking is always timely. There is beauty in her truth telling. That the war was provoked is now obvious; that the build up to the provocation was in the US empire's rulebook for a long time is also obvious - Caitlin has gathered enough evidence of the gloating and the greed and the ruthlessness of the empire managers. They set about setting the scene, getting Nato and all of the vassal states and the propaganda machine blaring for a proxy war; cynically using Ukraine's people and its fascist elements. How could Russia have ignored the provocation - it was forced into a fight for its existence.The threat of being balkanised would have been enough. We are now passive onlookers in witnessing the diminishing of Russia, the aggressive attempts to isolate China; keep a cold war going to lead to a hot war.The empire's theatre of war is cluttered with white supremacy, racism, greed, hatred and delusion.

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The cynicism of U.S. Senators is appalling. They are thrilled at the low cost of this war without mentioning the true cost, which is countless thousands of Ukrainian lives and the devastation of their country. And by the way, the claim that this war has cost Russia half their military equipment is agitprop. It’s the Ukrainians that are losing their hardware, at least half of which they’ve lost just in their failed spring offensive. That’s why we’ve had to send them more and more hardware. The Russians even wiped out the Ukrainian missile launching sites, all of it in little more than a day.

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