Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

If ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million Ukrainians were to die, the Biden Administration (not to mention the regime in Kiev) would consider it a good deal, as long as their deaths resulted in the suffering of at least one Russian person.

This is because Russia can do little or nothing, short of nuclear war, that will so much as inconvenience the decisionmakers in Washington. And the vultures in Kiev will simply bunk off to their villas in Italy and Miami. There is a reason so many Ukrainian oligarchs and politicians (Zelenskii included) were named in The Panama Papers and The Paradise Papers.

Hell, Vladimir Putin probably cares more about the lives of Ukrainian civilians and soldiers than does their erstwhile leadership, not to mention the ghouls in Washington.

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If once, just once, a battle was waged on American soil, people would sing a different fucking tune in regards to war in other countries.

And don't tell me, "well 9/11", attacks staged by the CIA don't count.

One cluster bomb detonated here across 5 acres of inhabited land, and people would be crying over how evil it is to target civilians indiscriminately.

What's it gonna take?

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This makes me sick to my stomach.

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Sure, but nobody says (I mean, the NATO lovers) that dragging Ukraine into the holy defensive alliance will cross an important russian red line, that is, intensification of war by all means. So, that will never be a path to peace but rather to more war. Everyone knows that but no one says it.

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All of which goes to prove that the US doesn't give a shit about how many Ukranians are sacrificed, it's all about warding off a Russian victory. As Undersecretary of Defence for Policy, Colin Kahl allegedly said “I’m as concerned about the humanitarian circumstance as anybody, but the worst thing for civilians in Ukraine is for Russia to win the war. And so it’s important that they don’t.”

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They have obviously switched gears, showing how desperate they are. Before, they had big plans for Ukraine. Making it into a digital dystopia with total control over the population. For that, having swaths of land littered with depleted Uranium ammunition and unexploded cluster bombs is a huge problem. So it seems to me, that NATO has realized they are losing and they will not get their dystopian future in Ukraine, if at all.

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Western news has devolved into a collective hallucination.

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A correct headline for this report would have been something along the lines of "U.S. Clusterfuck in the Making Will Kill Ukrainian Civilians for Years to Come."

When asked by a reporter yesterday why send Cluster Bombs to Ukraine now, Bidumb replied, "We ran out of ammunition."

It's safe to say that the evil Globalists who call the shots for the Five Eyes doesn't give a damn about humanity other than their flock of Satanists. DO. NOT. COMPLY.

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I am most disturbed, not by Washington’s dedication to its proxy war, but by the willingness of so many parties to lie when they perceive lying to be the “smart” option.

Recently, Turkey reneged on an agreement with Russia to hold captured neo-Nazi members of the Azov regiment. I guess Erdogan sees risking his status in NATO as more important than standing up for what he said he believes.


Before hostilities in Ukraine were ramped up, Emmanuel Macron sought to be the adult in the room, and lay out a proposal for a swift end to hostilities. Recently he got on board with the lunatics.


This didn’t surprise me too much, but the academe’s gift for obfuscation cannot dress up their craven dependence on the largesse of contemptuous financiers. Recently Stanford University welcomed members of the Azov regiment and their wives to the campus.


I guess the lesson in these dubious reversals is to grasp the corrosive power of money in all its guises. We in the transactional West view everything though a self-interest lens, and this tends to accentuate our tenuousness, which in turn makes it easier to lie.

Macron saw France’s status in NATO being risked because of his refusal to play ball with Washington, and he was not ready to risk that status by standing up for the truth. Similarly, Erdogan saw Turkey’s status in NATO at risk, and didn’t want to preside over Turkey’s ouster. I cannot prove this, but I believe that the pressures on Erdogan and Macron involved a lot of threats and a lot of money. The barbarians are INSIDE the gate!

To me this is all evidence of too many people looking for confirmation that they matter. If you need to be told that you matter, you probably don’t.

A lie is a lie is a lie. Buying the words and actions of others to counter the lie is another, more devious lie. If you swallow these lies, you are a dolt. If your opinion is for sale, you are dead and don’t know it.

In the long run, truth is what makes living a worthwhile experience.

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As long as it's non-Aryan, Rooski, Romani, Muslims or CHILDREN, it's never been a war-crime for us or Israeli, Persian Gulf, Contra... basically falangist nazis killing any BROWN people with these (like Hills & Huma Abedin high-fiving dumping of these on the horn of Africa, Palestinian, or drug lord (civilians jammed into tightly packed tinderbox slums) while we coup, invade or simply tear many thousands of civilians into shards, to fulfill DNC's contractual obligations.

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In a sane world the issue of weapons sent to Ukraine would in itself be a major scandal. The real agenda has been to clear out stocks of old weaponry, obsolete and not working, the Ukrainians don't know how to use, and cannon fodder Russia has already destroyed. Rusted out tanks and Bradley's make great target practice in a war fought mainly inexpensive drones.

It is worth noting Russia trots out a steady supply of high tech effective weaponry while NATO sticks Zelensky with all their junk from dusty warehouses.

Most of the so called aid to Ukraine has gone to US arms manufacturers to build new equipment with plush new contracts.

Poor Zelensky appears totally oblivious to how grievously he has been suckered by NATO into presiding over the destruction of his country.

It makes my skin crawl to see Biden and Zelensky have one of their frequent hugs given all the geopolitical lies and perversions the two of them manifest.

As for the NYT and the Western media it is Monty Python on some very nasty drugs. Bad actors in diapers.

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Obviously, no one really expects Ukraine to regain any ground or have any control over disputed territory. We now wish to make the land virtually uninhabitable. Biden and many others have stated that the purpose of the war is to weaken Russia, period. How can so people in the West have lost any ability to do ANY critical thinking?

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The warmongers are not serious about NATO. By making this NATO argument now, their intent is to sabotage any negations and continue the war. It also served as denial and offers a diversion from the FACT that the war was provoked as a result of NATO EXPANSION!

Russia will never allow it and the suggestion that NATO would result from the end of the war only provides incentives to continue war, crush Ukraine as a Country and install a puppet regime in Kiev to prevent that from happening.

Truly disgusting.

The warmongers are truly disgusting

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a land littered with piles of dead bodies aka depleted ukranium , and jb smiles under his big white hawk mustache

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Bolton must has been bullied and picked on throughout his childhood. Why else would he have a murderous chronic anger against the world?

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Once again right to the core of the truth. I am presently getting gas and sharpening my pitchfork "just incase"!

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