If ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million Ukrainians were to die, the Biden Administration (not to mention the regime in Kiev) would consider it a good deal, as long as their deaths resulted in the suffering of at least one Russian person.

This is because Russia can do little or nothing, short of nuclear war, that will so much as inconvenience the decisionmakers in Washington. And the vultures in Kiev will simply bunk off to their villas in Italy and Miami. There is a reason so many Ukrainian oligarchs and politicians (Zelenskii included) were named in The Panama Papers and The Paradise Papers.

Hell, Vladimir Putin probably cares more about the lives of Ukrainian civilians and soldiers than does their erstwhile leadership, not to mention the ghouls in Washington.

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I believe DC considers Ukraine-Russian death a win-win situation.

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I reckon the US administration deep down hates both peoples. When it comes to US hegemony, the monsters in the war machine always believe that the end justify the means.

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I used to visit a golf group. I slowly realized that many of these people hated all foreigners, even places like Canada and the UK, and would just as soon they were all dead so that We could take over the whole world. That this mentality now dominates in DC is, well, bad.

As to the more liberal faction, they are not known for their love of Nazis.

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I have zero doubt in my mind that the sociopaths in DC would gladly sacrifice 99% of life on earth in a nuclear mushroom cloud, as long as they would get unfettered dominion over what was left.

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They do not realize that what would be left would not be worth living for.

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They’re counting on Elon to get them to a paradise on Mars. 😈

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As long as they had power, I doubt they'd care.

n.b. "Don't Look Up!"

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Ukrainian deaths give DC a valuable opportunity to virtue signal and also to don Ukrainian flag emojis.

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Yes. Plus all this recent spouting by the elites is CYA not CIA. When they trot out Bolton you know they have nothing left but the sideshow—the insane spoutings of the Walrus to distract the sheep from the obvious—we lost! And this time we lost big. We lost standing in the World, while Putin gained it. We lost Saudi Arabia and Iran as camouflage for our warring in the Middle East. We’re losing the dollar as the world currency, hense our ability to print money is rapidly declining. We lost the Global South to Lula and Xi. BRICS is standing room only while NATO is enfeebled more and more everyday. Even the supine press is getting up on its hind legs. So now they all need a distraction in order to slip out the back, Jack, make a new plan Stan. And I pity any Stan close to the PRC’s borders. The mic is weak but they are incredibly stupid and they’ll follow the CIA like lemmings into the next hellhole. Pfft!

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Actually, I find the cluster-bomb decision problematical from the point of view of our native psychopaths as these have been announced or portrayed in their kept media As you may recall, the earlier motivation for provoking a war with Russia was to destabilize and possibly break up Russia and possibly depose Putin, opening Russia as in the 90's to Western intervention and exploitation. Part of that exploitation was posited for the territory of Ukraine as an agricultural and mineral resource. Littering the territory of Ukraine with cluster bombs is a scorched-earth tactic which assumes that the territory is at least temporarily lost and now must be denied to the enemy, as well as one's own forces. Significant conclusions could be drawn from this evidence, not only about the immediate war but (for instance) the condition of the combatants, which may be nearing an inflection point.

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I would say that, like using depleted uranium, the hawks do not care about the consequences for Ukrainians, whether they win or lose.

What matters only is that their enemies suffer.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Sadism & insane, atavistic blood-lust is status quo, for US duopoly kleptocrat draft-dodger yuppies. The COOL thing, here: slavering celebrity & Learjet Liberals who quite literally squeal for evil Rooski BLOOD (Russian natural gas is not JUST cheap, but WAY less likely to have ALREADY put us into run-away AGW: where methane percolates up from where permafrost used to be!) Biden was installed to DO this (& stop M4A) so 500K murdered Ukrainians is a TINY portion of the death toll. It's our kids & grandchildren who will die, along with poor non-Aryan kids in a radioactive wasteland, formerly bread-basket to the world? We're the Nazis, now!


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From the point of view of a sociopath, everything they do is completely rational.

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The basic principle, enunciated in legend by certain sports figures, is "Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing."

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Problem is war is not sports. In sports - losers get to play another game - go for a beer after the game. In war, losers lose their limbs, their eyes, and many their lives. And that's it. There is nothing after. You're fucking gone.

But the warpigs in DC treat it like a sport. Ukrainian human fodder to push their ideological faith in some kind of "freedom of democracy" that does not actually exist in the US.

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There are literally hundreds of videos of Ukrainian men, including invalids, being press-ganged into the army. Any Ukrainian still dumb enough to be ideologically committed to the war would have signed up a long time ago.

But don't just take my word for it. Look.up the rationale from West Point instructors for the "mosquito" tactics that they developed for Ukraine, tactics which require Ukrainian commanders to be indifferent to massive casualties, while Russian commanders seek to avoid casualties.

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If once, just once, a battle was waged on American soil, people would sing a different fucking tune in regards to war in other countries.

And don't tell me, "well 9/11", attacks staged by the CIA don't count.

One cluster bomb detonated here across 5 acres of inhabited land, and people would be crying over how evil it is to target civilians indiscriminately.

What's it gonna take?

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This makes me sick to my stomach.

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Sure, but nobody says (I mean, the NATO lovers) that dragging Ukraine into the holy defensive alliance will cross an important russian red line, that is, intensification of war by all means. So, that will never be a path to peace but rather to more war. Everyone knows that but no one says it.

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The problem Russia faces is that, short of launching an all-out nuclear attack, there is little they can do that affects the decisionmakers in Washington.

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Meanwhile, the dollar crumbles into worthless dust...

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It does? Someone ought to tell the bond markets....

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In _Naked Captialism_ yesterday (or a few days ago), Yves Smith and MIchael Hudson discussed what they called the zugzwang facing the US. "Zugzwang" means a move forced by the rules but which is disadvantageous (sometimes catastrophic) for the mover; this situation often occurs in games like chess and checkers. In this case, according to the authors, the flooding of the US economy with funny money to inflate rich people's asset prices has led to a situation in which the Fed is damned if it does and damned if it don't. As some of you may have noticed, when the interest rates were raised, several banks failed. The intention seems to have been to punish labor and some owners of capital from being too productive and thus supporting inflation, but this move failed; the economy refused to go into recession, which means the Fed will have to try harder to get worse results. I thought this might eventually affect the propensity of the government to throw money at its Ukrainian war project which in turn will affect the future of that project; see above where I speculate about the scorched-earth tactic of using cluster bombs.

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Don't kid yourself. The Empire in general and the war on Ukraine in particular are sacred cows, and at the same time, labor must be brought to heel.

if the Fed has to offer an unlimited backstop to the banks, wipe out savers, print unlimited free money, whatever, they will do it in a heartbeat.

If we learned nothing else from the GFC, it is how far The Powers That Be will go to get what they want.

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They can’t print money if the dollar is no longer the world currency. And BRICS is seeing to that.

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The bond markets are purely synthetic, the price is not driven by investors or even markets but governments and central banks. Judging the health of the dollar based on bond rates is like judging the ethics of a prostitute in church on Sunday morning.

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If you really think that, then there's easy money to be made.

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Bond markets don’t listen. Any more than oil giants. Nearly every respectable responsible economist is documenting the crumbling dollar. But in disaster capitalism, crumbling means a chance to make big bucks. Bond markets are the vultures.

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If the largest, most sophisticated and liquid securities market in the world doesn't listen, you should be able to make an easy killing as an investor.

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"The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent."

As documented in The Big Short, the guy who bet heavily on the mortgage crash didn't make as much as you would think, largely because the market was rigged.

The Federal Reserve dominates the bond market. The stock market is largely artificial due to the formerly illegal practice of stock buybacks combined with Congress shoveling money to the stocks they themselves own. Covid comes in, the economy tanks, and stocks soar. What's wrong with this picture?

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Yes. For awhile. That seems to be the driving idea behind all of the US’s policy decisions now. No, we can’t win Ukraine but we can bilk trillions out of the economy. No we can’t stop global warming so we might as well dig and extract and chase $$$$ until we die. It is as you say, a killing. They’ll prop up investments until it’s time to take the winnings and run, at which time the soaring inflation will eat up all the profits they have so assiduously chased these last years of empire. They may go for gold, but since China is there ahead of us buying it up like crazy, there won’t be much place left to hide their ill-gotten gains and boo hoo, they’ll just have to start another war to steal it from someone somewhere.

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The value of the dollar is already deteriorating as evidenced by marked domestic price increases and the drop in bond values.

Massive foreign capital outflows have triggered the collapse of large banks


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Enough to say that you'll need to see a lot more than that to mean anything.

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At least while the current illegal war mongering clowns are in office.

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The people who make the decisions are not up for election.

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Elections are all now questionable.

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When the Cluster Bombs fail to defeat Russia, then what? Nukes!

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And they will fail

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Yes, nukes will not prove apocalyptic. Those who use them may well damage themselves more severely than their targets, such as a householder who tries to kill flies with a sledgehammer. He will have broken walls and still have flies.

US imperial war planners may have to consider the possibility that they have lost the war and what to do about it. A scorched-earth retreat may be their solution. Consider also the Nordstream bombing.

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Based on comments from Putin if the conflict turns nuclear their target will not be Europe or Kiev, it will be east coast US. Russia knows who the enemy is and will target appropriately.

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It is far from evident that the Empire is out of options, and its previous reckless escalations not only make it more reckless, but raise the stakes associated with defeat.

This abuse of The Sunk Cost Fallacy is entirely intentional.

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I think if this were true, there would not be such a great need to hide the facts and repress the press. As it is, telling the truth (in the MSM) is career ending. Look at Seymore. If we were winning, we’d be bragging about blowing up the pipes!

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I dunno, look how many years it took for the US to admit that it was behing the 1973 Chilean coup, which was "winning" in the sense that Allende was removed, or that The Gulf Of Tonkin Incident was, in fact, a false flag, even though it got the CIA and Pentagon what they wanted. Then, there's the USS Liberty, which is glossed over.

I can think of plenty more.

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All of which goes to prove that the US doesn't give a shit about how many Ukranians are sacrificed, it's all about warding off a Russian victory. As Undersecretary of Defence for Policy, Colin Kahl allegedly said “I’m as concerned about the humanitarian circumstance as anybody, but the worst thing for civilians in Ukraine is for Russia to win the war. And so it’s important that they don’t.”

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There is also the double dip "benefit" that all those bombs will be blowing off the feet and legs of RUSSIAN people - the US is embarked on a scorched earth strategy because they KNOW Russia will win the war and annex Ukraine territory. That's why they are using depleted uranium and why the dam was blown and maybe next is the nuke power plant. Barbarism.

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Right. They realize the territory isn't going to return so why not lay waste to part of Russia while you can still get away with it.

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They have obviously switched gears, showing how desperate they are. Before, they had big plans for Ukraine. Making it into a digital dystopia with total control over the population. For that, having swaths of land littered with depleted Uranium ammunition and unexploded cluster bombs is a huge problem. So it seems to me, that NATO has realized they are losing and they will not get their dystopian future in Ukraine, if at all.

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They are seeding the land for killing Russians for decades.

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Exactly. May they rot in hell for it.

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Western news has devolved into a collective hallucination.

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A correct headline for this report would have been something along the lines of "U.S. Clusterfuck in the Making Will Kill Ukrainian Civilians for Years to Come."

When asked by a reporter yesterday why send Cluster Bombs to Ukraine now, Bidumb replied, "We ran out of ammunition."

It's safe to say that the evil Globalists who call the shots for the Five Eyes doesn't give a damn about humanity other than their flock of Satanists. DO. NOT. COMPLY.

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I am most disturbed, not by Washington’s dedication to its proxy war, but by the willingness of so many parties to lie when they perceive lying to be the “smart” option.

Recently, Turkey reneged on an agreement with Russia to hold captured neo-Nazi members of the Azov regiment. I guess Erdogan sees risking his status in NATO as more important than standing up for what he said he believes.


Before hostilities in Ukraine were ramped up, Emmanuel Macron sought to be the adult in the room, and lay out a proposal for a swift end to hostilities. Recently he got on board with the lunatics.


This didn’t surprise me too much, but the academe’s gift for obfuscation cannot dress up their craven dependence on the largesse of contemptuous financiers. Recently Stanford University welcomed members of the Azov regiment and their wives to the campus.


I guess the lesson in these dubious reversals is to grasp the corrosive power of money in all its guises. We in the transactional West view everything though a self-interest lens, and this tends to accentuate our tenuousness, which in turn makes it easier to lie.

Macron saw France’s status in NATO being risked because of his refusal to play ball with Washington, and he was not ready to risk that status by standing up for the truth. Similarly, Erdogan saw Turkey’s status in NATO at risk, and didn’t want to preside over Turkey’s ouster. I cannot prove this, but I believe that the pressures on Erdogan and Macron involved a lot of threats and a lot of money. The barbarians are INSIDE the gate!

To me this is all evidence of too many people looking for confirmation that they matter. If you need to be told that you matter, you probably don’t.

A lie is a lie is a lie. Buying the words and actions of others to counter the lie is another, more devious lie. If you swallow these lies, you are a dolt. If your opinion is for sale, you are dead and don’t know it.

In the long run, truth is what makes living a worthwhile experience.

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As long as it's non-Aryan, Rooski, Romani, Muslims or CHILDREN, it's never been a war-crime for us or Israeli, Persian Gulf, Contra... basically falangist nazis killing any BROWN people with these (like Hills & Huma Abedin high-fiving dumping of these on the horn of Africa, Palestinian, or drug lord (civilians jammed into tightly packed tinderbox slums) while we coup, invade or simply tear many thousands of civilians into shards, to fulfill DNC's contractual obligations.

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I hate to say “like” as your analysis is horrifying. But it’s also true. They should have a 😱 button we can push.

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I think it was Panama, then Gaza then some urban neighborhood full of ancient tenements in East Africa. As a US citizen, I did that. All of us DID that; over & over; again and again to human fucking beings we've forced into squalor & poverty, hopless oppression from sneering monsters like Biden, Bush or Clinton installed to extract labor, minerals or oil. It's NOT just a TV show we tune away from, since we've seen cluster munition bomblets blowing children apart in their homes, along with all their loved ones. Its what America DOES!

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In a sane world the issue of weapons sent to Ukraine would in itself be a major scandal. The real agenda has been to clear out stocks of old weaponry, obsolete and not working, the Ukrainians don't know how to use, and cannon fodder Russia has already destroyed. Rusted out tanks and Bradley's make great target practice in a war fought mainly inexpensive drones.

It is worth noting Russia trots out a steady supply of high tech effective weaponry while NATO sticks Zelensky with all their junk from dusty warehouses.

Most of the so called aid to Ukraine has gone to US arms manufacturers to build new equipment with plush new contracts.

Poor Zelensky appears totally oblivious to how grievously he has been suckered by NATO into presiding over the destruction of his country.

It makes my skin crawl to see Biden and Zelensky have one of their frequent hugs given all the geopolitical lies and perversions the two of them manifest.

As for the NYT and the Western media it is Monty Python on some very nasty drugs. Bad actors in diapers.

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Obviously, no one really expects Ukraine to regain any ground or have any control over disputed territory. We now wish to make the land virtually uninhabitable. Biden and many others have stated that the purpose of the war is to weaken Russia, period. How can so people in the West have lost any ability to do ANY critical thinking?

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Yep! Destroy bridges, dams, nuclear plants, any infrastructure enabling any escape (defense, re-supply... let alone crops & livestock be removed from the radioactive, toxic wasteland to murder more non-Aryan civilians & cut-off access to ports, Azovstal & oil/gas or of course the costal cities? A generation of Ukranians has been sacrificed by US neocons, to save Albright's INSANE fracking, cracking & bitumen Ponzi schemes. Now, as we run away, we need to punish Donbass, as we poisoned Vietnam, murdered Cambodia and every other children's crusade our fascist thugs sent us to murder, rob, rape & indenture slaves.

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It’s the result of empire. And wealth. And comfort for the middle class. No one wants to bite the hand that feeds. They NEED their IRA’s and McMansions for a happy retirement. Silly.

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The warmongers are not serious about NATO. By making this NATO argument now, their intent is to sabotage any negations and continue the war. It also served as denial and offers a diversion from the FACT that the war was provoked as a result of NATO EXPANSION!

Russia will never allow it and the suggestion that NATO would result from the end of the war only provides incentives to continue war, crush Ukraine as a Country and install a puppet regime in Kiev to prevent that from happening.

Truly disgusting.

The warmongers are truly disgusting

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negotiations - not "negations" (but I kind of like that word! Perhaps some kind of creative Freudian typo?)

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a land littered with piles of dead bodies aka depleted ukranium , and jb smiles under his big white hawk mustache

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Mad dogs are not usually consequential.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Unless, WE keep puting them in charge of Biden's own MICIMATT, we pay HALF our taxes into, to extract, oil, minerals, labor, equity, rare earths & human lives from human fucking beings; for a few hundred oilgarchs & a couple million petit-bourgoise yuppies to feel SPECIAL (like our celebrity movie & music WAR HEROS?)

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Bolton must has been bullied and picked on throughout his childhood. Why else would he have a murderous chronic anger against the world?

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Musk's brain implant RFD chip.

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Once again right to the core of the truth. I am presently getting gas and sharpening my pitchfork "just incase"!

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