This morning after I learned that China was threatening to shoot down Pelosi's jet, I called every single Washington State Representative and told them I hold both Democrats and Republicans responsible for allowing a dangerous Speaker to escalate war with yet another nuclear power. I said I haven't heard anyone in opposition! Not one peep. We are being "led" by psychopaths.

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Caitlin is always accusing Tucker of being a China basher but even he is calling out the psychopaths pushing for a war with China....https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-biden-admin-provoking-war-china

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Absolutely! I watched Tucker's opening monologue, and he was spot on with his condemnation of Nancy's "Excellent Adventure." All the rest of the media whores are in lockstep that Nancy mustn't back down after she said she was going there. And I don't believe for a second that Pelosi is going to Taiwan over the objections of the Biden regime. Biden is engaged in the old practice called "plausible deniability."

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Well then tell us why Tucker is only NOW reading the room? If you Google "Tucker Carlson" and "China Threat" there are many links that provide evidence that he claimed China as a threat. Tucker just reads the room NOW and you think he's a hero? Nah.

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I dunno, is it possible to multitask here? I think China is a HUGE threat, which is precisely why I think it was beyond stupid for Nancy to poke at them right now.

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threat to what / whom??? how??? who are you speaking for???

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You honestly think China wants to play second fiddle to the USA forever? They are already working on displacing the dollar as the reserve currency with Russia. China wants to own us. And by own, I don't mean just having the US as a pool of consumers, but literally owning us and taking over the country in the long run.

That doesn't mean I think we should instigate a hot war with China, but we should be preparing to make ourselves independent from them financially and economically, especially in manufacturing. China could bring the USA to its knees quickly without firing a shot.

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I think the stress there was on HUGE so who knows what's on the lady's mind.

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better late than never. the guy at least admitted his error, in an indirect way.

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Please provide the link to show me that Carlson admitted to his China fear mongering and stating that he was wrong.

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read first, i said "indirectly" why ignore that part and make an assinine request with such fake --read liberal -- "politeness"? just a rhetorical question.

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Carlson, at least, knows how to read the room. However, he has been stoking the fear of China for years.

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Those quotes are unnecessary. Most are indeed being led, and willingly so.

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Those quotation marks are absolutely necessary! What The "Electeds" are doing right now is NOT leading.

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Of course. And I'm saying is most are fine with it.

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China NEVER threatened to shoot down Pelosi's plane or any other plane.

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I just listened to Tucker Carlson, and I think you didn't. He's been criticizing Biden's insane warmongering but he's also been criticizing the Republicans.

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It was actually a very appropriate response by Carlson, much to my utter shock.

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Tucker Carlson CONDEMNS Pelosi's trip to Taiwan...accuses both dems and republicans of pushing for a hot war with China...he has also spoken out against mandatory covidiot clot shots...something you NEVER even mention...lies by omission...https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-biden-admin-provoking-war-china

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Even if one agrees with the mandates and vaccines. It’s still wise to acknowledge the massive propaganda campaign that went into it

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the ones who "agreed" were coerced into believing their scam with the 24/7 fearmongering propaganda...the vaccines are neither safe or effective...https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/deaths-covid-vaccines-cdc-novavax-vaers/

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having a weak will or mind is understandable if not commendable, especially when the psychopathic sociopaths are so super persistent (gotta give them that). here at this forum, i am dealing with one such persistent puss at the moment, LOL.

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Please don't be cryptic on the Internet. Many of us aren't capable of mind-reading. If you mean that you are talking about Caitlin Johnstone, have the moral courage to come right out and say so.

"One such persistent puss"? WTF??

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if it was important for you to know what i meant, i would have named. i couldn't remember the "name" and it didn't really matter in this context. moral courage has nothing to do with it.

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maybe caitlin got her kids jabbed?

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with her complete silence on the scamdemic...I fear you are right....https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-vaccine-kids-facts/?itm_term=home

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Could you Libertarians and tin-foil hat wearers piss off with your “Covid is a hoax” and Anti-vaccine bullshit, please?

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not until you propaganda indoctrinated imbeciles wake up from your cognitive dissonance...now go get your fifth covidiot clot shot booster and dont forget your monkey pox shot too...big pharma is counting on you to break last years record profits...have a great day.... https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/76253-dead-6033218-injured-recorded-in-europe-and-usa-following-covid-vaccines-with-4358-fetal-deaths-in-u-s/

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It’s not a hoax, it’s a bioweapon made in a lab. I’m sorry you were duped into getting the shot and succumbed to the propaganda campaign. Look at VAERS. The merger of state and corporate power is fascism. The Pfizer docs, SADS, instances of myocarditis and clots.

Also, I’m not anti-vaccine. The COVID shot is not a vaccine. It doesn’t prevent infection. It’s a cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry.

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please make sure you're done having children before you get your fifth booster....https://infertilitymovie.org/a-diabolical-agenda/

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Yup, tell me about it, I have a relative that's been calling me a, "Chink lover", for over a year now. Certainly, psychologically ready for war. And, if you remember the Krump iron works in Germany that pledged their support to the Nazis and is greatly praised by many as having given the Germans the means by which to build an army, was taken as retribution after the war and given to the Krump family in America. Which, were my relative lives is where a wealthy Krump family lives and owns Cummins engines, if you've ever heard of them. So, big surprise; as Buffy Saint Marie sang, "big wheel turn and turn, little wheel spin and spin. Same town as our last vice president came from. Coincidence?

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Ugh. Gross.

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zionism and nazism are two worst expressions of ideology or two sides of one coin. zionism, which rules the mainstream at the moment in the west, portrays nazism as the devil and itself as the angel. in ukraine, they made a faustian bargain, which is exploding in their face right now. i suspect the same infight is breaking out here too.

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You must be a Krupp, nice family grave stone, my favorite I think in that graveyard. I doubt that it matters, people are always changing a letter here and a letter there. Certainly, the spirit of fascism is high as hell in that wonderful little town where people live such extremely short lives compared to Chicago, another wonderful fascist town.

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Tell me your pronoun(s) before we continue our conversation if it was intended as such! My doubts are tenfold compared to ...

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That's alright, your splendid little town, tried to have me killed the last time I was there, and the super effiencient police department had it all quickly hushed up; not surprising though, considering that the town is named in honor of a man ultimately responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent lives. But, do please, enjoy your town.

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Krump sounds better - almost Trump. Easier to remember.

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Could not agree more - BUT ONLY if at the same time people promoting the current course - DUMBING DOWN THE MASSES (in no way insinuating it is done on "purpose" by THE HUMAN MIND (THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND), because this would mean too much credit where no credit is due) - would NOT at the same time weep and cry their eyes out about the world going to HELL IN A HAND BASKET!


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The Krupp family, a prominent 400-year-old German dynasty from Essen, is notable for its production of steel, artillery, ammunition and other armaments.


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I'm thinking a lot of Pelosi's bluster about solidarity with Taiwan is just that. The US, especially lately, has a habbit of getting its dick out and threatening to fuck everyone in the room. Only to zip up after being told to shut up. I think Pelosi will pull out at the eleventh hour for "reasons".

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That's right, but not without consequences. They feel out the waters, they check the red lines. They move them ever so slightly every single time. It's not for naught.

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someone called that "salami tactic". only, it has fooled no one but themselves.

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Goebbels came up with the "salami tactic" metaphor.

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You're probably right. Do you think the BRICS countries et. al. are figuring out their game?

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Anyone with a sound mind does. The problem is they're all corrupt in one way or another and are on some hook. They're compromised. And so behave as if they're dummies.

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Eager to learn something new about a "sound mind".

Please, help me out!!!

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Something new? How about reviewing the old first.

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Wow, how enlightening!



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Well I was wrong. They really did it. Thanks America for once again fanning the flames of war.

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Watch Phil Ochs' "We're the Cops of The World" on YouTube.

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I just wanted to say I don’t give a fuck why or what the reason is. I CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIFE THAT NO ONE IS STATING IS A FACTOR AT ALL IN THE JUSTIFICATION IN ALL THIS! I mean it’s disgusting that the loss of human life is NEVER mentioned or cared about in all this bullshit. WHEN DID THEY FORGET THEY WORK FOR US! I AM 100% that NONE of us asked to die for ur pride or greed. SMH

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"when did they forget" - they never remembered. They went to work there for themselves.

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Watch How to Start a Revolution DVD documentary (it's not what you think) and read From Dictatorship to Democracy, the book by Dr Gene Sharp if you want to learn how to change this. We've got to get a critical mass of people who understand this.

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I to am a boomer and I agree with your dad that war is an unnatural horror. I am ashamed to be an American. Our government is run by sociopaths, and many are still living in their dream state. Their matrix.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

I am too, and a proud relict of the anti-war movement.

We need to get out of their matrix and admit that it is our responsibility to change this (Caitlin has been working hard to help us with this) and to get the courage to do it.

Some call for "a leader" and others call for "[someone] to bring them to accountability" (a mass of archangels from on high?) and that shows that they haven't accepted their own accountability in this.

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i'm pretty sure my amazon seller account was canceled one day with no explanation or recourse because i challenged the sellers community, dominated by the zionists, how proud they were of what they as foot-soldiers or supporters of the empire had done in the korean war. yes there are any number of volunteer moles and cells sleeper or active in any forum including this one.

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I don’t agree with you much anymore, but about the fact “conservatives” are supporting a senile, drunken, cunt’s visit to Taiwan is all the evidence one needs that all of DC is controlled by demons.

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Some conservatives. Not all.

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Thank you for putting my thoughts to words. If we survive the asinine & dangerous antics of Pelosi, Biden, and the others who love war, let's hope we can somehow create a better world that isn't based on profits & power.

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we can survive them only by severing our ties and any and every involvement with them and their schemes in every action we take and every choice we make everyday. we can, right now.

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Yes, some of us did that back in the 1960s. We were called hippies.

I doubt if you know much of anything about our movement except what the mainstream media told you.

You probably despise us.

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You can still take paypal as a tip. Ergo not censored by big tech. Says it all for me. There's a cabal all right. Tucker calls it, you miss characterize him. It's not so much whether Ccp bashing is warranted as whether the administration's escallating conflicts serve their purposes vis a vis the midterms. Getting into wars for more authoritarian control, when the voters aren't supporting them?

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Who is cut off from financial services it is an interesting way to find truth.,

however, some were cut off simply to make a precedent and to normalize state power

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It is interesting. I've been censored on YouTube while giving a quote from a politician. Words and reason. Big tech is treason. It's more the permissive. Not the first time I've felt this from this narrative

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It’s been said that a window on the soul is provided by examining the things people lie about.

More recently and more subtly the same can be said for things that should be reported but are not.

1) So military rape? One in ten American female soldiers have been raped by one or more of their colleagues , and if they report their careers are effectively over ( Army’s own data). WaPo? One story no follow up in several years.

2) US longevity passed by Cuba? Not a word. Passed by China this year. Not a word.

3) Appalling adolescent educational attainment scores (PISA). The US is as far behind China as Kazakhstan is trailing the US. Vague allusions. No major story on this five-alarm fire.

But lots of hopeful talk about how the US will outcompete China.

So this am I posted in WaPo, in response to another silly Marc Thiessen article, that he’s in WaPo to flatter Biden with his incoherent articles. Deleted. This adds to the overwhelming impression that WaPo is all about re-electing Dems to the exclusion of real news affecting the taxpayer.

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I feel the same about China, they focus on its negatives. Not that they are technically lying about China though. It’s hard to defend China, just like it’s hard to defend the US

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stop creating hostile environment for China before criticizing China for trying its best to defend itself. what would you do when someone is raping you, try to reason politely?

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But they have been lying about China, almost daily.

Extending my previous theme, when did you hear the Chinese PPP passed the US in 2014!? As reported in the Economist. Now their PPP is 25% greater than the US. Where did you read that?

You want direct lying? Genocide of the Uighurs is a good place to start. So flagrant they had to change the definition of genocide to suit themselves. Then they could not prove that either.

Sure the Chinese aren’t choir boys and they surely have been heavy handed at times. But at least the sanctimony is tolerable.

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A full-scale war with China could possibly bring about the end of life on Earth.

Who will the psychopaths in bunkers rule over, and steal from then?

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You assume that they are sane.

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they would rather have the half of the dead baby rather than caring for the live baby together. psychopathic sociopaths indeed.

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I have been watching Jimmy Dore's show about Nancy Pelosi's insane trip.

About a third of the comments hope that China would shoot her broomstick down (I do, too, and thank you, China); about a third don't know what to think; and one-third are the blithering warmongers you describe.

The comment that got my ire the most was the one that said that Jimmy's "pacifism" kept him from cheering on World War III. I responded that killing life on the planet was admirable, but "pacifism" - wanting peace - was deplorable? I told OP that he needed to get his critical thinking skills adjusted.

I've been admiring your work on propaganda for a long time, and I refer everyone I can to your website to see for themselves. Why try to paraphrase when they can get it better from the maestro?

You taught me to understand the phenomenon of modern propaganda. Thank you. Keep it coming.

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I wish that this were not true. But it is. In today's Age - no less than 3 articles warning us about China's aggression. And Jim Molan, former major general in the Australian army and now Liberal Senator for NSW, has written a lovely book, warning us all of the likelihood of China attacking the USA and Australia - a surprise attack, like Pearl Harbour.

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You are a rare voice that talks sense

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Hysterical - oftentimes - describes it better I believe!

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Haha ok . It is a measure of the extent of divergence in public opinion, that one person's truth is another's satire

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Hahaha - happy you said it!

Not that it really matters, but anyway!

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In a world such as ours, if you're not angry, you're not listening.

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The essential truths of our existence, usually leave one quiet and peaceful

The world is never free of its dramas and grave injustices

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Do you follow the Buddha? It sounds like you do.

I find that detaching myself from this world is calming. In fact, I wouldn't have what mental health that I do if I didn't.

I appreciate what Caitlin has to say about spirituality, except that she goes a little deeper than I am comfortable.

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Indeed I do

It is calming because it allows you to connect with what is real


Sharing something I wrote a few years ago . Do read it when you can 🙏

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Happy you have enlightened me, but I am beyond that point.

Rest assured, not in a way a self referential mind believing it is doing God's work by getting angry, would make itself believe it has.

One last thing - even though it looks to me a HUMAN MIND as angry as yours will barely listen forget about understand - How anyone makes peace with more weapons is beyond comprehension - of course not for an angry, deluded HUMAN MIND.

"Fighting" for peace is as much a MISNOMER, as putting out a fire by pouring more gasoline into it.

Those forces at work are BEYOND COMPREHENSION for THE HUMAN MIND. Fighting FLESH AND BLOOD is exactly the opposite of what is required.

Read FAUST from GOETHE - or THE BIBLE with an open heart for that matter - AND then walk the walk and you might be getting a grasp on the monstrosity every human being is moaning about - INCLUDING CAITLIN IN HER POSTS.

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They also must have a major war every generation or so because war is the single best generator of profit for the international banking cartel and its members. As they have done for centuries, bankers bankroll both sides of any war and collect massive profits from those efforts, Even if feckless and clueless politicians had difficulty coming up with reasons to go to war, the thoroughly corrupt international bankers would help them to find reasons to do so. It is relatively easy to blame brain-dead politicians and deep state operatives and arms manufacturers and their ilk for the continuation of war, but too few people understand the critical role played by the international banking cartel.

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