The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is never to let him find out he's in prison.

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Aren't you glad you're not famous? 😅 Henry Kissinger I think it was said to be an enemy is dangerous but to be a friend is fatal.

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Kissinger was a proper opulent psycopath

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I just now realized that was you that also said that. What the ruling class hates most is when you have both wealth and freedom. Diiiiiiie bishes

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Don't look at me. 🤷

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Like Chomsky has said it is like a window partially open..... and gradually closed.

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“This problem can be addressed simply by bringing awareness to it in every way we can. Manipulation only works if you don’t know it’s happening, so drawing attention to it and describing how it happens in as many ways as possible helps people start seeing through it.”

Great piece overall! In respect to the above question, much of hypnosis is done by suggestion for a very good reason: the mind will tend to resist if something is given as a command or even advice. Suggestion helps give the appearance of choice, but the reality is people emote with the thought or image embedded in the suggestion. It’s the constant emoting with a predetermined set of images and narratives, and their repetition, which makes it “feel” true.

Hence, the importance of switching gears and having a more open conversation about how propaganda and brainwashing actually happen and look like, rather than trying to win an argument on x, y, z subject. (We all know by now that the latter rarely works).

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Lord knows that if I had some magic that would break cognitive dissonance in humans, I surely would have used it now.

Had a discussion with a German business leader about the war in Ukraine. Long story short, don't believe everything you hear on the TeeVee. "Remember how Merkel and Hollande both stated that the Minsk Agreements were a sham intended to give time to rearm and restart the war?"

"You're.....right......! My God, you're right."

And then she quickly changed the subject, lest wrongthink ensue.

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"... lest wrongthink ensue" and she becomes Putins Versteher and consequently a business leader no more.

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She's smart enough to figure that out, and thus dropped the subject like a hot turd was placed tenderly into her hand.

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Truth is most humans have been trained to want to be the ones with their boots on everyone else's necks and only get all pissy about "injustices" when it's not theirs.

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You have a good point, Caitlin, about how people get propagandized to think in a narrow way.

However, it is also essential to note that the vaccine might be killing up to six million people a year. Lots of articles in the Epoch Times, and other sources. Russell Brand (on the left) and Tucker Carlson (on the right) also pointed this out.

Censorship and propaganda work hand in hand. Goebbels never would have gotten anywhere if they allowed anyone else to express a point of view. The Soviets, with Pravda, did the same.

The propaganda machine has always been much more sophisticated in the U.S., because we have controlled opposition, like Fox, RINOs, and maybe DINOs (hard for me to say, because of where I once sided ideologically, but don't anymore).

Censorship of alternatives to the vax, like Ivermectin, killed millions. Read RFK's book, "The Real Anthony Fauci."

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Interesting. Caitlin brings up how we are being psyop'd into two separate groups by the Elites, and you immediately bring up the anti-vaxxer debate - which is doing exactly what Caitlin writes in her essay. One of the most divisive issues in recent memory. Whether what you write is true or not, I find myself agreeing with Caitlin: the Psyop is very real.

And in case anyone might wonder, here is the other side of the coin of the Anti-vaxxer debate. An essay published today by Jessica Wildfire on the Bird Flu:

"Yes, They've Left You to Die: https://jessicawildfire.substack.com/p/yes-theyve-left-you-to-die?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=492821&post_id=124760523&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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I appreciate your point, jamenta. But six millionextra people dead per year due to the vax actually a result of the psy-op. Because the purpose of the vax was primarily to continue turning us all into sheep.

Listen to "Scapegoating and the Road to Political Persecution."

If you want to think clearly, this website is a life saver.


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I don't think it's as black and white as you make it out to be William Paul. And I'm not here to use the precious bandwidth of Caitlin's comments section to get into a fruitless anti-vaxxer debate - when my original comment was meant to point out that you are doing exactly what Caitlin articulated in her essay.

I do realize some people still have quite the Axe to grind on this Anti-Vaxxer debate, given how they treated their good friends when they dared to disagree with them on the issue. But I also believe there are others here trying to push a Psyop agenda, which is deliberately meant to divide and keep us divided (whether intentional or not).

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I can unite with anyone who is pro-vax, although I think they are misguided, and I also think Pfizer executives should go to prison for life, for willful negligence.

The psy-op I see is the one that turns us into docile, obedient sheep. What is the pay-op you see? I will read respectfully.

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I'd rather talk about the risk of nuclear war right now, and how billionaires have corrupted our government. I also think one can believe these latest vaccines are flawed, but still believe in the efficacy of vaccines (polio, measles, etc) that have been used historically. That it need not be one or the other. With all respect. Cheers.

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Here's where we will part ways...the vac was a scam from start to finish and it's done more damage than any good

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Interesting how Caitlin's essay wasn't at all about who is right and who is wrong with vaccines (or transgenders). She was writing pretty much how these issues (such as the abortion issue) is deliberately used to divide Americans - while the oligarchs continue to warmonger and exploit Americans economically ruthlessly (which effects all Americans, whatever sex they are, or whatever health care they get).

I'm sorry you feel everyone must agree with you on every issue, and it's your way or the highway. Grow up Chaz.

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Yet you are the one who started mentioning the anti vex debate and I chime in on a comment you made and you a stick me into a "band of thugs" category you can manage and demonize to dismiss.. Fascinating..

Im not even sure you are aware of your own projection or behaviour patterns.

For somone who claimed to see psyops you can't see how you have been victimized by cultural and social conditioning into those patterned of duplicity you resort to as tactics.

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"Grow up"

Your own words belie you..no wonder you miss the plot.

You might want to reevaluate your core sens of integrity and deal with your intellectual cowardice to know why that is so important to decern truth from fiction

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The very fact you use tactics in linguistic ways like terming it "anti-vax" like a smear,, to dismiss and challenge that might topple your view..scratch to close to the real truth for you and you jump into every single one of those underhand tactics

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Wow that's how you see it? Grow up?

That's also a tactic you ilk use..grow into what? Your school of thought if I challange your assertions you think forcing you? Or do you take that stance as a tactic?

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Hey Chaz - grow up!

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Grow up?

Into what...your culture tribe social order?

The most accomplished test taker is only as good or brainwashed as the test designer.

You use the grow up tactic as a trick.. You use it as a way to dismiss aanyone that won't agree with you then play the victim...

You don't seem to have the emotional maturity yourself to take stock of the fact you resort to those psychological methods and tricks.

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If you really think those vaccines remotely worked as described (lied about) you really lost the plot on who is being psyopsed..

Its funny how the most seemingly aware can be so fooled when it's a cause they have some sort of an emotional investments in.

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Like I said I don't live in a black and white world. And I'm not going to spend time arguing vaccines with someone who has it all figured out (like many of the anti-vaxxers do already). So fuck off.

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Yeah that's a typical response I expected..run away...

Then use the "grow up tag line" then act like anyone who challenges you is benieth your time and effort...you are a classic duplicitous character and I bet you don't even know it.

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That's about all I'm going to engage on this issue here, because this was exactly the point of Caitlin's article. Interesting how immediately after she wrote the article - we get an anti-vaxxer post and then a transgender post - both attacking Caitlin in her comments section. So yeah fuck-off Chaz, you and your organized band of thugs here.

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Organized band of thugs?

See you can't even help using that tactic..organized? So you insert that notion into your accusations when there's zero evidence of it..you conveniently make an assumptions knee jerked into existence in order to degrade and dissmiss my point of view as in "grow up".

You are littered with duplicitous behaviour patterns here that you quickly resorted to..

All we agreed upon but this one issue sent you down that road so fast your head spun around like Linda Blair and you started to use all those learned underhanded tactics.

Fascinating,,,,no wonder you can't see how you also have been psyopsed..

Maybe you can point out my misspelling as to how I'm grown-up you imagine me to be.

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You sound like AOC claim that words are violence against her

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Be Carfull of epoch Times...it's a very clever propaganda entity too...that's what's so insidious about the modern way of portraying it's propaganda as opposing propaganda and inserting the false naratives within...they demonize China and are setup by an organization funded by the West but to look like a people's movements exposing their "oppressors". Just like every other color revolution created by the CIA to topple government's USrAel can't control.

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I will keep this short. It doesn't matter what we say, it matters only if it has an effect. You'll see popular journalists criticize and demonize dissent of ideas within either of the empire's parties. My point is that the empire creates counterarguments for the party to use to dissuade those people from voicing their opposition to any issue. This is by design and part of the herding. Propaganda is what it is, but it becomes more elaborate in the sense that the empire takes great care to make it's bad ideas look great. Risking nuclear war with Russia should be an absolutely not reaction to any sane person. Yet the US empire makes itself look virtuous, altrustic even...when nothing could be further from the troops. "Let's not end nearly all life on the planet over this." is often met with "Are you crazy? Russia is wrong!" Literally mass loss of life within hours or minutes and people rather have moral supportity than a liveable planet? lol

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You touch on the deeper point,,, The western ruling opulent psycopaths running civilization into the ground are insane.

They care more about their obsession with Russian xenophobic Putin bogeyman syndrome they all got from CIA run Hollywood depictions of the evil communists hidding under their beds poised to steal the patriots lint than any concern for others or the planet...it's like the domestic abuser dynamics.. As soon as the victime start to expose the abuser they up the abuse to try and keep control but this just proves the point and so this escalates out of control till someone gets killed either them or their victims.

Its true in the domestic as well as the international.

These patterns of the punitive society and cultural psychology of teach by brutality and punishment has been deeply ingrained into western mindsets and normalized. Both the left and right in this bread and circuses pick a team and fight paradigm suffer from it.

Most are fully unaware of the profound depths of the propaganda they are subject to in a million subliminally designed ways.

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"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."

-Emma Goldman

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"If voting changed anything, they wouldn't allow us to do it." --Mark Twain (paraphrased)

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They encourage you to vote so you sign the legal voter registration documents agreeing to abide by the dictates of their installed puppets.

Everything is a scam.

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Dad’s dying words, “it’s all bullshit”

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Firstly, my apologies for submitting this response today, unrelated to Caitlin's article.

But.....the matter deserves to be posted.

It concerns a news item today from the ABC in Australia. I'll keep it simple

"The United States military warned Australia's defence chief that allegations of war crimes from Afghanistan may affect future cooperation with the SAS and Special Operations Command."

How many ways can one spell HYPOCRISY

I could respond in the Australian press but both are so rightwing as my letter would never see the light of day, one being Murdoch. The other being football oriented and total US sycophants. Say no more.

Finally, I was tempted to mention, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Laos, Yemen, half of South America, support for all Israel's crimes against Palestine since 1967, even today, but I won't bother. Please fill in all the remainder if you have the time.

You've heard it all before

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A good Greenwald take on a couple issues dealing with hypocrisy: https://rumble.com/v2qsjp2-systemupdate-89.html

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"Someday the leaders of ecocidal corporations will be put on trial for their crimes against our planet, and their defense that they did it to generate profits for their shareholders will be treated the same as war criminals saying they were just following orders."

Can we apply this same idea to politicians? After all, they do everything to generate profits for their owners, the billionaires/oligarchs. "Just following orders" should be an automatic jail sentence for anyone who cooperates in the killing of people and the planet.

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Or they destroy the planet and we all perish over their obsession with playing God's

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The description of how fake duopoly shepherds people into one of the two parties using wedge issues like culture war is good. But it doesn't entirely describe the majority of the US population: non-party non-voters.

The ruling elite have honed the bipartisan kabuki and its praetorian institutions. They must have honed a similarly effective system to keep the non-party non-voter from organizing into enough of a bloc it's a threat to the status quo, no?

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They deprive the disgruntled of leadership and of the means of communication they need to organize. A directionless opposition is no threat.

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On the other hand, when the rat terrier enters the barn, the rats all flee in different directions. Rats are not cowards, but they recognize a good survival skill when they see it.

On the other-other hand, when the Jaguar accidentally slides into the jungle pool while fishing, the piranhas attack in mass.

I don’t mind a bit of group organization if that serves the purpose, but anarchy can also be an effective strategy.

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All main stream social media engage in censorship fascist cover for the powerful deep state ,, and convince the average people it's conspiracy to even suspect there is one.

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Any movement that challenge the power of the state is quickly infiltrated and destroyed from within...seen this over and over...that's also how they use color revolutions to destroy countries and coupe their good leaders out and install western puppets...any country they can not control they seek to destroy... Its as plain as day yet most Americans are so deeply brain washed by public education and popular culture driven by CIA influenced Hollywood that they only know how to pay and obey like mindless serfs to the hiarchy fallacy of might makes right.

Don't forget to sign and date those tax checks like obedient little slaves.

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The division of the country has been accomplished in the past 30 or 40 years. It's been done by choosing issues which have no clear answer and pushed in the media to keep people arguing and divided. While the political elections look like the country is split 50-50 that's not really the case. Trying to have a discussion with someone and you almost inevitably run into a issue where you are extremely divided and end up being angry at each other. And the result is that things keep getting worse and we keep losing our rights. Wages have been stagnant for 40 years while inflation has increased. The government creates programs to solve problems that it has created.

For instance:

Homeland Security was created as a result of 911. It's a coincidence that Sept. 11 translates to 911? A nice little psychological tweak for peoples thoughts in the future. It was a coincidence that our defense system was told to stand down by Cheney that day? So Homeland Security was created to stop terrorism and secure our borders. And yet we can't stop 8 year old barefoot kids from crossing. And the only terrorist attacks have been from domestic sources. Foreign terrorists have never been a problem. But domestic surveillance has. Now, mass shootings are the issue. I can't wait to see what the solution will be. That problem is most likely caused by video games and movies and children being indoctrinated by them from age 5. Of course the military is taking full advantage of having kids all trained to fly drones by video games.

What has happened in America is the same techniques that our government has used since its inception against indigenous people. The culture is destroyed over 1 or 2 generations and the people are indoctrinated into the new one. The trickle down economics theory has really been the trickle up theory. The money has trickled up to the wealthy. If you are poor just remember that it's all your fault. Opportunity abounds.

The US politicians, judicial system and economic system are all corrupt. Individually nothing can be done. When the majority of Americans are struggling to survive they have no time to engage in politics. Writing your elected officials will get you nothing. I've tried. The system has been broken by choice. It needs a complete renovation. Welcome to the banana republic of Amerika. Our reality has been created for us.

A book could be written on this but who needs another book that no one has the time or inclination to read?

"Someday the leaders of ecocidal corporations will be put on trial...." C.J.

If global warming is true there won't be enough time for that to happen. Given the latest data on sea temperature rise it looks like that is the case.

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WOW!!! Caitlin has just written us a survival guide for our times.

We are living in times of endless lies and propaganda which can and will foreclose the future for us and future generations.

We have to realize we are governed by petulant sociopaths having no regard for costs(social and otherwise) or consequences. They are delusional ideologues enslaving whole populations.

I just went paid as a way of saying thank you for essential content we must know.

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Very true. It's difficult to censor all sources of media or all voices, but computer managed garbage like A/I can spit out propaganda endlessly.

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It's already doing that..it's become unidentifiable to the average moke

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"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."

-- Frederic Bastiat

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If what I read about human socialization is true (cf. Goffman) then a substantial number of people _desire_ propaganda and censorship. The first feeds them things they want to hear (have been trained to want to hear) and the second helps keep away unpleasant thoughts. Extensive testing (some of which is available on the Net) has demonstrated that almost everyone is susceptible to it, including the very smart folks who think they're immune. I recall a brief passage of _Mad Men_ in which someone tells Dan Draper that she completely ignored some piece of advertising. "That means it worked," Draper replies.

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Brilliant show...but deeply disturbing to some of us who understand who Edward Bernais was,, and who his uncle was.

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Caitlin, If we were to focus on the manipulators behind the curtain, who exactly would that be? Every corporate CEO? Military leaders? Religious leaders? Constantly exposing the actual culprits might be more productive than just saying we’re all being manipulated and divided.

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You think it's so simple - there are names and once we know them we can do something concrete to deal with those specific individuals and everything will be good. And if it's positions - CEOs, e.g. - then just get rid of the title.

It's the super wealthy who are ultimate manipulators. It's in their interest to keep and multiply their wealth and they have means (power through wealth) to ensure that propagates and solidifies. Their will trickles down through entities they own: corporations, companies, trusts, foundations, etc. Media, tech companies, military, etc - they all do what their owners tell them to. The employees of those entities are the implementors, hence the participants.

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If the super wealthy aren’t the focus, who or what is? Citizens are not going to stop fighting amongst themselves without a new narrative and a new target. If you can’t name it, then what?

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Super wealthy *are* the focus. I thought that's what I was stressing.

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Nothing behind the curtain any more, but a cringing White House.

Propaganda versus censorship. Which is worse? Another view showing that censorship is just around the corner This new US government initiative is obviously payback time by Biden and his Neocons for the continued support by Israel with an election just around the corner for his Democratic party, evidenced by their well established total control of both Houses in the USA government.

Israel has always said they would end up being the masters of the USA from as far back as Ariel Sharon and his “we own America” boast. They’ve won that one, hands down.

So to add to today’s article by Caitlin is a development that might not have been identified in detail at the time of her writing. The White House hosted a virtual event followed by the issuance of a fact sheet and detailed strategic report last week that described in some detail a sweeping plan that will be implemented to confront what it (yes, the White House) conveniently describes as "surging antisemitism". It will subsequently be easy for politicians and the media to label critics of domestic issues like the state of the Mexican border, or international issues like the pointless and highly dangerous war against Russia, as “haters” and by an imaginative and tortuous extension…… antisemites.

Appropriate punishment will follow accordingly. Check it out.

One more reason for the rest of the world to move at a greater speed to distance itself from the US, not only because of its bullying, its hegemony and warmongering, but now additionally because of a fast growing lack of respect for a self-styled ”exceptional" country of 330 million people which has allowed itself to be controlled daily by a universally disliked apartheid state of 9 million people in the Middle East.

This new White House step confirms that the USA has reached rock bottom.

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And sticking that scarlet letter "A" on any lapel that challenge the sanctity of the chosen ones facade of sacrosanctity.

The sickness is profound but the sicknesses has been normalized.

The average moke has no idea how deep that rabbit hole really goes in subliminally mind controlling the sheep into compliance.

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Agreed,,But you have to get people to see and realize there is a problem first or you can't come to real conclusion to then make solutions.

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Naming individuals doesn’t help; in fact we do see sacrificial lambs produced from time to time to show us that the machine can be trusted to keep itself clean. It is interests, not individuals, that dictate the affairs of state, and there is no individual who cannot be replaced.

It’s a mistake, I think, to believe that, had Trump (or Boris Johnson, for that matter) not stood, the resulting R (tory) administration would have done anything substantially different. It’s not even safe to assume the counterfactual winner would have been any less outlandish or unhinged. Half the country saw the outlandish, unhinged shit and voted for it. Someone very similar would have emerged to fill the Trump-shaped hole, pursued the same divisive rhetoric and played the same role, perhaps with a slightly different vibe.

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Still observing this hiarchy psycopath nation I wonder who or what is at the head of the snake. What DON calls the shots?

I suspect the most wealthy dynastic families in the world are at the helm but this is hard to prove as they operate in the shadows. They even create the very shadows they hide in while pulling all the strings.

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If the super wealthy aren’t the focus, who or what is? Citizens are not going to stop fighting amongst themselves without a new narrative and a new target. If you can’t name it, then what?

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The problem is not that one particular thing, person, group, country, empire, etc. is bad or evil. The issue at hand is essentially delusion.

Buddha called it out 2500 years ago - Moha, Avijja, Delusion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moha_(Buddhism)

It is quite humbling to realize that if I had lived the life of the person whom I consider evil, I'd probably be up to the same (or similar) stuff I call out evil.

If one can access the deeper subtler realities and laws of nature accessible to us all (without the needs of any special external apparatus) through our pure minds, then one sees the world outside as a mere reflection of the one inside.

This is not to say that one should give up all external, physical, vocal action and focus on the mind alone, but it is to say that once the mind starts realizing its nature, all resulting actions nudge the world towards greater wisdom and self-realization.

Then instead of planting seeds of hate (ignorance), the same set of actions come from a place of unselfish compassionate love.

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Great! vu2tve. Reading Caitlin's excellent newsletter, I was thinking in the same vein - of the words of the Buddha. Of seeing things as they are - Right view is the first noble truth of the Eight Fold Path. Also of the Kalama Sutra where Buddha says to be sceptical of everything, to go beyond tradition, opinion and belief.

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The hiarchy fallacy that claim we are just animals or rats in a cage or maze with no ability to use the gift of intelligence to overcome base instincts is also a design of propaganda.

We use the observed animal world struggle for survival to justify our own cruelty and lusts and exploitation of other beings.

On one hand we claim superiority to the animals but when convenient we site them as example why we can't change and think our way into better systems and behavior..

We have a mind and refuse to use it for the best potential of human advances and thought going beyond our base instincts.. But that would mean crafting a more equitable prosperous world for all instead of a few opulent psycopaths running civilization into the ground and living off all our backs and creating the sniviling obsequious toads that support the system as it is so they too benefit by all its abuses.

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You can dismiss DeSantis, but parents really don't want their kids to be pushed trans. Yet schools and companies do push. It's existential, as is the issue of needle-rape, which affected most of us and DeSantis also opposed. Compared to that, war in Ukraine is far off. Mulvaney is a proxy for the trans kids issue and few would care if it were just adults.

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That's the trick though..invent the villain market the hero..

In this way they install the puppet the state wants.

Its possible this is a real deep psyops... Get schools to make the issue and ride in the hero (puppet)

Keep the average moke focused and distracted on hot bed issues keeps eyes off the proxy wars and the rest of their deep state domestic crimes ...and USrAel crimes ...

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