“The Biden administration accepts that Israel will soon launch a major attack on Iran, but it fears that strikes on certain targets could dramatically escalate the regional war."

White washing bullshit. The NeoCons have been drooling for this bloodshed now for decades. They're still supplying Israel with every fucking bomb it wants. This is them lying to the American people so they can pretend Netanyahu is off his fucking rocker, and Biden tried to do whatever he could to stop him. Horseshit. They know exactly what they're doing - these psychopaths. They hit Iran it's all out war. AND THEY KNOW IT.

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Yep…and all the American and NATO troops surrounding Iran can call their momas and tell them goodbye. Biden will show that he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about American lives.

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Well Netanyahu is way off his rocker, if I was still doing counselling I'd be reaching for the alarm button under the desk. But while I can sort of understand why Bibi is doing what he's doing, I'm fucked if I can see why the Amerikan Empire is enabling him.

Here in Aus, assisted suicide is illegal.

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We have a POTUS who has spent his entire life lying to the American people. He's so fucking senile, he sometimes can't find his way off a podium. He probably doesn't give a shit whether the rest of the world goes up in flames - since he's on his way out anyway.

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According to the old saying - 'You can tell when a politician is lying, his lips move'. I guess if you've reach the top, you must have doing more of it and doing it better. I don't believe that the President runs the country, but those that do have their hands on the levers, must realise that after a global nuclear war, there will be no winners.

Not even Amerika.

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Quite a few of these brain dead like fools were urging JFK to start a nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis. You'd be surprised how many there are who think a nuclear war is worth risking, and even worth doing. We'll see what happens. If Israel does strike Iran, a lot more people will be dying in the next few weeks/months. How then, you'll keep a cap on the nukes, is beyond me. Israel certainly is going to launch once it realizes it is losing. And it will lose. There is no defense against the hypersonics.

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It's even worse than just Israel actually because Russia is fighting for their very existence and they have a greater reason than Israel to hit the big red button.

You've previously mentioned that you follow Judge Nap so you've heard John Mearsheimer, Jeffry Sachs, Scott Ritter et al and these people who know whereof they speak, who all think it likely that Russia will come to the aid of Iran, so even if the Empire looses interest in Ukraine we're still in Dr Strangelove territory.

The Cuban Missile Crisis is beginning to look like a minor inconvenience.

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Yes I watch Judge Nap daily now. I agree, Russia ain't going to just watch Iran be blown off the map.

Strangelove is a good reference. It's very clear Israel has no intention of stopping their murderous rampage. The question now, is will they still hit Iran now, or will they just keep the carnage local? It's hard for me to to think they can be that bloody stupid, to attack Iran now. But then, I've never been a very good at judging accurately the depths of human stupidity.

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These power hungry fools are scary. They probably all have underground bunkers to shelter in when the nukes start flying, but when it’s all over and they just got to come out b/c they have been in the bunkers so long, well that’s when they’ll be hit with the fallout of radiation and will die painful deaths. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people as far as I’m concerned.I would rather just go up in the blast and get it over with. The ones that start this deserve to die painful deaths for they knowingly gave a terrorist state the bombs and weapons to kill and maim children, provided intelligence to that despicable entity called Israel and escalated war with Russia bringing us ever closer to nuclear Armageddon. These neocons sicken me and if there is a hell I hope they will be in it when they leave this world.😢☮️🇵🇸

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When I learned about the city under a pasture in West Virginia, where all the "important" members of the government is supposed to evacuate to, to "save our democracy," in response to the cataclysm that they caused, I lost all respect for them. Some leaders. Pull the plug on the ship of state and head for the only lifeboat. There's a lake down there. I bet it's staffed with 24-year old female assistants.

Now that the .001% are all building bunkers, I fantasize about the balloon going up, they pile into their bunker, and, hey, that seal doesn't work. That screw-down port doesn't quite fit. The toilet backs up. The batteries leak. The food is full of sawdust. Because the shittification that the corporations have imposed on everything that is made these days, will also be visited upon their stupid bunkers. Enjoy the mold, the stuff that breaks, the smell of paint.

Why do they think we will let them out afterwards?

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I'm not sure about hell, smokygirl, but when the nukes start dropping, many of us will still be alive.

Eventually those that live,will find the rat holes where the ones that created this mess are hiding.

Justice will be ours.

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Even see "Don't Look Up!"?

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I don’t think Israel launches a strike on Iran without U.S. approval. And I don’t see that approval coming from the WH or State Department before the election. Biden has taken his party out on a limb, and there’s no turning back. My hope is that the DP loses again, and whoever takes office will not let any neocons have any role in their government.

Isn’t it curious how every step that Netanyahu has taken has brought his country closer to total destruction, and every step taken by Biden appears to be hastening the end of the empire?

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Israel can't strike without US support. And it does appear US is giving all possible support to Israel it can, including the required tactical planning needed to strike Iran. I don't believe Biden is trying to stop Israel at all - that is standard US propaganda BS to cover Washington's ass. If Biden wanted to, he could pull the plug with a phone call. He hasn't and won't.

I think these fools really do think they can win a war with Iran.

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The irony is that, if Trump were to win, Team D would suddenly rediscover human rights for a little while.

Sort of like how Team D congressmen bewailed the Saudi genocide in Yemen, only to reverse course once Trump was no longer in the Oval Office.

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Oct 11Edited

There's no hope of that. When Obama held over Bush's secretary of defense, and his secretary of the treasury who had just overseen the collapse of 2008, I knew that the two parties were just front men for the same forces. The neocons couped this country in 2000, when Bush was appointed president by the Supreme Court, and they still run what passes for our foreign policy.

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The problem. as Chris Hedges has noted, is that the present ruling class is greedy to the point of being stupid and blind. They dont get the concept that they are limits to squeezing things. They dont get the concept of blowback even when its int their face.

And all the cowards that serve them in politics are too gutless to tell them there are limits.

Presumably they have escape rockets ready to take them to mars, because they are going to wreck this planet here.

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Yeah Kojo, there was a widely read book back in the seventies, I think it was titled something like 'Men are from Mars - Send them back'

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I gave a few suggestions a day or so ago, David, identifying the fact that ............

* the US is down to 7 years of oil reserves.

* Israel is well placed to be the procurer and security guard for their partners-in-crime in the USA, that is 330 million of them now under the control of AIPAC through political corruption, already in place, for the continuing and constant supply of oil and gas.

* the security with the oil providers is then protected by up to 400 Israeli nuclear warheads...... "one for every capital", stated, currently stacked in Dimona.

* Israel will then turn all the land "from the river to the sea" into Israel as planned, a very wealthy tourist mecca using Palestinian and Lebanon land, with a waiting list already rumoured to be in place. Zelensky said to be a land owner. He has the qualifications required.....money and he is jJewish. Both mandatory.

Israelis as a sect are a devious, inhumane bunch as the world now knows having the USA by the vitals and so much more of the Western world able to be influenced through banking, business investment, historical relationships and on, from older times when Jews were acceptable, not like today's murderers, rapists, liars and child killers.

My feelings conclude with the quite obvious fact that what the US is getting away with as a more than willing Israeli partner has been well planned, with the great assistance of the Western / white / anglo / christian countries. Probably safe to say that these countries as a group consider the whole world is totally their domain, maintaining or extending power over foreign nations as their absolute right. As a result, they will rue the day that they opened their doors to immigrants who are now well on the way to population advantage in Sweden, Germany, the UK and so many other countries

Israel now having joined the imperialist clan. Hence the protection and connivance of the USA.

Just a theory, David. OIL, the key. Time will tell.

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Nah, oil has had it's day. To quote an old shampoo ad, 'It won't happen overnight but it will happen'.

The smart money knows it will happen and are investing accordingly and they're not going to place their bets on a losing proposition.

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Joe Biden suffers from alzhrimer/ dementia and is putty in the hands of people like Netanyahu.

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What ? "assisted suicide is illegal" in Aus ?

You have already forgotten what happened in aus. and the world just a year back. That's what psychos hide... and wait .....


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The American empire is Khazarian.......need I say more?

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It seems that accusing someone of mental illness has become a valid reason/excuse for murder . I don't say genocide because that seems to be easy to forgive/totally understandable or maybe it has become so commonplace that it no longer packsa punch ?

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It's not so much a case of accusing someone of mental illness as a case of 'if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck......'

I think a jury of several hundred million are well and truly out on that one

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Why? As long as he has his American thug, Netanyahu is perfectly safe.

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You so right, utterly evil!

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I keep seeing Stormbamfurer Biden all over the place recently.....is he better now? Was his illness just a coup d'etat to not have a Primary and choose the candidate for the Disgusting Dems?

As it is USA has lost all of its marbles (if they had any) in the past 50yrs.

Go ahead you complete morons and attack Iran which you have wanted to do for years.

What may I ask has Iran done to you.

Killing is the game now.....not going to stop.

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Iran's ongoing crime is pride in its Persian history and culture -- how it proudly and tacitly resists the Empire. Any country that fails to bend the knee and whimper is a special enemy that requires extra demeaning. It's always been that way with bullies whose egos need the satisfaction of servitude.

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Most Americans probably don't even know about Persia. Still is a very cultured people AND they speak many languages.

All Empires are bullies.

I come from one of the worst and refuse to affiliate with it...............UK is still suffering from the loss just can't 'grow up!'

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Persia? wasn't that someplace that Moses conquered with the jawbone of a hyena? Most Americans live in a cloud of Disney-fied illusion, where actual historical knowledge has no impact except for test-passing in a useless sophomore(ic) high school world history survey course. But it's the empire, ergo, it must have the best education system, right? Snicker, Giggle. Guffaw. Cachinnation.

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Of course. Israel is seeking any pretext for war, and the United States and its catamites will be dragged in and be doing most or all of the fighting.

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These evil doers are psycho paths. They know what they’re doing. These sickos get off on war and power.😢☮️🇵🇸

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Says it all!

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Oct 11Edited
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I remember Biden thinking he was Irish!

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Watch "Atrocity Inc" just released by Max Blumenthal and the Grayzone on rumble.com

He exposes the foundational Israeli hoaxes used to justify genocide.

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I just posted about Atrocity Inc too. Imo its the likely reason for Loffredos arrest

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It's probably just another stimulus in the already full barrel of hatred for those anti-Zionist Jews at the Grayzone. I'm told that Israelis hate anti-Zionist Jews even more than Palestinian Arabs.

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At one point, I believe Max uses the words "a tsunami of atrocity porn" with especial vituperation directed at the NY Times -- appropriately of course.

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No press briefing? I can see this being the case from here on out... They don't want us to know what evil they're up to, and Count Smirkula doesn't want any more journalists calling him on his B.S. When they kicked out Al Jazeera from the West Bank you know why they did it, don't you? What the public can't see never happened.

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The Biden presidency AND the Biden-Harris Administration HAS BEEN THE WORST in the history of the US (my memory and historical knowledge is limited, so please correct me if I am mistaken).

Yes, I know that Trump is bad, Reagan was bad, Bush was bad, Nixon was bad. But NONE OF THEM were even remotely as bad as Biden (based on the real evidence so far).

The previous Trump and present Biden Administrations have put the US (and the world) on a trajectory of WAR and assured protracted conflicts. I don't see how a TRUMP or a HARRIS Presidency can possibly change this trajectory. The die is cast. The question is - how bad will it really get?

Another reason why BIDEN-HARRIS Administration is the worst: There is this concept of "BLOWBACK" that the US will face for generations based on all the wars and military attacks and conflicts it has waged on the world. No one knows when the US Empire will face the consequences of these "blowback events". It would possibly happen in some other politician's administration. But ask yourself this - which administration was responsible the most and deserves the most blame for the consequences of future blowback events on US citizens?

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Vote Green as the only salvation!

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What salvation? Whether I vote green or red or blue or anything else, we already know that either Trump or Harris will be the next President (barring some miracle). So what salvation?

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There are benefits to voting Green this election. 1) You can look yourself in the mirror the next day and say "I did NOT vote for Harris or Trump. I did not vote to fund more genocide. I am a moral person with a conscience." 2) By helping Greens get a higher percentage of the vote in your state, you're helping Green candidates in next year's election get on the ballot as a Green in your state (since in many states the Green presidential candidate has to receive a certain percentage of the state vote for the Green Party in that state to be "recognized" and for those running for state or local offices as Greens to be called Greens and have access to party funding. Ds and Rs don't have this problem.) 3) If everyone who liked Jill Stein's platform voted for her--she'd win, hands down. In a three- or four-way race, it doesn't take that large a percentage to win. Check out her platform at jillstein2024.com/platform

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TRC, I think you misunderstood my comment. This "voting" is NOT ABOUT ME, it is about the US and the WORLD. This "voting" is NOT about "my feelings" or "how I justify things" or "how I rationalize things" or "how I resolve cognitive dissonances". Obviously I'm not going to vote for ANYONE that supports genocide (which should be obvious to anyone that's read my comments in Caitlin's substack).

1) I don't care about how I feel or my mirror (on the voting issue)

2) This will hopefully happen (depending on state) as I suspect there are many non-genocidal voters this election season.

3) This "everyone" logic makes sense in "fantasyland" - but that's not how reality works (no matter how much we would like it to work that way)

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Check out the polling in Michigan... Greens are on the ascendancy. Greens are throwing a monkey wrench/spanner into the machine. We're going to help shut down the whole corrupt system. The first step of a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Take it with us.

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TRC, like I said - I'm NOT trying to rain on anyone's parade. I'm all for Jill Stein. That's not the issue under consideration. Regardless of what happens in Michigan, the fact is (barring miracles) that it will be a TRUMP or HARRIS presidency. That doesn't in any way suggest that one should not vote for Jill Stein.

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Be very careful in promoting the Greens. In my country(Canada) the Greens, while still a small party have done more to damage this country than any other group. I'm afraid that because of all the left wing doggerel that has so duped the West that we are all f-----d.

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Just curious, what damage have the Greens done here in Canada? To me they appear entirely ineffectual.

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If you listen to what the Greens actually want you would be very leery of them. Their policies if enacted would shut down just about all industry and totally destroy commerce. People would be out of work in no time flat.

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I never say never! Ignore the polls! Talk Green to everyone!

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I'm a realist (for some reason BOTH optimists and pessimists don't like realists - don't know why). I see the glass BOTH half full AND half empty (unlike optimists and pessimists that ignore half the glass based on their confirmation biases).

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I’m a realist too that’s why I don’t accept that we can’t make a difference for good.

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Patricia Blair - that's NOT how a "realist" thinks. The question of "accepting" doesn't arise for a "realist". A realist would use statistics, probability, and other methods to arrive at probability distributions on hypotheticals and confidence intervals on those analyses.

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Do what you can to get the current perps out of office to disrupt the trajectory of where we know they’re dragging us. Then deal with the batch next of psychopaths.

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maybe the salvation of the fighting spirit. i hope the greens will not stop opposing the genocide and empire and keep organising. if one were to join them you can already make use of the organisational structure to keep up the protests against harris or trump policies. idk, but i think it's harder to keep motivated if one voted for either wing of the duopoly (in the belief that they somehow are 'harm reduction') or didn't vote (deciding that giving the finger to a corrupt system is more important then giving the finger to the genocidals), then if you voted green.

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The CIA concept of blowback is detailed in Chalmers Johnson's 2004 book 'Blowback: the costs and consequences of American empire'...this book is a must read as is his follow up 'The Sorrows of Empire.'

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Thanks for the book recommendations teddyG. My reading/catch-up list is so long that I don't think I'll live long enough to read through it. But thank you again for the suggestions.

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You ain’t wrong. Many ex military and intelligence guys have said the same thing. Blinken is the worst brain dead SoS in history. If this war with Iran happens then Austin can join Powell in hell.

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Blinken Winkin Nod represents the Tribe before he represents Americans. Isn't that glaringly obvious? He's only brain dead when it comes to helping America, he's Khazarian through and through.

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"The die is cast. The question is - how bad will it really get?" Just a guess.. but I would predict that when The final battle is fought, soon coming to expose the stupidity of the Earth's most 'intelligent' species, the darkness of the ensuing Nuclear Winter should be enough to hide the last death throes of whatever will be left of life on the planet.

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Cats are clearly the highest and most superior species!

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"Cats are clearly the highest and most superior species!" Yes, any animal that is smart enough not to pay attention to what human beings say is by far superior to them in intelligence, and my cat never listened to me... ever...

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Maybe if you had some Greenies?

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One could hardly call them intelligent!

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"One could hardly call them intelligent!" Unfortunately, intelligence is independent from stupidity, and sometimes the two seem to act in perfectly proportional quantities.. For example, it takes a great amount of intelligence to make nuclear weapons, but also an equal amount of stupidity.

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I was referring to the comment that I had made regarding human intelligence in light of the weapons we fabricate with that intelligence. . ... which is why I used single quotation marks to signify that the collective 'intelligence' of out species is questionable... .

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I agree about cats BUT not sure if your comment is addressed to me?

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That comment starts with the quote of your comment. Wouldn't that be a clue? Even in France?

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If we define intelligence as an overall ability to comprehend and consider issues universally then it must be on a different, higher plane than stupidity. I think you want to say proficiency in a craft, trade, etc. Those easily sit next to stupidity in areas outside the relevant purview.

Also, intelligence without morals easily serves good and evil (atheists of the forum, Fass!) so cannot be a positive.

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Regarding intelligence and stupidity.... Intelligence is hard to define, but stupidity may be a little easier. Using the K.I.S.S. principle, I would think that if using intellectual assets brings about unnecessary negative conditions, then stupidity has joined the fray. Making nuclear weapons requires more intelligence than I have, but making them also seems to be as stupid as it gets. Therefore, is intelligence an asset of survival or an existential danger. Using the above, worms may not be smart creatures, but they can't make nuclear weapons. We can..... i.e., the intelligent species. On the other hand, you don't have to be a genius to understand that crossing the street on a red light can kill you, but you have to be stupid to do so.. So you're right, the two conditions exist on a different plane, but one does not exist without the other. i.e., the more intelligent you are, the more stupid you can be... E = MC2.... It took a genius to come up with the formula, but an idiot to use it for a bomb.

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Well, you got that right !

None of them in our Nation’s History anyway near these guys !

You said it very perfectly !

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You are quite optimistic in thinking there will be a future for our species to have the luxury of worrying about blowback. I hope you are right.

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"my memory and historical knowledge is limited" - atta chokaski, finally! the statement i support wholeheartedly. 👍 the rest is just inane banalities for which neither memory nor knowledge is required.

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I’d expect nothing less and they’re tempting it with open borders. We’ll have Oct 7ths in NY, DC, LA….and Americans won’t understand why or how

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Michael, "open borders" is not relevant to this discussion. Team R and Team D have similar policies (in reality and not in rhetoric) when it comes to "immigration" issues. The topic is nuanced, and I can't adequately explain here (in this comments section) why BOTH party's immigration policies are MORE SIMILAR than different.

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Are large volumes of migrants entering the country without proper vetting or not? Trust me, I’m not team Trump here either

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>>"Are large volumes of migrants entering the country without proper vetting or not?"

Irrelevant to this discussion.

>>"I’m not team Trump here either"

I don't belong to ANY team. I'm a non-conformist.

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chokaski after every comment provide the scope of allowed discussion. state it loud and clear and require acknowledgment before replying. employ digital signage technology germane to your tech whiz status.

plebes will know not to bother chokaski's majesty distracting it from Big Thoughts by small chokaski™.

"The goddamn Germany got nothin' to do with it!" - Sheriff Buford T Justice.

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Zeteo reports that Amos Hochstein, an ex Israeli military vet, member of Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy team, is the official who gave the green light to Israel on military pressure against Hezbollah .

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Imagine if the US Empire was being ran by the same evil fucks that are running it today back in the 1940's. Instead of fighting the Nazis we would have armed them and stopped the rest of the world from fighting them. Where would that have led? Same place we are headed now.

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They did arm the nazis by lending them large sums to arm themselves.

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Funny that you have offered up that as an example, because that was exactly what the case was. Hitler was our man; zUS and UK Rabbi brought him to power and kept him power. Only when we pulled the power plug did Germany collapse. Yes!! Our own politicains killed our own men. They're still doing it.

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And, apart from the United States, which is complicit if not instigator, the other superpowers are just watching. Nation states were not created to establish peace but to wage war!

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For fifty years I've believed that tales of Mordor, the Orcs of Sauron and Saruman and not to forget, trolls, were massing to destroy Middle Earth, were just fantasy. The product of a turbo - charged imagination.

But these days I wake to discover that these evil forces don't want to destroy just Middle Earth, they want to destroy all of the Earth. If I could only now believe Tolkiens' happy ending.

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The difference is that, in Middle Earth, one could get rid of The One Ring.

In The Real World, power attracts the corruptible. Power is to sociopaths what catnip is to cats.

At the same time, not only is power What Gets Things Done, it also is unavoidable. If you don't use it, someone else will, and they may not be as principled as you are.

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Have to start somewhere. Check out the Green Party positions. I never say never, because there are a lot of disgruntled voters, and there is no reason why if they all vote Green, we can start the needed changes….

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What else is Normal Life for the Zionist Criminals ?

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“the Biden administration accepting that this enormous escalation is going to happen despite fears that it will spark a large-scale war.”

No, it won’t spark a large-scale war. It will precipitate the end of the Zionist Nazi entity since Iran will promptly wipe out their electricity infrastructure and all their airbases.

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You forgot to mention Israel's nuclear submarines.

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Pretty bad; but you know, what they do over there; is exactly what they're planning on doing to the people who make negative comments about Israel on this blog. For me though, it's no different than Vietnam, I have an obligation to every butterfly and cockroach in the world, not to cause harm; not even to vampires or fire breathing dragons.

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It certainly looks like it. Fascism rules by fear and murder.

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Is this going to be a repeat of the Gonzalo Lira incident???

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Let us hope not. We should be thinking of ways to pressure our government to make Israel release Jeremy. The evidence that the US cares not a whiff for its citizens, unless it furthers the war machine agenda, is overwhelming.

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Precisely, they didn't give a damn about Gonzalo Lira, although he had dual citizenship with Chile, the US was his home base, and he got in the way of the US MIC and its making money.

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“The Biden administration accepts that Israel will soon launch a major attack on Iran” - Biden accepts sounds like he’s an innocent bystander instead of a party to these atrocities. Like he’s some kind of victim of all this. What bullshit.

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"Today the US State Department did not hold a press briefing, which is understandable. If I were in charge of justifying the behavior of the US government and its allies, I wouldn’t want to face the press today either."


It would be no more threatening than holding a press briefing for one's own well-fed pet lapdogs, if lapdogs had Twitter bluechecks and press credentials.

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The various criminal actions by Israel mentioned today must be seen by all, including the corrupted US politicians, 84%, all currently giving Israel all they need to continue this genocide in Palestine and now expanding it to Lebanon.

But still the demented Biden grovels to Netanyahu's demands.

It is about time that legislation was enacted to stop the corruption of the elections in America, and timely it would be as well, with November issuing in yet another grafted President, the norm in that country now for decades.

While the USA is content to accept what the Jews offer under the auspices of the well organised AIPAC in the way of paid-for candidates, soon another burst to take their seats, so will the US keep supporting the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocents, the latest killings of children by Israel snipers.

Even with the obvious apathy of the Western world leaders, nothing quite like them, sooner or later a leader like Germany, Scholz by name, will see that not even Hitler engaged in this kind of crime. Perhaps he may then wake up to what the world has produced in that stolen land called Israel and with the other tame and corrupted Western "leaders", "pull the plug" on perhaps the grossest set of crimes in memory.

More gross than the Third Reich? Yes, called Netanyahu's IDF, totally US supported and encouraged.

Must make them so proud.

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