Caitlin, THIS is why I appreciate your articles so much. Brutal, radical HONESTY and not playing any sides (other than the obvious one against the most evil empire in modern history - which everyone should have).
Give Trump a chance??? ha ha ha ha. He needs time to molest more women, incite more racism, completely destroy the economy, get together with his good buddy Netanyahu and help him commit genocide. Oh yeah, he really deserves a chance to get all that done.
At least the most evil Dems were not elected. They were so stupid they ran a sociopath idiot who can't speak anything but word salads. No wonder they lost. There were better people from which to choose, but, no, they assumed voters would do as told. Surprise, they didn't. They blame the voters instead if themselves.
Consumers Will Pay Trump's Tariffs Trump's Tariff Plan Already Raising Prices w/AutoZone, other retailers
Trump lied to voters falsely claiming he was imposing a tax on China when in fact he is imposing a 60% import tax on YOU when any American purchases goods from China.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
You're responding to someone Afflicted with Trump derangement syndrome. There is nothing good that will come from this type of exchange.
I believe Trump will appoint mostly swamp creatures. I voted for him. Another one of those lesser of two evil votes. I hope my suspicion is completely wrong, and he fills his cabinet with America First Patriots. I knew that wasn't going to happen if Kamala was elected which is why I voted for Trump.
I stand corrected. I was hasty and responding. She is likely closer to the truth then I initially thought. I reread her comment and for whatever reason I didn't digest the Netanyahu part. It's Trump's position with Israel that almost stopped me from voting for him. Not that it mattered but out of principle. I'm so disgusted with the genocide
Susan T, my apologies. I appreciate and agree with your comment. 🙏
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Certainly not my friend : ) My criticism of Genocide Trump had my brother thinking I tolerated Genocide Trump ha. I told him, please don't be disappointed when Genocide Trump does nothing for working people. I told him we will talk about this in six mo. and you can tell me what he has done positively ha. Genocide Trump is off to a good start at destroying my Brother's expectations.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Sure - but let's please avoid that abused spin-word "brutal" shall we and reserve it for the brutal, blood-soaked, psychopathic US-NATO-Israeli war-provocateurs and genocidal maniacs who clearly deserve it..
Reality Check: Trump is not a pro-Peace, anti-war President: Trump will continue to serve Israel US arms like Biden did.
Did you think the U.S. military industrial complex was going out of business under Trump? The Trump admin and State Dept. will continue to keep America the Number One arms dealer on Earth
Consumers Will Pay Trump's Tariffs Trump's Tariff Plan Already Raising Prices w/AutoZone, other retailers
Trump lied to voters falsely claiming he was imposing a tax on China when in fact he is imposing a 60% import tax on YOU when any American purchases goods from China.
Remember, he was roundly praised for bombing Syria. "Donald Trump Became President Today" is how it went. Same will happen if he gives the nod to levelling the West Bank, or "falls for" a Ukrainian false flag.
Iranian false flag more likely. He's unlikely to attack russia but it's almost guaranteed that he and his zionist billionaire handlers will attack iran (as well as mass-slaughter the indigenous people in palestine, or "finish the job" as Godless abuser trump calls it)
Yes, with the death throws of empire, war is all that is left and somehow these morons Demoncrats/Republicant's think Iran is an easy war of colonization. I think we know how 10$ gal. gasoline plays out.
that was perhaps the most disgusting moment in his whole first presidency. When he dropped the "mother of al bombs" somewhere and the press got all adulatory.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
ND has had that bank for a century--people have talked about emulating it since Occupy yet no other state has adopted it, why's that? Because the rich no doubt lobby against it. Suspending vaccines is good? In any case, I live in West Virginia--we don't have an initiative system, can only vote on state constitutional amendments served up by the legislature--the voters just narrowly approved an amendment making physician assisted suicide illegal. And the legislature is over 90% Republican now.
Ukraine is over, Russian troops are on the West bank of the Dnipro river. The only thing Genocide Trump can do with Ukraine is start Nuclear War. With the entire gov. thinking Iran is a cakewalk in takeover, War on Iran will be our downfall.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
I dunno about that last part. During his first term the Dems and their friends in liberal corporate media creamed their pants when Trump launched those cruise missiles at Syria. IIRC, Brian Williams on NBC News said something like "Trump gets his first chance to act "Presidential" and takes it!"
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
"Damn straight. Good luck getting this through the heads of the Trump Cult." More like good luck getting it though the heads of ANYONE who believes they need a leader to run their lives.
ROUSSEAU. 'I was sure of that. It is my test of character. There you have the despotic instinct of men. They do not like cats because the cat is free and will never consent to become a slave. He will do nothing to your order, as the other animals do.'
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
State run banks. federal run banks, they are all the 5th plank of the communist manifesto. How about we just use the Constitution as our guide and in doing so WE THE PEOPLE become the bank by using gold and silver coin to buy, sell and trade among ourselves.
North Dakota is the only state in the union that has a state bank in which a money spigot opens when disaster strikes their people, unlike the feds. They were the first lawmakers who when The Great Taking revealed an evil plot to take land and homes still paying on a mortgage
No, they are not. Look what happened recently and the federal help the people did not get. When North Dakota has a disaster, the money faucet turns on and they take care of their people. They are the first who reacted to The Great Taking and went to work creating laws that will prevent that from happening so that people don’t lose their homes simply because they still owe on their mortgages. All states should be doing that now. But many of their law makers are agreed to what’s about to happen to millions of people if their lawmakers don’t prevent.
I've often said it and I'll say it again. People like you LOVE your communism and will fight to the death to keep it. In a FREE country NO ONE forces someone to pay for another persons issues. PERIOD. It would be done by charity. NOT by government force. What you believe is simply WRONG. If you owe on a mortgage you've made a contract with someone that if you break it, they can take it back. For someone else to come along and make a "law" saying you can't take it back is straight out of "from each according to their needs and to each according to their ability" playbook and you're too ignorant to see that. Let me help you in that department, even though I'm pretty sure you won't make the effort...
Listen to this. Central banks are the head of the snake.
North Dakota is the only state in the union that has a state bank in which a money spigot opens when disaster strikes their people, unlike the feds. They were the first lawmakers who when The Great Taking revealed an evil plot to take land and homes still paying on a mortgage
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
North Dakota is the only state in the union that has a state bank in which a money spigot opens when disaster strikes their people, unlike the feds. They were the first lawmakers who when The Great Taking revealed an evil plot to take land and homes still paying on a mortgage
No matter who's in power, the military/industrial complex is STILL calling the shots in the land of the free, along with big funny-money/big tech/big oil. The Don will suck up to them, they will suck up to him, and they'll be deliriously happy. That tRump will always govern for the 0.01% still hasn't dawned on his fawning, thick-as-brick acolytes chanting 'U-S-A!' is mind-bending. That the god-botherers across the land believe that mentally challenged Donny was chosen by their saviour to save America, beggars belief. That a majority of voters are happy with a flash-as-a-rat-with-a-gold-tooth, self-absorbed, lying son-of-a-bitch conman, speaks to the ongoing decline of Uncle Sam and its society. The Dems and Reps are two sides of a coin, one slightly more presentable but still driven by the big end of town. Sadly, poor old Aussies have a leadership which will pay obeisance to The Orange One and his minions, even though it's patently not in our interests. I want a divorce.
I understand all you have said, David. It is the system in the USA that creates these monsters from the likes of Johnson onwards. All warmongers extraordinary and it is they who have created the standard climate we have just seen in this circus election and for all Presidential candidates since 1963.
However, once upon a time, you didn't have Israelis with their heavy bankrolling of candidates, 86% that bow to the Star of David or Bibi, your choice. That's the disgrace.
If you are familiar with Australia as well, both candidates now the image of the other. Graft soon to be a standard component as in the USA and with a one-sided grovelling relationship to the likes of Trump. Save us.
Two party politics is the danger.......everywhere.
Have you ever seen a more ridiculous way to determine a government than the current system where through PACS and graft centres like AIPAC and straight out open publicly aware bribery, a country of 330 million can end up two people running for office, allowing those two people to populate their senior ranks with militarists, warmongers, often criminally minded advisers for 48 months and who can, as a result, make that country into a hated state. The USA has dome it. No improvement since JFK, Lyndon Johnson setting the standard.
They also allow dual citizenship, promote wars and hegemonic pursuits and 329,999,999 people go on with life for 4 more years while he can do almost anything imaginable, as is the case today.
The USA today, owned lock, stock and barrel by a foreign, hated , stolen state of 9 million people.
So much for the US Constitution, once a lauded document, rightly so. But no more. Just two examples......freedom of speech, a joke in some states; freedom of choice for women, varying from state to state and with the current President bashing the idea to death one day and sitting on the fence the next.
Mostly I'm with you, except for the suggestion that what's wrong with US foreign policy is that Israel has too much of a voice. That's only because their interests coincide with the imperial interests. The deep state that rules the foreign policy of the US--of which the military industrial complex is a key member, and the CIA likely sits at the top--commits plenty of crimes all over the world without the instigation of Israel...and it neither answers to the will of the US people, whose opinions are irrelevant, nor are our needs considered. A great deal of effort is invested in manipulating our opinion, so that we don't find a way to rise up and throw them all out. But as long as we aren't united, what we think does not matter.
Imperial interests may be served (if inconsistently) by our bolstering of the state of Israel, but this support also does the U.S. incalculable harm. The severe beatdown we'll get if we try to attack Iran at Israel's behest will exponentially speed up the death of this empire. I would welcome it if so many people were not expected to fall victim to the ensuing conflagration. Lockheed Martin and Raytheon will make out like bandits--pretty much the whole point in the minds of Congress and other constituents of the death machine--but a broken world chaotic beyond repair will make life difficult even for the oligarchs of a warmongering empire. Empires have usually understood that they could not afford for unlimited hatred of them to flourish, which is why so many tolerated the diversity of their conquered lands. As with many other lessons, this is one the U.S. has failed to learn, so it pays for a genocide with nary a thought to the inevitable blowback.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
You and a lot of other folks - speaking from western Canada. The best we can hope for is he shuts down the NATO provoked war in Ukraine. He wont stop the ethnocide in the Middle East - given he is such good buddies with Netanyahu. People in the USA are hurting but few analysts look at the record corporate profits still being made particularly by global food conglomerates and manufacturers of weaponry.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Money? We haven't had money in circulation since the mid 1960's.
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins. —Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
"The a dangerous instrument to play with."
George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, April 4th, 1783
"A standing army is one of the greatest mischiefs that can possibly happen."
James Madison, Debates, Virginia Convention, 1787
“Always remember that an armed and trained militia is the firmest bulwark of republics—that without standing armies their liberty can never be in danger, nor with large ones safe.”
the only potential upside of trump in this is incompetence. But never mistake incompetence for an inability to do severe damage so *shrugs*. People thought they really did something when they were voting for Harris and they thought they were doing something when they voted for trump
What I want to know is how to stop a genocide with what we have; whether its Harris or Trump.
maybe if he takes on the unions very hard, they'll strike and stop the bombflow to israel. long shot cause the unions are not what they're supposed to be.
Why would he be removed? Genocide Trump is doing nothing the last decades of Fascists have done. Genocide Trump just boldly tells you. I loved Fascist Hitlary calling Genocide Trump a Fascist ha. War on Iran will be more than we in the u.s. bargained for, 10$ gasoline anyone.
All we have left now, accelerationism. Genocide Biden it seems will start the active war on Iran. I was in a discussion about the intelligence of our gov. in the u.s. I asked, can anyone name an intelligent person in the elected u.s. gov.? I know Bill Foster is a bright guy in physics however, it seems he is a moron in all other topics. The bottom will be ugly for most of us.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Here’s some sites you can visit to verify. I think I already sent you The Great Taking which North Dakota law makers acted on right away to protect their people from the loss of their homes by a “glitch” in the laws that would allow what the guy is talking about in The Great Taking. Information is the best way to start a revolution and you bet “they” will try to shut is all down like France did.
It’s simple. Think about how the feds responded to recent disasters. Those people are suffering. But when you have a state owned, state control of finances, when disasters hit, North Dakota opens up the money faucet and helps its people right away. We all need to look to them to see how they even got a state owned bank. I do not know, but money savvy isn’t my realm, chosen because I didn’t want to be lured into being a monster. North Dakota was also the first to act on The Great Taking and none of those people will lose their homes just because they still owe a mortgage on it. All states should be protecting their people like North Dakota has and start looking at their laws to protect the people in their state. But some of leaders stand to gain if they do nothing while their constituents lose.
Well said. I know people who insist trump is anti deep state and will “release the epstein files”. This is despite videos of trump dancing around with epstein. Fucking moronic behaviour its so frustrating.
Bit sad if anyone needs to be told this. I accept the honesty of your “plague on both their houses” argument. I still think Harris would have been better on Gaza than Trump, but I agree the lesser of two evils argument is weak.
Ditto with Australian politics. Labor has been awful. Liberals would be worse. At least you can vote Green in Australia without increasing the likelihood of a Liberal government.
You think Harris, who's said she would not change anything Biden's done, would have been better than Trump on the genocide? Don't get me wrong--Trump is a dumpster fire who'll do as much damage as he's allowed to--but Harris has expressed not a twinge of regret about the murder of over 100,000 souls, nor the extension of the rampage to the West Bank. She has the lack of emotion of a confirmed sociopath when speaking about the devastation, as if she were talking about a particularly bad hangnail. To say Trump will be worse--well, it recognizes his malevolence, but it also minimizes the holocaust being perpetrated on the Palestinian people right now. (You don't bend over a gunshot victim and proclaim "It could be worse, you know!") There are ways to warn about Trump and what he may do without doing that. In any case, a person of conscience would be unable to vote for either monster.
When are we going to wake up to the fact that all of these people are psychopaths. It's just that some are more psychopathic than others. So we get to pick the least psychopathic among them to rule us. Makes a lot of sense. Talk about lesser of two evils.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
BTW, I don't normally care about people spamming the discussion however you are annoying as shit. Sadly I agree with party of what you are saying and would love a better discussion, however, your tactic won't allow that.
But Putin has the backing of his Politburo and the Russian peoples. After the many attacks on the Western Front in wars to destroy Russia, the country is legitimately fighting at this time to survive and fend off a U.S./NATO assault via Ukraine. Do some reading, esp Mearsheimer. One does not have to be a Russian lover to fully understand the play here.
Wars of aggression and massive killing has been the hallmark of the U.S. Empire. Unless this ends, our country will fall into disarray and destruction from within, aggregated by overwhelming debt, 36 trillion and counting.
Thanks for the advice. I see megalomaniacs on both sides with more in common than what drives them apart. So many countries wind up piggy in the middle over the fight for resources, so many victims will lose their very ordinary right to live very ordinary lives.
You hit the nail on the head with the 36T debt. Something has to give and it will be soon.
I read today Russia is now rated the No.1 military force on the planet now due to its ongoing war, battle hardened troops and superior military equipment. Thanks USA and NATO, you've been humiliated once again because this is all your doing.
You're concerned about the (lol) debt & Russia is now rated the (lmfao) #1 military force on the planet. Where did you read the latter?? The US is a bloodthirsty empire that is in decline & will resort to fascism domestically as neoliberal capitalism decays into full-blown crisis.
So 36T debt at a trillion per year interest is not a problem? Ok what do you think will be the outcome ? Why wouldn't Russia be the No.1 rated military at this moment in time ? It has hypersonic missiles which are undefendable (the USA has failed to develop, despite many attempts). Even though it has had many failings in its current war with Ukraine (NATO & USA), it has been able to learn, adapt and succeed. It has a 1.5 million strong army (the US lucky to have 800K non battle hardened), with more than enough nukes to destroy the world. Military analysts such as Scott Ritter, Col.Douglas McGregor, Larry Johnson and Col.Lawrence Wilkinson have opined similar at various times.
Certainly not arguing about the USA's decline and implosion.
The debt isn't a problem. Because it really isn't a debt. If you can tell me what the debt is in or of, I'll send you 100 pounds free and even pay shipping.
If it isn’t a debt, why is the interest on it now over 1 trillion dollars a year, payable on demand. When you buy US treasuries the government pays you money on interest due. It is real enough. And why can’t the government function without each year raising the debt limit?
The truth is since the government went off the gold standard and started providing fiat dollars based on the honor system of the government always paying its debt, the check and balances have been negligible, especially in the past 30 years. Instead of sound fiscal policy we were told that there is no problem carrying debt. Hmmm!
The Fed is in a bind. With inflation continuing to raise its ugly head, there is need to keep interest rates higher. But with so many major corporations borrowing unwisely and spending unwisely, higher interest rates are a death knell for many. Also there is significant private debt.
So the Fed/Government keeps on “printing” money, really digital, and the U.S. dollar value keeps falling precipitously. Weimar Germany hyperinflation saw 50 million Mark bills that could buy an apple.
And then we note other countries want to dump the U.S. world reserve dollar currency. For various reasons, including the use of financial sanctions punishing any country that does not abide by Empire rules.
The Soviet Union failed partly because of tremendous overspending. Empires of the past failed because of over extension, excess militarism, inability to provide for their citizens, and hubris.
So Courageous, the debt is “the word” of the U.S. government. Is that definition worth a 100 pounds?
Nope, how can I send you 100 pounds of THAT? . It is an imaginary debt backed by imaginary money backed by the peoples faith taught to them in the government school communist manifesto 10th plank indoctrination centers.
Read this as it might help your understanding of the lies that they pound in our heads.
"The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."
~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8
ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?
The only reason for taxes at the federal level is to make you "believe" they need them and to impart value in
your mind on fake fiat currency.
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
"...Keynes argues that inflation is a 'method of taxation' which the government uses to 'secure the command over real resources, resources just as real as those obtained by [ordinary] taxation'. 'What is raised by printing notes, ' he writes, is just as much taken from the public as is a beer duty or an income tax.' "
- 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 10
"All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy."
~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4
Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?
"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"
"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."
~ 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond, pg 6
Isn't confiscation of the wealth of the citizens a nice way of saying STEALING?
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~ John Locke (1690)
If the money you earn has no value and you are forced through fiat paper legislation to take it for your labor, are you not having your property (labor) destroyed and are you not being reduced to nothing but slavery? Is not the state at war with the people?
5th Plank Communist Manifesto: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.
"The writers of the constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article I Section 10 paragraph 1 'No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. ' People able to barter with gold and silver coin control government and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and silver coin enslaves people to the creators of psychological 'money.'":
1 Trillion paid to Billionaires. Wealth transfer is fun. The sad part, 36 Trillion does matter, the dollar as a weapon destroyed thinking more printing is good. The world is ending the dollar.
To late. We are well past the tipping point. I work in science and we are at this moment de-funding Astrophysics. Yes, hundreds of my co-workers have been terminated
If you ask the Russians way overly so. And he admitted as much some time ago. He said the regret was he should have had more trust in his people, not the "relationships" with the western leaders who all turned up lying scumbags.
The West lost Russia, arguably the best prize they got after the breakup of the USSR, and they only have themselves to blame.
I think Putin felt a principled obligation in doing the Minsk agreements—taking matters of war & peace seriously. He might have expected the treachery, but at least the Russian Federation stands on higher ground for their honest & forthright diplomacy.
The West still could have had a mutually beneficial relationship with Russia after Putin excised the carpetbagging, but they are greedy control freaks (and worse).
"but at least the Russian Federation stands on higher ground" - at what expense? Hundreds of thousands of lives? Seems like too high a price for being "fair".
Also, the other side was breaking the agreements all the time. Why the hell would you hold your end when the other one doesn't care to? He's extremely responsible for the situation regardless of the full fault belonging to the West.
For being a dupe for so long. For believing the westerners when they were feeding him tales. For refusing to see what they were doing instead of what they were saying.
Putin appears to be vain. The westerners figured him out and pumped him up with "importance" and "respect" and "power" etc while doing shit behind his back which was so obvious to many and spoken about openly. There's lots that could have been done in time to prevent the eventual escalation. He preferred to have his friend Angela Merkel bring him German beer that he's so fond of. Or a Japanese prime minister at the time gift him some dog.
America ALWAYS needs an enemy, an 'other' in order to feed its insatiable desires for war and disruption. It's a disgusting empire that deserves their Trumps.
The Tucker Carlson interview of Putin was one of the better interviews I think I have ever listened to. I was never a fan of Carlson however either he or I have evolved ha.
In that interview Putin reveals his failings believing he was dealing with honest people. I wish he had asked us ha.
It was obvious to too many and spoken about. He couldn't not have heard it. Also, history abounds with such treachery. He has no excuse for having been vain and dismissive.
At the very least - if indeed it was impossible to undertake some practical steps at the time - he should have been more open with the people. He certainly was not.
i sure hope russia manages to interact with the west as little as possible for a few generations. the re-establishment of an iron curtain would be a good idea, imo.
Caitlin, THIS is why I appreciate your articles so much. Brutal, radical HONESTY and not playing any sides (other than the obvious one against the most evil empire in modern history - which everyone should have).
Thank you!
Give Trump a chance??? ha ha ha ha. He needs time to molest more women, incite more racism, completely destroy the economy, get together with his good buddy Netanyahu and help him commit genocide. Oh yeah, he really deserves a chance to get all that done.
Remember when we gave George W. a chance?
??? Who's this directed at ? Maybe address Caitlin with your comment instead?
At least the most evil Dems were not elected. They were so stupid they ran a sociopath idiot who can't speak anything but word salads. No wonder they lost. There were better people from which to choose, but, no, they assumed voters would do as told. Surprise, they didn't. They blame the voters instead if themselves.
Consumers Will Pay Trump's Tariffs Trump's Tariff Plan Already Raising Prices w/AutoZone, other retailers
Trump lied to voters falsely claiming he was imposing a tax on China when in fact he is imposing a 60% import tax on YOU when any American purchases goods from China.
I think Susan's comment was meant for general consumption, not addressed specifically to uou
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
You're responding to someone Afflicted with Trump derangement syndrome. There is nothing good that will come from this type of exchange.
I believe Trump will appoint mostly swamp creatures. I voted for him. Another one of those lesser of two evil votes. I hope my suspicion is completely wrong, and he fills his cabinet with America First Patriots. I knew that wasn't going to happen if Kamala was elected which is why I voted for Trump.
Sorry, but I'm with Susan T on this one. Nothing wrong with what she says, except maybe the comment is directed at the wrong person?
I stand corrected. I was hasty and responding. She is likely closer to the truth then I initially thought. I reread her comment and for whatever reason I didn't digest the Netanyahu part. It's Trump's position with Israel that almost stopped me from voting for him. Not that it mattered but out of principle. I'm so disgusted with the genocide
Susan T, my apologies. I appreciate and agree with your comment. 🙏
'i'm so disgusted with the genocide', yeah sure 😜.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
JFC "America First" is a fascist, racist slogan. You might want to read up on its origin & history. Then you'll see why Trump deploys it
Certainly not my friend : ) My criticism of Genocide Trump had my brother thinking I tolerated Genocide Trump ha. I told him, please don't be disappointed when Genocide Trump does nothing for working people. I told him we will talk about this in six mo. and you can tell me what he has done positively ha. Genocide Trump is off to a good start at destroying my Brother's expectations.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Sure - but let's please avoid that abused spin-word "brutal" shall we and reserve it for the brutal, blood-soaked, psychopathic US-NATO-Israeli war-provocateurs and genocidal maniacs who clearly deserve it..
Reality Check: Trump is not a pro-Peace, anti-war President: Trump will continue to serve Israel US arms like Biden did.
Did you think the U.S. military industrial complex was going out of business under Trump? The Trump admin and State Dept. will continue to keep America the Number One arms dealer on Earth
Consumers Will Pay Trump's Tariffs Trump's Tariff Plan Already Raising Prices w/AutoZone, other retailers
Trump lied to voters falsely claiming he was imposing a tax on China when in fact he is imposing a 60% import tax on YOU when any American purchases goods from China.
Damn straight. Good luck getting this through the heads of the Trump Cult.
And, no matter what he does, nothing he ever does will ever satisfy Team D or their neocon buds.
Remember, he was roundly praised for bombing Syria. "Donald Trump Became President Today" is how it went. Same will happen if he gives the nod to levelling the West Bank, or "falls for" a Ukrainian false flag.
Iranian false flag more likely. He's unlikely to attack russia but it's almost guaranteed that he and his zionist billionaire handlers will attack iran (as well as mass-slaughter the indigenous people in palestine, or "finish the job" as Godless abuser trump calls it)
Yes, with the death throws of empire, war is all that is left and somehow these morons Demoncrats/Republicant's think Iran is an easy war of colonization. I think we know how 10$ gal. gasoline plays out.
that was perhaps the most disgusting moment in his whole first presidency. When he dropped the "mother of al bombs" somewhere and the press got all adulatory.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
ND has had that bank for a century--people have talked about emulating it since Occupy yet no other state has adopted it, why's that? Because the rich no doubt lobby against it. Suspending vaccines is good? In any case, I live in West Virginia--we don't have an initiative system, can only vote on state constitutional amendments served up by the legislature--the voters just narrowly approved an amendment making physician assisted suicide illegal. And the legislature is over 90% Republican now.
Ukraine is over, Russian troops are on the West bank of the Dnipro river. The only thing Genocide Trump can do with Ukraine is start Nuclear War. With the entire gov. thinking Iran is a cakewalk in takeover, War on Iran will be our downfall.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
I dunno about that last part. During his first term the Dems and their friends in liberal corporate media creamed their pants when Trump launched those cruise missiles at Syria. IIRC, Brian Williams on NBC News said something like "Trump gets his first chance to act "Presidential" and takes it!"
That praise lasted about one news cycle. Then it was back to accusations of Russian influence.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
"Damn straight. Good luck getting this through the heads of the Trump Cult." More like good luck getting it though the heads of ANYONE who believes they need a leader to run their lives.
Cats and felines don't do masters.
ROUSSEAU. 'Do you like cats?'
ROUSSEAU. 'I was sure of that. It is my test of character. There you have the despotic instinct of men. They do not like cats because the cat is free and will never consent to become a slave. He will do nothing to your order, as the other animals do.'
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
State run banks. federal run banks, they are all the 5th plank of the communist manifesto. How about we just use the Constitution as our guide and in doing so WE THE PEOPLE become the bank by using gold and silver coin to buy, sell and trade among ourselves.
We the People owning, Finance, Energy, and Communication sounds good to me and most of the u.s. Socialism is our only salvation.
Individual states need to act on this:
North Dakota is the only state in the union that has a state bank in which a money spigot opens when disaster strikes their people, unlike the feds. They were the first lawmakers who when The Great Taking revealed an evil plot to take land and homes still paying on a mortgage
David Rogers Webb
No, they are not. Look what happened recently and the federal help the people did not get. When North Dakota has a disaster, the money faucet turns on and they take care of their people. They are the first who reacted to The Great Taking and went to work creating laws that will prevent that from happening so that people don’t lose their homes simply because they still owe on their mortgages. All states should be doing that now. But many of their law makers are agreed to what’s about to happen to millions of people if their lawmakers don’t prevent.
I've often said it and I'll say it again. People like you LOVE your communism and will fight to the death to keep it. In a FREE country NO ONE forces someone to pay for another persons issues. PERIOD. It would be done by charity. NOT by government force. What you believe is simply WRONG. If you owe on a mortgage you've made a contract with someone that if you break it, they can take it back. For someone else to come along and make a "law" saying you can't take it back is straight out of "from each according to their needs and to each according to their ability" playbook and you're too ignorant to see that. Let me help you in that department, even though I'm pretty sure you won't make the effort...
I just love people like you who think me ignorant and a liar. Inspiring.
David Rogers Webb
Listen to this. Central banks are the head of the snake.
North Dakota is the only state in the union that has a state bank in which a money spigot opens when disaster strikes their people, unlike the feds. They were the first lawmakers who when The Great Taking revealed an evil plot to take land and homes still paying on a mortgage
David Rogers Webb
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Paula, i know you mean well but you're spamming the hell out of this comment section. No need to paste the same comment a million times,
North Dakota is the only state in the union that has a state bank in which a money spigot opens when disaster strikes their people, unlike the feds. They were the first lawmakers who when The Great Taking revealed an evil plot to take land and homes still paying on a mortgage
David Rogers Webb
No matter who's in power, the military/industrial complex is STILL calling the shots in the land of the free, along with big funny-money/big tech/big oil. The Don will suck up to them, they will suck up to him, and they'll be deliriously happy. That tRump will always govern for the 0.01% still hasn't dawned on his fawning, thick-as-brick acolytes chanting 'U-S-A!' is mind-bending. That the god-botherers across the land believe that mentally challenged Donny was chosen by their saviour to save America, beggars belief. That a majority of voters are happy with a flash-as-a-rat-with-a-gold-tooth, self-absorbed, lying son-of-a-bitch conman, speaks to the ongoing decline of Uncle Sam and its society. The Dems and Reps are two sides of a coin, one slightly more presentable but still driven by the big end of town. Sadly, poor old Aussies have a leadership which will pay obeisance to The Orange One and his minions, even though it's patently not in our interests. I want a divorce.
I understand all you have said, David. It is the system in the USA that creates these monsters from the likes of Johnson onwards. All warmongers extraordinary and it is they who have created the standard climate we have just seen in this circus election and for all Presidential candidates since 1963.
However, once upon a time, you didn't have Israelis with their heavy bankrolling of candidates, 86% that bow to the Star of David or Bibi, your choice. That's the disgrace.
If you are familiar with Australia as well, both candidates now the image of the other. Graft soon to be a standard component as in the USA and with a one-sided grovelling relationship to the likes of Trump. Save us.
Two party politics is the danger.......everywhere.
Have you ever seen a more ridiculous way to determine a government than the current system where through PACS and graft centres like AIPAC and straight out open publicly aware bribery, a country of 330 million can end up two people running for office, allowing those two people to populate their senior ranks with militarists, warmongers, often criminally minded advisers for 48 months and who can, as a result, make that country into a hated state. The USA has dome it. No improvement since JFK, Lyndon Johnson setting the standard.
They also allow dual citizenship, promote wars and hegemonic pursuits and 329,999,999 people go on with life for 4 more years while he can do almost anything imaginable, as is the case today.
The USA today, owned lock, stock and barrel by a foreign, hated , stolen state of 9 million people.
So much for the US Constitution, once a lauded document, rightly so. But no more. Just two examples......freedom of speech, a joke in some states; freedom of choice for women, varying from state to state and with the current President bashing the idea to death one day and sitting on the fence the next.
Where did you find someone like him?
Mostly I'm with you, except for the suggestion that what's wrong with US foreign policy is that Israel has too much of a voice. That's only because their interests coincide with the imperial interests. The deep state that rules the foreign policy of the US--of which the military industrial complex is a key member, and the CIA likely sits at the top--commits plenty of crimes all over the world without the instigation of Israel...and it neither answers to the will of the US people, whose opinions are irrelevant, nor are our needs considered. A great deal of effort is invested in manipulating our opinion, so that we don't find a way to rise up and throw them all out. But as long as we aren't united, what we think does not matter.
Imperial interests may be served (if inconsistently) by our bolstering of the state of Israel, but this support also does the U.S. incalculable harm. The severe beatdown we'll get if we try to attack Iran at Israel's behest will exponentially speed up the death of this empire. I would welcome it if so many people were not expected to fall victim to the ensuing conflagration. Lockheed Martin and Raytheon will make out like bandits--pretty much the whole point in the minds of Congress and other constituents of the death machine--but a broken world chaotic beyond repair will make life difficult even for the oligarchs of a warmongering empire. Empires have usually understood that they could not afford for unlimited hatred of them to flourish, which is why so many tolerated the diversity of their conquered lands. As with many other lessons, this is one the U.S. has failed to learn, so it pays for a genocide with nary a thought to the inevitable blowback.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
You and a lot of other folks - speaking from western Canada. The best we can hope for is he shuts down the NATO provoked war in Ukraine. He wont stop the ethnocide in the Middle East - given he is such good buddies with Netanyahu. People in the USA are hurting but few analysts look at the record corporate profits still being made particularly by global food conglomerates and manufacturers of weaponry.
and drug companies and banks and hedge funds and oil companies. And Trump has not yet taken office!
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Same in Canada
Not quite as bad north of the border - however tending that way. Follow the money folks; follow the money.
Money? We haven't had money in circulation since the mid 1960's.
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Well said David Baird!
It is the main reason we need the state militias back in force and effect. So we don't HAVE an unconstitutional standing army playing all over the world with other peoples lives and property.
What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins. —Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States
"The a dangerous instrument to play with."
George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, April 4th, 1783
"A standing army is one of the greatest mischiefs that can possibly happen."
James Madison, Debates, Virginia Convention, 1787
“Always remember that an armed and trained militia is the firmest bulwark of republics—that without standing armies their liberty can never be in danger, nor with large ones safe.”
James Madison, Inaugural Address, March 4, 1809
“Standing armies are dangerous to liberty.”
Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers, 1787
the only potential upside of trump in this is incompetence. But never mistake incompetence for an inability to do severe damage so *shrugs*. People thought they really did something when they were voting for Harris and they thought they were doing something when they voted for trump
What I want to know is how to stop a genocide with what we have; whether its Harris or Trump.
maybe if he takes on the unions very hard, they'll strike and stop the bombflow to israel. long shot cause the unions are not what they're supposed to be.
A real nightmare as well will be inevitably when he has to be removed
Why would he be removed? Genocide Trump is doing nothing the last decades of Fascists have done. Genocide Trump just boldly tells you. I loved Fascist Hitlary calling Genocide Trump a Fascist ha. War on Iran will be more than we in the u.s. bargained for, 10$ gasoline anyone.
All we have left now, accelerationism. Genocide Biden it seems will start the active war on Iran. I was in a discussion about the intelligence of our gov. in the u.s. I asked, can anyone name an intelligent person in the elected u.s. gov.? I know Bill Foster is a bright guy in physics however, it seems he is a moron in all other topics. The bottom will be ugly for most of us.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
Could you elaborate more?
Here’s some sites you can visit to verify. I think I already sent you The Great Taking which North Dakota law makers acted on right away to protect their people from the loss of their homes by a “glitch” in the laws that would allow what the guy is talking about in The Great Taking. Information is the best way to start a revolution and you bet “they” will try to shut is all down like France did.
It’s simple. Think about how the feds responded to recent disasters. Those people are suffering. But when you have a state owned, state control of finances, when disasters hit, North Dakota opens up the money faucet and helps its people right away. We all need to look to them to see how they even got a state owned bank. I do not know, but money savvy isn’t my realm, chosen because I didn’t want to be lured into being a monster. North Dakota was also the first to act on The Great Taking and none of those people will lose their homes just because they still owe a mortgage on it. All states should be protecting their people like North Dakota has and start looking at their laws to protect the people in their state. But some of leaders stand to gain if they do nothing while their constituents lose.
But you do it so well….
"And then I have to spend my time explaining to them that their hero is a murderous imperialist shitstain."
I enjoy seeing you taking on the people who refuse to see reality. Keep it up.
Well said. I know people who insist trump is anti deep state and will “release the epstein files”. This is despite videos of trump dancing around with epstein. Fucking moronic behaviour its so frustrating.
Yup. He'll never release anything to do with that - that's just another MAGA wet dream. Trump and Epstein's bromance went back decades. Did they ever really have a “falling out”?
Bit sad if anyone needs to be told this. I accept the honesty of your “plague on both their houses” argument. I still think Harris would have been better on Gaza than Trump, but I agree the lesser of two evils argument is weak.
Ditto with Australian politics. Labor has been awful. Liberals would be worse. At least you can vote Green in Australia without increasing the likelihood of a Liberal government.
You think Harris, who's said she would not change anything Biden's done, would have been better than Trump on the genocide? Don't get me wrong--Trump is a dumpster fire who'll do as much damage as he's allowed to--but Harris has expressed not a twinge of regret about the murder of over 100,000 souls, nor the extension of the rampage to the West Bank. She has the lack of emotion of a confirmed sociopath when speaking about the devastation, as if she were talking about a particularly bad hangnail. To say Trump will be worse--well, it recognizes his malevolence, but it also minimizes the holocaust being perpetrated on the Palestinian people right now. (You don't bend over a gunshot victim and proclaim "It could be worse, you know!") There are ways to warn about Trump and what he may do without doing that. In any case, a person of conscience would be unable to vote for either monster.
When are we going to wake up to the fact that all of these people are psychopaths. It's just that some are more psychopathic than others. So we get to pick the least psychopathic among them to rule us. Makes a lot of sense. Talk about lesser of two evils.
Well, you still have your dream. I wrote in Jill Stein when Genocide Harris proudly stated Iran is our greatest enemy. Code for more Genocide.
Some ideas and examples of what can be done in individual states: Oregon health authority suspended covid vaccines; North Dakota banking system, state owned, state run banking system helps its people survive climate disasters. Their banks are doing very well. Let the revolution begin!
BTW, I don't normally care about people spamming the discussion however you are annoying as shit. Sadly I agree with party of what you are saying and would love a better discussion, however, your tactic won't allow that.
The word "diplomacy" is a pejorative to these a-holes.
Thank you, yes. He is a megalomaniac at the head of an empire that inflates its global importance by invasion and expansion and extermination.
But Putin has the backing of his Politburo and the Russian peoples. After the many attacks on the Western Front in wars to destroy Russia, the country is legitimately fighting at this time to survive and fend off a U.S./NATO assault via Ukraine. Do some reading, esp Mearsheimer. One does not have to be a Russian lover to fully understand the play here.
Wars of aggression and massive killing has been the hallmark of the U.S. Empire. Unless this ends, our country will fall into disarray and destruction from within, aggregated by overwhelming debt, 36 trillion and counting.
Thanks for the advice. I see megalomaniacs on both sides with more in common than what drives them apart. So many countries wind up piggy in the middle over the fight for resources, so many victims will lose their very ordinary right to live very ordinary lives.
You hit the nail on the head with the 36T debt. Something has to give and it will be soon.
I read today Russia is now rated the No.1 military force on the planet now due to its ongoing war, battle hardened troops and superior military equipment. Thanks USA and NATO, you've been humiliated once again because this is all your doing.
You're concerned about the (lol) debt & Russia is now rated the (lmfao) #1 military force on the planet. Where did you read the latter?? The US is a bloodthirsty empire that is in decline & will resort to fascism domestically as neoliberal capitalism decays into full-blown crisis.
So 36T debt at a trillion per year interest is not a problem? Ok what do you think will be the outcome ? Why wouldn't Russia be the No.1 rated military at this moment in time ? It has hypersonic missiles which are undefendable (the USA has failed to develop, despite many attempts). Even though it has had many failings in its current war with Ukraine (NATO & USA), it has been able to learn, adapt and succeed. It has a 1.5 million strong army (the US lucky to have 800K non battle hardened), with more than enough nukes to destroy the world. Military analysts such as Scott Ritter, Col.Douglas McGregor, Larry Johnson and Col.Lawrence Wilkinson have opined similar at various times.
Certainly not arguing about the USA's decline and implosion.
As far as I can see US is already imploding from within as is Israel.
IF Trump survives you will become a Zio-Christian nation and that to me is pretty terrifying for many people.
The debt isn't a problem. Because it really isn't a debt. If you can tell me what the debt is in or of, I'll send you 100 pounds free and even pay shipping.
If it isn’t a debt, why is the interest on it now over 1 trillion dollars a year, payable on demand. When you buy US treasuries the government pays you money on interest due. It is real enough. And why can’t the government function without each year raising the debt limit?
The truth is since the government went off the gold standard and started providing fiat dollars based on the honor system of the government always paying its debt, the check and balances have been negligible, especially in the past 30 years. Instead of sound fiscal policy we were told that there is no problem carrying debt. Hmmm!
The Fed is in a bind. With inflation continuing to raise its ugly head, there is need to keep interest rates higher. But with so many major corporations borrowing unwisely and spending unwisely, higher interest rates are a death knell for many. Also there is significant private debt.
So the Fed/Government keeps on “printing” money, really digital, and the U.S. dollar value keeps falling precipitously. Weimar Germany hyperinflation saw 50 million Mark bills that could buy an apple.
And then we note other countries want to dump the U.S. world reserve dollar currency. For various reasons, including the use of financial sanctions punishing any country that does not abide by Empire rules.
The Soviet Union failed partly because of tremendous overspending. Empires of the past failed because of over extension, excess militarism, inability to provide for their citizens, and hubris.
So Courageous, the debt is “the word” of the U.S. government. Is that definition worth a 100 pounds?
Nope, how can I send you 100 pounds of THAT? . It is an imaginary debt backed by imaginary money backed by the peoples faith taught to them in the government school communist manifesto 10th plank indoctrination centers.
Read this as it might help your understanding of the lies that they pound in our heads.
"The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."
~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8
ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?
The only reason for taxes at the federal level is to make you "believe" they need them and to impart value in
your mind on fake fiat currency.
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
"...Keynes argues that inflation is a 'method of taxation' which the government uses to 'secure the command over real resources, resources just as real as those obtained by [ordinary] taxation'. 'What is raised by printing notes, ' he writes, is just as much taken from the public as is a beer duty or an income tax.' "
- 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 10
"All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy."
~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4
Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?
"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"
"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."
~ 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond, pg 6
Isn't confiscation of the wealth of the citizens a nice way of saying STEALING?
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~ John Locke (1690)
If the money you earn has no value and you are forced through fiat paper legislation to take it for your labor, are you not having your property (labor) destroyed and are you not being reduced to nothing but slavery? Is not the state at war with the people?
5th Plank Communist Manifesto: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.
"The writers of the constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article I Section 10 paragraph 1 'No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. ' People able to barter with gold and silver coin control government and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and silver coin enslaves people to the creators of psychological 'money.'":
-Merrill Jenkins, Sr.,
Money - The Greatest Hoax on Earth
can you tell us more about what's in the communist manifesto?
Funny how Marx and Engels saw the future and we didn't. Greed what is it good for absolutely nothing.........
1 Trillion paid to Billionaires. Wealth transfer is fun. The sad part, 36 Trillion does matter, the dollar as a weapon destroyed thinking more printing is good. The world is ending the dollar.
To late. We are well past the tipping point. I work in science and we are at this moment de-funding Astrophysics. Yes, hundreds of my co-workers have been terminated
Good luck with all that shit. Putin just spoke at Valdai and it looks like no more concessions to the West:
I'd opine that he's been pretty patient overall. No further concessions are warranted.
If you ask the Russians way overly so. And he admitted as much some time ago. He said the regret was he should have had more trust in his people, not the "relationships" with the western leaders who all turned up lying scumbags.
The West lost Russia, arguably the best prize they got after the breakup of the USSR, and they only have themselves to blame.
I think Putin felt a principled obligation in doing the Minsk agreements—taking matters of war & peace seriously. He might have expected the treachery, but at least the Russian Federation stands on higher ground for their honest & forthright diplomacy.
The West still could have had a mutually beneficial relationship with Russia after Putin excised the carpetbagging, but they are greedy control freaks (and worse).
"but at least the Russian Federation stands on higher ground" - at what expense? Hundreds of thousands of lives? Seems like too high a price for being "fair".
Also, the other side was breaking the agreements all the time. Why the hell would you hold your end when the other one doesn't care to? He's extremely responsible for the situation regardless of the full fault belonging to the West.
Putin is extremely responsible for the situation regardless the full fault belonging to the west. What?
I do not understand this comment.
What is Putin responsible for?
For defending the Minx agreement. For defending Donbas from the Nazi murderers. In another words for defending those who were being attacked.
For being a dupe for so long. For believing the westerners when they were feeding him tales. For refusing to see what they were doing instead of what they were saying.
Putin appears to be vain. The westerners figured him out and pumped him up with "importance" and "respect" and "power" etc while doing shit behind his back which was so obvious to many and spoken about openly. There's lots that could have been done in time to prevent the eventual escalation. He preferred to have his friend Angela Merkel bring him German beer that he's so fond of. Or a Japanese prime minister at the time gift him some dog.
America ALWAYS needs an enemy, an 'other' in order to feed its insatiable desires for war and disruption. It's a disgusting empire that deserves their Trumps.
We citizens of the u.s. are all that is left to colonize. Thankfully Russia has taught us that before nuclear weapons are used, or at least I hope so.
The Tucker Carlson interview of Putin was one of the better interviews I think I have ever listened to. I was never a fan of Carlson however either he or I have evolved ha.
In that interview Putin reveals his failings believing he was dealing with honest people. I wish he had asked us ha.
It was obvious to too many and spoken about. He couldn't not have heard it. Also, history abounds with such treachery. He has no excuse for having been vain and dismissive.
At the very least - if indeed it was impossible to undertake some practical steps at the time - he should have been more open with the people. He certainly was not.
i sure hope russia manages to interact with the west as little as possible for a few generations. the re-establishment of an iron curtain would be a good idea, imo.
We will need global cooperation on many of the issues the world has even though we created most of them.