My thoughts, exactly: (Chris Hedges - and Mr. Fish's illustration is another killer)

"Joe Biden and the Democratic Party made a Trump presidency possible once and look set to make it possible again. If Trump returns to power, it will not be due to Russian interference, voter suppression or because the working class is filled with irredeemable bigots and racists. It will be because the Democrats are as indifferent to the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza as they are to immigrants, the poor in our impoverished inner cities, those driven into bankruptcy by medical bills, credit card debt and usurious mortgages, those discarded, especially in rural America, by waves of mass layoffs and workers, trapped in the serfdom of the gig economy, with its job instability and suppressed wages."


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Discernment is crucial in today's sick society.

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Hi Caitlin

I do my best to flip off the World As It Now Exists (especially Amerikkka).

We are fortunate enough to live on a farm where we’re able to grow and preserve most of our own fruits and vegetables. I do draw the line at growing wheat and grinding it into flour 😉

I purchase all my clothing directly from China, in order to prevent paying enormous markups by Amerikkkan corporations.

I unfortunately must trust pharmaceutical companies in order to medicate for depression and high blood pressure, but what the hell…they seem to work.

One has to be most selective about where one obtains their information. In addition to your own fine self, I trust Scott Ritter, Judge Napolitano, Al Jazeera, Owen Jones, Krystal Ball and a few select others.

Life seemed so simple and idyllic when I was a child in the 50’s and 60’s. I know now that the world was far from perfect back then but sometimes I wonder: what the fuck happened? Adulthood, I guess 😕

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Caitlin succinctly and with honest accuracy puts into evocative words what is terribly wrong with the western world and its brand of sullied "civilisation". It is a roll call of how neoliberal capitalism championed by the US empire has mired most of the world into a dysfunctional state where even the food chain's being poisoned.

It is uncanny how she writes the very thoughts forming in our minds as critical thinking observers.

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To feel comfortable in an utterly sick mass-society (like the one so well described in your post) is definitively NOT as sign of mental- or physical soundness.

DE-centralization and focus on the basic essentials is key !!

No fuzz any more ...

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Fending off and trying to avoid all the sicknesses in our world is also crazy making. We need to look after ourselves so that we can resist those sicknesses. And we have to be kind to ourselves so that we know how to be kind to others.

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Voting for Biden or Trump is a "parked vote", a wasted vote, and serves only to endorse the dystopia.

Voting for alternatives really matters as even making a strong showing makes a big difference.

This isn't just America's crisis it is western. Leaders in NATO countries like Canada, Britain, Germany and France need to get the boot.

George Galloway's stunning landslide return to the British Parliament in a by election serves as inspiration to us all -- and has scared the hell out of PM Rishi Sunak and his thugs.

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Note that Bucha massacres were done by Nazi units of Nazi-dominated government of Ukraine. The first elaborate and detailed proof was immediately provided by the high-integrity analyst, courageous and invaluable Scott Ritter. For that he was promptly silenced by Deep State at old Tweeter.

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I love what the United States professes to be…not what it is in reality.

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We hippies told you all of this in the 1960s and we were laughed to scorn.

Who was right, after all?

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(Banned)Mar 18

Caitlin, you're right on target again. De-socialized capital cannot be trusted. Actually, it can be trusted to be anti-social. This is the paradox of the "Invisible Hand" ideology that relies on "magic" to socialize capitalism. That does not work.

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"We live in a very sick and crazy society."

Ain't that the truth. But you're right that we do have a choice. We can choose what we put into our bodies, into our minds, into our souls. We need to all learn to choose wisely and well if we want our world to survive.

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Excellent summary of the madhouse of a society we live in. However, you forgot to mention one element :-

In a ad society where education is designed to induce conformity ratthee than to inform, intellectually enrich and promote critical thinking ;where even higher education institutions operate on a corporate model, you have to be doubly cautious of what you allow to be recognised as knowledge.

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It’s all based on capitalism!

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