Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
In a society where products are made to generate profit instead of wellbeing, you’ve got to be conscious and selective about what goes into you.
In a society where news media and punditry are produced based on the kind of ratings they will draw and how well they defend the powerful, you’ve got to be conscious and selective about what kinds of news media and punditry you let into your mind.
In a society where movies and shows are produced based on how much money they can make rather than how edifying and enriching they are, you’ve got to be conscious and selective about what movies and shows you let into your senses.
In a society where food is produced to make money rather than to promote wellbeing, you’ve got to be conscious and selective about what kinds of food you let into your body.
In a society where pharmaceuticals are produced to ensure continued profits rather than health, you’ve got to be conscious and selective about what pharmaceuticals you allow into your system.
In a society where products are manufactured to generate profits rather than to meet material needs, you’ve got to be conscious and selective about what products you let into your home.
In a society where even religion and spirituality are lucratively commodified, you’ve got to be conscious and selective about what spiritual belief systems you allow into your worldview.
We live in a very sick and crazy society, and if you’re not conscious and selective about how you interact with every facet of it you’ll inevitably get swept up in the sickness and craziness yourself. Health and wellbeing are still possible within the framework of our present dystopia, but you need to hold every part of it at arm’s length and examine it with a critical eye before taking it in.
This civilization is not your friend. Hopefully someday we’ll live in a civilization whose component parts we can trust, but this civilization is rife with poison for our bodies, our minds, and our hearts. And we need to conduct ourselves in accordance with this reality if we want to be healthy.
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My thoughts, exactly: (Chris Hedges - and Mr. Fish's illustration is another killer)
"Joe Biden and the Democratic Party made a Trump presidency possible once and look set to make it possible again. If Trump returns to power, it will not be due to Russian interference, voter suppression or because the working class is filled with irredeemable bigots and racists. It will be because the Democrats are as indifferent to the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza as they are to immigrants, the poor in our impoverished inner cities, those driven into bankruptcy by medical bills, credit card debt and usurious mortgages, those discarded, especially in rural America, by waves of mass layoffs and workers, trapped in the serfdom of the gig economy, with its job instability and suppressed wages."
Discernment is crucial in today's sick society.