You are so prolific that it's kind of comforting to know that you can be distracted and uninspired like us mere mortals! Lol. You definitely deserve a break now and then. I hope the infestation is eradicated soon and I will look forward to a post on what politicians and bed bugs have in common, or something equally as brilliant, soon. Much love.

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You've been on fire for a long run, so it's natural that you would be burned out. Every fireworks show eventually runs out of fireworks. Every cycle in life has a fallow/replenishing part. You're overdue for a rest!

I got rid of bedbugs with surprising ease and nontoxicity last summer. That was because I caught the infestation early, so they weren't in everything I owned. I called a green service that used a liquid nitrogen fogger and then followed up about 10 days later with steam heat (bedbugs cannot tolerate extremes of temperature, and the heat kills any remaining eggs). Not a bite since June 2. We also have a great business here called "Bed Bug Laundry" that will wash all your suspect clothes, heat treat your books and other non-washables, and hold your hand through the whole process. But then, that's New York City.

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Call a professional exterminator

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i confirm the diatomaceous earth method. DE is naturally-occurring, microscopic, ancient fossils with sharp edges and very absorbent. when bugs crawl over it, their bodies are scarified and the bugs are desiccated.

it also works for pet fleas and ants. DE is also useful to take internally to remove parasites from our guts.

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As a collegial wordsmith, we definitely understand. However, having said that, we'll also say this: never apologize for being 🎖honorably HUMAN. It's what makes your perceptions and insights so gloriously - globally - utterly unique 👏

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Self-care is number one. Peace!

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Diatomaceous earth does work, pull beds away from wall and surround them. Go all the way around entire perimeter of every room. Supposedly might have to e.g. kennel dogs as well to avoid feeding them, though I didn't do that.

Not sure how great the stuff is to breath but air here is all glacial silt anyway and it seemed preferable to chemical alternatives.

I cleared the entire apartment building I live in this way.

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The best way to get rid of bed bugs is through heat treatment. We had it done - by professionals because it requires special equipment and expertise. You do some preparations to protect sensitive items, then they come in and kill them in less than 8 hours. They super-heat your home to like 140 degrees F for a few hours. It's great.

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So thankful for your honesty! Mahalo from Maui

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Any creative arc is never a straight line, so zigs and zags are to be expected. What so often works for me in problem solving (auto maintenance, most likely) is to completely take a break from the task at hand and often a solution then floods in from nowhere. All the best to you.

Regarding your bedbugs, do what our media has done since the last election: realize that they aren't Donald Trump and they will no longer be seen as a problem. If that doesn't work, try pushing them left.

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Hope you can resolve that soon. Be well.

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Look into: diatomaceous earth; cups around bed legs so the buggers can't crawl up the legs; make sure no part of the bed is touching any wall so the little guys can't crawl up the wall to access the bed. Worked for us.

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Do they have to have a bed? Or will a couch, carpet, anything upholstered do?

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They're attracted to carbon dioxide (hence they wait til you're asleep and your carbon dioxide output is at its maximum, then they attack). It doesn't have to be a bed! Anything that has folds (clothing, linens, curtains, upholstered furniture) is capable of becoming home to these critters and once they're there, the item is considered infested. If you cannot guarantee no eggs / bugs are still present, then get rid of the item(s). Relying on heat alone is a possible invitation to a longer stay from the unwelcome guests.

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They’re primarily active at night. Unless you sleep on your couch they’re going to look for you on your bed.

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The bed is where they feed, but they live everywhere in the house., yes? Is the strategy to starve them to death? Poison them? Certainly too many to swat and squish to death. I’ve never had them. I would call an exterminator. A really, really good one.

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Get your hairdryer out. I'm serious, these little bloodsuckers are killed by temperatures above 60 centigrade (about 140 f) so set your dryer to the hottest temperature which will be about 70 C and go all over the mattress, both sides, especially around and seams or piping where the buggers like to hide. Go closer with the dryer than you would when drying hair but not so close that the dryer will overheat. About 3 inches will be OK I think.

Obviously it's best to get professional pest control in but this is not always possible (are bedbug eradicators exempt from lockdowns?) so I can tell you the hairdryer technique works in my family's Mediterranean apartments which are rented out in summer so mattresses have to be debugged regularly. Check that temperature though, if you have a thermometer put the hairdryer on it for a few minutes and make sure it gets above 60C

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Take care of yourself, Caitlin. Not to worry…let others step up to the plate for awhile. Hugs…

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Caitlin & Tim, I feel for you; but, we haven't had to deal with that for some time.

There is/are chemical "debugging" treatments that can be used; however I don't have a list.

I only know that choosing wisely among them is paramount to your health because human allergies to many chemicals can be different for each individual.

After all, you're sleeping with the residue of the chosen chemical treatment OR you're washing your sheets & pillow cases with one detergent that may be totally different in its effects on your skin than from the chemical you used for destroying the infestation...

I may be overthinking this and not being helpful at all...I just appreciate what you write and wanted to help you with this.

I will say at this point, that I've been distributing your "Notes from the Edge of the Narrative Matrix" on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr (a medium that is less traveled by the socmed hordes).

I can't know whether it has increased your readership.

All I can do is continue the distribution.

I'm an old man (72) and sometimes get lost in my obsession for details.

If I come across a chemical treatment OR an alternative that doesn't use chemicals of whatever sort to rid you of your bedbugs, then I'll put it here asap.

Meanwhile, I'm certain that the legion of your fans will beat me to the punch with help & advice.

You are always welcome to reply to me on Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr. I'm not hard to find.

Just look for a Human Beinz :-D

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Caitlin, as always it's about the totality of Now, the only place life happens. So, knowing this, it comes down to feeling our emotions (has to come first), watching the thought parade in your head and learning you don't need it, and finding a deep appreciation of all of us here together in Life. Your clarity is much valued, we share the eternity of Now.

Download the book 'World 5.0 - We Move from Here' for free, no login or email shit required... https://world5.org/book

much love

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