Dec 9, 2021Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

This is exactly the kind of bit that America should be treated to on SNL and late night TV if it were not infested by a bunch of shitlibs pandering to other shitlibs. Comedy is the greatest tool for opening minds, providing the potential to do so exists in the first place. Thanks for the much-needed laughs.

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who gives a fuck about winter (or summer, for that matter) Olympic games any more, raise your hand...

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Sad but true. The more anything is politicized by Empire, the less interested I am, whether it’s public health, climate change, or the Olympics. Everything touched by Empire becomes weaponized and drained of original meaning or importance. There is literally nothing that Empire can’t taint.

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let them come at BTC, we have SHA-256 encryption and multisig on this bad boy. Governments are too slow and corrupt to adapt, especially empire.

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the "Prednisone games"

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Damn Jimmy Carter for starting this charade.

Makes me wonder if the US is just concerned that the Chinese will take all the gold medals. Perhaps it is time to do away with the Olympics. I remember when they used to be great fun to watch on network television (yes, decades and decades ago). But the manipulation of the stories so that only the US athletes wins are ever reported has become so blatant that the Olympics have become just another propaganda outlet.

Besides, the USA would rather "refurbish" its nuclear weapons than put on a show.

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Canadian news site The Beaverton reported:

"Reached for comment, Chinese Officials said they were absolutely devastated not to get to meet the deputy Minister of Fisheries and Trades, but would try to find a way to go on."

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China should just ban all of their teams from attending and allege they are wildly doping like we do with Russia. the whole point of the Olympics was "detente" until it too became a legacy institution in servitude to american imperial neoliberalism in the 90s. Along with the opcw, amnesty, hrw and pretty much every "nonprofit" out there that can only keep the doors open by turning humiliating tricks for the ultra pro profits adequately.

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Ha ha ha ha !

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some of your best work Caitlin, this is gold. If you haven't, please consider reading David Graeber's "dawn of everything", it's a brilliant book that aligns with much of what I, in general, understand to be you; just a bit more anthropologically speaking.

PS, if you would consider upgrading to the lightning network i'd greatly appreciate it, cheaper & faster to send and i have more donating power readily available on that wallet.

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I second the motion on Graeber's book. It highlights and emphasizes, in terms of understanding history and hence our current perspectives, so much of what you write about in your work everyday, Caitlin. Thanks!

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"Ray Theon" - classic! Thanks!

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On a serious note, anyone else remember NBC's coverage of the Summer Olympics? As China's delegation was introduced during the opening ceremonies, the commentators brought up China's supposed mistreatment of the Uyghurs.

Oh, I thought, so that's how this is going. I waited with anticipation for mention of Israel's well-documented, decades long subjugation of the Palestinians when the Israelis made their entrance, or how America butchered half a million people based on nothing but lies when team USA arrived. Needless to say, the soulless drones lavishly paid by NBC only wanted us to note certain very selective and convenient injustices.

The "pro-American" bullshit on display is not even subtle, making network Olympic coverage pretty much unwatchable for anyone with a thinking brain and a basic grasp of current affairs.

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Oh no! It's just not the Olympics without the English-speaking diplomat throw. It's soooo much better than the piss-poor javelin throw.

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And -- this just in:

Biden-Putin Teleconference: Putin Rejects Biden’s Demand That U.S. Take Control Over Negotiations Between Ukraine and Its Former Donbass Region

By Eric Zuesse - December 9, 2021


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I don't wanna see any American flags or hear the anthem. Play WAP when a US athlete gets gold.

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Meanwhile.......there's MONEY to be made (knowing that a Trump "pivot away from China" was coming in 2016)........and MEDALS to be won.........


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