Quite true. The US and Israeli governments here are operating as murderous psychopaths. Global protests do not result in any kind of self reflection or change in their actions - just a determination to hide the truth or distort it. Sickening, what they do. And sickening the number of sycophants and enablers that pave the way for their disgusting actions. Such as the media:
Worse yet, are the people who operate their digital troll armies, constantly aiming to try and distract from the grotesque truth of these crimes against humanity by these western colonial powers.
Isn't it funny how Muh Rules Based International Order doesn't raise a peep when Israel seizes hostages by the hundreds or attacks and detains the families of resistance fighters?
Straight out of the Third Reich COIN playbook, and nobody of influence and authority raises a peep.
Except for the sigh they emit over how all their hard work of hiding the truth is being undermined by Israeli’s screeching about how Gaza and Gazans should be burned etc.
Funny -like strange? this has been going on for 75 years. Just another usual day, taking a stroll in the ongoing murder, mayhem, slaughter, butchery blame-and-mock-them-till they retaliate genocide park.
Well, consider the outpouring of worldwide sympathy for the United States after 9/11.
If a similar occurrence were to happen today, would there be such a reaction? Or would people say that they truly had it coming?
Look how Osama Bin Laden's "Message To America" has gone viral, such that the authorities now are trying to suppress it, some 20 years *after* its initial publication.
Uhm ...those of us paying attention after the FIRST INVASION of Iraq by GHW Bush in 1990,KNEW THE USA was being retaliated on. Lots of us.Please educate yourself, words like “worldwide“ and “people“ MEAN...? Check out THE HIGHWAY OF DEATH in Iraq. Check out video of “smart bomb in the bunker in Baghdad“ -> full of women and children. Check out the very first killing of civilians in Faluja after the SECOND Invasion. People in the ME are stunningly horrified by the TOTAL LACK OF MERCY to others -Not Them -in the West- since the crusades,,actually. Muhammad showed mercy to his enemies on surrrnder. The West? oh the West firebombs Tokyo, Dresden turns humans into suffering walking dead people with nary a care. Since its gathering into groups, The West has THE MOST HEINOUS KILLING RECORD of ANY PEOPLE. OBL knew what the West would do based on knowledge of who he was dealing with.
After 9/11, very few people were talking of such things. Even in Russia and other places where they ought to know better, people were bringing flowers to the US Embassy.
The downside of living over 70 years in America. I remember how much I detested my own government and its propagandized minions (fellow citizens?) during Vietnam, during Iraq, Afghanistan, during Occupy, during persecution of Assange and journalism -- with, respectively, images of its most accomplished liars clouding my inner vision: Robert McNamara, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Antony Blinken, Joe Biden. And my head, my visual cortex pounds with the pain that screams: "How can any organization, collective, or political entity continue on a course that is anything but catastrophic to humanity to the biosphere, when it blatantly features liar after liar after liar, most of them managing to smile as they articulate flimsy excuses for the death of millions, for diverse genocides. And I conclude that the world ultimately and stringently requires the disappearance of such organizations. Perhaps this is the deeper reason why empires die. USA must go away. Israel must go with it. Easy for me: I'll be dead soon; good luck to the rest of you.
“A wolf, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf’s right to eat him. He thus addressed him: “Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.”
“Indeed,” bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, “I was not then born.”
Then said the Wolf, “You feed in my pasture.”
“No, good sir,” replied the Lamb, “I have not yet tasted grass.”
Again said the Wolf, “You drink of my well.”
“No,” exclaimed the Lamb, “I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother’s milk is both food and drink to me.”
Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, “Well! I won’t remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations.”
Moral: The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.”
For a few more years, the US will have absolute power over other people and we will use that power in an absolutely corrupt way at the behest of our overlords in Riyadh and Jerusalem. When retribution finally comes our way, no one will shed a tear for us.
What you said is possible but not probable in my view. There are more of us than them. Humans have AN inborn, genetic NEED TO BE FREE. To be able to act in their own behalf, and to also do so with others. Also you discount collective consciousness and spiritual motivation and spiritual actors, God if you will. How do you think all the decimated others by the West survived? By loving one another and spirituality. Im not saying it will not happen after a crash and collapse and a lot if discomfort even suffering, which will be of our own making, but Mercy is real, even for those that don't “deserve“ it. Thats the nature of Mercy, its unearned. My 2 cents.
The other downside is being a kid growing up as Reagan is elected, and knowing FULL WELL that he stole the election, screwed Carter, and that it's all been a lie - AND being one of the few people you know who are actually seeing it... and being ridiculed for speaking about it....
Eventually, I just bugged out. I couldn't take it anymore.
I hear you, Vin, loud and clear having made the same journey. I’m 79 now and feel the same about the future but I think I’ll hang around and make as much noise as I can based on my (our) experiences of the Empire these last 63 years, starting with HUAC when I was 16. Peace to you and thank you for the well written jeremiad.
The ‘50’s definitely spawned the ‘60’s, with the 50’s growth of the ‘burbs and the mindless middle class, the corporate climb to middle management, the fetishization of middle of the road politics. I was born in ‘44 so some of it didn’t affect me but my sisters were 10 years older and boy howdy, what an oatmeal existence they surrendered to. Thank god I had Rock and Roll with real Black People on TV!!!
The world’s most genocidal regime providing all manner of support to its genocidal subsidiary in the Middle East. The people of the world won’t forget this dark chapter in human history.
This dark chapter is in fact a train heading for a global war that the sick mis-leaders are determined to create. Its not clear that the people of the world will be around at all to remember it, let alone to have a choice about forgetting.
Varoufakis also explains rich vs. poor and why genocide happens. Once you recognize this, you begin to understand that the USA is built on genocide. Makes one not so happy to be an American. And for an Aussie (or other US ally) your second class status in participating in murder for hire becomes clear.
Varoufakis explains why politicians running for any office anywhere are just dumb. We all know that they are bought by the Oligarchy, but we then subscribe to the lies the Oligarchy tell us about how to change it, and how if you do change it, you'll destroy the American Economy.
Caitlin, if not for you and Maté and Finklestein, I'd go completely mad from the crazy in the media and society right now. From the Politico article you quoted "even though there was a deal on the table before Israel launched its military operation against Hamas." Funny! So now the American media is borrowing Russia's label of their Special Military Operation in the US proxy war on Russia. A "military operation against Hamas" is not at all similar to what Russia did. Russians did not level Ukraine, nor murder 5000+ children in indiscriminate bombing of hospitals, schools, ambulances, and homes. The US and Israeli leadership have so much blood on their hands. The IDF doesn't care even about its own people by obeying orders to fire hellfire missiles on their own citizens, that is NOT targeting Hamas, that is a war crime.
Also, Politico is as much a yellow rag pile of crap as the NY Times. Good only for picking up dog shit and starting fires.
Russia hasn't bombed indiscriminately? They have killed many civilians. Gaza is not leveled. Why do you not care about the babies and children Hamas deliberately murdered? Why do you not care about the women Hamas has raped and murdered? Why do you not care about the innocents Hamas has burned alive? Why do you not care about the babies and older children that Hamas has kidnapped?
Israel deliberately killed more civilians in one month than the Russians managed to do, deliberately or otherwise, in a year and four months in Ukraine.
That's according to the Ukrainian government, BTW.
It's so weird because we are watching white supremacist colonialism in action and we'd been taught that it belonged to a less civilised, darker age and that only economic or neocolonialism now exist.
All this talk about did Hamas do 'war crimes and atrocities'? The occupation and control of Gaza is illegal therefore using the law to condemn Hamas is like saying it's bad if you punch someone who's attacking you because you're not allowed to do that under international law. What did they think violence would produce?
Genocide is never justified under law; period. The only way to justify it in the media is if Palestinians aren't human, that none of them are civilians and that Israel (founded on 'race' discrimination) has a right to racist supremacist apartheid.
I've always wondered what the British people at the time thought about colonialism in Africa and stealing people's land. Now I know. Powerless to stop it.
Thank you. So well stated. Plus, as Scott Ritter says, the occupier has no right of self defense. It’s the occupied that have the right of self defense—just as your analogy shows. Israel is the occupier, just as the U.S. is the occupier of Iraq, where our army bases are coming under increased attack from the occupied. So now the Us is using these attacks to fly bombing raids over Hezbollah sites, daring Iran to step in. I think Iran is too smart to join in military battle, but it truly shows how completely insane the US is. And it will hasten our demise.
Thank you Jeano. I agree with everything you say. The US neocons and Israeli Zionists are spoilt brat toddlers in a world that's grown up. I think they will let the US wear themselves out; banging their fists and thrashing about in a temper tantrum until it's got nothing left.
I totally agree, and I think they’ll demonstrate that international problems must be solved with international diplomacy. Now that the UN is our bitch, it’s becoming the duty (and opportunity) of others to exert non-military pressure on the savage outlaw nations. I see South Africa has started that with a BRICS+ meeting, I see that Saudi Arabia is holding out the Abraham Accords as bait for Israel to stand down. Certainly Iran is holding its fire in the hopes of a peaceful settlement. Apparently China has good relations with Israel—ya gotta wonder what’s being said behind the veil. As much as I want a hero nation to ride to the defense of the children of Gaza with guns blazing and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, it just isn’t a solution in this new era.
"Which is an entirely inappropriate level of verbal fellatio for an achievement as minimal as not murdering children for a few days". Caitlin's wise words.
I agree with Jeano and others. The mainstream media and the political class banging on about Israel's right to self defence won't deceive us. The occupier Israel has no right of self defence. The occupied not only has the right of self defence but has the right to resist the occupation by any means possible.
The Pogroms and the holocaust were entirely the barbaric behaviour of Western powers. They created Israel to get rid of their "problem". It is ironical that the Palestinian people who had nothing to do with the holocaust are paying for it.
It is also time to call out Israel on the use of anti-semitism. A now powerful Israel has forfeited the right to trot out its cynical use of the word anti-semitism to silence all voices raised against its atrocities.
I’m going to try to give you the benefit of the doubt, Neil, that you are just under-or misinformed. There are many many sources which can provide you information about how Israel’s military has a blockade on Gaza. Are you familiar with the concept of a blockade? It means that they are restricting the movement of both individuals and necessary supplies into and out of Gaza. Israel also manages/controls (and restricts to well below international acceptable standards) water access to Gaza in the “best of times” (ie when they’re not mercilessly bombing children families and hospitals)
Here are some sources providing information regarding the reality on the ground in Gaza and how their lives are shaped/controlled by the Israel military. In case you’d like to claim bias, none of them are news orgs--they’re all HUMANITARIAN AID orgs.
There is no doubt that Hamas has done 'war crimes and atrocities'.
You equate killing babies, raping and murdering women, and burning civilians alive with punching someone?
Do you know the definition of genocide? Hamas has declared that they will continue to attack Israel until it is destroyed. That is genocide.
Who in the media is saying Palestinians are not human? Can you quote the source and date? Who is saying there are no Palestinian civilians? Hamas terrorists are not civilians.
Who in the media says that Israel has the right to apartheid?
Just a thought - if Israel got all of the hostages back from Hamas - wouldn't Israel then just merrily proceed to level Gaza? Methinks the current hostage situation is merely bad optics for Israel. Or, perhaps, the plan is to fall back on Zelensky's bullshit - every death is Putin's fault. Even the folks who were killed before Putin got involved.
they are only getting 50 out of 250. This time. Hopefully their "special military operation against Hamas" doesn't continue once the hostages tell the truth of what happened. Maybe they will be disappeared. I wouldn't put it past the IDF to be ordered to disappear those hostages for their own "safety".
The problem I see in my own circles: If the news outlet you consume (notice, consuming does not necessarily mean reflecting on what you consume) does not report on certain facts, those facts do not exist. Or, if there is an alternative outlet reporting on those facts, those facts immediately become fiction. That is where we are at this moment in time, when it comes to the decades of Propaganda since 9/11. So yes, the US should be afraid that peoples attention starts to wander in those four days, but I do not think it will change all that much.
The actual crisis for the White House is it needs "off ramps" for both Ukraine and Gaza and none are available. They are taking a death blow to whatever credibility they have left. No amount of propaganda will cover up the Gaza Genocide as like Vietnam the photo record is irrefutable, astounding and the reaction has been world wide.
Like Afghanistan, future historians will refer to Ukraine and Gaza as graveyards of an erstwhile empire..
Every bomb dropped by Israel (generously supplied by the USA) from now on is more grave digging.
This is as much America's war as it is Israel's as both are determined to control the Middle East with a psychopathic disregard for human life and consequences.
Except for the possibility that our ability to install “presidents” in other countries has risen to a fine art—I doubt it will take much work to get the damn Dems back in office and I think Biden knows that. I also think they’ll dump Biden and anoint some other pliable villain at the last minute, since there are going to be no primaries and Debbie Dipshit and AIPAC have all the $$$ and control.
Americans need to open their eyes. Wiki Leaks- " Collateral Murder" cockpit video and recording of Apache helicopter crew gleefully shooting unarmed journalists and their rescuers might still be available on YouTube. True war crimes!
I’m new on Substack. Government targeted. Stepped on some toes. Heavily shadow banned. Great to see your candor. Wrote my last post in “ code” as a joke , but it’s not really funny that I have to write in fucking pig Latin to override censorship algorithms. Keep up the good work. Watch your back.
Caitlin! This exact quote resonates wonders with me: "They understand that while power is controlling what happens, ultimate power is controlling what people think about what happens. Human consciousness is dominated by mental narratives, so if you can control society’s dominant narratives, you can control the humans." --- This is what I literally wrote in my substack yesterday: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-the-average-american-should-stop
"This is why the powerful have been able to remain in power in our civilization — because they understand this, while we the public generally do not." -- Another powerful quote.
I just finished my book - "An Unorthodox Truth" - and it's my attempt to alert the public to the powers that be. Hoping you can get a chance to check it out if interested!
Quite true. The US and Israeli governments here are operating as murderous psychopaths. Global protests do not result in any kind of self reflection or change in their actions - just a determination to hide the truth or distort it. Sickening, what they do. And sickening the number of sycophants and enablers that pave the way for their disgusting actions. Such as the media:
Worse yet, are the people who operate their digital troll armies, constantly aiming to try and distract from the grotesque truth of these crimes against humanity by these western colonial powers.
You know you're on the wrong side of history when you're threatened by reporters showing us what actually happened.
The US learned this lesson in Viet Nam and have carefully controlled war media ever since.
Actually the use of propaganda predated that fiasco. We have always been gullible. They have always been evil and psychotic.
Isn't it funny how Muh Rules Based International Order doesn't raise a peep when Israel seizes hostages by the hundreds or attacks and detains the families of resistance fighters?
Straight out of the Third Reich COIN playbook, and nobody of influence and authority raises a peep.
Not even a sigh.
Except for the sigh they emit over how all their hard work of hiding the truth is being undermined by Israeli’s screeching about how Gaza and Gazans should be burned etc.
Because they don't take hostages. They 'arrest' people and place them in 'detention.'
The MSM is pissing itself in excitement over a few hostages being released.
In light of what has happened to many thousands of
Gazan children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends: I couldn’t give a fuck less about what happens to a relative
handful of “hostages”.
Especially if they’re IDF; in those cases I hope they’re executed.
Frankly, I care far, far more for the welfare of the cats, horses and donkeys of Gaza.
Think I’m being harsh? I don’t give a flying fuck, so don’t even bother.
Funny -like strange? this has been going on for 75 years. Just another usual day, taking a stroll in the ongoing murder, mayhem, slaughter, butchery blame-and-mock-them-till they retaliate genocide park.
"Funny" is in "irony".
Irony as well as poetic justice would be them getting genocided by the monsters of their own creation
Well, consider the outpouring of worldwide sympathy for the United States after 9/11.
If a similar occurrence were to happen today, would there be such a reaction? Or would people say that they truly had it coming?
Look how Osama Bin Laden's "Message To America" has gone viral, such that the authorities now are trying to suppress it, some 20 years *after* its initial publication.
Uhm ...those of us paying attention after the FIRST INVASION of Iraq by GHW Bush in 1990,KNEW THE USA was being retaliated on. Lots of us.Please educate yourself, words like “worldwide“ and “people“ MEAN...? Check out THE HIGHWAY OF DEATH in Iraq. Check out video of “smart bomb in the bunker in Baghdad“ -> full of women and children. Check out the very first killing of civilians in Faluja after the SECOND Invasion. People in the ME are stunningly horrified by the TOTAL LACK OF MERCY to others -Not Them -in the West- since the crusades,,actually. Muhammad showed mercy to his enemies on surrrnder. The West? oh the West firebombs Tokyo, Dresden turns humans into suffering walking dead people with nary a care. Since its gathering into groups, The West has THE MOST HEINOUS KILLING RECORD of ANY PEOPLE. OBL knew what the West would do based on knowledge of who he was dealing with.
After 9/11, very few people were talking of such things. Even in Russia and other places where they ought to know better, people were bringing flowers to the US Embassy.
If that were to happen now?
I see no irony. I see straight up hypocrisy
The downside of living over 70 years in America. I remember how much I detested my own government and its propagandized minions (fellow citizens?) during Vietnam, during Iraq, Afghanistan, during Occupy, during persecution of Assange and journalism -- with, respectively, images of its most accomplished liars clouding my inner vision: Robert McNamara, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Antony Blinken, Joe Biden. And my head, my visual cortex pounds with the pain that screams: "How can any organization, collective, or political entity continue on a course that is anything but catastrophic to humanity to the biosphere, when it blatantly features liar after liar after liar, most of them managing to smile as they articulate flimsy excuses for the death of millions, for diverse genocides. And I conclude that the world ultimately and stringently requires the disappearance of such organizations. Perhaps this is the deeper reason why empires die. USA must go away. Israel must go with it. Easy for me: I'll be dead soon; good luck to the rest of you.
“A wolf, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf’s right to eat him. He thus addressed him: “Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.”
“Indeed,” bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, “I was not then born.”
Then said the Wolf, “You feed in my pasture.”
“No, good sir,” replied the Lamb, “I have not yet tasted grass.”
Again said the Wolf, “You drink of my well.”
“No,” exclaimed the Lamb, “I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother’s milk is both food and drink to me.”
Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, “Well! I won’t remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations.”
Moral: The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.”
For a few more years, the US will have absolute power over other people and we will use that power in an absolutely corrupt way at the behest of our overlords in Riyadh and Jerusalem. When retribution finally comes our way, no one will shed a tear for us.
Nor should they, for we do evil.
Hopefully that "few more years" will somehow dissipate more quickly than the quantum flash of an electron jumping orbitals. No tears should be shed.
GREAT post, Feral.
That’s not the future I percieve.
Explain, please.
What you said is possible but not probable in my view. There are more of us than them. Humans have AN inborn, genetic NEED TO BE FREE. To be able to act in their own behalf, and to also do so with others. Also you discount collective consciousness and spiritual motivation and spiritual actors, God if you will. How do you think all the decimated others by the West survived? By loving one another and spirituality. Im not saying it will not happen after a crash and collapse and a lot if discomfort even suffering, which will be of our own making, but Mercy is real, even for those that don't “deserve“ it. Thats the nature of Mercy, its unearned. My 2 cents.
I would say that, looking at history for humans, freedom is the exception and not the rule.
In fact, my post was just a 19th century translation of one of Aesop's fables.
Thats too much for me to engage. Aesop? not a fan.
The other downside is being a kid growing up as Reagan is elected, and knowing FULL WELL that he stole the election, screwed Carter, and that it's all been a lie - AND being one of the few people you know who are actually seeing it... and being ridiculed for speaking about it....
Eventually, I just bugged out. I couldn't take it anymore.
Reagan stole it by convincing Tehran to not release the hostages until after the election, yes? Or was there something else?
That’s about the size of it. The hostages got to stay in prison an extra 18 months for that piece of vile skullduggery.
I hear you, Vin, loud and clear having made the same journey. I’m 79 now and feel the same about the future but I think I’ll hang around and make as much noise as I can based on my (our) experiences of the Empire these last 63 years, starting with HUAC when I was 16. Peace to you and thank you for the well written jeremiad.
The 1950’s darkest period in American history!
All kinds of secret shit was going on, experiments, brainwashing
Lobotomies, bio weapons all the Nazi scientists brought here operation paperclip etc!
Tv in everyone’s livingroom
I am fascinated by the 1950s!
I am a 50’s baby too! I spin vinyl and trust no man, no man is righteous not one!
Since this Gaza stuff can erupt at any time it wants!
I being a cynic question the timing of it all!
They always have the ball moving in the direction of destroying the west!
The ‘50’s definitely spawned the ‘60’s, with the 50’s growth of the ‘burbs and the mindless middle class, the corporate climb to middle management, the fetishization of middle of the road politics. I was born in ‘44 so some of it didn’t affect me but my sisters were 10 years older and boy howdy, what an oatmeal existence they surrendered to. Thank god I had Rock and Roll with real Black People on TV!!!
1944 real war baby, you have seen it all come about!
Respect for still having your mind!
Not easy tunning out all the noise!
Good luck.
The world’s most genocidal regime providing all manner of support to its genocidal subsidiary in the Middle East. The people of the world won’t forget this dark chapter in human history.
This dark chapter is in fact a train heading for a global war that the sick mis-leaders are determined to create. Its not clear that the people of the world will be around at all to remember it, let alone to have a choice about forgetting.
That’s how high the stakes are here. Existential.
Israel intentionally targets reporters.
Now, *why* Israel intentionally targets reporters is left as an exercise for the reader.
Unfortunately, for many to never be completed for its difficulty level. And for overall majority because they never heard/thought about it.
A clearer narrative is here: Yanis Varoufakis: Is Capitalism Devouring Democracy?
The answer is "YES".
Varoufakis also explains rich vs. poor and why genocide happens. Once you recognize this, you begin to understand that the USA is built on genocide. Makes one not so happy to be an American. And for an Aussie (or other US ally) your second class status in participating in murder for hire becomes clear.
Varoufakis explains why politicians running for any office anywhere are just dumb. We all know that they are bought by the Oligarchy, but we then subscribe to the lies the Oligarchy tell us about how to change it, and how if you do change it, you'll destroy the American Economy.
It is time to become more subversive.
Thanks, Yanis. You're always there for us helping us interpret the nuances.
Caitlin, if not for you and Maté and Finklestein, I'd go completely mad from the crazy in the media and society right now. From the Politico article you quoted "even though there was a deal on the table before Israel launched its military operation against Hamas." Funny! So now the American media is borrowing Russia's label of their Special Military Operation in the US proxy war on Russia. A "military operation against Hamas" is not at all similar to what Russia did. Russians did not level Ukraine, nor murder 5000+ children in indiscriminate bombing of hospitals, schools, ambulances, and homes. The US and Israeli leadership have so much blood on their hands. The IDF doesn't care even about its own people by obeying orders to fire hellfire missiles on their own citizens, that is NOT targeting Hamas, that is a war crime.
Also, Politico is as much a yellow rag pile of crap as the NY Times. Good only for picking up dog shit and starting fires.
Russia hasn't bombed indiscriminately? They have killed many civilians. Gaza is not leveled. Why do you not care about the babies and children Hamas deliberately murdered? Why do you not care about the women Hamas has raped and murdered? Why do you not care about the innocents Hamas has burned alive? Why do you not care about the babies and older children that Hamas has kidnapped?
Put down the crackpipe and walk away from the MSM, Neil.
“Babies burned” and “women raped” have both long been debunked.
Oh what about the “beheaded babies”? You seem to have forgotten ‘em.
Israel deliberately killed more civilians in one month than the Russians managed to do, deliberately or otherwise, in a year and four months in Ukraine.
That's according to the Ukrainian government, BTW.
It's so weird because we are watching white supremacist colonialism in action and we'd been taught that it belonged to a less civilised, darker age and that only economic or neocolonialism now exist.
All this talk about did Hamas do 'war crimes and atrocities'? The occupation and control of Gaza is illegal therefore using the law to condemn Hamas is like saying it's bad if you punch someone who's attacking you because you're not allowed to do that under international law. What did they think violence would produce?
Genocide is never justified under law; period. The only way to justify it in the media is if Palestinians aren't human, that none of them are civilians and that Israel (founded on 'race' discrimination) has a right to racist supremacist apartheid.
I've always wondered what the British people at the time thought about colonialism in Africa and stealing people's land. Now I know. Powerless to stop it.
Thank you. So well stated. Plus, as Scott Ritter says, the occupier has no right of self defense. It’s the occupied that have the right of self defense—just as your analogy shows. Israel is the occupier, just as the U.S. is the occupier of Iraq, where our army bases are coming under increased attack from the occupied. So now the Us is using these attacks to fly bombing raids over Hezbollah sites, daring Iran to step in. I think Iran is too smart to join in military battle, but it truly shows how completely insane the US is. And it will hasten our demise.
Thank you Jeano. I agree with everything you say. The US neocons and Israeli Zionists are spoilt brat toddlers in a world that's grown up. I think they will let the US wear themselves out; banging their fists and thrashing about in a temper tantrum until it's got nothing left.
I totally agree, and I think they’ll demonstrate that international problems must be solved with international diplomacy. Now that the UN is our bitch, it’s becoming the duty (and opportunity) of others to exert non-military pressure on the savage outlaw nations. I see South Africa has started that with a BRICS+ meeting, I see that Saudi Arabia is holding out the Abraham Accords as bait for Israel to stand down. Certainly Iran is holding its fire in the hopes of a peaceful settlement. Apparently China has good relations with Israel—ya gotta wonder what’s being said behind the veil. As much as I want a hero nation to ride to the defense of the children of Gaza with guns blazing and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, it just isn’t a solution in this new era.
"Which is an entirely inappropriate level of verbal fellatio for an achievement as minimal as not murdering children for a few days". Caitlin's wise words.
I agree with Jeano and others. The mainstream media and the political class banging on about Israel's right to self defence won't deceive us. The occupier Israel has no right of self defence. The occupied not only has the right of self defence but has the right to resist the occupation by any means possible.
The Pogroms and the holocaust were entirely the barbaric behaviour of Western powers. They created Israel to get rid of their "problem". It is ironical that the Palestinian people who had nothing to do with the holocaust are paying for it.
It is also time to call out Israel on the use of anti-semitism. A now powerful Israel has forfeited the right to trot out its cynical use of the word anti-semitism to silence all voices raised against its atrocities.
I am hoping that Iran steps back and looks at the big picture. They are being goaded. Aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea. Why?
There was no occupation since 2005 when Israel withdrew from Gaza. Hamas is oppressing the civilians of Gaza. Israel is not occupying Gaza.
This is a place of antisemites
I entered by mistake
I’m going to try to give you the benefit of the doubt, Neil, that you are just under-or misinformed. There are many many sources which can provide you information about how Israel’s military has a blockade on Gaza. Are you familiar with the concept of a blockade? It means that they are restricting the movement of both individuals and necessary supplies into and out of Gaza. Israel also manages/controls (and restricts to well below international acceptable standards) water access to Gaza in the “best of times” (ie when they’re not mercilessly bombing children families and hospitals)
Here are some sources providing information regarding the reality on the ground in Gaza and how their lives are shaped/controlled by the Israel military. In case you’d like to claim bias, none of them are news orgs--they’re all HUMANITARIAN AID orgs.
Can we stop using horrible words because you don't like a remark.
We as people are all in this together.
There is no doubt that Hamas has done 'war crimes and atrocities'.
You equate killing babies, raping and murdering women, and burning civilians alive with punching someone?
Do you know the definition of genocide? Hamas has declared that they will continue to attack Israel until it is destroyed. That is genocide.
Who in the media is saying Palestinians are not human? Can you quote the source and date? Who is saying there are no Palestinian civilians? Hamas terrorists are not civilians.
Who in the media says that Israel has the right to apartheid?
There is no apartheid. Arabs live in Israel.
No one is stealing Palestinians' land.
A perfect revelation of the propaganda if this is sarcasm. I'm not sure that it is. Still very revealing either way.
Not propaganda, not sarcasm.
Good for you.
Tweet tweet tweet, methinks the Security State Bird doth protest too much.
Neil you are living in a parallel universe. We on Caitlin's post, object to your plagiarising of tired old propaganda.
Just a thought - if Israel got all of the hostages back from Hamas - wouldn't Israel then just merrily proceed to level Gaza? Methinks the current hostage situation is merely bad optics for Israel. Or, perhaps, the plan is to fall back on Zelensky's bullshit - every death is Putin's fault. Even the folks who were killed before Putin got involved.
they are only getting 50 out of 250. This time. Hopefully their "special military operation against Hamas" doesn't continue once the hostages tell the truth of what happened. Maybe they will be disappeared. I wouldn't put it past the IDF to be ordered to disappear those hostages for their own "safety".
The problem I see in my own circles: If the news outlet you consume (notice, consuming does not necessarily mean reflecting on what you consume) does not report on certain facts, those facts do not exist. Or, if there is an alternative outlet reporting on those facts, those facts immediately become fiction. That is where we are at this moment in time, when it comes to the decades of Propaganda since 9/11. So yes, the US should be afraid that peoples attention starts to wander in those four days, but I do not think it will change all that much.
The actual crisis for the White House is it needs "off ramps" for both Ukraine and Gaza and none are available. They are taking a death blow to whatever credibility they have left. No amount of propaganda will cover up the Gaza Genocide as like Vietnam the photo record is irrefutable, astounding and the reaction has been world wide.
Like Afghanistan, future historians will refer to Ukraine and Gaza as graveyards of an erstwhile empire..
Every bomb dropped by Israel (generously supplied by the USA) from now on is more grave digging.
This is as much America's war as it is Israel's as both are determined to control the Middle East with a psychopathic disregard for human life and consequences.
Except for the possibility that our ability to install “presidents” in other countries has risen to a fine art—I doubt it will take much work to get the damn Dems back in office and I think Biden knows that. I also think they’ll dump Biden and anoint some other pliable villain at the last minute, since there are going to be no primaries and Debbie Dipshit and AIPAC have all the $$$ and control.
You are so right elections are all about substituting the devil we know for the devil we don't.
I pity you! You have great many choices between evil and a lesser evil.
Indeed. 😬
Americans need to open their eyes. Wiki Leaks- " Collateral Murder" cockpit video and recording of Apache helicopter crew gleefully shooting unarmed journalists and their rescuers might still be available on YouTube. True war crimes!
I’m new on Substack. Government targeted. Stepped on some toes. Heavily shadow banned. Great to see your candor. Wrote my last post in “ code” as a joke , but it’s not really funny that I have to write in fucking pig Latin to override censorship algorithms. Keep up the good work. Watch your back.
A lot of us have been shadow banned and censored since the patriot act!
I do not think people fully understand how censored we all ready are!
They isolate you and your connection to anyone with words!
They shut down communication with your peers it is a brainwashing tactic!
They isolate you!
I talk to them! When I post I know they’re reading it!
Like when you come for me use the back door and call first!
I got hit with a toy tornado last year! New York!
Toppled trees snapped the tops off like twigs, missed my house by inches!
Was amazing! Low level manmade tornado
Shook my house and knocked down maples, oaks and pine!
Came right down the street and turned into my yard.
Then got a visit by Apache helicopters! Four to be exact!
Flew over my house one by one low then went out to sea!
Good thing I saw this with my own eyes!
Keep the faith! They truly do round people up!
They have various ways to let you know!
They love playing psychological mind games!
I refused The electrical companies wireless meter!
I get fined every month for not having it, backed by government!
On top of the visits, have you changed your mind yet, all your neighbors have it!
People get triggered by words!
This all sounds outright paranoid and psychotic!
Oh well keep on trucking!
Maybe we should invent a new language?
Every good revolution has code talkers. Lol .
You sound like someone I could be sistahs with, Jade!
Caitlin! This exact quote resonates wonders with me: "They understand that while power is controlling what happens, ultimate power is controlling what people think about what happens. Human consciousness is dominated by mental narratives, so if you can control society’s dominant narratives, you can control the humans." --- This is what I literally wrote in my substack yesterday: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-the-average-american-should-stop
"This is why the powerful have been able to remain in power in our civilization — because they understand this, while we the public generally do not." -- Another powerful quote.
I just finished my book - "An Unorthodox Truth" - and it's my attempt to alert the public to the powers that be. Hoping you can get a chance to check it out if interested!
I wake up and to sleep gagging on American evil.