Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

Quite true. The US and Israeli governments here are operating as murderous psychopaths. Global protests do not result in any kind of self reflection or change in their actions - just a determination to hide the truth or distort it. Sickening, what they do. And sickening the number of sycophants and enablers that pave the way for their disgusting actions. Such as the media:


Worse yet, are the people who operate their digital troll armies, constantly aiming to try and distract from the grotesque truth of these crimes against humanity by these western colonial powers.

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You know you're on the wrong side of history when you're threatened by reporters showing us what actually happened.

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Isn't it funny how Muh Rules Based International Order doesn't raise a peep when Israel seizes hostages by the hundreds or attacks and detains the families of resistance fighters?

Straight out of the Third Reich COIN playbook, and nobody of influence and authority raises a peep.

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The downside of living over 70 years in America. I remember how much I detested my own government and its propagandized minions (fellow citizens?) during Vietnam, during Iraq, Afghanistan, during Occupy, during persecution of Assange and journalism -- with, respectively, images of its most accomplished liars clouding my inner vision: Robert McNamara, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Antony Blinken, Joe Biden. And my head, my visual cortex pounds with the pain that screams: "How can any organization, collective, or political entity continue on a course that is anything but catastrophic to humanity to the biosphere, when it blatantly features liar after liar after liar, most of them managing to smile as they articulate flimsy excuses for the death of millions, for diverse genocides. And I conclude that the world ultimately and stringently requires the disappearance of such organizations. Perhaps this is the deeper reason why empires die. USA must go away. Israel must go with it. Easy for me: I'll be dead soon; good luck to the rest of you.

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The world’s most genocidal regime providing all manner of support to its genocidal subsidiary in the Middle East. The people of the world won’t forget this dark chapter in human history.

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Israel intentionally targets reporters.

Now, *why* Israel intentionally targets reporters is left as an exercise for the reader.

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A clearer narrative is here: Yanis Varoufakis: Is Capitalism Devouring Democracy?

The answer is "YES".


Varoufakis also explains rich vs. poor and why genocide happens. Once you recognize this, you begin to understand that the USA is built on genocide. Makes one not so happy to be an American. And for an Aussie (or other US ally) your second class status in participating in murder for hire becomes clear.

Varoufakis explains why politicians running for any office anywhere are just dumb. We all know that they are bought by the Oligarchy, but we then subscribe to the lies the Oligarchy tell us about how to change it, and how if you do change it, you'll destroy the American Economy.

It is time to become more subversive.

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Caitlin, if not for you and Maté and Finklestein, I'd go completely mad from the crazy in the media and society right now. From the Politico article you quoted "even though there was a deal on the table before Israel launched its military operation against Hamas." Funny! So now the American media is borrowing Russia's label of their Special Military Operation in the US proxy war on Russia. A "military operation against Hamas" is not at all similar to what Russia did. Russians did not level Ukraine, nor murder 5000+ children in indiscriminate bombing of hospitals, schools, ambulances, and homes. The US and Israeli leadership have so much blood on their hands. The IDF doesn't care even about its own people by obeying orders to fire hellfire missiles on their own citizens, that is NOT targeting Hamas, that is a war crime.

Also, Politico is as much a yellow rag pile of crap as the NY Times. Good only for picking up dog shit and starting fires.

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It's so weird because we are watching white supremacist colonialism in action and we'd been taught that it belonged to a less civilised, darker age and that only economic or neocolonialism now exist.

All this talk about did Hamas do 'war crimes and atrocities'? The occupation and control of Gaza is illegal therefore using the law to condemn Hamas is like saying it's bad if you punch someone who's attacking you because you're not allowed to do that under international law. What did they think violence would produce?

Genocide is never justified under law; period. The only way to justify it in the media is if Palestinians aren't human, that none of them are civilians and that Israel (founded on 'race' discrimination) has a right to racist supremacist apartheid.

I've always wondered what the British people at the time thought about colonialism in Africa and stealing people's land. Now I know. Powerless to stop it.

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Just a thought - if Israel got all of the hostages back from Hamas - wouldn't Israel then just merrily proceed to level Gaza? Methinks the current hostage situation is merely bad optics for Israel. Or, perhaps, the plan is to fall back on Zelensky's bullshit - every death is Putin's fault. Even the folks who were killed before Putin got involved.

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The problem I see in my own circles: If the news outlet you consume (notice, consuming does not necessarily mean reflecting on what you consume) does not report on certain facts, those facts do not exist. Or, if there is an alternative outlet reporting on those facts, those facts immediately become fiction. That is where we are at this moment in time, when it comes to the decades of Propaganda since 9/11. So yes, the US should be afraid that peoples attention starts to wander in those four days, but I do not think it will change all that much.

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The actual crisis for the White House is it needs "off ramps" for both Ukraine and Gaza and none are available. They are taking a death blow to whatever credibility they have left. No amount of propaganda will cover up the Gaza Genocide as like Vietnam the photo record is irrefutable, astounding and the reaction has been world wide.

Like Afghanistan, future historians will refer to Ukraine and Gaza as graveyards of an erstwhile empire..

Every bomb dropped by Israel (generously supplied by the USA) from now on is more grave digging.

This is as much America's war as it is Israel's as both are determined to control the Middle East with a psychopathic disregard for human life and consequences.

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Americans need to open their eyes. Wiki Leaks- " Collateral Murder" cockpit video and recording of Apache helicopter crew gleefully shooting unarmed journalists and their rescuers might still be available on YouTube. True war crimes!

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I’m new on Substack. Government targeted. Stepped on some toes. Heavily shadow banned. Great to see your candor. Wrote my last post in “ code” as a joke , but it’s not really funny that I have to write in fucking pig Latin to override censorship algorithms. Keep up the good work. Watch your back.

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Caitlin! This exact quote resonates wonders with me: "They understand that while power is controlling what happens, ultimate power is controlling what people think about what happens. Human consciousness is dominated by mental narratives, so if you can control society’s dominant narratives, you can control the humans." --- This is what I literally wrote in my substack yesterday: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-the-average-american-should-stop

"This is why the powerful have been able to remain in power in our civilization — because they understand this, while we the public generally do not." -- Another powerful quote.

I just finished my book - "An Unorthodox Truth" - and it's my attempt to alert the public to the powers that be. Hoping you can get a chance to check it out if interested!


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I wake up and to sleep gagging on American evil.

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