
The current arms exhibition theater for the u s military industrial complex.

Blood Bath and Beyond

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As Mussolini pointed out corporatism is fascism -- guess who is running the West right now?

Guess who funded Hitler's military preparations for world ll, Western corporations ( aided by the Dulles brothers).

Guess who is making money hand over fist from the Ukrainian war?

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Every elected president has to subscribe to the goals of the MIC that is to extend US power over all the world and to quash any nation who dares challenge that. As Americans typically focus only on personalities and not the system (which they are taught never to challenge) they tend to focus on the person and not the Deep State that lords over these so-called Leaders of the Free World. We have been sold a bill of goods that could only be charitably described as fake. Our blind worship of the military combined with our unquestioned faith in its mission of bringing so-called Democracy (read Fascist Neoliberalism) to the world has given the Establishment carte blanche to intervene militarily anywhere they wish. That the public in the US has never tasted real Democracy and is oblivious to being controlled by a small cabal of oligarchs and just goes along with their devious schemes is the biggest tragedy.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

"...trauma, poverty, inequality and despair."



"The golf links lie so near the mill

That almost every day

The laboring children can look out

And watch the men at play"

~Sarah Cleghorn

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I think we should try to avoid “left” or “right” as descriptors. I think the country is going more left (socialist & liberal-left social issues). You think “right” (harder war, capitalist, conservative right social issues). This debate is within the 40 yard lines (which I know you are outside of).

Our war is establishment vs anti-establishment. Bush is more establishment, as is Biden. Will Vivek be establishment? Prolly. How about Newsom? For sure. Trump? No. Kennedy? Hope not, he’s getting radicalized.

I know, don’t vote: it only encourages the. Haven’t since 2004. But I no longer disregard journalist who are “left” as long as they are, like YOU, anti-establishment.

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I have a Swedish friend who said yesterday 'the new government (the moderates) are in favour of more police and prisons, rather than helping to develop young people. I am trying to divert things I learnt on the teaching assistant course, such as conflict resolution, leadership, group and developmental psychology, into being a job coach instead. However, they have also cut that budget by 25%, so I am not having much luck at all.'

Money that would prevent people being in prison is spent on prisons. Is that would you mean by countries (seemingly advanced social democracies) going right wing all the time?

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Hitler will eventually be fully rehabilitated - that's where it's been going for quite a while.

In fact, he was an implicitly good guy at the time, groomed and directed to go against USSR as he indicated in his "Mein Kampf". The Russia on the other hand, has always been an enemy. Anything that's against it is good.

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Shared to FB. Keep heart, dear sister Caitlin. These are indeed troubled and troubling times, in which Orwellian-nightmarish speech is the rule, not the exception. Partisans look no further- and certainly no deeper, past the shallowness of their particular leaders, and the result is that Nazis aren't Nazis after all, or Nazis aren't so bad, if they are willing to kill those the leadership declare to be enemies.

So take some comfort, even in this darkness, that there are many others willing to shine the light on the truth, just as you so regularly do.

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So let’s recap:

Everyone is a Nazi who the neoliberal propagandists don't like. But of course:

Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi insignia and Nazi ideology: not Nazis.

Actual SS Nazis: not Nazis.

You gotta wonder what drugs/drinks the neolibs consume to come up with such horrible nonsense.

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"So let’s recap.

Jeremy Corbyn supporters: Nazis.

Palestinian rights activists: Nazis.

People who criticize Israel: Nazis.

People who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton: Nazis.

Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi insignia and Nazi ideology: not Nazis.

Actual SS Nazis: not Nazis."

This is GOLD!

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Chrystia Freeland

The corporate media has scapegoated Canadian Parliament Speaker Rota when Chrystia Freeland was the puppeteer who created this SS incident. Trudeau is just a WEF front man marionette like Biden. Chrystia controls the Labour Party and Canadian foreign policy as both Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime minister. Her staff invited SS Hunka. Media effectively deflects attention from Deputy Prime Minister Freeland.


The grandfather of Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s deputy prime minister, worked for a Nazi newspaper that recruited for the Galicia Division of the Waffen-SS — the same division as Yaroslav Hunka, the Nazi who was recently honored by Canada’s Parliament.” Appel, Jacobin

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland’s electoral base is in Canada’s Ukrainian diaspora community, which has rebranded Nazi collaborators as nationalist war heroes.



“The editorial boards carried out a policy of soliciting Ukrainian support for the German cause,” the Holocaust Museum noted. “It was typical, within these publications, to not to give any accounts of the German genocidal policy, and largely, the editions resorted to silencing the mass killing of Jews in Galicia. Ukrainian newspapers presented the Jewish Question in light of the official Nazi propaganda, corollary to the Jewish world conspiracy.”

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As I pointed out in my recent article on Canadian politics, not even one member of Parliament in Canada refused to stand to honor a Nazi. . They represent public opinion. In effect The Canadian people rose as one. Are they all brainwashed by the media? Public confidence in the media is at an all-time low. Public confidence in Trudeau is at an all-time low.. But this lack of public morality is nothing recent – it goes back to Canada's beginnings.

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Expensive US and NATO weapons are being destroyed in battle by superior Russian weapons systems and trained troops. They don't work.

All the hype is designed to distract from that fact and failure.

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So, pretty much everyone is a Nazi, except, of course, the Nazis.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

The irony being that Russia is arguably the most multicultural state on the planet outside of India.

To give a couple of examples, in Russia, national minorities have the right to educate their children in their native languages, the right to petition the government and hear court cases in national courts using local languages, etc..

Contrast with aggressively galicianizng Ukraine which mandates exclusive use of a language that most of its citizens don't really speak.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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