The current arms exhibition theater for the u s military industrial complex.

Blood Bath and Beyond

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"Blood Bath and Beyond" - indeed. And this one won't go bankrupt anytime soon.

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As Mussolini pointed out corporatism is fascism -- guess who is running the West right now?

Guess who funded Hitler's military preparations for world ll, Western corporations ( aided by the Dulles brothers).

Guess who is making money hand over fist from the Ukrainian war?

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Yup and it matters not whether phony left or phony right.

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Are you suggesting that communism has not killed just as many people ?

Are you suggesting that the leadership of communist nations are less evil ?

Bottom line: there are no political structures that will curtail the evils of tyrannical psychopathic leadership.

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Every elected president has to subscribe to the goals of the MIC that is to extend US power over all the world and to quash any nation who dares challenge that. As Americans typically focus only on personalities and not the system (which they are taught never to challenge) they tend to focus on the person and not the Deep State that lords over these so-called Leaders of the Free World. We have been sold a bill of goods that could only be charitably described as fake. Our blind worship of the military combined with our unquestioned faith in its mission of bringing so-called Democracy (read Fascist Neoliberalism) to the world has given the Establishment carte blanche to intervene militarily anywhere they wish. That the public in the US has never tasted real Democracy and is oblivious to being controlled by a small cabal of oligarchs and just goes along with their devious schemes is the biggest tragedy.

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David , Right from the start it was government of the oligarchs; by the oligarchs; for the oligarchs. A constitution written by white men of property for white men of property, and that property included slaves. It was never government of the people, by the people, for the people.

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I do think Jefferson at least genuinely hoped that over time, slavery would be abolished and we'd have far less inequality.

This is very worth reading carefully, if you've never seen it before.


"But the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise. Whenever there is in any country, uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right. " - Jefferson

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Yes. Never. Pascal Said that if one wants to develop a concept of the infinite, 1 merely needs to meditate on the depth of humans stupidity.

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100 miles an hour. Yup

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"the system (which they are taught never to challenge)"

I'd say people cannot conceive of any other system.

Many USA citizens love weapons and are pretty happy with war.

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Everyone in the Soviet Union knew the system was failing, but no one could imagine an alternative to the status quo, and politicians and citizens alike were resigned to maintaining the pretense of a functioning society. Over time, this delusion became a self-fulfilling prophecy and the fakeness was accepted by everyone as real, an effect that Yurchak termed hypernormalisation.

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"...trauma, poverty, inequality and despair."



"The golf links lie so near the mill

That almost every day

The laboring children can look out

And watch the men at play"

~Sarah Cleghorn

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I think we should try to avoid “left” or “right” as descriptors. I think the country is going more left (socialist & liberal-left social issues). You think “right” (harder war, capitalist, conservative right social issues). This debate is within the 40 yard lines (which I know you are outside of).

Our war is establishment vs anti-establishment. Bush is more establishment, as is Biden. Will Vivek be establishment? Prolly. How about Newsom? For sure. Trump? No. Kennedy? Hope not, he’s getting radicalized.

I know, don’t vote: it only encourages the. Haven’t since 2004. But I no longer disregard journalist who are “left” as long as they are, like YOU, anti-establishment.

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The Left vs Right is over - there's only us vs them.

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Left vs right is just political marketing - its the pepsi challenge where regardless of which sugar water you choose you still end up with sugar water.

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How is Kennedy getting radicalized?

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Its only radicalization to a partisan, those outside the partisan herds see it as liberation.

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If my word choice isn’t great, ignore it. But deciding to leave the DEMs, he’s experiencing the disenchantment with the system that may protect him from ever looking back.

Most of us (at times me too) keep returning to thinking good thoughts (or having hope) for the United States and salvation through it ... like a dog returning to its vomit ...

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I don't know that he's being radicalized, per se, but surely he can figure out that Team D has no intention of ever letting him have a voice, much less a seat at the table.

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Trump is absolutely establishment he just has poor manners. Another sociopawho cares nothing but for himself. So very much more like the other oligarchs then different. He is in the club. We are not

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Trump is a life long salesman and its obvious when he speaks, everything is a grift, everything is sales lingo, promises he can't keep about things he doesnt even understand.

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Oh yes! For sure. For us it’s “us v them.” For Trump, it’s “Trump against the world.”

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Would luv to know who in “our war” equates as the “anti-establishment” side, currently serving as US’s elected officials? Thanks.

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If they are in congress or government in any way they cannot be anti-establishment, they are de facto part of the establishment.

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Like a dog, I seem to have returned to my own vomit. There’s some radical impulse in me which I must root out that gives anyone who receives a federal paycheck any political grace whatsoever.

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Currently serving? Geez, hard question. Maybe Rand Paul. Joe Mansion. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Matt Geatz. I understand some of these people turn our collective stomachs ... mine too ... but there are not guaranteed establishment votes.

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Regardless of how offensive you may find those people they do actually speak the truth on rare occasions.

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I'm curious to hear that, too. I think Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders are to some extent, but they lack either the resources (time to deeply research issues) or the courage to have much in the way of independent thought about geopolitics.

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Or the backing. The DNC will leg anybody who goes against the Hillary agenda. And yes, she and Nancy Baloney and Wasserman Shultz (Achtung) are very much in control of the DNC. Still.

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Sanders in particular is all-in for more more war in Ukraine.

The man has less backbone than a whipped dog.

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Warren and Bernie are part of the establishment, they are the people selling the opposition message, giving hope to those who want to be anti-establishment that it can be accomplished via the establishment.

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Yes, authoritarians versus non authoritarians.

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The terms "left" and "right" in the current American meanings, only really make sense in the specific context of contemporary USA-ian politics.

Hence the interminable debate over "was Hitler a leftist or a rightist". Well, it depends, depending on which parts of the Nazi program that you wish to cherry-pick.

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Bad guys rise when good guys don’t vote.

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Bad guys rise when we all buy into the idea that being rich is good and being poor means you were too lazy to get to work.

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If bone hard work and dedication were truly the keys to success, African market women would be the richest people on the planet.

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Bad guys rise regardless of whether the good guys vote or not because the options available for the good guys are both the same. Both bad.

Exampled by......

Clinton, initial 'H', Cluster bomb Biden, Bush #1, Killer Obama and on. A little while ago, Bush #2 should be in jail sharing a cell with Cheney and likely others such as Blinken (soon to be a likely Israel nominee), Pompeo, Bolton. Nuland, (the disgraceful trio) all the "Neocon consultants", deserving of public condemnation and investigation under the banner of "Un-American Activities” and even death…. if real justice was the measure.

But real justice is not the measure in the USA today. If it was, no President would be alive today. Not one.

If a criminal can be disposed of for killing one man, how does a President like Bush survive after killing 2 million

In my book, with some experience, none represent the America and the Americans I know and have known over forty five years.

And there's the rub. It is not America and sadly, never will be again. Too much damage done. Recovery to the 1960 values?

Too late.

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Ah if it were just.that.simple (putting responsibility of America’s good/bad global actions/reputation onto individual US voters themselves but no, never the infrastructure/system itself nor the appointed admins/elected leadership) but then too it would also prove to be:

good guys rise when bad guys don’t vote.

Sorry, but I had to reply...it’s just a case of catchy phrases that make you go: hmmm, wait what?

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Actually, it’s just a case of yes, each person is responsible for their actions and their responsibilities to their governance. It’s the basis of all democracies. It’s when the citizens become so lazy and spoiled—like PNAC wanted them to become—that bad guys move into the vacuum. The Greeks, the 1st Democracy, called people who didn’t vote “idiota”. And with good reason.

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So you’re saying it’s: “pay NO attention to the man FUNDING behind the curtain” because democracy/Greece/voting is equal everywhere so basic problems within a nation’s leadership/government is due to its non voting citizens?

Really?... Because no matter which state nor global time period, or who’s nominated, or any existing differences in whichever “democracy”, a la Citizens United et al or not, it’s really only your citizen voter who determines their democracy’s outcomes and they are the smart ones exactly because they vote. But their bff who’s a non voting but educated and dependable neighbor of theirs is a loser because they didn’t prioritize similarly?

Hmm, this dynamic kinda reminds me of the highly unsuccessful labeling of those dang deplorables, ugh. Candidates and their supportive parties and organizations have become hugely monied powers period (and whether it’s PNAC or MOVEON or whatever NGO, corporation or politically dependent donor/org), so like many I’ve evolved as big disbeliever in the let’s punch down and blame the voter racket.

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the elected people in our so called democracies are rich entitled people who have ignored climate change and who foment wars. there aren't any others to vote for.

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So go to the precincts and take back the party in your state. If a bunch of dirty hippies could do it in ‘68, surly a few yuppies could break away from their latte’s to do it. Instead, the voting age yuppies whined that “you can’t fight city hall” and ran off to get the goods, working for corporations and buying sweatshop-made Nikes to jog to Starbucks. Totally abdicated their civic duties and now want to blame others for not “giving” them anyone to vote for. Puke.

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The problem is that the wealthy have sophisticated, effective propaganda, as well as the funds to blast it everywhere, massively influence the thinking of most of the population, and the normal people who know what's going on don't have the resources to combat that and to get more honorable, well-informed people elected and others writing good policies which will be implemented by the elected.

Bad guys rise when good guys can't figure out how to overcome that obstacle.

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Back in 68 lots of people THOUGHT real changes were coming. But mostly they did not. I don't live in a state, I live in a province, but still, there is no real democracy. Still dominated by money and quests for power. The economy take first place. People, the climate, the earth, the creatures who live on the earth.......all subject to the state of the economy. All subject to the whims of a few rich people who value the economy above all else. Corporate media has given in too, mostly reporting in a "safe" manner so as not to lose their funding.

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I have a Swedish friend who said yesterday 'the new government (the moderates) are in favour of more police and prisons, rather than helping to develop young people. I am trying to divert things I learnt on the teaching assistant course, such as conflict resolution, leadership, group and developmental psychology, into being a job coach instead. However, they have also cut that budget by 25%, so I am not having much luck at all.'

Money that would prevent people being in prison is spent on prisons. Is that would you mean by countries (seemingly advanced social democracies) going right wing all the time?

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Has union membership been dropping in Sweden over time? Loss of organized worker power is a precursor to Right Neoliberals starting to build their prison state.

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I don't know. I'll ask.

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Hitler will eventually be fully rehabilitated - that's where it's been going for quite a while.

In fact, he was an implicitly good guy at the time, groomed and directed to go against USSR as he indicated in his "Mein Kampf". The Russia on the other hand, has always been an enemy. Anything that's against it is good.

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We have always been at war with Oceania...

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Shared to FB. Keep heart, dear sister Caitlin. These are indeed troubled and troubling times, in which Orwellian-nightmarish speech is the rule, not the exception. Partisans look no further- and certainly no deeper, past the shallowness of their particular leaders, and the result is that Nazis aren't Nazis after all, or Nazis aren't so bad, if they are willing to kill those the leadership declare to be enemies.

So take some comfort, even in this darkness, that there are many others willing to shine the light on the truth, just as you so regularly do.

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So let’s recap:

Everyone is a Nazi who the neoliberal propagandists don't like. But of course:

Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi insignia and Nazi ideology: not Nazis.

Actual SS Nazis: not Nazis.

You gotta wonder what drugs/drinks the neolibs consume to come up with such horrible nonsense.

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"So let’s recap.

Jeremy Corbyn supporters: Nazis.

Palestinian rights activists: Nazis.

People who criticize Israel: Nazis.

People who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton: Nazis.

Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi insignia and Nazi ideology: not Nazis.

Actual SS Nazis: not Nazis."

This is GOLD!

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Chrystia Freeland

The corporate media has scapegoated Canadian Parliament Speaker Rota when Chrystia Freeland was the puppeteer who created this SS incident. Trudeau is just a WEF front man marionette like Biden. Chrystia controls the Labour Party and Canadian foreign policy as both Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime minister. Her staff invited SS Hunka. Media effectively deflects attention from Deputy Prime Minister Freeland.


The grandfather of Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s deputy prime minister, worked for a Nazi newspaper that recruited for the Galicia Division of the Waffen-SS — the same division as Yaroslav Hunka, the Nazi who was recently honored by Canada’s Parliament.” Appel, Jacobin

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland’s electoral base is in Canada’s Ukrainian diaspora community, which has rebranded Nazi collaborators as nationalist war heroes.



“The editorial boards carried out a policy of soliciting Ukrainian support for the German cause,” the Holocaust Museum noted. “It was typical, within these publications, to not to give any accounts of the German genocidal policy, and largely, the editions resorted to silencing the mass killing of Jews in Galicia. Ukrainian newspapers presented the Jewish Question in light of the official Nazi propaganda, corollary to the Jewish world conspiracy.”

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As I pointed out in my recent article on Canadian politics, not even one member of Parliament in Canada refused to stand to honor a Nazi. . They represent public opinion. In effect The Canadian people rose as one. Are they all brainwashed by the media? Public confidence in the media is at an all-time low. Public confidence in Trudeau is at an all-time low.. But this lack of public morality is nothing recent – it goes back to Canada's beginnings.

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Expensive US and NATO weapons are being destroyed in battle by superior Russian weapons systems and trained troops. They don't work.

All the hype is designed to distract from that fact and failure.

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Yes. The West has lost and has been humiliated. The squabbling over the definition of a nazi is what they wanted to distract us from this fact and to reinforce (and get reposted) the celebration of the killing of our 'enemies'; who are people who happen to live in different countries to us.

It was like a victory parade wasn't it? When in fact Zelensky's (and possibly Trudeu's) days are numbered (Z would be advised to leave his country PDQ). There will be unconditional surrender on Russia's terms which will be better for everyone (certainly Ukrainians) if it happens sooner rather than later.

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So, pretty much everyone is a Nazi, except, of course, the Nazis.

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The irony being that Russia is arguably the most multicultural state on the planet outside of India.

To give a couple of examples, in Russia, national minorities have the right to educate their children in their native languages, the right to petition the government and hear court cases in national courts using local languages, etc..

Contrast with aggressively galicianizng Ukraine which mandates exclusive use of a language that most of its citizens don't really speak.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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