Is there now, or has there ever been a more hypocritical country than the USA.

From Price "Journalists should never be punished for doing their job,"

From Blinken " No member of the press should be threatened, harassed, attacked, arrested, or killed for doing their job".

Would they care to review their statements in relation to the imprisonment and legal harassment of Julian Assange.

In a normal and honest media climate, just how long ago that was is beyond my memory, such hypocrisy would be all over the front pages of any publication worth its salt. These days, something of a joke. The only way one could hold such hypocrites to account would be in a live press environment. However, the questioner in such cases would likely be shuffled out of site, double quick.

But for all it is on the record, in this article and others who care for the truth. But unlikely anywhere (with a few exceptions) in the exceptional USA.

Hypocrites, one and all.

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ask yourself...: "where are Ukrainian voices for stopping the war" on Murican TV? Do u think they don't exist? What a nazi situation!

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While we are considering the distinct lack of ethics of the self-appointed major world power, we should also be familiar with the oft-used fictional phrase ‘rules-based’ International Order, trotted out often to impress the naive. Now this is worthy of a comment as to its meaning.

Of course, says the USA, "rules-based” means that the US makes the rules, always "based" on what they want to occur, and subject to changes when they need to make them. Often. We do take our orders from Biden and the Neocons as you know, but we expect everyone to adhere to them while they are current and even when they change, which is often to suit our hegemonic needs.

This now allows them the right to lie about Iraq WMD, the Gulf of Tonkin episode, the 9/11 charade, the assassination of JFK 59 years ago this week, the accepted humiliation that was the USS Liberty, hundreds of sanctions on countries they don’t control and which they apply each year to maintain a strict adherence to their rules-based international orders as to justify the estimated 20 million people they have killed in so many countries since the end of WWII.

They can kill who they want to by drones, change governments like they did in Chile and then install people like Pinochet to do their 'rules-based' bidding, support apartheid regimes like Israel by funding and weaponry (who in turn they allow to control both houses of the US government) and persecute the likes of Julian Assange for telling the truth.

No one should think this is an easy task for the USA because they have a big world to control with their possibly 900 military establishments around the globe and now sporting a brand new B-52 nuclear-armed bomber base in peaceful little Australia (this country being one of their trained puppets).

So readers, everywhere, please do not lose sight of just one thing. This world is America's world; they make the rules; they lie, kill, they assassinate, they sanction when required; they start wars, as it suits them like the skirmish in Ukraine. So do what you’re told, try not to have too many contrary opinions to their hypocritical Secretary of State Blinken, yet another Israeli appointee (like the majority of all the other senior appointments) who joins with the hundreds of well established Neocons prancing around the corridors of Washington.

Yes. Since the US engineered death of JFK, a good man, 59 years ago, this new and seemingly accepted US political climate means that out of 330 million Americans, that country ends up with a selection of a Biden or a Trump.

How’s that for options? ( add a Clinton to that duo just for fun.)

It is a case of the devil or the deep blue sea.

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And the US does kill inconvenient truth telling artists/movie-makers/writers too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67Z4Qg0snnY

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

"has there ever been a more hypocritical country than the USA"

Every eastern country, they murder journalists on daily basis while pretending to care about human rights.

Even the lowest low of the west is still higher than the ceiling of the east, because the west is on the top floor and the east is in the basement.

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And who is telling you this fairy tale? Do you happen to live here in the great US of Assholes?

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The US tells us we’re so free and we have all these press freedoms and journalists don’t get killed etc. How ‘free’ are you when you incarcerate the most humans per capita? The most of the world, even. Who are these prisoners? Journalists? ‘Dictators’ of ‘bad actor’ nations? Dissident voices? Protestors? Activists? Please, tell us! And, just an FYI about your earlier claim that Russia ‘wants to be a new empire’ and how ‘we’ need to be scared of Putin (even though they have never even remotely expressed any desire to expand or become some kind of world-power, please provide evidence to the contrary, I have not seen one shred of it yet..):

USA: 85 foreign military bases (some of its larger allies, the UK has 17, and France: 13!)

China: 4

Russia: 8

Ooh, we must be so scared of Russia and China! Besides, if China or Russia did not have nuclear weapons, the US/NATO would have Yugoslavianized them a long time ago.

And let us not forget that *the reason* the USSR started making nuclear weapons in the late 1950s was solely because of the US having dropped nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 without proper (military) motive.

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Here is our paid Casper-troll once again..


Please just ignore him.

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Im not so sure ignoring them is going to stop them..they will just be back after their coffee break at Langley. After all suckng off for the empire makes them thirsty to wash down their pay grade spew.

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So you would compare evildoers and vote for the lesser evil? Is it more evil to virtue signal and do the opposite than to do what you say you are going to do? Where is your evidence? Are you a ghost in the machine?

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Recently, we have Assange, Khashoggi, the journalist killed in Palestine, the CENSORSHIP of all journalists who disagree with the official narratives from Russia gate, the Hunter laptop, Syria, Covid, and this ugly proxy war in Corrupt Ukraine.

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For the record I am for free speech and a free press everywhere. I do not know what it is like in other countries. I know they did not exist in Chile where I lived under the right-wing dictatorship installed and supported by the US.

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

One can assume, Carol that you are referring the criminal reign of Pinochet. Yes, thanks to the USA acting in promoting a dictator on behalf of American mining and business interests in murdering a democratically elected president.

So much time I spent during those years in following the cruel happenings in Chile and getting to know and better understand the Chilean people as a result. I also developed a liking for some of the music from that country with a favourite becoming Illapu. Never understood what they were saying/singing, my skills not encompassing the Spanish language, but loved the music, the passion and the audience reactions.

Fine people, all deserving at that time of a far better life, free of US installed dictators.

I had great respect for Allende and lost all respect for America.

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Liberation theology was a wonderful movement in Latin America. Unfortunately most of the Catholic hierarchy did not support it and many priests and nuns lost their lives. The 60s until the coup in 73 were an exciting time for many with land reform and free University education and calls for social justice. Too bad the US interfered. A lot of good music in those times also.

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I am especially thankful on this Thanksgiving Day, for Caitlin Johnstone!

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The US takes (an often well-deserved) beating on this site, but Thanksgiving holiday is a US thing that I can really get behind.

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Most of US culture has a good ring to it..but I find it mostly hollow all the other days..they never live up to their pontificating, it's all about how it looks and the facade..this is how they keep the public brain washed to wave a flag and delude themselves they are the sacrosanct good guys.

I still like the ideas of these traditions and live by what they stand for but I'm not so naive to let that blind me to the reality of the establishment evils. I don't fly a flag or get into any of these America right or wrong sing alongs.

Why so many people trade their own intellectual courage for mindless patriotic masturbation never sees to amaze me.

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I'm not a flag waver or US nationalist either. Instead, I get behind or oppose ideas, wherever they come from.

It's like sampling from a buffet of ideas, rather than accepting the prix fixe menu that comes from any individual country or other group (including political parties).


That said, I do consider myself fortunate to have lived my 50+ years in the US, because it has, thus far, been a place where a person can live in relative peace and prosperity.

Maybe it's ironic that non-flag-wavers like you, me, and Caitlin (from Down Under) are ones actually trying to keep things peaceful and prosperous for the US (and Australia and letting the rest of the world join in).

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Yeah spitting in the wind these days has become unsatisfying to say the least..i have been tossed off every single social media platform except YouTube and there i'm effectively shadow banned so i still have no voice because my voice is to scathing for most to have their precious fucking ears assaulted by the fucking truth. when you realize what a shit show this all is its hard to keep ones patience. But some of these social commons i have been canceled from i did NOTHING to break their arbitrarily applied "rules " based censorship..i just made comments that got to the heart of it and could not be disputed unless they LIE.. i got silenced for challenging the narrative...

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

Oles Buzyna was a friend of mine, a journalist murdered in broad daylight on the streets of Kiev, for writing things that piss off the regime.

For that matter, the self-same regime and its cutouts compile the "myrotvorets" list of critics of the regime slated for murder. The list is maintained on a NATO server.

So why don't Blinken and Price ever mention the Kiev regime, which censored opposition media and instituted thought crimes even before the war was started? I mean, it's not as if the US has no leverage over its puppet.

Probably just an oversight, right?

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If they could identify you you'd end up on that site just for commenting the way you do.

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I would consider it a badge of honor.

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Is this not the very stone on which their bones are broken?

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Oh we all know it's only "official" sanctioned "journalist" friendly to western hegemony that are considered "persecuted" (western shills and mothpiecs for western empire) are considered "legit",, this is how they are trying to skate around their hypocrisy.

The gal of these scμm bags to try and paint themselves as sacrosanct with a straight face!

I hope some day they have that smirk slapped off their faces with the keys to a cell.

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Is it not possible to do some serious smirk-slapping by public discourse? Lately John Bolton had his smirk well slapped in public and everybody knows.

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Just a few humiliating public shamming does not satisfy me considering the war criminal murderer still gets to enjoy his opulent lifestyle off the blood sweat and tears of the publics taxs.

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

Isn't that the disgusting truth of it. The piece of shit criminal sits with his nose up all righteous while the one who showed what a piece of shit criminal he is sits in prison. This is so disgusting there isn't a single display of any emotion or feeling that can give a proper response to such insanity! The whole damned world should be calling for the hanging of this scum in the closest town square!

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It can't happen soon enough! Then you can be sure whoever is president will just pardon them.

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Free Julian Assange.

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If only people would understand how the Uniparty manipulates division amongst people to gain mastery over them. Setting various ideologues to stir up hatred for their fellow man and thus so distracted that they cannot see how they are being used.

May God open everyone’s eyes to the need to strive to respect and love your fellow human beings.

Keep up doing your good work!

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THANK YOU for your work. I enjoy spending my mornings opening up substack and finding an article from you

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Scribes and Pharisees: "do as they say, not as they do" When is someone going to scourge the moneychangers from the Temple of Democracy? Cause right now it looks to me like Satan is winning.

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I’d be naive to think this was incompetence

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In the fall of 1727 Ben Franklin organized a group of men into a club whose primary purpose was inquiry into a variety of questions. This club thrived for nearly four decades and was known as the Junto, also as “the leather apron club.” (This group eventually evolved into the American Philosophical Society.) With few exceptions, the members of the group, like Franklin, were practical men: entrepreneurs, tradesmen, merchants. Only a few had much formal education.

Franklin was a student of Socrates. Could we create a Socratic Society?

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Thanks for writing about these contradictions….hypocrites …..propagandists……frustrating to know that corporate owned rags simply ignore the subject….especially concerning Our dastardly disregard for justice and freedom of speech/press re Assange…Blinken and nod- have they not a single iota of conscience?

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I find I am increasingly disappointed in my fellow man as a whole when I see so many of these willing sycophants in positions of power. It's clear to me the human species must be profoundly sick by its very nature to breed so many of these people. I fear we are running headlong into our own extinction event as long as we let these psychopaths run the civilisation.

But I have no answer as these maniacs have all the weapons and resources to silence anyone who would challenge them.

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It's hard not to believe that what lies in are future is an ugly dystopia for the planet and human race. Here we are, warring among ourselves, spending even more money on our militaries - even while for a few decades now, we have known that we need to do something serious about climate change.

Maybe the nihilists are right? Life is just some randomized event in a mechanical universe - and it just happens to be an accident any of us are alive at this particular sad time and even sadder time with the coming dystopian nightmare.

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My experiences tell me it is a vast and mysterious Universe full of purpose and meaning. Look at all we can learn if we open. That may be the reason... Learning, Evolving, the experience of possibilities, the opportunity to grow and make better choices, the opportunity to realize, to become aware, conscious, to open the heart.

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I hope you're right. It would seem like such a cruel waste otherwise.

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I'm sure cancer is all optimistic while it's choking the life out of its host.

The ignorance to our great potential you mention as it's being squandered might cause us to run out of time before this "evolution" you hope for ever happens.

Not to be so pessimistic but I'm just doing the math,, and math seldom lies to me the way people do.

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Two people walking on a beach come across thousands of dying starfish tossed onto the sand by the surf. One starts putting them back into the ocean. The other says, "Why bother? There's too many." The one says, "It matters to this one." It matters to each one who wakes up, and may have a surprising effect on the whole. To change species level consciousness apparently only requires a critical mass. Then there is resonance and perhaps a quantum leap. And something else could happen. It is a mysterious Universe.

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I think that's a wonderful sentiment.

My calculator doesn't.

But I'll only give up hope on my death bed I suppose.

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a systemic poison in the intellectual and moral atmosphere of collapsing US empire is the total inability for self reflection, self doubt, or humility. Compassion as well. It's all power, all the time.

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Every nation the USA can not subvert and control is accused of harming its own people to justify USA drone bombs and it's boots on the ground or in recent case a proxy war turning a countries people into cannon fodder.

Beware that most of the demonizing of other nations are being diseminated by the usual western suspects we acknowledged are big fat liars. Aligning with Hollywoods dedication to maintaining the status quo who have a bottom line vested interest of keeping the public malleable to manipulation to exploit and control them as a resource.

As Hollywood drive home the drama filled programming to create Russian xenophobic Putin boogeyman syndrome for the next generation of red scare 2.0 , the next level, level Orwellian.

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For them only domesticated lap dogs like NYT and WAPO are issued “press” credentials.

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Are these credentials a virtue or vice?

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hmm, yet you ask American populus, where is Kyrgistan, oops , on this map? or........you have another....'education' in America by G. Carlin....

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oops one more , we protect 'human' right with 800 (flower loving) bases around the world...hehe

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Freedom bombs..

U.S. aholes are great at reforming language and meaning to push its own agenda.

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Jullian Assange only made me realize how much higher moral standard the US has over eastern countries.

Killing a dozen of civilians is a stain on the millitary? How fucking kind the Americans are for such a case to become a national scandal? In the east, the minimum threshold for a massacre to even leave a record in the history is probabaly 10,000. For a easterner, the Americans are almost too humane to be outraged by merely a dozen deaths.

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They are literally killing thousands upon thousands just now with just covid and vaccines alone (not to mention many other things) around the globe and could care less. No Eastern dictator can beat that record. Killing is not just when you run around with a gun or throw bombs

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"No Eastern dictator can beat that record"

How so? The Taiping rebellion war in China killed 70 million, which is comparable to the world wars.

BTW covid is made in china.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

The Taiping rebellion was a civil war that killed TWENTY million, not 70. We committed genocide and enslaved more than that.

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Approximately one in ten died in the US civil war. Approximately one in twenty died in the Taiping war.

For the record all war is evil. May we evolve!

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"We committed genocide and enslaved more than that."

Factually wrong. No country has ever killed more people than China, this is an indisputable statistical fact.

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Factually correct. More than twenty million indigenous people killed and Africans enslaved. More have died in China from war and famine in total numbers because their population is so much larger.

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"More than twenty million"

That's still a small number in China. There are countless wars in china that killed more than 20 million.

"More have died in China from war and famine in total numbers because their population is so much larger"

Still doesn't change the fact that China murdered more people than any other country on earth.

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You are trying to change the subject.

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Covid development was made by the usa and researched and perfected in a Chinese lab in a joint venture...But you won't add that truth in because it's disrupting to your propaganda disseminating.

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Who cares about the geographic location. Could be anywhere. It wasn't Chinese who were chasing me with the death shot threatening to deprive me of my livelihood

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The "higher" the moral standards, the stronger the hypocrisy must be.

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Technically true, only someone who have moral senses can be a hypocrite. Hypocrisy is the act of normal human beings.

A hypocrite is a human being with proper moral senses, he try to hide his wrong doings because he know what he did was wrong.

A psychopath would never be a hypocrite because he does not have moral senses therefore feels no need to hide his wrongdoings.

The west are often hypocrites, but the east are the psychopaths, the former is infinitely superior to the later.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

You pretend civilization is ok even when it kills innocents. As if a civilization could never exist without killing a few innocents - so it's ok the US does it. That morality is "proportional". You are making the lesser of two evils argument, but the lesser of two evils is STILL evil.

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And in this case - not "lesser" but primary.. ;-))

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Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022

Agreed. Why so many world powers are now abandoning US hegemony. The US has become a hollow shell of hypocrisy, run by corporate billionaire assholes who have bought the government meant to run the country free of their sociopathic greed.

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Our Casper-troll is at work again... ;-))

A bit of history about US War party – by Dave Lindorff - Aug 4, 2020 ( ThisCantBeHappening.net )

Unsung Heroes of Los Alamos: Rethinking Manhattan Project Spies and the Cold War


• Plans for 300 nuclear bombs on USSR, with minimum 15-20M dead (these estimates were before “nuclear winter” effect was identified)

• US spies are unsung heroes that prevented another US crime of our millennia

And: https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/08/09/remembering-ted-hall-and-klaus-fuchs/

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Casper the friendly troll here thinks all those other countries the west lie about and demonize to manipulate their own public are more "evil" than the stealth fascist war criminal regime of Meruka is.

One wonder if this tool is in on the scam or just that fμcking stupid.

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You have such a psychopaths way with words.

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In the war on terror alone in the past twenty years the US has killed 6 million people.

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Nah, very few people are actually killed by the US, otherwise the Assange leak wouldn't be an international outrage.

Most of them are killed by rebels and terrorists fighting each other, and most of them are supported by Russia and China. It is far more accurate to say that Russia and china has killed 6 million people in the war on terror alone in the past 20 years.

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Killed by US troops and bombs. So easy to make your empire propagandistic claims without evidence. If we start adding all the death and destruction caused by right-wing dictatorships we trained and installed the misery in the third world raises the death count many times over.

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"Killed by US troops and bombs. "

Source? Your imagination?

"death and destruction caused by right-wing dictatorships we trained and installed"

Nah, trained and installed by their respective countrymen. Third worlders are human beings with human agency too, not a bunch of puppets or animals who can only mechanically react to stimulations from the US.

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Three sources: the costs of war project and byline times and I forget the UK source.

If we bribe, train (School of the Americas for example) and install dictators we are responsible. There are always low lifes in every country and we know how to find them. I ask you for evidence. You give none. I will no longer respond to your comments.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022

The costs of war project and other sources you cited say a certain amount of people died in this period of time, never have they said they were killed by the US military.

Casualties caused by the US military are well documented and the numbers are incredibly low. The 6 million (if we take that number) are mostly caused by rebels, terrorists and all kinds of civil unrests.

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Born into lies, living with lies, everything we know is lies and suddenly we are choking on lies... and vaccine nano bot clots.

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