It's a sad reflection on humanity that firstly someone wound write that killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians is a good investment, and secondly that they know their readership will likely agree. The MIC & Pharma, plus their minions and enablers, profit from death, any normal person wonders how such a horror can possibly be rationalized.

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Open sociopathy.

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A materialist term like “sociopathy” doesn’t even begin to explain the scale of the atrocity or the depth of the moral depravity we are witnessing. This is pure evil.

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Sociopathy isn't even a materialist term. It's a moral judgmental term that middle class people use to describe any social formation they enjoy the benefits of but would rather not hear about.

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Psychopathy. Sociopaths are "concerned citizens" compared to these overt psychopaths.

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Actually, perverse sacrifice, waste, and high lying are normal, constitutive activities for heroic societies.

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It's mind boggling. What really gets me is how do so many sick and twisted people have so much control over the US that they perpetuate such evil virtually unchallenged AND that they make it seem as if every one agrees with them.

What I started to realize after attending the Iraq anti-war protests in San Francisco where I saw with my eyes hundreds of thousands of people every weekend for almost a year leading up to the invasion (knowing that even more people showed up in LA, DC, London, and all around Europe) was that it's not that masses of people agreed with the invasion as much as that the media is very good at denying a voice to all those who disagree.

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The awful thing was in Boot's editorial was he mentioned no soldiers!

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US officials boasted about "getting a bargain" when in 1947 they negotiated a price for the data on horrific human experiments from the members of Japanese Unit 731 in exchange for immunity for the butchers . All members of Unit 731 got off although they killed more than 12,000 people on the premises in gruesome experiments which make Mengele's work look like child's play. The whole deal is still covered up today. It shows when the "national interest" is at stake, morality and justice go out the door.

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Hardly surprising that China requires remedy from Japan for this most terrible time.

As far as the U$A's involvement is concerned let's summarise it by the axiom, "By their actions you shall know them.".

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Japan will never officially apologize for Unit 731 's actions for doing so will force Big Brother to come clean about its sordid exchange. Thus the most heinous crime of the 20th century will forever remain without redress for the hundreds of thousands of people sacrificed in the most horrific experiments. Shiro Ishii, the mastermind of Unit 731 never spent a day in prison and died of throat cancer in 1959. His no. 2 Masaji Kitano, was detained in Shanghai in 1945 then released (most likely under US pressure) to reappear in Japan. He died of old age in 1986 after running the Green Cross blood supply firm in Japan.

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Demonic business. I'm even repelled by also being in the same category as Shiro Ishii by having throat cancer but that's by the by in comparison to what was suffered by China in that dreadfully grotesque holocaust. Now we see the depths to which the U$A had descended to at the end of WWII. With today's goings on it has become abundantly clear where the nasty sadistic spirit has flourished & also that the 'deep state' must be challenged. Sadly I think we're now almost at the undoubtedly pre-planned kill-or-be-killed stage. More & more horrid depopulation. It would be so nice to hear the alarm clock go off to find myself back home in a lovely peaceful civilisation in some part of the universe... ...and no longer in this intensifying nightmare here on Planet Earth. Truly, I'm not in the mood for war.

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It’s just total savagery. And in their heads, they totally see it this way. Despite knowing they provoked the war, They still see the Ukrainian deaths as solely the responsibility of Putin, and so therefore inevitable, and probably that more would have died had they not been pouring all that money and weaponry into Ukraine. That’s how pickled in the systems propaganda those idiots really are. They are completely unhinged and disconnected.

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Americans like death. Our entire “building” of the empire is predicated on it. Death to the natives, the floura and fawna, any one who could no longer work for free, brave liberal leaders, anyone who gets in the way of our greed and corrupt American Dream. And now we pay the piper.

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As someone who detested tapioca as a child, I immediately reacted to "you’d have to have tapioca for brains to also believe that the US wouldn’t have gone out of its way to make sure the war happens". It's a quite good analogy (metaphor?) given that the tapioca plant contains cyanogenic glycosides, which if improperly prepared or overindulged in increase hydrogen cyanide which will surreptitiously suffocate you by blocking each of your cells from using oxygen to generate biological energy. In like manner these empire shills and apologists continually try to suffocate the truth, to hide the reality that their mission is to run cover for their corporate masters, the gods of war and murder at BlackRock, Vanguard and the various murdering corporations and politicians they feed with their poison. Cyanide is child's play compared with the poisons spewed by these sociopaths.

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When I see Mat Boot I see a complete pure evil monster.

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Dear Caitlin:

Please stop making sense.

You are undermining the Empire narrative and upsetting major donors.


The US Empire

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I am so sick of these psychopathic neo-con bastards. If there is a Hell, here is hoping for their quick departure for the same. Hope they are all maximally vaxxx boosted...

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No amount of vaccines will save them from the lowest circle of Hell.

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But, vaxxx will help them get there faster!

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Don't count on it. Like taxes, vax boosters are for the little people.

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Completely agree!

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It should be more than obvious to Americans that a percentage of the billions sent to Ukraine is landing back in US politician's pockets. What was that about the love of money being the root of all evil? Never more true than these times.

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While the money itself is fictional, to some extent it does represent value, which has to be supplied by the use of labor and capital. So if the US sends value in the form of tanks, airplanes, rockets, and so forth to Ukraine to be used up by the Ukrainians and destroyed by the Russians, that value is destroyed and the money which was attached to that value has become worthless. Hence the inflation which accompanies the war. To believe otherwise is something like O'Brien's argument to Winston at the end of 1984: 2 + 2 = 4, but also 3 or 5 or anything else if the authorities choose. Winston, having been smashed by the authorities, "sees" this in a kind of hallucinatory daze and thinks that he loves Big Brother. That is where the war freaks are now, and that is what the readers of the Washington Post are getting from them. There is also (as observed above) the moral cost of this sociopathic transaction. Just as the money has become fictional and the value it once represented has been lost, so the values of the social order have been lost to sociopathy, and the government, the ruling class, and their privileged servitors of the professional-managerial caste are now addicted to lying and propaganda. They no longer know who they are or who their friends are. The outcome should soon be obvious to everyone.

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Yes, Putin is an enemy of America and he mustn't be allowed to contest their core interests (ie economy and energy dominance by selling cheap gas) therefore 100,000s of Ukrainians must be slaughtered and injured and their homes and livelihoods destroyed.

It's so far beyond cruel and cynical I don't know what to call it.

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Call it war, because every single war the US has been in followed the exact same template—send the marines to enrich the nation. We got it from the Romans. And every other war like nation on earth. We have never been in a defensive war.

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War. Ahh. So many wars, no? Ecocide anyone? Capitalism is that seed, Chat got or Georgia Pacific or Raytheon, all the same armies of greed and hate and chaos. Max Boot? Do we care what the NYT or WaPo or WSJ publishes? All rot gut lies on a spectrum of lies.


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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

The war has become a gold mine for the growing European military-energy production-complex. And as such their minions in governemnt are totally abandoning any pretence of interest in the well being of their masses.

Amidst rampant price inflation, rising interest rates, rising food and energy prices, job losses and even recession in Germany, Europes biggest economy:




Amidst all that, their ONLY commitment is to subsidising endless war:


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This reminds me of the interesting discussion between Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn on America This Week about memory holing, how it's currently being employed, and why. Not sure if non-subscribers can read it but here's a link: https://www.racket.news/p/transcript-america-this-week-episode-c57?r=3alev&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Successful! is he nuts? The war is over. The US lost.

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I am shocked at the lack of "support" Matt Gaetz's war funding shutdown is getting in the blogs! All our cultivated opposition to the war is kept in a bonsai garden! How fake our reality is. We come on Caitlin and chat in the comments, but it doesn't amount to a whimper at Capitol Hill! Matt Gaetz is offering to SHUT DOWN THE WAR. NOT ONE SUPPORT FROM THOSE WHO OPPOSE THE WAR! It only proves that shadowy forces/funds run the "opposition" blogs in the matrix. They manage to channel the energy away from actionable political movement.

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Unfortunately it’s a blind. Gaetz is using a “noble” cause to get an oligarchic result—kill all government spending on all causes. That leaves everyone at the mercy of the corporations who can then feel free to start wars any place else they want to.

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sadly. This is Murica. This is "the choice" we have to stop this war. T.I.M.

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It does look that way, but maybe not. I think there is another peace movement rising in the US and I think it will be successful, but really—the middle class has not yet suffered enough from our interminable wars to really be against war. I think inflation has to kick their asses a bit more and they have to recognize that war funding is the cause before they’ll get up on their hind legs and push the dim Dems to stop it!

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O please! I have seen enuf of "peace" movements. Enuf of Amy Goodman lament, after ~500K Iraqi's killed "for training". Trust me the anglos sleep well at night. It never ends. Canada has just torched 40mn acres of trees. Do they worry? Any shame? Did you expect the hounds of war feasting on a "T-Bone" steak (ie. euphemism for the record $800+ billion war budgets EVERY YEAR) to stop their eating and go quietly before the steak is finished?

Do you think a rapist will stop if you shout "hey be nice!"? Yeah right!

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Just because you’re ignorant of what’s happening in the world, and incredibly bitter about it, don’t expect me or the ones who are actually DOING things to improve the world to join you.

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I'm sorry. Please accept my apologies. Nice job. I was just dreaming.

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Ms. Johnstone! PRECISELY!!!

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I am glad you saw this too Caitlin WAPO Max Boot..........been stomping around since I saw it.

Then I read the comments.......arghhhhhhhhhhhh

How the shit can anyone learn?

I did leave a comment with regard to WAPO being a propaganda tool.

I had no Firefox for 6 weeks and was so disgusted to read this.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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