The Late Ayatollah Khomeini did say that The United States of America is The Great Satan:

Back then, even much of the Muslim world (Shia, Sunni, etc.) thought the rhetoric was overblown.

However, through its Actions today, as well as the Actions of its Crusader Colony of 'Israel' & its various EU Vassals, whereby Crimes of Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing are being justified in Broad Daylight to the world by the so called 'Free Press'... via the dehumanizing of Muslims & others:

It Appears that the Late Ayatollah was not incorrect, but merely 'Ahead of the Curve!'

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Thomas Friedman is a swine. Treyf.

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The NY Times has become an anopheles mosquito on the psyche of the news hungry public, injecting malarial parasites like Thomas Friedman into the culture-at-large to sicken it by stealing the oxygen supply from the red blood cells of its genuine journalists, who go by names like Johnstone, Greenwald, Blumenthal, Maté, and others. But who languish in relative nutritive deficiency while the parasite and its delivery system bask in the excesses conferred on them by an overwhelmingly infected public that can no longer think clearly in the face of the diminished oxygen supply to its social brain.

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As someone who grew up near Detroit and is very familiar with Dearborn --

Thomas Friedman has no idea what he's talking about and can gf himself.

Michigan and Detroit has always been proud of the Muslim population that has long been part of the history of the region.

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Oh, you didn't get the memo; you're specifically supposed to ignore these similarities of cartoon caricatures.

Or, not "notice" them. Noticing is bad...

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Clearly, the Israelis see Gazans as just so many cockroaches to be exterminated. How else to explain the indiscriminate slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians in just four months?

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it's so disgusting. Edward Said was right a million times over.

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I am Lebanese and really really scared for the future. Thank you so much Caitlin for your work, it's a little comforting.

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And to their utter shock, manufacturing consent is not quite the same game when everyone with phone is a journalist. So double down, they will...but no one’s buying the bs any more.

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what a shock, the Israeli propaganda about UNRWA is based on...nothing. just a bunch of assertions.

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What makes our ruling elites this "evil"?

Power, money? Get off on death and suffering? Serial killer lusts?

What makes so many sniveling obsequious toads (sycophants) support them ? (news media, accredited institutions)

What makes a public so indoctrinated (public schools) they so easily fall prey to the propaganda? (It can't happen without the billion man minions)

Every western main stream establishment institution is a propaganda farm, from politics to medical system from corporate CEOs to their lowely clerks.. They all want a piece of the predatorial capitalist pie. Empire and greed equal good to them. Lie to the top.

What's that saying about their pay check or pay grade motivates them to not see?

I keep coming to the conclusion stepping back looking at it from affar, humans on the whole (at least in the west) are a cancer with a board of directors ,,kill and devour everything , meeting adjurned.

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When people try to tell me that it's wrong to label those is power nowadays as "fascists", all I can say is look in your local paper's op-ed section, look in the NYT and the WSJ. It's there all right. The pictures don't lie. The animal analogies don't lie. #EndTheGenocide

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I l🏆ove you caitlin

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THIS IS ALARMING. Catelin, I hope you will refer your readers to this article every time you publish something else. It should not become yesterday's news.

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In the working of capitalism the richest are the most powerful. And the most powerful have the strongest voices and the most influence on government and the corporate media . To deny that he Jews (the Rothschilds etc) are some of the richest people in the west would be absurd. So how would one reasonable expect tha media to portray Jews? in a very favourable light would be my guess . And the Jew's enemies the Palestinians? As unfavourable as possible without being totally openly biased. And when push com to shove openly biased .For the readers and viewers have been given short memories. Not unlike Orwell's Nineteen Eight four . And Orwell was a prophet some say

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The author fails to point out the pervasive irony in current Western discourse, viz., most of the people who bray loudest about antisemitism, are not Semites: their ancestors hail almost exclusively from the old Pale of Settlement aka Western Ukraine.

Freidman and that Guardian cartoon are antisemitic; the 1930s German cartoons are anti-Khazarite because Zionist Bolshevists constituted a 5th column that the elected leadership of Germany considered a threat.

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