The Late Ayatollah Khomeini did say that The United States of America is The Great Satan:

Back then, even much of the Muslim world (Shia, Sunni, etc.) thought the rhetoric was overblown.

However, through its Actions today, as well as the Actions of its Crusader Colony of 'Israel' & its various EU Vassals, whereby Crimes of Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing are being justified in Broad Daylight to the world by the so called 'Free Press'... via the dehumanizing of Muslims & others:

It Appears that the Late Ayatollah was not incorrect, but merely 'Ahead of the Curve!'

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6


Ayatollah Khomeini was/is dead on accurate.

What is the evidence?

251 usa illegal military incursions JUST SINCE 1991!!

Since 1798, 469!!! Who says so? The usa congressional record!!!

I venture that the TOTALITY of the rest of the world doesn't come close to these numbers, CERTAINLY not the NUMBER since 1991.

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I've heard the stat that the US 'Global War on Terror' since 20001 has killed 5.5 million and displaced upwards of 30 million. The US has literally done a genocide comparable to the Nazi genocide of Jews, and we're all walking around like it's normal.

And looks like we're ramping up to start another escalation in the bomb dropping.

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The usa has done MANY genocides/Holocausts comparable to the G Holocaust and you hit the NAIL ON THE HEAD - "we're all walking around like it's normal".

IT IS NORMAL for the usa in how often it happens, not your other meaning of 'normal'.

The G Holocaust numbers have been reduced [early 1990s] to a number that varies but was dropped by Auschwitz by close to three million. I have provided links to the various articles - NYT, Chicago Tribune, Holocaust scholars, ... all agreeing the 6 million figure has always been false.

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Agreed. I omit the Asian anti-Communist genocide the US engaged in between the 1950's and 1970's. Body count around 10 million between Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Indonesia. Multiple times the tonnage of bombs dropped during WW2. We set up concentration camps in Vietnam. Used massive amounts of chemical weapons.

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Your phone is doin' GOOD TRUTHS!!

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There was a great guy who talked about the 6 million number being used by zionist in many newspapers far before ww2 claiming of holocaust and genocide of jews... he had the actual newspapers in a pile from the 20's on all saying the same figure ...they got so used to using that propaganda that they simply applied it to germany.. not saying attorcity not committed (by all sides) but i have grave doubts about all of it now ... history is written by the victors to excuse themselves of any crimes..

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I heard the "displaced upwards of 30 million" is closer to 100 million. Consider the number of affected relatives per death whose lives have been wrecked.

ALL BECAUSE of usa lies about 9/11. OBL died in December 2001, which is why GWB said in March 2002 that he wasn't at all concerned about OBL anymore.

Earth to gullible folks, OBL had NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11.

So what about Uncle Tom obama's, was it a 2012 "seal raid on OBL's compound" which OBVIOUSLY never happened. See how the usa can lie and get away with such bold, totally false totally transparent lies.

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Yes Terry, OBL was living, until he died in real time or in US make believe time thanks to Hemodialysis.

The great charade, ....yet another being the dumping his body at sea after a US Navy Seals raid in Pakistan, all witnessed by a theatrically inspired group pf Obama and friends in the White House. Clinton was there which makes any of this highly promoted bin Laden exercise a competitor for the best writings of Hans Christian Andersen.

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The story was most likely written in Hollywood. A heroic team of navy SEALs hunting down and disposing of the evil mastermind, while a panel of high ranking officials watch on closed circuit from there headquarters. Sounds alot like a Marvel movie script

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I thought the story resembled something from _The Arabian Nights_, actually.

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I rather liked the Hans Christians lovely stories...i don't think i like the comparison to a known despicable war criminals like Obama....hurumph

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This sounds as crazy as the pizza pedos. Show some evidence.

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No pizzas involved for Uncle Tom obama, just OBVIOUS GIGANTIC LIES. But forgive him, he is, after all, a usa prez.


Bin Laden’s Obituary Notice

November 20, 2013 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

A Funeral Notice for Osama bin Laden was published on December 26, 2001, in the Egyptian newspaper al-Ward. An English translation is provided below. Anyone fluent in Arabic is invited to verify or correct the translation. This item was sent to me from a reader abroad.

Also below are is a CNN interview with its medical correspondent who examines the last non-faked video of bin Laden and concludes that bin Laden is seriously ill.

There is also below a 2002 report that Israeli intelligence has concluded that bin Laden is dead.


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I guess you figured out my question. Sorry, but Obama staging the killing of Osama to deflect attention from his birth certificate is pointless and ludicrous.

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It is imperative, Lisa, that adults and youngsters be very clear as to what it is they make reference to. There were a number of "this's" so what "this" is it you are seeking evidence for?

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(2001) typing comments on a phone is a recipe for typos.

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not my man hand that are tree trunks to these tinny little keys ..

And spell check is such fucking garbage it mangles what I write..keeps choosing an opposite word so I can't get a thought out trying to fix and combat this shit and I want so much to get my big thick hands around the neck of the fucking designers.

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Are you talking about human skin lampshades, human soap, and shrunken heads?

Think again.

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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And it makes me very sad to agree with you on that.😳

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Thomas Friedman is a swine. Treyf.

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Isn't that a given given he is a usa supporter? The ONLY disagreement I have with you, Carolyn, is that swine are decent people compared to the likes of TF.

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Terry Byrne: swine are actually pigs. This makes it an interesting comparison. It is also offensive to pigs.

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I have more affection for pigs. They are amazing animals. Parallel to saying, “Civilization runs on diesel” is “Pigs feed the world.”

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A New York Times’ Columnist’s Dehumanizing Warmongering


Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman is once again cheerleading for a bloody Middle East conflict by using tortured metaphors comparing Muslims to insects and parasites.

Ben Burgis

Ben Burgis

Published Feb. 04, 2024 4:54PM EST


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i see what you did there - dehumanising comparison as ironic reversal

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The NY Times has become an anopheles mosquito on the psyche of the news hungry public, injecting malarial parasites like Thomas Friedman into the culture-at-large to sicken it by stealing the oxygen supply from the red blood cells of its genuine journalists, who go by names like Johnstone, Greenwald, Blumenthal, Maté, and others. But who languish in relative nutritive deficiency while the parasite and its delivery system bask in the excesses conferred on them by an overwhelmingly infected public that can no longer think clearly in the face of the diminished oxygen supply to its social brain.

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"... overwhelmingly infected public ..." - yes, but they don't deserve a pass. They're ultimately to blame.

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But please, that's implied. You must participate to become infected. Nobody's giving nobody a pass.

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Sure. But too many, once they discover they are, fail to take responsibility. They'd rather blame others for getting the virus.

And a large chunk carries it asymptomatically, helping spread it even more.

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Sorta the way you ignore your own bad behavior patterns or a mirror to enlighten them..

Funny how you type can never see it in yourselves.

Of course you will give some bull shit answers and attack the messenger like a knee jerk response as predictable. Proving the point.

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I think that it is appropriate to include Julian Assange in the roster that you provided.

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VL: news hungry public


But what "news" do they EVER get? It is all usa/western rank propaganda/lies.

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Even two genuine journalists named Johnstone.

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Extremely well-put, Vin!

That comment deserves some sort of award!

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As someone who grew up near Detroit and is very familiar with Dearborn --

Thomas Friedman has no idea what he's talking about and can gf himself.

Michigan and Detroit has always been proud of the Muslim population that has long been part of the history of the region.

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I was born and raised in Flint, Philip, and Arabs were the pillars of the community.

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Right on Phill

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Oh, you didn't get the memo; you're specifically supposed to ignore these similarities of cartoon caricatures.

Or, not "notice" them. Noticing is bad...

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Clearly, the Israelis see Gazans as just so many cockroaches to be exterminated. How else to explain the indiscriminate slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians in just four months?

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What REALLY is soooooooo puzzling is that "israeli" zionists are such incredible hypocrites. After having suffered the Nazi holocaust, they IMMEDIATELY proceed to doing the Palestine Holocaust. Actually, truth be told, the zionists started planning the Palestine Holocaust some 40 years before WWII, carried it out in earnest, beginning with the Nakba around 1946, been doing the Palestine Holocaust CONTINUOUSLY ever since, right up to today!!!

How is that for STUNNING HYPOCRISY!!

AND, and for hypocrisy, how do these same zionist folks NEVER mention their Haavara Agreement beginning soon after Hitler was elected and lasting sometime after ...

Facts about the Haavara (Transfer) Agreement between Ben-Gurion & Hitler (1933 - late 39)


Fake Valor: Why Did Zionist Jews Hoist Nazis Flag on Their Ships in the 1930s?

The Haavara (Transfer) Agreement was a financial instrument that was negotiated between David Ben-Gurion & Hitler a few months after the Nazis rose to power in early 1933, and it continued non-stop (even after Nuremberg Laws & Kristallnacht pogrom) until December 1941 and was designed to:


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Not hypocrisy. wrong term. Zionists colluded in the destruction of European Jewry as getting the country of Israel was their goal, not saving Jews

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I am a wee bit puzzled, Diane. Maybe I miss your point. The hypocrisy I point out is the folks who complain about what is done/has been done to them, RIGHTFULLY SO as the historical record shows, have done/are doing the same thing to the Pals.

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Yes, I see your point. But the zionists are not doing what was done to them. The Holocaust (the Shoa) wasn't done TO the zionists. The zionists helped the Nazis kill European non-zionist Jews. They helped the Nazi's, made deals with the Nazis. They sold out their fellows. They didn't want the religious Jews in the new country of Israel.

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Well said Diane Blum! Unfortunately, few people know (and realize the truth) of what you speak - the Zionists (and the Holocaust Industry) have worked diligently to revise history in their favor.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

DB: The Holocaust (the Shoa) wasn't done TO the zionists.


No, the Shoah wasn't done to because the zionists were partners with the Nazis in Haavara/The Transfer. They were countering the almost world wide/at least very large economic boycott of Nazi Germany.

My point is how the zionists use the Jewish people, and what has been done to them for their own rank propaganda purposes.

Which really made no sense at all. It is like what the usa is doing right now to Russia & China, usa gangster State Terrorism to end Gangster Nation usa.

I have never seen the following accusationbefore - "The zionists helped the Nazis kill European non-zionist Jews" - do you have any evidence for the above?

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Seen and heard from different sources over the years. I remember reading a book by Lenni Brenner a long time ago. This is from Brenner's Wikipedia page; "Lenni Brenner (born 1937), formerly known as Leonard Glaser or Lenny Glaser,[a] is an American Trotskyist writer. In the 1960s, Brenner was a prominent civil rights movement activist and vocal opponent of the Vietnam War. Since the 1980s, his activism has focused on anti-Zionism. He has published widely on the history of Zionism, in particular asserting that the movement collaborated with the Nazis." I think the Book I read was called, "'Zionism in the Age of the Dictators"

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If that's the true history one starts to wonder if the holocaust was instigated by wealthy Jews in Germany's government and industry ...a hannibal directive to get the ball rolling?

(Just some thoughts so no one else get their outraged panties in an emotional twist. )

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it's so disgusting. Edward Said was right a million times over.

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I am Lebanese and really really scared for the future. Thank you so much Caitlin for your work, it's a little comforting.

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With you all the way, Darlin’.

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And to their utter shock, manufacturing consent is not quite the same game when everyone with phone is a journalist. So double down, they will...but no one’s buying the bs any more.

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Sadly, too too many folks still buy usa rank propaganda. Even when the scenario is totally clear that the usa is, always, the problem.

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Millions have woken up but when you start with hundreds of millions, it takes quite some time to open that many eyes. So yes, there are still too many millions who are buying the bs. But the tide has turned and the turn is irreversible.

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"manufacturing consent is not quite the same ..." - true, but so are their efforts to try really hard. They just switched to driving their narrative down the throats (or some other place and direction) of the gullible public.

The common - too common, unfortunately - denominator is the public. How stupid can so many people be to consume all that.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 7

They say 50 percent of Americans do not approve of what Israel is doing. If true, good! Biden and his administration have portrayed themselves as embracing the other, yet he's feeding Israel bombs to blow up what he and his administration and Israel perceive as the "other." He had a lot of practice in pushing our Middle Eastern wars that never would have happened if those that resided in countries like Iran, Libya, Syria, etc were made up of a Christian population.

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Biden and Co didn't have a problem supporting islamists in Checnya, Afghanistan, Syria against mostly Christians of Russia and Syria (which is multi-religion). They have zero scruples helping to destroy Orthodox Christianity in Ukraine and facilitating killing of hundreds of thousands mostly Christians of Ukraine and Russia.

Why does everything have to linked to religion? The fact that scumbags bring it in when convenient for them shouldn't become a bait for regular folks to swallow. They use it as a tool to divide and conquer. When someone like you brings it up, it is helping them succeed.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 7

Don't go off on a tangent. From the outset Palestinians were perceived as inferior, as were Arabs in general, by the Europeans and Americans. That's one of the reasons the colonial powers of WWI could so easily turn over the land of Palestine to the Zionists after the fall of the Ottoman empire. In 1948, the UN made it official, although their were countries who offered some opposition they were strong armed into compliance. In 1948 there was the Nakba which also reflects their highly prejudicial attitude. They are the Chosen People, right? After, decades of abuse the Palestinian population in recent years reside in an outdoor concentration camp with no access to the sea. Covered less, is the he West Bank which has had it's lands stolen and settler communities have taken over a large swath of it, driving the Palestinians out. They are often killed by settlers, and who kill with impunity. They can rot in jail with no charges against them for years. As Gallant said, they are animals, yes and that's the way Israel see's them, so a genocide in their minds is perfectly okay even with the world watching. 

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You said referring to Biden (all caps are mine):

"He had a lot of practice in pushing our Middle Eastern wars that NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED if those that resided in countries like Iran, Libya, Syria, etc were made up of a Christian population."

And when I provided data it had nothing to do with religion you say: "Don't go off on a tangent."

What's your definition of a tangent?

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Look, think you want, and yes of course we support Muslims when they can be useful, or are on our side, and yes we used them in Syria, to bring down Assad and yes we used the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and feed them weapons to bring down Russia, etc, but if you look at the 21st century with millions of Muslims killed or displaced, you know they are perceived as less then. I have no desire to prove anything to you. I am voicing my perceptions and many who cover this topic agree and isn't this what Caitlin's post was all about today.

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Pointing out something is tangential is often times a tangent itself.

For obvious reasons.

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As always, the usa does what it does ONLY for the usa. Of that 50% you mention, a sizeable percent could be holding that position for purely racist/anti semitic reasons. usa racism is only spoken loudly against those that the usa sanctions/allows the racism to be advanced/perpetrated. There is a unspoken "ban" on racism against Jews but Indians, Muslims, dark skinned people, First Nations peoples, ... let usa racism flow ... 'cause "freedom of speech".

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The US is not an anti-Semitic country, and that number surprised me since AIPAC has so much control over our politicians, and politics. Sorry but I truly do not understand the rest of your commentary or it's purpose.

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hes being a bit sarcastic..it might get lost in translation but i read it as agreeing with you

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Maybe your right. Sorry Russian Bot!!!!!

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what a shock, the Israeli propaganda about UNRWA is based on...nothing. just a bunch of assertions.

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Otherwise known as blatant lies, Pretzel…

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What makes our ruling elites this "evil"?

Power, money? Get off on death and suffering? Serial killer lusts?

What makes so many sniveling obsequious toads (sycophants) support them ? (news media, accredited institutions)

What makes a public so indoctrinated (public schools) they so easily fall prey to the propaganda? (It can't happen without the billion man minions)

Every western main stream establishment institution is a propaganda farm, from politics to medical system from corporate CEOs to their lowely clerks.. They all want a piece of the predatorial capitalist pie. Empire and greed equal good to them. Lie to the top.

What's that saying about their pay check or pay grade motivates them to not see?

I keep coming to the conclusion stepping back looking at it from affar, humans on the whole (at least in the west) are a cancer with a board of directors ,,kill and devour everything , meeting adjurned.

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Because these people are literal, unironic Satanists.

They are this evil because they sold their soul to the Devil. This is what Satanists look like. Not black leather wearing goth weirdos or edgy overweight Redditards.

But bloodless, soulless freaks like Anthony Blinken and Matthew Miller.

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I may not be very religious but i agree with you WHOLEheartedly!

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When people try to tell me that it's wrong to label those is power nowadays as "fascists", all I can say is look in your local paper's op-ed section, look in the NYT and the WSJ. It's there all right. The pictures don't lie. The animal analogies don't lie. #EndTheGenocide

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I l🏆ove you caitlin

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

Caitlin is from the land down Under - Where women glow and men plunder ...

Can you hear the thunder?

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I always thought it should have been "chunder"

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phuckin' eh!!!

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THIS IS ALARMING. Catelin, I hope you will refer your readers to this article every time you publish something else. It should not become yesterday's news.

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In the working of capitalism the richest are the most powerful. And the most powerful have the strongest voices and the most influence on government and the corporate media . To deny that he Jews (the Rothschilds etc) are some of the richest people in the west would be absurd. So how would one reasonable expect tha media to portray Jews? in a very favourable light would be my guess . And the Jew's enemies the Palestinians? As unfavourable as possible without being totally openly biased. And when push com to shove openly biased .For the readers and viewers have been given short memories. Not unlike Orwell's Nineteen Eight four . And Orwell was a prophet some say

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I have visions of Orwell doing laps around his coffin if he could see the doublespeak going on these days IE "spinning in his grave"

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The author fails to point out the pervasive irony in current Western discourse, viz., most of the people who bray loudest about antisemitism, are not Semites: their ancestors hail almost exclusively from the old Pale of Settlement aka Western Ukraine.

Freidman and that Guardian cartoon are antisemitic; the 1930s German cartoons are anti-Khazarite because Zionist Bolshevists constituted a 5th column that the elected leadership of Germany considered a threat.

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Good analysis I think . When I have often tried to inform people that the reason the minority Bolshevism party came to power after the revolution was that it was heavily composed of Jews. They got rid of Lenin (long painful death after being shot by a female Jew) and put in a compliant gentile Stalin who complained on his death bed that that the Jews were poisoning him because he had become non compliant . The demon (compulsory adjective) Hitler always referred to them as Jewish Bolsheviks

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