Far from being an imperialist maniac intent on playing Risk!, Putin has shown little appetite for conflict, escalating only when no other realistic choice is available.

The sociopaths running the West regard this as contemptible weakness.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

This is the way I see it,  and understand what happened. Under the Obama administration we empowered the extreme right in Ukraine then in time eventually redirected it to fight the separatists in eastern Ukraine, in the Donbas. The Syoboda Party were the main players in that coup, as was the Right Sector, which was newly formed, and if anyone doubts that we were working with these neo-nazis to overthrow the government all they have to do is listen to the phone call between Nuland and Pyatt where they referenced they were working with the leader of the Svoboda party, Tyahnybok. Yanukovych promised new elections, but they didn't want them, and neither did we. Nuland got Yat's installed,  but it seems he didn't last long, and either did the others, so corrupt is that country, but we never  wanted a stable country in Ukraine, and we could rely on their history of political corruption to reassure us of that. After that the neo-nazis and the newly formed National guard were formed and they then went about killing the separatists in the Donbas. We even supplied aid to these neo-nazi on there extermination policy. They say Zelensky was afraid of the Azov battalion, well, he wasn't really in control, so he gave up and stopped talking, and went along, to get along. America's proclaimed hero. I also feel he is very manipulated by the west, but he's all too willing to accommodate them. I'm pretty sure that Ukraine went down hill in terms of it's economy, due to it's corrupt leadership and when that happens those neo-nazi's became stronger.The country is so corrupt it could go no other way. Perfect, we created a country poorer then it was before, more corrupt, which no doubt allowed the neo-nazis to draw a bigger crowd from different parts of the world to fight the good fight.  We made it a battle ground and those neo-nazis are our fighting force, a bunch of zealots, perfect. In short we destroyed a country and turned it into our battle ground. We supply the weapons, and they supply their lives.  It's ultimate goal, to bring Russia down. They seem so sure they will accomplish their despicable goal, since their destruction of many middle eastern countries was so successful, and are no longer a threat to American hegemony. 

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I also think the democrats tied Trump to Russia, which created a bridge to Ukraine during the absence of the democrats who supported this coup and whose intention all along was to use to oust Putin and undermine Russia. It also put a lot of hate in the American heart. Propaganda.

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It's not weakness on Putin's part but naivety concerning the true motivations of the Russia-hating chickenhawk neocons. They were never about to negotiate honestly with Putin, but it took far too long for him to acknowledge it. Merkel spilled the beans on the deception behind the Minsk accords. Putin's go-slow SMO was a disaster for Russia, giving the US/NATO war pigs plenty of time to channel their forces. I think that Paul Craig Roberts' analysis of the situation has been right from the beginning, going back to the neocon-led coup in 2014.

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Actually he acknowledged it in 2007 at the Munich Security Conference where Graham and McCain sat in the front row and heckled him like 5 year old children. It was at that point that he started increasing his nation's infrastructure for munitions construction and development of advances air defense systems which the West cannot match.

Russian leadership didn't need Merkel's confession to know that Minsk was a scam, they needed it revealed so the rest of the world would understand the duplicitous motivations of the US Oligarchy. They also needed it so that citizens of the USA would begin to grasp the evilness of American Leadership.

We all "know" that Russiagate was a scam, but with the revelations of the past few day showing just how much of a scam it was, I'm beginning to get the feeling that it was a scam within a scam (within yet another scam). The Russians had to ensure the world would never believe anything America said again. Whether the Russians actually hatched the plot, it surely appears that it is working.

I'm even willing to believe that Putin launched the original SMO and the advancement on Kiev knowing that it was going to fail, but needing to show Russian restraint to keep the Global South united behind him.

The rapidly increasing pace of dedollarization convinces me that the majority of the world now sees a path away from American Hegemony and they are going to take it.

If only Americans could recognize the stupidity of their leadership. Seems like Putin is making that rather obvious doesn't it?

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"Russian leadership didn't need Merkel's confession to know that Minsk was a scam, they needed it revealed so the rest of the world would understand the duplicitous motivations of the US Oligarchy. They also needed it so that citizens of the USA would begin to grasp the evilness of American Leadership."

That's it !

Same happened is Syria when people like Michael blamed Putin for his weakness to fight .

Putin wanted -you, the people of the world, to see and judge, who those terrorist were.

I think , Russia could obliterate Ukraine(?)/ ??? in a weak , but how would the world know who and why she is fighting . Even now lots of ( like my educated , but ignorant son wants that promised "democracy ") idiots want Crimea back to.... whom ? which country ?

Here , follow all links . - https://roburie.substack.com/p/the-us-role-in-events-in-ukraine

2) https://www.gospanews.net/en/2022/05/21/mariupol-freed-by-the-zelensky-nazis-satanists-putin-conquers-the-military-target-and-shows-the-true-face-of-the-kiev-partisans-video/

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you can follow also this link


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Stick your link into ....

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Of course the West at all times negotiated in bad faith. This was obvious a long time ago.

The question is what is Russia going to do about it?

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The US State Dept's addiction to regime change set the ultimate trap: an existential threat that would force Russia to respond militarily. The effectiveness of that trap was based on the US Govt's perception that it had the world in submission to its imperial bullying. Oops! Once again, the WaDC wonks failed to do unbiased research on Russia and Putin, defaulting instead to projections within the capital echo chamber. After CV-19 and now US lies about Ukraine-Russia, there can be no more lingering doubt about who is the bigger threat to the USA: the US Gov't, a criminal enterprise that lies, cheats, steals and murders to get power and hold power while generating absurd wealth for those invested in the Military-Pharma-Health-Ag-Insurance-Finance/Banking-Congressional Complex. We the people are non-essential.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

You are dealing with sociopaths here. Taking as given everything you wrote - the humans in charge don't care, unless they are stopped.

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May I again recommend Aaron Good's excellent series on the "American Exception", the criminal history of the USA.


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Great comment. I disagree on one point: We the people are absolutely essential because we are the only ones who can stop the madness.

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Not arguing that. But we are ruled by sociopaths, so conduct yourself accordingly.

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You're right of course. My reply was meant for michael. Cheers!

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I am less optimistic than that. I'm more inclined toward the need for Nature to reboot. The mess of modernity is too fucked up for the people to purge the poison.

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I follow your analyzes and comments. Many commentators who think that you are an excellent analyst also think that Putin is a flawless leader and that he does everything that is in the interest of Russia and the Russian people. They came to that conclusion through your analysis that the West is to blame for everything and that Putin is forced to do what he is doing in order to save Russia because he had no other way out, so he has a justification for all his actions, starting a military operation when Russia did not was attacked, which in itself is a supreme crime, even now when it is bombing civilian targets, destroying the electricity grid and leaving people without heating and water in the middle of winter. That obvious war crime is justified by them because of some actions of the Ukrainian side, as if justifications can be found for war crimes, whatever the other side does.

The basic thing is that they know nothing about Putin and the system he introduced in Russia, which now, after almost a year of war, is going directly into fascism and Nazism. The rule of Putin and the clique around him has long been characterized, even before this war, as a mafia and gangster system of government, where normal laws do not apply to Putin and the oligarchs he controls, and everything is allowed for them to get rich only if they are Putin's followers. By mercilessly eliminating his opponents, oppositionists or journalistic commentators, Putin has earned the contempt of all reasonable people who are familiar with it.

Putin became a war criminal as early as 2000 when he led the crushing of the resistance of Chechnya, which sought to be an independent state after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Then he showed all his heartlessness and ruthlessness by killing thousands of civilians during the conquest of Grozny, which he razed to the ground, and similar tactics are now being demonstrated in Ukraine as well.

And such a leader gets support and understanding from your commentators.

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The imbecile is sneaky. It commented in the top thread so its vomit would be visible for most.

Hey, let's check you out. Who else is a famous Gojko?

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The only crime here is your improper use of paragraph breaks.

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You're right. My English is terrible, especially, as you well noted, the use of paragraph breaks.

But I'm still amazed that any intellectual who isn't far right and thinks of himself as progressive can support Putin or justify his actions.

I have been following Putin's activities since the war in Chechnya, where he proved himself and showed his total inhumanity and carelessness for human lives when he razed Grozny to the ground and killed thousands of civilians.

Even then, he was a war criminal for me.

You should read the articles about him from the Russian progressive Left if you don't believe in Western propaganda, as I don't either.

But sometimes the analyzes of Western analysts agree with the analyzes of Russian analysts.






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"Russian progressive Left" gives you out completely. You list exclusively the sold out operatives of the various innumerable western NGOs that flooded Russia and produced those scum.

And then you expect to take you seriously. You are either an imbecile, entirely possible, or one of those "russian progressive left" sticking to the program.

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He/she is both.

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russian_bot. I already have a discussion with you and your user name "russian_bot" is telling everything about you that someone needs to know. Never discussed arguments presented in the articles, only where or who printed something. Only disqualifications without arguments.

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The moment I heard his name in relationship to leadership was all I needed.

That said, when compared to the fucking psychopaths in the United States, he’s appearing more and more like the adult in the room.

That’s not praise of Putin, it’s a condemnation of the West.

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"At the same time, Russian generals who have the courage to speak out honestly admit that NATO poses no immediate threat to Russia. NATO is a possible adversary, but an attack by NATO is not a first- or even second-order challenge. Russia, my country, faces greater threats."


or about some other his realistic choices


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Well, that proves something, I guess.

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I was repeating some of my comments because i did not see them posted.

but regarding your hero Putin and his mafia state that you so admire some further reading from someone who knows as a profesional historian what he is talking about


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1. You put words in my mouth.

2. We had similar "professional historians who knew what they were talking about" featured in the runup to the War On Iraq, and every other one of America's wars. Turns out that their rosy predictions have not panned out. At the same time, you ignore other "professional historians who know what they're talking about" and who reach markedly different conclusions regarding Russia (e.g. Stephen Cohen of The Nation). Cherry-picking - how does it work?

3. I've lived in Russia and Ukraine and speak Russian and more Ukrainian than many who live there, although I am neither Russia nor Ukrainian. So I think I have some personal knowledge here.

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

You should argue with what was writen in the article .

I prefer some historians based on their work and activities than others https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2014/07/stephen-cohen-vladimir-putins-apologist-the-nation-just-published-the-most-outrageous-defense-of-the-russian-president.html

I am from Yugoslavia and I know many intellectuals from my country who supported Milosevic and his criminal wars and his policies that led to the destruction of Yugoslavia.

Just as many intellectuals supported Milosevic, and some my friends, in my opinion the criminal and most responsible for the wars in Yugoslavia, so you may also be among those who support Putin, in my opinion the criminal and most responsible for the war in Ukraine.

The fact that you know Ukrainian and Russian well or have lived there does not change anything.

If you knew a little about the history of the wars in Yugoslavia from 1991 to 1995, you would see that there is no big difference from what Milosevic did and that Putin is not original at all.

I have already seen that movie once.



About present Russia it is better read a sociologist analysis


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I'm sure you can cherry-pick all manner of things to find what you wish to find.

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Far from conspiring with the convicted Bosnian-Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, Milosevic actually “condemned ethnic cleansing”, opposed Karadzic and tried to stop the war that dismembered Yugoslavia. Buried near the end of a 2,590- page judgement on Karadzic last February, this truth further demolishes the propaganda that justified Nato’s illegal onslaught on Serbia in 1999.

The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague has quietly cleared the late Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, of war crimes committed during the 1992-95 Bosnian war, including the massacre at Srebrenica.

The exoneration of a man accused of the worst of crimes, genocide, made no headlines. Neither the BBC nor CNN covered it. The Guardian allowed a brief commentary. Such a rare official admission was buried or suppressed, understandably. It would explain too much about how the rulers of the world rule.


That's how media is provoking Nuclear War

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So the fuckhead is from Yugoslavia. What do you say about this then:


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deletedJan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023
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Putin is far more patient than I am. Unfortunately, I suspect that his patience and reasonableness fall upon deaf ears and may well get a lot of people killed.

Force and fraud, reward and punishment are the language that sociopaths understand.

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Hysterical idiot? Nah, not you, Caitlin, The idiots are those in US society who fail to perceive its deep roots of maniacal war criminality, even considering only the post-WWII era. In a recent interview with George Galloway, Chris Hedges mentioned Curtis LeMay, whom I've taken to calling Generalissimo Nukem. Nuke the Cubans, he advised JFK, nuke North Vietnam, he advised LBJ. Hedges also identified the tradition of war pimps, those you call "war sluts" --- sociopaths like Elliot Abrams and Robert Kagan, the rhetorical engines who in their pimping for the war industry fill the rage tanks of maniacs like LeMay and the other crazed US generals. Make no mistake, this is a deep deep vein of evil in the American psyche. Another reason to anticipate the empire's demise.

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Almost enough to make someone believe there is a globalist agenda to depopulate the planet by any (jabs) and all (starvation / war) means necessary.

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The "war inflation" hasn't even started yet! To curtail inflation (i.e. war euphoria) the sheep have to be "laid off" to compensate for the overheated money burn. The money to Ukraine don't even include the money to Poland (which is stealth heavy involved on the ground INSIDE Ukraine). Money is bleeding. Muricans and EU citizens are gonna share the payment burden three ways: 1) the inflation the war spending creates, (2) the weapons and money to Ukraine and Poland (never mentioned in the public figures), (3) the reconstruction.

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Yup. Layoffs already happening in lots of professions folks might assume were "safe"(e.g., pharmacists --- taught them immunology, know hundreds, talk to scores regularly). And (3) we already pay for the scumbags like Blackrock et al. whose investors will feast off reconstruction; they bleed the society on a daily basis.

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precisely to compensate for the money print spigot at the defense contract level, common sheep have to be laid off. Austerity here "averages out" money printing there. In the averages, there will be no inflation!

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I sit here in horror watching my gov't and the collective west lead us directly down the path of Armageddon, while the people and my elected officials have nothing to say except, "Bad Russia, Bad Putin"..I'm sick. Alexander Mercurous stated the collective west is on an "escalation elevator"....no peace talks, only more weapons.

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I listen to Alexander and Christoforou daily now regarding the war. Perhaps the most informed and pretty reliable source of information as this war tragedy continues to unfold and escalate. The Elite war slut fools in the West are still thinking in terms of win or lose. No one wins in a nuclear war. No one.

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Exactly. There's no winners in a game where all sides wind up dead. That's why you know you're dealing with sociopaths in NATO/US/Western world. They want to tempt fate by escalating this proxy war and get us all killed for the sake of their military industrial complex profits. If there's a better definition of insanity than that, I can't think of it. ("Doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result," as a definition of insanity is pretty much what's happening now.)

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What about this ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBGqCDxTsFM

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A bit of an exaggeration. Click bait.

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NOT at all !

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The West's misuse of The Sunk Cost Fallacy is entirely intentional. "We can't turn back now, we've already given so much treasure, weapons and PR! Muh Western Credibility!" This is how WWI got started.

The question remains: what is Russia going to do about it?

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You are right. That is the question. Russia has patience and Putin certainly understands the dangers involved with escalation. He's walking a knife's edge and I for one wish him all the luck.

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pssst....the war creates the inflation. the fun ain't even in high gear yet.....just wait and watch. never mentioned in financial "free" press! Read Tom Ridell's inflation paper on Vietnam war, from 1989.

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Just a historic reminder, when things were tough for US forces in Korea, General MacArthur wanted to use Atomic bombs and reduce the North forces and China to radioactive dust. If things were reversed, and it was America now fighting in Mexico, Tactical Nukes would have flown already.

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Absolutely! And MacArthur did bomb the USSR back then. Truman had to fly to Japan to cool him down.

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Another cat?

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We felines are naturally independent, and mistrusting of self-proclaimed authority.

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Agreed. And living feral, any failure to see things as they are will mean you get used for medical experiments.

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The emperor/empire has no clothes. But no one is willing to say so. They are all going along with the pretence that provoking, funding and fuelling war, does not END in catastrophe and mass death, as it always has in human history. Except at this point in history, in the nuclear age, it could be the end of all of our history.

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NATO, the US and the WEF wants Russia to be done away with. Then comes China. Once they are out of the way, a ONE government world will be easier than pie to enact.

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And Russia has oil and gas too. And minerals. How irresistible to the wacko neocons.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

...just as Ukraine has so much arable land being eyed off so blatantly by the BlackRocks, Vanguards and State Streets of this world, having now redirected their investment recommendations to pursue agricultural land, wherever it may be.

(Ask Holland's small farmers how they are being crippled by this new policy of reducing pollution, making the land soon able to be purchased "at any price".) The big boys are using nitrogen as the reason, but it is very valuable land in Europe....agricultural land and the exports from Holland are enormous. Ask Bill Gates why he is buying up all the land he can get , yes, even in the USA.

One has to ask, however, if the precious land being recommended and enthusiastically pursued for ownership around the world by the out-of-control investment groups who, with the military / industrialists and Israeli funded Neocons are currently running the USA, when the land is or could be polluted from nuclear activity.

Now there's a twist they haven't considered, I'll wager. One would need to check with the soon to be re-armed Japan, (with the US's support.....weapons sales again) those people old enough but still living around Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as to whether one can grow sorghum or wheat in nuclear damaged land areas.

Could be a problem, Mr. Fink from BlackRock. Best to stay with controlling pharmaceuticals, banks, military manufacturers and all the politicians who do your bidding in both houses.

They are your assets, already.

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I forsee the collective west going to WEG global agenda, Russia & allies maintaining sovereignty.

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China is a WEF knight.

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just like, once we get magic means of sequestering greenhouse gases or producing unlimited energy from nothing, we can continue growing our economy forever.

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The "economy" can grow forever by simply creating new and non-embodied forms of property, like patents, copyrights, permission to use particular tones of voice...

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Am I the only cat who sees "Don't Look Up!" as a parable for our time?

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Yes I think the same, when you watch this wonderful movie this is exactly what comes to mind! I wish more people would watch it!! Yesterday I watched an old (for me extremely scary film, I was about 20 when I first seen it, but I learnt my lesson!) film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyy9n8r16hs . It is The Day After (Jason Robards) and I wish everyone who is not scared by nuclear war should see it!!

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It was scary.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

TCM just ran The Day After! this week....having shown Dr Strangelove a few weeks ago as well...

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Oh how could I have missed that? I just hope lots of people that want more weapons and more war and escalation of this horrible conflict have seen it!

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I can dig it.

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Caitlin... Thanks for your voice. IMO, it is too late.

It didn't have to be this way...

It is depressing to spend more than 70 years in Amerika, Inc., and realize that this nation is the biggest terrorist nation on the planet... I even wore Army green in my zealous youth. One of my deepest regrets in hindsight.

Peace, Hope, and Sanity...

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

It really is starting to get ominous. People don't realize how casually world wars have started historically. But the technology now has changed where if humankind does it again, does this world war thing - with nukes - it's mind numbingly suicidal.

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As pointed out previously, this is how WWI got started.

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Let’s not forget Germany, in 1939, claimed Poland shot first.

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Or the US and the Gulf of Tonkin, or the WMD's in Iraq ...

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

Agree. War starts just as an abstract thing - they even paraded for WWI. And then 5-10 years later - millions are dead. But the war equation that has been good for thousands of years no longer applies with nuclear technology. The human psyche has failed to catch up with the world destroying nuclear technology the species has invented. And the sociopathic leaders of the world are now leading us to a catastrophe none of us can imagine (really) assuming one is still alive after it starts.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

WWI also started with tons of cheering and flag-waving. Hemingway spoke for many after the war when he described it thusly:

“World War I was the most colossal, murderous, mismanaged butchery that has ever taken place on earth. Any writer who said otherwise lied, So the writers either wrote propaganda, shut up, or fought.”

And he was on the winning side.

Also, during WWI, dissenting voices were ruthlessly suppressed, probably because the average frustrated citizen could not be reminded how little he had to gain or lose from that conflict. Even Woodrow Wilson fretted about the impending destruction of civil liberties in the runup to American involvement in that war, right before he snuffed those liberties out.

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Wilson's fretting was disingenuous. There is nobody more to blame for the US PMC and their depredations than he and his minions.

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Not to nitpick, but there is an error in the first sentence. "War sluts" would be those turning tricks for war, without an expectation of pay. These people are very well paid for their efforts to get us all killed, so the correct term is "war whores."

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I have always considered politicians way worse than whores as far as "the world's most ancient profession" competition goes. Politicians lie while they sell out - whores advertise the fact.

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As far as the Russians are concerned there is zero doubt they face NATO. Had to eventually since NATO started expansion in the 1990s breaking all agreements. Now regular folks are more than ready for Putin to follow through with his threats against "decision-making centers", which are unequivocally understood to be in the West.

The only explanation for taking so long might be Russia's wanting the West's population to fully understand what it would be for, now that West itself more and more spells it out. So that when missiles come the western folks wouldn't be surprised.

They'll still be, but it won't matter.

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I like many other citizens am watching this escalation with horror, the powers in the west seem to be provoking Russia into full scale war. They must have been preparing for this for some time. There has been little negotiation for peace. We should all be very scared.

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The levelling of Ukraine and associated deaths of 100s of 1000s will be a great platform for NATO and the EU and Putin and Biden to push for an all powerful global government with our peaceful desires at its heart ❤️ and central to its values. "Never Again" could be the rallying call. Imagine there's no countries, or cash, or privacy, or hiding place, or freedom?

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So, Biden and Putin are actually working together to push for an "all powerful global government?" Seriously???

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Yes. Look at them closely. Thanks.

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That’s the plan.


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Of all enterprises in the word, none is as profitable as war. It takes a special kind of psychopathology to foment the destruction of a region and a people, solely to make money.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

Thank you -- Abrams uses dirty nuclear shells.... Also:

Murder of Jeffrey Epstein -- https://youtu.be/ASp4KiVqNDQ

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Where is the voice of sanity? Certainly n or t with the western leadership.

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There’s an edit function in the … under your comment BTW.

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