I agree and there was no Judea anyway. A primitive tribe called Judah wandered into Palestine and set up camp 3000 years ago because the Egyptians made a note, carved it in stone, about their arrival. At that point the Egyptians had been carving in stone notes about Palestine and Palestinians for 2000 years.
The tribe of Judah may have had a king and called itself a kingdom but it was one among many in ancient Palestine. There is no evidence an Israel ever existed. Most that people believe is religious fairy tales.
DNA tests are deeply flawed and unreliable. They can provide links going back about six generations, 150 years, but are pretty useless beyond that. At a thousand years we each have more than a million ancestors and at conception we inherit some of millions of potential genetic markers and DNA.
There are no genetic markers for tribes, religions, nationality etc. It is impossible.
You are a creation of the Alpha and the Omega…every single bit of creation is…even a grain of sand, an atom, energy all around us.
Because of “organized religion”, I know I’ve been lied to about so much. I’ve dropped organized religion, and I search for God (or what one chooses to call It).
What do you mean, "the last few decades"? Antisemitism existed much longer ago than "the last few decades". I am talking about REAL antisemitism, not Israeli "antisemitism". How old are you? 12?
Not sure if this was directed to me and don't get the last few decades reference.
Persecution of Jews is of course much older than recent decades. In fact in recent decades if not nearly a century there has been no persecution of Jews.
Islam is the persecuted religion in the modern age.
And many religions throughout history have been persecuted, not just Jews. Some religions did not survive. Religious differences have long been an issue in centuries past.
However, there is real persecution of Jews and imagined and exaggerated persecution of Jews. Hard to separate. Judaism has a victim dogma which has exaggerated and inflated Jewish persecution and Zionism required the concept of Jewish persecution as part of its plans to invade, colonise and take Palestine. Zionism still desperately needs people to believe anti semitism exists, when it doesn't. The Zio goal is to terrify clearly not very bright Jews into running to Palestine and what is called Israel to be safe. Ironic since it is the most dangerous place any Jew could live.
Most that is called anti-semitism, or a hatred of Judaism and its followers is not in the least anti-semitic but is a valid condemnation of the racist, fascist atrocities committed by the Zionist Israeli State.
To that degree Israel, as indeed some Jews warned before it was invented, is the most dangerous and destructive thing which has ever happened to Judaism and Jews. Zionism needs Jews to be persecuted and it needs to foment fear in Jews, the not very bright ones particularly and there are a lot of them, and hatred in others of Jews.
Since the Ziojewraelis control virtually all mainstream media in the West anyway, it is not hard to disseminate the lie that Jews are at risk and hated just because they are Jews, instead of making the connection that Jews are caught up in the evil that is Israel because for all of its existence most Jews have funded, supported and promoted Israel regardless of its atrocities and genocidal behaviour.
Albert Pike, Freemasonic Honcho, in the 1800's disclosed the fact that there would be three World Wars, and that WW III would be instigated between the Muslims and Christians, after which the Globalists would announce their 'True' 'God', Lucifer. No one who didn't accept Lucifer would not be permitted to live. The Globalists are Luciferian Satanists.
While I do believe some can foresee the future, such scenarios litter human history. I don't actually believe in Satan or the devil but I do believe it is an archetypal force which exists in humans as does Christ/God consciousness.
Although clearly Pike is wrong because the potential we now face for WWIII in the Middle East is being instigated by Jews aligned with Christians against Muslims.
I meant the WORD “anti-Semitism”. The word has been used to propagate an agenda. The word shuts people up (unless you believe in freedom of speech), doesn’t it????
The label of anti-semitic has been turned into a weapon which distorts any meaning it might have. Same for the exploitation of the Jewish experience of holocaust in WWII. Zionism has taken these realities and exaggerated and misrepresented them to shut people up as you say.
The term anti-semitism is worthless today because it is used against people who rightly condemn Zionist Israeli atrocities instead of its original meaning, a hatred of the religion of Judaism and its followers.
The irony is that when people scream condemnation of Israel's atrocities is anti-semitic, i.e. representing a hatred of Judaism and Jews, they are the ones expressing a hatred of the religion and Jews because they are saying that Israel's genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupation, colonisation, rape, torture, murder, theft and sadistic cruelty represent Judaism and Jews.
Everyone who condemns Israeli atrocities is defending Judaism and Jews. That is simple logic.
Much like 'Conspiracy Theory' was a weaponised CIA response to people who questioned the JFK assassination narrative ( andjust about anyone who sees through their lies right up to today).
Re 'anti-Semitism': '...IT'S A TRICK, WE ALWAYS USE IT says former ISRAEL MINISTER...' Shulamit Aloni.
I was even told once that there were NO conspiracies , just mad theories of the same . So I reeled off various well-known ones but the teller stuck to her guns on this . Incredible .
The term "anti-Semitic" being tossed around just like "racist". Many of these words have lost their meaning and their impact. Such words, and others are now simply used as a bludgeon against those who disagree with the accepted narrative, many times in spite of ample evidence to the contrary.
They call themselves Israelis and are known as such, for the moment anyway. What you say is true but the fact is, even if every single one of them could trace an ancestor to the Middle East it would give them no rights to any of it.
I should qualify this statement. Israelis are the result of centuries of Judaic brainwashing about eternal victimhood and superiority as humans;
and a century of Zionist brainwashing that Jews are hated and need their own State to be safe, a clear untruth since most Jews live safely in many countries and far more safely than will ever be possible in what is called Israel;
as well as 76 years brainwashed from birth in the above dogmas and sick beliefs which are constantly reinforced by the society, the culture and the State;
locked into a society, culture and State which is incapable of reason, objectivity and dealing with facts, i.e. it is irrational to believe Palestinians are subhuman since clearly they are very much human or Israelis would not take organs from them for transplant;
as well as being supported, funded and encouraged to believe by supporters, individuals and States, that their sick beliefs and the atrocities they commit are acceptable.
In other words, they are mentally ill and that explains, but does not condone, the level of sadistic bestiality in their words and actions. They cannot be reasoned with because the insane are beyond reason and that is why perhaps the greatest crime of all is committed by those who have and continue to support them in their cruel madness.
If any other State did what the Israelis have done for 76 years, worse in the past 14 months, they would be stopped and dismantled. If any other religion did what many Jews are doing, in Israel and outside of it, they would be categorically condemned and called to account.
At this point it is only global public opinion and protest which can bring these horrors to an end.
Recognising mental illness and insanity in others does not let them off the hook but it does aid understanding. Yes there is right and wrong but there is also context and mitigating factors. If you want to understand Israel then study how cults work because Israel is a cult and most Israelis are brainwashed in cult dogma, as are most of the supporters, perhaps to slightly lesser degrees sometimes.
When a cult is dangerous to the world it must be dismantled. And those previously involved in it, offered compassion and help for their mental sickness but also held accountable.
We are witnessing a tripartite (unholy) alliance between Evangelical Biblical Fanatics, Trigger-happy MICs & Jewish Extremists whom are all basically armageddon-obsessed freaks; the 21st-century incarnation of the British East Indian Soldiery; and basically the Jewish-version of the ultraviolent Conquistadors/Teutonic Knights respectively. The worst and most dangerous kind of cabal are in charge of the globe and have absolutely no business to continue to exist at this point; lest we all be their unwitting sacrifices to whatever damnable blood god they are worshipping!
I’ve said it before, we are living in the time of convergence of Power, Profits, and Prophets. There is no understanding of this present situation without keep all three in mind. It will take all of our concerted efforts to find a way out of this.
Did they agree to it? My understanding is it was the government of Lebanon who agreed. Israel wouldn’t even talk with Hezbullah directly. At least that’s what I have read.
Me, too. Then Hezbollah agreed to go along with the government. Of course, we don't know the exact ins and outs of who said what to who, or when. Those fishy details. But, the end result is Hezbollah has ceased firing. Israel, unsurprisingly, has not. Make it make sense.
Hunter Biden -- really, who cares, just another classic American criminal. But hardly rising to the level of his dear old dad in that pantheon of US criminality, one just bursting at the seams with war criminals -- who will arm any so-called terrorist group that serves the needs of the empire, no matter how vile its methods. And in that pantheon of terrorist groups, Israeli society sits at the pinnacle, holds a candle to one one.
"This [the Hunter Biden pardon] is one of the least evil things this decrepit monster has done over the course of his presidency."
Actually, in being so blatantly, in your face, corrupt Biden may have done the vast majority of US citizens a favor! Those who still clung to their ignorance and tried to believe the US was somehow a city on a hill, a moral beacon for the rest of the world, can no longer avoid seeing the cold hard truth. It's hard to imagine how anyone, anywhere can pretend not to see the sickening degeneracy of the US political class, and by extension the decadence and decline of the US empire.
“stop babbling about Good Guys and Bad Guys like children watching a cartoon show”!!! Look at who is harmed and how we can standup against injustice and the disenfranchised.
The second part is the hard part. While many people can call evil evil, they can't think of anything to do about it. Or if they can, they're doing it quietly and out of sight, which may be advisable when dealing with Organized Crime. As for "ceasefire", that will happen when it happens, not because some calls it that.
How is that? What have Biden and the democrats done to make you think that they have done anything to stop what’s happening? It will continue to happen for sure, but the democrats have been all in on the genocide.
It's a Uniparty at the top - both Demoprat and Repugnant Congress Creatures did their standing ovation to Netanyahu, and bent over to ensure their next tranch of 'Election Donations' and freebies (and to keep the blackmail tapes and videos unreleased, where that applies). America might be going to the dogs, but still the Orange Man undersold it down the river - $100 million?
Great post, Caitlin. Re adequate descriptors, I tend more and more to use "vindictive" to portray the deliberate use of coercion, force, rape, dismemberment, murder et al to make the Colonial Zionists' case that "You are lesser than we, and we will do anything, anywhere, anytime to demonstrate that fact -- and we will do these things repeatedly, with arrogance and glee and satisfaction."
A much better word to describe such behavior is “biblical.” It covers all the bases of depravity. That there are people who actually worship it says everything we need to know about the human capacity for delusion.
But, Joy, I take comfort in the hope and aspirations and glory of Jesus Christ The Prince of Peace. I eschew the OT [the opportunistic spear of Colonial Zionists' addiction to "depravity"] near-completely and deplore all the ritualism and hypocrisy of Christianity. One must have some avatar or lodestone to keep one going, no? If only we humans would, in Jesus' case, follow Him, rise up, and insist on Peace. Matt. 11:28 et seq.: "Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ..." So I accept your word "depravity" as all-too-often displayed in the OT but IMO we must also strive for the inverse "faith, hope, and love...."
The reason this happens is the reason that men behave inappropriately to women. The transgressors are not being called out firmly, implacably, publicly and their defenders are not being outed, humiliated and shown up for what they are.
No-one should waste any time being polite to Jews who support Israel; American Christians who are Zionists; appeasing European non-leaders that sit by and watch; MSM prostitutes that say it's OK for Jews to murder with impunity.
There are documents from the 1940s now being shown on the internet which, if true, debunk the majority of the 'Holocaust' narrative. Specifically, large numbers of concentration camps were specifically excluded from having played any part in using gas to eliminate prisoners.
The only basis for Jewish violence the past 80 years was 'the Holocaust'.
If it turns out that it wasn't 5 million dead, it was 250,000 or 500,000, then the consequences for 21st century Jewry are going to be horrendous.
I don't know the truth and I don't have the resources to do due diligence in that area, what I will say is that it is now imperative that the truth about the Holocaust be ruthlessly exposed, if the narrative has been an overblown-, largely false one.
It is not misinformation to say that information has come to light that casts doubt on the official narrative. Casting doubt does not mean disprove, it means it provides the basis for questioning the narrative and subjecting it to forensic review.
The biggest question that would arise would be how a conspiracy of lying could be maintained for over 80 years by a sect that represents less than 1% of the global population.
is 250000 your limit? israelis still have some wiggle room? one can agree with norman finkelstein's take on the holocaust industry without getting trapped in the numbers dispute, imo. i guess the west boosted this particular horror of ww2 to the forefront because it was indeed convenient for their new project in the middle east, but also because it was a good distraction from other analyses considering the number of russian, slavic and escpecially working class victims.
Those arguing about good guys and bad guys are likely the same ones who said, We have vote for the lesser of two evils to keep the greater evil out.” The other phrase that gets me when speaking of the American Empire is “there are no good guys”. That may be true, at least not many good guys in power, but there is only one Empire and there is only one nation committing genocide on behalf of the Empire. Genocide is a step beyond oppressing your own people.
The same Luciferian Globalist Ghouls are behind the Palestine Genocide/Ethnocide as are behind the Bioweapon jab Genocide/Sterility/Control on a world-wide basis. Cattle and poultry PCR culls, Net Zero, Spontaneous Combustion of large food storage, distribution and farming operations, withholding of fertiliser at critical times, pushing abortion, 'sex-change', all sorts of perversions - all to 'save the planet', like 'not killing Grandma'.
The “rebel” fighters in Syria are now reportedly telling Israeli media that they are grateful to Israel for bombing Syria and fighting Hezbollah, with The Times of Israel quoting an HTS fighter from Idlib as saying “We love Israel and we were never its enemies."
So, I guess take that for whatever it’s worth."
The terrorist mercenaries who make up HTS in Syria, an al-Qaeda affiliate, and who also make up the Free Syrian Army, are the paid foot soldiers of the US empire; Turkiye (and by extension, NATO); as well as Israel. These headchoppers, few of whom are actually Syrian by birth, have never and will never attack Israel because they are working for the pro-Israeli US empire.
Furthermore, they have nothing to do with rebellion since most of them have no connection to Syria, other than being sent there to try to achieve regime change in order to turn Syria into a failed state, like Libya. Nor are they purveyors of democracy. On the contrary, unlike the Syrian Socialist Republic, they never allow elections and they tolerate no differences of opinion or different religious affiliations. Shia Muslims, Christians, and Druze are killed on sight.
The secular Syrian government, on the other hand, governs through elections over a pluralistic state containing Christians, Alawites, Shia and Sunni Muslims, Druze and other religious faiths plus numerous ethnicities such as Kurds and Assyrians. This socialist state, before the war of 2011 boasted free medical care and free education at all levels. 95% of Syrians owned their own homes without a mortgage. The state had virtually no debt due to the oil revenues from the eastern third of the country, now occupied by the US and its Kurdish separatist henchmen.
Rather than take these facts"for whatever it's worth", I think any fair-minded person would come down clearly on the side of Syria, its elected government, and its president, Bashar al-Assad.
Good post Ken Stone - thanks. May I add the so called "White helmets" to the mix. They were the ones who staged a chemical attack and blamed it on Syria previously. Not strangely enough they have again made an appearance and are there supposedly rescuing people!
I find it amusing the outrage people are expressing over Biden’s pardon for his ne’er do well son, like this is the only reprehensible thing he’s ever done. Clip after clip of him saying “no I won’t pardon him — no one is above the law” and the pundits are shocked he lied! I could care less.
A rebranded Al-Queda that’s already beheaded a Syrian soldier will fit in nicely with the IDF. They can compare notes on torture and cruelty and how stupid America and the West are to support them. We’re in WW3 already because there’s no way out. Every chance Israel gets to say Iran must be “liberated” or “they’re days away from a nuclear weapon” isn’t missed.
The is a level of sadistic bestiality to the Israelis which must rank as some of the most evil in human history.
They cannot trace their bloodline back to Judea!
The Arabs are actual Semites!
The term “antisemitism” is an invented word, quite recently in the last few decades.
Thus, the reason why DNA tests are not allowed, except under certain circumstances.
I have no dog in the fight, except Truth.
I agree and there was no Judea anyway. A primitive tribe called Judah wandered into Palestine and set up camp 3000 years ago because the Egyptians made a note, carved it in stone, about their arrival. At that point the Egyptians had been carving in stone notes about Palestine and Palestinians for 2000 years.
The tribe of Judah may have had a king and called itself a kingdom but it was one among many in ancient Palestine. There is no evidence an Israel ever existed. Most that people believe is religious fairy tales.
DNA tests are deeply flawed and unreliable. They can provide links going back about six generations, 150 years, but are pretty useless beyond that. At a thousand years we each have more than a million ancestors and at conception we inherit some of millions of potential genetic markers and DNA.
There are no genetic markers for tribes, religions, nationality etc. It is impossible.
I concur!
I have watched and read about this, because I’m a curious person, and I want Truth.
I realize now, how much people have been lied to…absolutely incredible!
People must do their own research, and it takes TIME!
The majority of people simply regurgitate what they hear, and accept it.
And this is how I find out that I may not be a descendant of Adam :)
You are a creation of the Alpha and the Omega…every single bit of creation is…even a grain of sand, an atom, energy all around us.
Because of “organized religion”, I know I’ve been lied to about so much. I’ve dropped organized religion, and I search for God (or what one chooses to call It).
It’s a soul’s INDIVIDUAL journey.
You are loved, know that!
What do you mean, "the last few decades"? Antisemitism existed much longer ago than "the last few decades". I am talking about REAL antisemitism, not Israeli "antisemitism". How old are you? 12?
Not sure if this was directed to me and don't get the last few decades reference.
Persecution of Jews is of course much older than recent decades. In fact in recent decades if not nearly a century there has been no persecution of Jews.
Islam is the persecuted religion in the modern age.
And many religions throughout history have been persecuted, not just Jews. Some religions did not survive. Religious differences have long been an issue in centuries past.
However, there is real persecution of Jews and imagined and exaggerated persecution of Jews. Hard to separate. Judaism has a victim dogma which has exaggerated and inflated Jewish persecution and Zionism required the concept of Jewish persecution as part of its plans to invade, colonise and take Palestine. Zionism still desperately needs people to believe anti semitism exists, when it doesn't. The Zio goal is to terrify clearly not very bright Jews into running to Palestine and what is called Israel to be safe. Ironic since it is the most dangerous place any Jew could live.
Most that is called anti-semitism, or a hatred of Judaism and its followers is not in the least anti-semitic but is a valid condemnation of the racist, fascist atrocities committed by the Zionist Israeli State.
To that degree Israel, as indeed some Jews warned before it was invented, is the most dangerous and destructive thing which has ever happened to Judaism and Jews. Zionism needs Jews to be persecuted and it needs to foment fear in Jews, the not very bright ones particularly and there are a lot of them, and hatred in others of Jews.
Since the Ziojewraelis control virtually all mainstream media in the West anyway, it is not hard to disseminate the lie that Jews are at risk and hated just because they are Jews, instead of making the connection that Jews are caught up in the evil that is Israel because for all of its existence most Jews have funded, supported and promoted Israel regardless of its atrocities and genocidal behaviour.
👍👏YES Roslyn!
Albert Pike, Freemasonic Honcho, in the 1800's disclosed the fact that there would be three World Wars, and that WW III would be instigated between the Muslims and Christians, after which the Globalists would announce their 'True' 'God', Lucifer. No one who didn't accept Lucifer would not be permitted to live. The Globalists are Luciferian Satanists.
While I do believe some can foresee the future, such scenarios litter human history. I don't actually believe in Satan or the devil but I do believe it is an archetypal force which exists in humans as does Christ/God consciousness.
Although clearly Pike is wrong because the potential we now face for WWIII in the Middle East is being instigated by Jews aligned with Christians against Muslims.
It's interesting to note that the ZIONIST Israel: Bombs civilian populations.
Arab nations do not do this: They pick a place where they know weapons/Mossad/CIA are inured and then they bomb it.
IF you look up anything: See how many civilians have been murdered by Israelis compared with Arabs.
The same is true with Russian bombs.
Israel/US do NOT care how many civilians are killed.
100% correct
I was 12, 50 years ago.
I meant the WORD “anti-Semitism”. The word has been used to propagate an agenda. The word shuts people up (unless you believe in freedom of speech), doesn’t it????
I say what I believe, and what I think.
The label of anti-semitic has been turned into a weapon which distorts any meaning it might have. Same for the exploitation of the Jewish experience of holocaust in WWII. Zionism has taken these realities and exaggerated and misrepresented them to shut people up as you say.
The term anti-semitism is worthless today because it is used against people who rightly condemn Zionist Israeli atrocities instead of its original meaning, a hatred of the religion of Judaism and its followers.
The irony is that when people scream condemnation of Israel's atrocities is anti-semitic, i.e. representing a hatred of Judaism and Jews, they are the ones expressing a hatred of the religion and Jews because they are saying that Israel's genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupation, colonisation, rape, torture, murder, theft and sadistic cruelty represent Judaism and Jews.
Everyone who condemns Israeli atrocities is defending Judaism and Jews. That is simple logic.
You GET it Roslyn!
I woke up a few years ago. It’s mind boggling how much I’ve been hoodwinked my entire life, thus far!
Thank you for explaining the concept quite well!
I'm another, about the same age as you, who recently woke up. My father was Jewish and a zionist, and I looked at things his way.
It doesn't matter when you wake up, it just matters that you do wake up.
Much like 'Conspiracy Theory' was a weaponised CIA response to people who questioned the JFK assassination narrative ( andjust about anyone who sees through their lies right up to today).
Re 'anti-Semitism': '...IT'S A TRICK, WE ALWAYS USE IT says former ISRAEL MINISTER...' Shulamit Aloni.
I was even told once that there were NO conspiracies , just mad theories of the same . So I reeled off various well-known ones but the teller stuck to her guns on this . Incredible .
The term "anti-Semitic" being tossed around just like "racist". Many of these words have lost their meaning and their impact. Such words, and others are now simply used as a bludgeon against those who disagree with the accepted narrative, many times in spite of ample evidence to the contrary.
Well said.
They aren’t “Israelis”, their bloodline is Ashkenazi “Jew”…e.g. the Prez of Mexico.
They are not from the Middle East or the tribe of Judea. They are imposters.
They call themselves Israelis and are known as such, for the moment anyway. What you say is true but the fact is, even if every single one of them could trace an ancestor to the Middle East it would give them no rights to any of it.
I should qualify this statement. Israelis are the result of centuries of Judaic brainwashing about eternal victimhood and superiority as humans;
and a century of Zionist brainwashing that Jews are hated and need their own State to be safe, a clear untruth since most Jews live safely in many countries and far more safely than will ever be possible in what is called Israel;
as well as 76 years brainwashed from birth in the above dogmas and sick beliefs which are constantly reinforced by the society, the culture and the State;
locked into a society, culture and State which is incapable of reason, objectivity and dealing with facts, i.e. it is irrational to believe Palestinians are subhuman since clearly they are very much human or Israelis would not take organs from them for transplant;
as well as being supported, funded and encouraged to believe by supporters, individuals and States, that their sick beliefs and the atrocities they commit are acceptable.
In other words, they are mentally ill and that explains, but does not condone, the level of sadistic bestiality in their words and actions. They cannot be reasoned with because the insane are beyond reason and that is why perhaps the greatest crime of all is committed by those who have and continue to support them in their cruel madness.
If any other State did what the Israelis have done for 76 years, worse in the past 14 months, they would be stopped and dismantled. If any other religion did what many Jews are doing, in Israel and outside of it, they would be categorically condemned and called to account.
At this point it is only global public opinion and protest which can bring these horrors to an end.
I fear it will be too late.
Excellent commentary Roslyn!👏
I think saying they are mentally ill lets them off the hook . I believe in God and God's law and judgement ie RIght and Wrong do exist .
Recognising mental illness and insanity in others does not let them off the hook but it does aid understanding. Yes there is right and wrong but there is also context and mitigating factors. If you want to understand Israel then study how cults work because Israel is a cult and most Israelis are brainwashed in cult dogma, as are most of the supporters, perhaps to slightly lesser degrees sometimes.
When a cult is dangerous to the world it must be dismantled. And those previously involved in it, offered compassion and help for their mental sickness but also held accountable.
The sadism is about as shocking as the rest of the world doing nothing about it. We are ruled by monsters.
We are witnessing a tripartite (unholy) alliance between Evangelical Biblical Fanatics, Trigger-happy MICs & Jewish Extremists whom are all basically armageddon-obsessed freaks; the 21st-century incarnation of the British East Indian Soldiery; and basically the Jewish-version of the ultraviolent Conquistadors/Teutonic Knights respectively. The worst and most dangerous kind of cabal are in charge of the globe and have absolutely no business to continue to exist at this point; lest we all be their unwitting sacrifices to whatever damnable blood god they are worshipping!
I’ve said it before, we are living in the time of convergence of Power, Profits, and Prophets. There is no understanding of this present situation without keep all three in mind. It will take all of our concerted efforts to find a way out of this.
Such ages are not new in human history., All that is new is our capacity to do far greater harm to humanity.
Philip Giraldi, When Is a Ceasefire Not a Ceasefire?
When it is set up by Washington and Israel is involved
Giraldi is right on it. I'm kind of surprised that Hezbollah agreed to this. It seems totally one-sided.
Did they agree to it? My understanding is it was the government of Lebanon who agreed. Israel wouldn’t even talk with Hezbullah directly. At least that’s what I have read.
Me, too. Then Hezbollah agreed to go along with the government. Of course, we don't know the exact ins and outs of who said what to who, or when. Those fishy details. But, the end result is Hezbollah has ceased firing. Israel, unsurprisingly, has not. Make it make sense.
Israel proves each day that it does not have a right to exist. It forfeited that right with its genocide.
It should never have been allowed to be built on stolen land over dead bodies.
Much like the good ol’ US of A.
Hunter Biden -- really, who cares, just another classic American criminal. But hardly rising to the level of his dear old dad in that pantheon of US criminality, one just bursting at the seams with war criminals -- who will arm any so-called terrorist group that serves the needs of the empire, no matter how vile its methods. And in that pantheon of terrorist groups, Israeli society sits at the pinnacle, holds a candle to one one.
What a sickening display of genocidal privilege.
"This [the Hunter Biden pardon] is one of the least evil things this decrepit monster has done over the course of his presidency."
Actually, in being so blatantly, in your face, corrupt Biden may have done the vast majority of US citizens a favor! Those who still clung to their ignorance and tried to believe the US was somehow a city on a hill, a moral beacon for the rest of the world, can no longer avoid seeing the cold hard truth. It's hard to imagine how anyone, anywhere can pretend not to see the sickening degeneracy of the US political class, and by extension the decadence and decline of the US empire.
Not nearly enough enlightenment to stop this horror. The majority are sleepwalking.
Force, more like a dumpster fire on the hill.
The facts surrounding the ceasefire demonstrate that it was a win for Israel, no matter how one spins it.
“stop babbling about Good Guys and Bad Guys like children watching a cartoon show”!!! Look at who is harmed and how we can standup against injustice and the disenfranchised.
The second part is the hard part. While many people can call evil evil, they can't think of anything to do about it. Or if they can, they're doing it quietly and out of sight, which may be advisable when dealing with Organized Crime. As for "ceasefire", that will happen when it happens, not because some calls it that.
Exactly Caitlin. Israel breaking ceasefire - entirely 100% predictable. And it’s going to get even worse after Jan 20.
How is that? What have Biden and the democrats done to make you think that they have done anything to stop what’s happening? It will continue to happen for sure, but the democrats have been all in on the genocide.
Oh I agree the Democrats have done nothing to stop it whilst pretending the opposite - I just think that under Trump there won’t be any pretence.
It's a Uniparty at the top - both Demoprat and Repugnant Congress Creatures did their standing ovation to Netanyahu, and bent over to ensure their next tranch of 'Election Donations' and freebies (and to keep the blackmail tapes and videos unreleased, where that applies). America might be going to the dogs, but still the Orange Man undersold it down the river - $100 million?
Voting for either party is going to have the same result, one will just try to wear lipstick while doing it.
Great post, Caitlin. Re adequate descriptors, I tend more and more to use "vindictive" to portray the deliberate use of coercion, force, rape, dismemberment, murder et al to make the Colonial Zionists' case that "You are lesser than we, and we will do anything, anywhere, anytime to demonstrate that fact -- and we will do these things repeatedly, with arrogance and glee and satisfaction."
Nope. ''Vindictive'' is much, much too mild.
I read ya. Please give readers your nomination.
I really don't have one. I'm not sure one even exists that can be adequate. Sorry.
A much better word to describe such behavior is “biblical.” It covers all the bases of depravity. That there are people who actually worship it says everything we need to know about the human capacity for delusion.
But, Joy, I take comfort in the hope and aspirations and glory of Jesus Christ The Prince of Peace. I eschew the OT [the opportunistic spear of Colonial Zionists' addiction to "depravity"] near-completely and deplore all the ritualism and hypocrisy of Christianity. One must have some avatar or lodestone to keep one going, no? If only we humans would, in Jesus' case, follow Him, rise up, and insist on Peace. Matt. 11:28 et seq.: "Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ..." So I accept your word "depravity" as all-too-often displayed in the OT but IMO we must also strive for the inverse "faith, hope, and love...."
The reason this happens is the reason that men behave inappropriately to women. The transgressors are not being called out firmly, implacably, publicly and their defenders are not being outed, humiliated and shown up for what they are.
No-one should waste any time being polite to Jews who support Israel; American Christians who are Zionists; appeasing European non-leaders that sit by and watch; MSM prostitutes that say it's OK for Jews to murder with impunity.
There are documents from the 1940s now being shown on the internet which, if true, debunk the majority of the 'Holocaust' narrative. Specifically, large numbers of concentration camps were specifically excluded from having played any part in using gas to eliminate prisoners.
The only basis for Jewish violence the past 80 years was 'the Holocaust'.
If it turns out that it wasn't 5 million dead, it was 250,000 or 500,000, then the consequences for 21st century Jewry are going to be horrendous.
I don't know the truth and I don't have the resources to do due diligence in that area, what I will say is that it is now imperative that the truth about the Holocaust be ruthlessly exposed, if the narrative has been an overblown-, largely false one.
It is not misinformation to say that information has come to light that casts doubt on the official narrative. Casting doubt does not mean disprove, it means it provides the basis for questioning the narrative and subjecting it to forensic review.
The biggest question that would arise would be how a conspiracy of lying could be maintained for over 80 years by a sect that represents less than 1% of the global population.
Holocaust denial? Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me?
Bingo, Bingo, Bingo. Which is why it's illegal to question it in many places. It would not withstand scrutiny, plain and simple.
is 250000 your limit? israelis still have some wiggle room? one can agree with norman finkelstein's take on the holocaust industry without getting trapped in the numbers dispute, imo. i guess the west boosted this particular horror of ww2 to the forefront because it was indeed convenient for their new project in the middle east, but also because it was a good distraction from other analyses considering the number of russian, slavic and escpecially working class victims.
Those arguing about good guys and bad guys are likely the same ones who said, We have vote for the lesser of two evils to keep the greater evil out.” The other phrase that gets me when speaking of the American Empire is “there are no good guys”. That may be true, at least not many good guys in power, but there is only one Empire and there is only one nation committing genocide on behalf of the Empire. Genocide is a step beyond oppressing your own people.
The same Luciferian Globalist Ghouls are behind the Palestine Genocide/Ethnocide as are behind the Bioweapon jab Genocide/Sterility/Control on a world-wide basis. Cattle and poultry PCR culls, Net Zero, Spontaneous Combustion of large food storage, distribution and farming operations, withholding of fertiliser at critical times, pushing abortion, 'sex-change', all sorts of perversions - all to 'save the planet', like 'not killing Grandma'.
they're probably also behind the harmless opposition to most of these things.
Love you Caitlin, for finding words to describe a present day horror story again and again, when the original words have lost all meaning!
Dear Caitlin:
re your paragraph below:
The “rebel” fighters in Syria are now reportedly telling Israeli media that they are grateful to Israel for bombing Syria and fighting Hezbollah, with The Times of Israel quoting an HTS fighter from Idlib as saying “We love Israel and we were never its enemies."
So, I guess take that for whatever it’s worth."
The terrorist mercenaries who make up HTS in Syria, an al-Qaeda affiliate, and who also make up the Free Syrian Army, are the paid foot soldiers of the US empire; Turkiye (and by extension, NATO); as well as Israel. These headchoppers, few of whom are actually Syrian by birth, have never and will never attack Israel because they are working for the pro-Israeli US empire.
Furthermore, they have nothing to do with rebellion since most of them have no connection to Syria, other than being sent there to try to achieve regime change in order to turn Syria into a failed state, like Libya. Nor are they purveyors of democracy. On the contrary, unlike the Syrian Socialist Republic, they never allow elections and they tolerate no differences of opinion or different religious affiliations. Shia Muslims, Christians, and Druze are killed on sight.
The secular Syrian government, on the other hand, governs through elections over a pluralistic state containing Christians, Alawites, Shia and Sunni Muslims, Druze and other religious faiths plus numerous ethnicities such as Kurds and Assyrians. This socialist state, before the war of 2011 boasted free medical care and free education at all levels. 95% of Syrians owned their own homes without a mortgage. The state had virtually no debt due to the oil revenues from the eastern third of the country, now occupied by the US and its Kurdish separatist henchmen.
Rather than take these facts"for whatever it's worth", I think any fair-minded person would come down clearly on the side of Syria, its elected government, and its president, Bashar al-Assad.
Kind regards,
Ken Stone
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Good post Ken Stone - thanks. May I add the so called "White helmets" to the mix. They were the ones who staged a chemical attack and blamed it on Syria previously. Not strangely enough they have again made an appearance and are there supposedly rescuing people!
100% correct.
USA does not like Assad therefore he should be got rid of by any means then the Americans can have a 'puppet' regime.
Ken, absolutely true. Thank You.
I find it amusing the outrage people are expressing over Biden’s pardon for his ne’er do well son, like this is the only reprehensible thing he’s ever done. Clip after clip of him saying “no I won’t pardon him — no one is above the law” and the pundits are shocked he lied! I could care less.
A rebranded Al-Queda that’s already beheaded a Syrian soldier will fit in nicely with the IDF. They can compare notes on torture and cruelty and how stupid America and the West are to support them. We’re in WW3 already because there’s no way out. Every chance Israel gets to say Iran must be “liberated” or “they’re days away from a nuclear weapon” isn’t missed.
Brilliant, as usual!