Re: your hubby's US "healthcare card." It should really say "stay barely alive," so pharma can keep you consuming the greatest possible quantity of symptom-reducing drugs that don't actually treat any causation. But they'll keep you going: We need your business!

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You got it. Big 0Harman and the For Profit U.S. "Healthcare" System ARE in the business of making people sick and keeping people sick. That is how they make their HUGE profits through getting everyone hooked on their monthly visits to their "doctors" (if you can even call them that) and getting their monthly prescriptions. If we had a HEALTHY Society then there would be NO Billions of Dollars in Profits every year!!!!!!! So, DON'T trust the vaccines that are produced by the same Evil Corrupt Big Pharma Corporations!!!

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Should say Big Pharma in the second sentence above. I hate typing on a "smart" phone!!!

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People in mental decline, with dementia, average people in an unfortunate situation should never be criticized. If a President of the biggest Empire in history has dementia we have every every right in the world to criticize, scoff at, sneer at, make fun of, etc. It's so scary and hilarious all at the same time. And he's a noted war monger. So I'll go with scary. Peace, The Ol' Hippy

P.S. The video is a great example.

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Lol, I guess landlords should just give away their land and houses, and houses should just be free. Hell, let's stop paying people to make them, they should just grow from trees!

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Most property is owned by the very wealthy. Most wealth is inherited. The structure of the economy locks in privilege and the ability to earn money whilst you sleep (unearned income), whilst locking in poverty and for most of the wealth of your work to be taken through poverty wages and rent seeking behaviour such as from property or pay day loan interest.

This system isn't designed to optimise human efficiency but allow the looting of our communities by a rentier class.

By rentier class I mean the very wealthiest people.

97% of money is digital, so an electrical signal like this message. It can be made according to need which is not inflationary. Houses can be built according to need and payed for by the government's made up money. Check out quantitative easing for proof. Using QE they have been essentially pumping trillions into the financial sector since about 2011 which has blasted inequality through the roof.

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41% of people under 40 own homes in the US and there is an 80% chance that a person over 65 owns one. 71% of people in the Midwest own their homes. People on the coasts are less likely to own their homes for a number of reasons, transience being a major factor.

Quit acting like you need to be "wealthy" to own a home (or be a landlord, for that matter).

"Looting of our communities"...lol. You get a free eductation, at worst, use it.

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I'm assuming you're the same Ben I replied to in the other thread. Respectfully, please continue there if you wish to reply. I don't really have the time to continue on here but I will at least try to reply if you have constructive arguments.

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Just Rothschild Zionists

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Just unsuccessful tankies

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What has landlordism got to do with building houses that people can afford to live in.?

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Nothing and everything.

If you didn't listen to Dylan Ratigan on Jimmy Dore yesterday explain that Blackrock is buying homes at 30%+ over the asking rate turning us into a feudal nation, you might want to look for it.

OTOH, I bought a home to rent out to support my retirement. If you insist that I no longer be a landlord, no problem, I'll be happy to give up that headache. Just explain how you're going to make up for that lost income.

Or is your plan for those of us who have retired that we should be homeless and "just die".

I'm not opposed to changing the rules, but I'm not about to blow off 50 years of savings because you have some ill-defined theology of a phony "equality" that you adhere to.

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Well said.

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What's 'well said' about it? How is it ok to pay for yourself to have a nice retirement by depriving someone else of the chance to live a life where they will ever get to retire?

What you are applauding is nothing more or less than man's inhumnanity to man. You can talk about 'phony "equality"' if you like, from your world of phony society. In your world there is no society, only inhumane beings using their associations as an opportiunity to exploit and appropriate the labour and wealth of others.

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You should probably reply to JZ since he's the one you're trying to rob. Governments are objectively terrible and inefficient at creating housing, I'd recommend actually looking at the houses actually built in Communist countries, they kindof suck. Last but not least, I'm not giving my tax money towards your housing schemes - you will have to use force on millions of Americans who disagree with this system.

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FWIW: It is reported that China has eliminated extreme poverty. The videos of the apartments people have moved into look quite nice to me. But, there's nothing unique about them. They look as cookie cutter as many housing developments all across the USA, especially "affordable housing".

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Of course your right the system makes us desperate, so we have to predate on each other in some way to survive. And any changes to this system should be carefully sequenced and piloted so people don't end up worse off.

I believe we should collectively develop economic systems that don't segregate us into these no win situations. Humans evolutionary weapon which allowed us to become a global apex predator was clearly the ability to share, which is why we don't have sharp teeth, claws or speed. This should be are starting point to understand how humans are responding to the current institutions that dominate our lives. Institutions that were developed in the Victorian era or before, designed to hyperexploit the population for the wealth of a minority, not to optimise their efficiency in solving the problems they faced.

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You should probably reply to JZ since he's the one you're trying to rob. Governments are objectively terrible and inefficient at creating housing, I'd recommend actually looking at the houses built in Communist countries, they kindof suck.

Last but not least, I'm not giving my tax money towards your housing schemes - you will have to use force on millions of Americans who disagree with this system. You could argue that it could be incorporated on a state-by-state basis - but I'd suggest looking at the bluest states with the most people accepting of your ideology. Cost of living is already so high in these states because of this collectivist mindset. Go ahead and screw up those states even worse, I'll keep my distance (as will most people wanting to be paid for their work and time and not be robbed by the state).

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Im from the UK so don't know the quality of state housing in ex-soviet states or the U.S. but here there called council houses. They replaced often slum like conditions for workers after 1945 and their low rents along with free education, free health care and union protected wages allowed them for the first time to save, have holidays, start businesses. The period from 1945 to 1973 was known as tbe golden age of capitalism because of it's unprecedented stability and growth.

Ordinary people were freed from the hypexploitation of the rentier class because government's were forced to intervene by labour movements, creating affordable homes and essential services.

As for "tax payers" money the gold standard was ended by Nixon in 1971. Now around 97% of money in the economy (at least in the UK) is digital, so just an electrical signal like this message. Money is made by people, it's just an idea. It comes into existence on a bank ledger when spent, becomes an obligation to repay, and is deleted on repayment. The Fed or Bank of England creates it from thin then credits an account in the economy. It then journey's through various accounts in the economy buying wine or maybe guns, but someone at somepoint is obliged to pay it back as tax, upon which it becomes nothing again on the ledger. The promise to repay money is what gives this idea value.

Tax pays for nothing and the government owns the money you use.

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Read what JZ posted. Caitlyn shouldn't be generalizing and attacking landlords, that's just lazy and unrealistic. Landlords and homebuilders will always exist - and little guys like JZ are not the enemy.

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starting at 31 seconds in the video, Biden is dogwhisteling the fact that US big OIL wants Syria and Lybia's OIL future revenue. Probably not more than a couple Billion per year, and this will drive US foreign policy in the region for as long as it takes for the US OIL companies to get the money.

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And don't forget those massive gas fields recently discovered...off the coast of Syria.

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By that logic, Saudi Arabia would be the logical target for regime change, as it has much more easily accessible high grade crude oil than does Syria.

For that matter, Assad would be thrilled to be able to sell Syrian oil freely for dollars on world markets. Saddam Hussein also would have been, when he was in power.

I don't think "steal the oil" is the answer.

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Everything is good in Saudi since WWI. The US OIL sector has been getting the money flowing out of Saudi Arabia since right after the war ended. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Aramco

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The Saudis nationalized Saudi Aramco some time ago. Again, Assad and especially Saddam would have been thrilled to have a similar arrangement in place.

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There are many snippets of wisdom here. One could write countless thoughts about each note, so I’ll pick just one:

“My whole life is interacting with binary-minded dimwits. You hate Democrats so you must be a Republican. You criticize the US empire so you must think China is perfect. You’re skeptical of the Pentagon’s UFO narrative so you must think all UFOs are weather balloons and swamp gas.”

I picked this one because of the China reference. There are many false binaries, which once refuted, allow us to see a very different and much more nuanced strategic global situation.

A lot of these false binaries and narratives serve to maintain the same geopolitical game, a “balance of power” as some have called it: the idea that Russia and China are the enemies.

In reality, the real enemy is not even a nation. It’s more of an oligarchical financial slime-mold that has migrated and shifted over the centuries. Its most modern face is Wall Street and the more ancient City of London, with the “Five Eyes” as its sophisticated intelligence gathering operation.


Whether you watch right-wing or left-wing media or anything in between, the underlying assumption that China and Russia are not enemies, or that the Western nations could have real cooperation with these nations, is categorically kept off the table.

In reality, short of nuclear war, the US and its allies will not be able to achieve regime change in either Russia or China. They will not be able to contain Russia or China, or rival things like the Belt and Road Initiative.

This is where the heart of the problem lies for the oligarchy. It may appear that the oligarchs have a sweeping amount of global control from a Western perspective, but in reality they are in a very real sense being strategically routed. One could argue that this is where the greatest danger lies: what happens once the oligarchy see’s that there’s really no way around this? Hence the Pentagon’s now open discussion of the real possibility of Nuclear war. They are hoping that Russia and China buckle out of fear. Some are certainly even likely willing to attempt a nuclear first strike. They have computer models and “game theory” telling them it’s actually possible.

In reality, the more a militarily bloated and financially bankrupt US tries to encircle and contain Russia and China—its Asia-pivot—the more it will simply use up whatever free energy and economic resources it has left. It’s ultimately actually the one being drawn down in Fabian style by Russia and China.

Even for some of the more corrupt folks within the establishment, the question at a certain point becomes what positive things can the US and its allies do if they’re to not be caught in a never-ending flurry of regime changes and psy-ops? The only thing they really can do is get their own banking and finances in order, which can’t be done without a Glass-Steagall type bankruptcy re-organization of the system. Short of that, they are staring into a quadrillion dollar black hole that will consume everything left.The US and central bank debts are beyond anything even remotely manageable.


If this is recognized, then all the crazy tactical stuff and maneuvering is easily seen for what it is: a desperate attempt by the Wall Street/City of London oligarchy to maintain icontrol over a system which has almost entirely cannibalized itself in order to keep a few zombie banks going for a little while longer. Fascism will be absolutely necessary to continue staving off the quadrillion dollar derivatives black hole for very much longer.

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Fascism or Communism. The black hole you mention is owed by the oligarchs to the oligarchs. All we have to do is declare it Null and Void by having a Jubilee.

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Yes. Recognizing the system is actually bankrupt and that most the major banks are largely just zombie banks means we can actually then have a real debt jubilee. Solon of Athens did it and it helped usher in the classical age of Athens; Franklin Roosevelt did it with Glass-Steagall and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

Canada also had a similar banking separation law, it was called “The Four Pillars.” So basically most nations had regulation of the banks to a certain degree such that the kind of derivatives black hole we have now could have never been created. That also means the system would have crashed a long time ago though. The derivatives bubble was the way they were able to create creating new bubbles.

We are at a moment of reckoning. There needs to be actual plan, a 25-50 year plan. This is how sane societies function. They don’t just leave the fate of civilization up to the “free market” and say “just think about yourself, your friends and family, but don’t worry with what’s actually happening in the bigger picture, the Invisible Hand will take care of it.”


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Caitlin, as much as you resist getting into the CV-19 fiasco, we need your perspective on how public health policy is helping hide and drive all that you and I and we see as dysfunctional leadership. CV-19 is being used to drive the planet toward "global governance" with the usual suspects at the helm. If you really have been immune to this, you dont have to go any further than Bobby Kennedy's Childrens' Health Defense. He is on of the leading voices not only related to vaccine safety but to the "sudden" acceleration of a concerted move deeper into global totalitarianism.

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Did you somehow have the sense that what you read of my comment was all there is? There are so many fucking forces at play, an over-abundance of testosterone being only one, that whatever your more powerful narrative is -- that wasnt it, I hope -- what your read and tried to marginalize is only some. The real point in my comment if you cared to look more broadly than the simplistic level you seem adept at perceiving, is that Caitlin's voice may help wake-up another chunk of the 8-billion who think vaccines are safe and effective. You'll be surprised if you actually look for the falsifiers of your favored germ theory derivatives. Every problem to a virologist is a virus, eh?! Agree, it would be nice if there was such a thing as an effective vaccine -- there are for bacteria and yeasts. Sadly, the only thing effective from those pesky invaders is a healthy robust immune system. You dont eat Twinkies do you?

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Bret and Bobby and Zach and Tom and Gaert and Ivor and Sam et al are not mutually exclusive. Either you are reading too much into my comments or not enough. Hmm

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Did I say deserve to die? No, you said that.

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Now, you've got me. Not sure your being facetious, toying with, or...? Difficult to find anyone who is irrelevant. Even the sheeple are relevant to one degree or another.

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'Jimmy Dore lives so rent-free in Cenk Uygur's head that BlackRock is trying to buy it.' Brilliant.

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The fucking world has fucking amnesia, imposed by the fucking elites behind the fucking corporate controllers behind the fucking governments. Fun to cuss when there seems to be few alternatives. The longest trip we take is inside...

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Nah. He's always been like that. Just no one was paying any attention.

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No one should ever profit off the misery and suffering of others, period!!! But that is exactly what landlords do!!! Landlords prey upon the poor by the exorbitant rent they charge their poor tenants, and outrageous late fees they charge them too. Real estate "investors" are just like the rest of the "investor" class. They are nothing more than sleazy vampires sucking the life out of society to make themselves rich at everyone else's expense!!!

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Sorry. Reply meant for Nick.

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I wish we could just go with whatever's next instead of slogging through this stupidly drawn-out and dysfunctional narrative nightmare. Then again, both Germany and Japan continued to fight on when it was clear they had lost. (Really inspiring example l managed to come up with.)

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A pretty disjointed collection of observations, but this one was pure gold: 'The only face more suitable for the US empire than a sociopathic billionaire is a decrepit warmongering corporate whore with dementia.' It's rare that someone can compress so much (entirely justifiable) venom into so few words.

If only Mr Trump had been prepared to just do as he was told by Those Who Matter, his other conspicuous shortcomings may well have been overlooked.

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"The fact that Biden is continuing all of Trump's policies " : either replace the word 'fact' in this statement or replace the word 'all', you cannot have both...... otherwise it's false

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The only interesting thing about this garbage is that you hilariously call it 'writing'

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God the tankies are crawling out of the woodwork to cut off my legs to keep things equitable. Caitlin, if you're reading this, check out some of your fans as they've clearly never visited a country that values the collective over the individual.

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High-hearted appreciation for your uniquely inspired vibrational musings, keep dancing! We can always go to others' vibrational outputs - RFK jr. for the CV-19 updates, Zach Bush MD for global hospice updates, etc. - each rhythm is part of the symphony of truth we need to hear.

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