I watched the entire Bay Area 415 video Caitlin references. Every time Western governments and corporate media come up with a new lie the US population, indoctrinated through 12+ years of government schools, believes the lie as though it were true until such time that it's no longer useful and the media exposes it. This is born out by the surveys of US public opinion on China. When the media does finally expose the lie, we then congratulate the media for how truthful it is and swallow the very next lie they tell. As Caitlin says, "The only sane response to unfounded claims by known liars is skepticism and agnosticism until we are presented with proof that rises to the level required in a post-Iraq invasion world." The problem is, as the Bay Area 415 video demonstrates, the "proof" itself is usually fraudulent. We should be skeptical and agnostic until independent reader funded media sources, non-imperial sources from truly neutral countries and/or media from the target country itself confirm the stories. And we should always consider whether the stories if believed will further imperial goals or whether the target country is on the empire's enemies list. Above all, we should recognize that we never truly know the truth and should therefor oppose ALL military, economic or covert interventions in foreign countries.

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europe, north america, and australia/new zealand are owned and ruled by the zionist neoliberal imperialist parasites..... what else is new?

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oh by the way, they also own and run twitter and just blocked my twitter account. color me shocked!

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What did you say to get blocked?

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i have no idea, as they haven't told me anything. they do not answer me i suppose, LOL.

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