It's a good start! Hopefully he doesn't become another Alex Jones. Maybe he can use some of Caitlin J s articles and save himself some research time to get the truth out faster. Murdoch's sky news Australia slammed him as a conspiracy nut. To be expected.
Hope Caitlin has a good vacation. They both deserve it.
Good morning! Glad to hear it Caitlin. Hope your time away is restful and enjoyable and that you can return to those moments which, as you often remind us, restore our sense of wonder in life.
Thanks, Caitlin, and be well. You're greatly appreciated AND you deserve a break.
Enjoy the break. Much deserved.
Have a great break and know you will be missed because you are so important to us.
Wishing you peace and an enjoyable time away.
Much deserved.
Take care and thank you for your thoughtfulness I read in your articles. 🙏
Will miss your words. Enjoy your well earned break.
If anyone deserves a break it's you Caitlin! Enjoy your time away!
Have a great time! No one deserves a break more than Caitlin!
Thank you, once again, for ALL your invaluable efforts !!!
Plus --- truly OUTSTANDING and courageous -- US War party will go berserk !!!
90M++ views in less than 24 hours. Tucker on Twitter – Ep. 1 – June 6, 2023
It's a good start! Hopefully he doesn't become another Alex Jones. Maybe he can use some of Caitlin J s articles and save himself some research time to get the truth out faster. Murdoch's sky news Australia slammed him as a conspiracy nut. To be expected.
Hope Caitlin has a good vacation. They both deserve it.
Good morning! Glad to hear it Caitlin. Hope your time away is restful and enjoyable and that you can return to those moments which, as you often remind us, restore our sense of wonder in life.
Good for you Caitlin. You deserve some funny. Be happy💙❤
Thanks for all you do. Relax.
We'll miss you! But we realize you need to spend some time with your family. Have a great break!