Putin knows us better than we know ourselves. He is not an enemy of the West , but a counterpoint to our own stupidity. To read his speeches reveals a very intelligent person and diplomat . Boris Yeltsin chose Putin as his successor as he saw him as the only honest person in the room. Over the last thirty years he has led his country back from the brink. Putin is one of the world's few statesmen, extinct in the West.

Oh , excuse me , I am not allowed to say any of this. I am being objective again, a bad habit of mine.

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Putin Puppet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok - maybe not.

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You are oh so right. I really like the Putin I have listened to at every opportunity. He is calm, sane and not at all like the lying piece of shit politicians in the US.

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Statesmen don't make tea with plutonium. You watch too many movies. Just because the US is a bottomless hole run by psychopaths, doesn't make this dipshit a hero.

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I couldnt agree more.

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Sorry, Putin. However, unlike most Americans, I keep an aggressively neutral stance on foreign policy.

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Putin is absolutely correct.

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He usually is.

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Actually, there has been very little change in the overall direction of US policy and practices for many years, probably going back at least to T. Roosevelt and Wilson. In the early part of the 20th century the US ruling class was just dipping its toe in the pool of imperialism. Later, at the time of the Atlantic Charter (1941-1942) it took over the British Empire (they had no choice) and became a full-blown major imperial power. It has been following that path (mostly) ever since. What Mr. Putin calls the "bureaucracy" has proved impervious to domestic political currents ever since. I guess "bureaucracy" is correct in the old Soviet sense: an implacable ruling class capable of any act of violence or fraud. We've got a system here!

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The US President is not the one running the show.

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And it couldn't be more obvious than it is now with the mumbling bumbling demented 80 years old fool who's in the WH now...

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Of course Putin is correct. The United States is neither a democracy nor a democratic republic, but an oligarchy with vestigial trappings of democracy.

No matter who is elected, the policies don't change.

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An oligarchy with "Democratic features." Creature features. The paradigm only shadow shifts in the U$A--at least until something really changes...

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US Bureaucracy and federal agencies are out of control. I feel RFKjr would have best chance of ending the war if elected.

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He's a Kennedy clan.

None of them are anymore anti-war than Trump or Obomber. Incl Jr.

"Realism" will click in once the votes are counted.

Politicians LIE.

The only truth he speaks is that he will support Zionism with his last breath. Eerything else will be negotiable with the Imperial management.

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I'm sorry, but what is the relevance of Zionism in THIS conversation (I honestly have no clue of the connection)

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It tells you whose side he is on. If someone is complicit in occupation, ethnic cleansing, apartheid.. It doesn't bode well for other policies.

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RFK, like Ramaswamy, supports Israel, and the Israeli lobby will support him. That's American politics and war. It's also, irrevocably, hand-in-hand with supporting a prison called Palestine.

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Everybody here knows how bad and fascist and cruel the Israeli’s are, and everyone pretty much wants to stop them and stop AIPAC and the Congress from arming them to teeth and defending them at the UN but you can’t do all that by yelling at them or calling them names or applying the famous purity tests that so many lefties favor. You have to talk to them, negotiate with them, persuade them. If you’re in office and known as a Jew hater—because that’s what they’d call Bobby if he opposed Israel and AIPAC—he wouldn’t be able to get any of the Congress to back him in trying to cut off foreign aid to Israel. I imagine the Palestinian’s would much prefer to have an impure but effective President on their side than a pure-as-the-driven wimp.

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If an American can't get elected in America without support for and from the Israeli lobby, then its only participation in a fake democracy, and thus all candidacies are fake too.

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Who cares if it’s all fake. It takes a fake to catch a fake. We love fakes. It’s still better than a doddering old war monger.

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weak argument

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What Tony succinctly said. (it would have taken me several paragraphs).

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Agreed, but RFK Jr quite weirdly injected "Zionism" into the conversation. You could tell that Jimmy Dore, who is never at a loss for words, didn't even know what to say when Bobby went on a sideways Zionist rant. Personally, I am looking forward to how RFK Jr's campaign evolves, and maybe the pro-Zionist stuff fades into the White Noise background,,,

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Jimmy wasn’t at a loss for words on the topic; he couldn’t believe his ears. And as any adult should, he acknowledged he didn’t know enough about the topic to counter RFK and asked him to debate Max Blumenthal, who has written books on Zionism. Ofcourse RFK agreed then but reneged in the days following. Unfortunately (an otherwise smart individual) RFK has been captured/hoodwinked by the Zionist lobby.

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Agreed. I think Jimmy was kind of shocked by how tone-deaf RFK Jr was to the room he was in. If nothing else, RFK Jr's probably cornered the market on the Evangelical vote. If the folks on his campaign team have any brains, they'll secure the rights to Dusty Springfield's "Son of a Preacher Man" as campaign theme song. Jimmy did a nice job exposing Dr Cornel West, who I like in a way, but also see as an Ivy League intellectual fraudster.

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Boy has Brother DCW been an utter disappointment. Another establishment shill in disguise. Or perhaps his blind spots are far too large for his own good. He should go back to his day job before he irreversibly destroys his cred.

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Really, Mark?

"The most significant thing about all US presidents is not their differences, it’s their similarities.”

We are all very used to and accepting of the ability of Caitlin to summarise, accurately.

"The bureaucracy is very strong, and it is that bureaucracy that rules the world”.

It is also the bureaucracy that is corrupt, influenced (controlled) every day by politicians who, to get where they are today have sold their country short, accepting the daily dictates from the upper echelon of the bureaucracy, known as the Neocons, the fifth columnists. They made Iraq a war, voted for billions of dollars to be given to an apartheid state called Israel together with military support in all the Middle East attempted overthrows. Everyone knows this. It is fact.

These Neocons control America. Just one more fact that no one can deny. Until they are expelled as anti-American, foreign fifth columnists, nothing will change in the USA.

If you old enough and can cast your mind back to the days of good old Joe McCarthy and his un-American purges against Communism in the 1950’s, it is almost laughable how harmless his targets were then when compared to the well-funded, corrupt anti-American Israeli-controlled politicians in both houses.

But while the greatest majority of decent, loyal American are influenced through media propaganda but continue to accept any politician who has even the slightest connection to any Jewish political organisation, nothing with change in the “exceptional” USA.

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Really? John Kennedy was the guy who singlehandedly prevented the war with USSR which the Deep state tried to orchestrate back then by way of Cuban crisis, and did not want to start the Vietnam war (another proxy war on USSR). He paid with his life for doing that. This "zionism" smear seems to be a way to discredit him.

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Kennedy was the guy who pushed the Bay of Pigs invasion personally. Kennedy didn't even remotely begin to 'back down' until the Russians had already accepted FAR greater insults.

He was as much a lunatic as every other POTUS.

The Kennedy clan are very good at talking things up, but when the chips are on the table, they are 100% Establishment.

So far, I've seen little to indicate Jr is any better.

Can't deny I'd love to be proven wrong, and its not like I'm cheering the Black-Eyed Cabbage in comparison.

No, "Zionism" isn't a smear. As far as Jr has openly, repeatedly and loudly stated, Zionism is absolutely his core value.

It's very strange when western politicians seem to believe that an expression of loyalty to a foreign country is more important than their own patriotism.

I've lived in Israel, its not that special a country.

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I'm pretty much an agnostic on the JFK thing, but a non-practicing atheist everywhere else. It's pretty clear that the CIA had Kennedy assassinated. RFK Jr is an open book, waiting for the Hand of God to write the next Scripture, or campaign instructions. Kucinich his campaign manager is also quite a religious fellow, and that's the crazy thing about American politics: Preaching (screeching!) from the Stump wins, more often than not. Not to go out too far out on a limb here, but I'll just say that Americans don't know their Politics from their Religion--which is why RFK Jr has more than a snowball's chance, despite his goofy fealty to Zionism, or a screed that in no way shape or form has anything to do with being Jewish...

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Who's the Black Eyed Cabbage?

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From what I heard RFK Jr describing that, he was deceived during the Bay of Pigs incident and was disgusted when found out. Those people are really cunning. Kennedy "backed down" during Cuban missile crisis (which in reality was a Turkish missile crisis as it started with missiles placed in Turkey targeting Crimea where Khruschev had residence) because he was not a maniac and they (him and Khrushev) both agreed to remove their missiles targeting each other. We do not have people like him in the government now. They are all rabidly insane.

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It's a good conversation to have. "Purity tests," on the other hand, tend to re-enforce people into silos, or echo chambers where no conversation, dialogue, really happens. Was JFK sincere, who knows? He obviously pissed off the CIA and paid the price. How did Allen Dulles, whom JFK fired, wind up on the Warren Commission investigation into his assassination? The mother-of-all-cover-ups, and behold: a Conspiracy Theory was born!

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RFK Jr is running in the Democratic Party, do I need to say more? He CANNOT win, whatever he or his campaign does. Even if he were to win the popular vote in the primary the super delegates will hand victory over to whomever the oligarchs want as D's candidate. That is precisely why D still has super delegates; to stay in control over who the D's nominee will be.

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Trump should make RFKJr Secretary of State.

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You are sadly uninformed about the reality of Trump, RFK Jr, and EVERY decoy dangled in front of us, lying sincerely to dupe us.

Trump did basically everything the corrupt establishment wanted - sent weapons to Ukraine, did not stop the war in Yemen (which is NOT "Saudi-led", it is US directed as part of the multipronged US sabotage of the BRICS coalition), never intended to bring jobs back, his tariffs on China were just more of the US sabotage of BRICS, Trump also did not help Julian Assange but pardoned actual war criminals, and much much more. And never forget that his Exec Order fast-tracked vaxes AND helped remove exemptions!! Thst is because Trump knows the embezzling scam that vax companies, pharma companies, war companies, etc do, which the corrupt lying sociopaths named "privatization" and give us massive con jobs about so they can keep enriching themselves with FIAT government money.

RFK Jr also must know the embezzling scam plus know the decades of sham elections, controlled mainly by black box voting machines and scanners, yet he does not inform us. But his support for Israel and his support for vac mandates (if we can have "better safety") and his sidestepping of any real info about vax profiteers all point to him knowing the massive embezzling scam.

EVERY candidate is a lying, misdirecting decoy, whether they are coached stooges or intentional misdirectors.

I suggest you watch the 2006 documentary Hacking Democracy and then find the 1992 book Votescam by James and Kenneth Collier (Amazon, eBay typically both have copies available for may $30-40, absolutely worth it, that book definitely showed that both criminal gangs at the top are in on it). That book was going for $100-600 after the 2020 election, by the way, but my research machines and scanners was done in 2018, so I got a copy for a good price.)

Learning from those credible sources raises the question about why the powerful never mention them or the major problem they expose. My answer is that many of the powerful KNOW, just like they know about the embezzling scam and they buy stock and enable more embezzling and never tell the public. I believe Dinesh D'Souza knows, and his 2000 Mules movie was just another psyop misdirecting us.

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I doubt it. Given RFK Jr.'s recently exposed positions on Israel/Palestine. Chris Hedges lays it all out in his recent article, "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - The Israel Lobby’s Useful Idiot" https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/robert-f-kennedy-jr-the-israel-lobbys?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=778851&post_id=135969438&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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I'll vote for him, but with the unhappy realization that, in the unlikely event he makes it to the WH, he will be forced to tow the line or else be assassinated.

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Agreed but he's our only hope of any chance of change. If he was worried about assassination he wouldn't be running. Unfortunately the dnc won't even let him in the primary because we no longer live within a true democracy.

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RFK Jr's son is a machine gunner in Ukraine, and his daughter-in-law is CIA. He has said the CIA is not all bad, hahahaha.

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"...Jr's son is a machine gunner in Ukraine, and his daughter-in-law is CIA. "

Link to your infor ,pls .?

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He is not for change, he is with the establishment. Sorry. Wanted mask mandates on public transport, says he would be for vax mandates (!) if we had "better safety" for vaxes, he is all in for Israel (criminal accomplice of the US sociopaths as they try to take over the Middle East), supported Hillary Clinton how many times(?), and does not inform us about the massive embezzling scam of "privatization" which motivates the corrupt sociopathic money ADDICTS to lie us into wars, do mass incarceration, push vaxes, design the electronic prison they are finalizing to subjugate us, etc.

Also, RFK Jr surely also knows the decades of black box voting machines and scanners that have made our elections a sham, and which both criminal gangs at the top are in on, yet he says nothing. smh

I researched in 2018, and there is info going back many decades about the major way they rig elections, which is via the "black box" voting machines and scanners that FLIP our votes. Earliest info I found was the 1992 book Votescam by James and Kenneth Collier, which had details going back to the late 60s (usually available on Amazon or eBay still). Also see the 2006 documentary Hacking Democracy. VERY important for us to know that our elections a charade and that we should boycott them, which removes "the consent of the governed" and can crumble a government. We need to crumble our corrupt uniparty, which is 2 gangs that PRETEND to fight each other while they collude to embezzle fiat government money, and perform theatrics to dupe, distract and divide us.

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Then what do you recommend?

Sure RFKjr could be vocal about all those issues, but that would just alienate him more as a complete nutjob conspiracy theorist even more. It's obvious to me that the ENTIRE government and esp federal agencies need to be shut down or rebooted, but how do we achieve it? (hopefully you don't say .rump because he already failed).

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"Save America, vote for the next smooth talker." Fuck that! Establishment narcissism doesn't change. Trump, Ramaswamy, RFK - none angels, none for human rights, all against Palestine... but our best shot at injecting chaos into American politics, like a vaccine towards destruction and its accompanying truth. Politics is war made for TV. Let the show begin, let the rest of the world begin thereafter...

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LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson ) : If I cannot find enough people in this country to vote Democratic, I'll "import them ".

That's exactly what's going on in US and eu.

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As a reminder - look up Putin's Munich speech from 2007. That's probably the mark when the escalation started more or less in the open.

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Self-evident, as you say. And what Putin said is also self-evident. Which, in the minds of those infected permanently by what you have elsewhere correctly called the most powerful and effective propaganda machine in human history, makes both of us apologists for Satan.

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In fairness to Trump, had KKKlinton won instead, we would all now be soot stains, or huddled in caves pulling our skin and hair off wishing we were.

It DID make a difference, even if he did continue the planned ramp-up. But he didn't pull the trigger. Killary would have, as her acolytes that control State have done since. Fortunately, Russia had more time to prepare.

Trump 2.0, god alone knows what he would do, which is why he is most likely to be assassinated beforehand, making it moot.

Of course Putin doesn't "trust" Trump, when has Trump ever said he'd deNazify Ukraine, recognise Russian sovereignty over the East, agree to a new Europan Security Framework where the USA has its shrill shrieking wings clipped, and has an actual plan to close NATO down?

The only way to end the SMO is to accept Russia's requests as legitimate and ACT on them.

Fat chance. Trump, Jr, and even Cornell, are just as gung-ho at fruitlessly spending Ukie lives for Yankee MIC gold as Buttercheeks or Kema-snore.

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All great points. During the 2nd debate when Trump said “If you elect her we’ll have WW3.” Now that’s one of those times I thought for certain he was speaking in hyperbolically. I chuckled and paid it no mind. Looking back I think he got that right though. His presidency gave the Russians several more years to get ready. Time will tell if that’s a good or bad thing. The Russians have quite a nuclear deterrent Trump card (pun intended) now in their Hypersonic missile program. Hopefully the elitist pricks are thinking twice now but Idk. They’re dreams of total control are slipping away before their very eyes. This is what makes them insanely dangerous.

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In truth, I expected her to win. I'd already confided to my younger sister - only fam member left - that one way or another her win would give me a few months to live, either Assanged personally, or nuked impersonally.

And once Bernie was ass-raped by the DNC, Trump was the only choice left.

WW3 was absolutely on the cards.

Have you seen this, Dore digging up McCain in Ukraine pre 2016 election: https://youtu.be/1H0rCqaGtJw?t=1394 Worth the watch from the beginning too.

I lost several mates, incl almost my best one, because they REFUSED to see the risk of KKKlinton and could never grasp why I considered Trump the better choice, even though he is OBVIOUSLY entirely unfit to be POTUS. It was a puzzle to many, despite my full-throated support of my own (Green) female Party leader, and the female leaders of SInn Fein, and Plaid Cymru, how I could be such a mysogynist. Because, of course, that was the ONLY explanation. ;)

Fortunately with Russiagate since, it has all been explained. It is Putin-worship, obviously. :'D

Yeah, they are supremely dangerous now. And they are quite insane. If EVER there was a country that the UN should have disarmed of WMDs, it is the USA.

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Nothing against Israel, but the "elephant in the room" is Israeli WMD: Nukes plus Bio-Chem Weaps. Best move in the last year was China getting Iran and Saudi Arabia to talk at the same table Biden and his lackeys begged at.

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Couldn't agree more with you. Did you know Dr David Kelly's backstory pre-assassination?

He was part of a team of 5, who apparently successfully completed work on Israel's bioweapon research. He was the 4th to die in odd circumstances later.


OfC, the Saudis are now angling for their own Nuke program, to see how far Nuttyahoo and the Black-Eyed Cabbage's DC regime will go.

This is not happy.

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Thanks for the link and excellent points. Will watch in a moment. We (America) belongs in a padded cell until we are no longer a threat to ourselves or others. It’s easy to say but just who is going to lock us in there?

On the positive side I am very confident China/Russia are getting it done. I get so infuriated with the right (conservatives) who can’t seem to understand our allies don’t have to be perfect in order for us to parlay. Right now we have a common enemy (Globohomo) and Eurasia seems to be the one knocking them off balance at the moment. To this I say excellent news and I applaud Elon as well. I’ll make a deal with the devil himself if it stops the thermostat from reaching 10k degrees (fusion bomb).

I have ZERO doubt in my mind the Western Elites that planned the foreign policy around Eurasia were overly confident that Russia would be begging for mercy by this time. You can see it in their behavior this was not supposed to happen. Now they’re all distressed and wondering how to deal with the unplanned. Combine that along with the masses on the domestic front growing impatient and bold. It might force a break. It also may force a panic which leads to the world’s destruction but our choices are not plentiful at the moment. That’s another thing so many cannot get through their fucking heads.

Here’s a good read from Tom Luongo on this topic:


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That's a new one. I presume from the context you mean the US Empire? You know, they'd drop the rainbow tat in a microsecond if it no longer served their purposes, they don't actually BELIEVE in equality and freedom beyond soundbites to annoy the Official Enemies, and using NGOs to undermine political opposition in their favour.

Same with the trans-stuff.

Elon is a prick, but he seems to have more utility than Gates, Soros, Bezos, Branson, Kochs and the rest of that ilk that would benefit from being a head shorter, lol.

Totes the morons figured the sanction regime would bring Russia down, but Putin had already been chatting several times to the Iranians in Astana, and they'd OBVIOUSLY been gaming out the various scenarios, and planned ahead.

I was in tears when it became clear he'd dangled the overseas accounts quite deliberately, and the idiots grabbed them too. But I don't think he expected the sheer venom and racist-insanity against Russia and Russian culture. Or that western publics would go along so happily with all that. Banning Tchaikovsky recitals? WTAF?

Now it looks like Turkey is going to alow the US/NATO fleets into the Black sea, to force through weapons freighters into Odessa. These fuckers are insane, and are gambling he is not.

Speaking for the UK, we have no democratic choice in the next election, almost as bad as the US itself - possibly worse, at last you have wildcard Trump. EVERY party in the UK is gung-ho "for Ukraine" and ramping up the goddamned war.

Not a single one has even whispered that "Perhaps Russia had a point about NATO".

The political-media lockstep is mindboggling. :'(

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I sir must say am shocked you of all people have not heard that term lol. It’s become fairly ubiquitous over the last couple years. To be perfectly honest I have no clue what it means my good chap. Have heard it was short for “Globo homogeneous” but again am clueless to the actual origins. I use it as a slur against the Globalists, ie the Davos Crowd. They seem to be the command and control for the same societal propaganda clearly sweeping through Western Nations. The governments of the US & UK are certainly the ring leaders and fuel the existence of Davos with our economies and military might.

You and I seem to be simpatico on almost everything else. You are over the target. Read/heard something the other day about the Black Sea situation you referenced. It may have been from Caitlin or Simplicius The Thinker. If you don’t already I cannot recommend his substack enough.

You mentioned DT is a wildcard for the US. Perhaps that could be broadened to the world. I have to hand it to the crazy bastard he’s only growing in strength. I thought after the raid and his first series of indictments that it could be a ploy to get him through the primaries. Several months later I’m confident in saying that’s not the case. TPTB want him gone.

Too many people attribute his campaign to his ego. There’s no doubt he’s extremely egotistical but he’s not doing this to satisfy that. In fact, I am still puzzled why exactly. This time I suspect he could have kept his mouth shut and lived out a nice life in theory. UNLESS he had reason to believe they were coming for him particularly after the primaries. It’s quite possible that is the case. It certainly cannot be ruled out.

The only other thing that makes any sense is that he’s genuinely concerned where this shitshow is heading. What good are riches if the future is a dystopian hellscape? I have grown tired of trying to figure it out. However I do know he drives them batshit crazy. I think it’s probably because the media can’t deter him, let alone break him. This leads to boldness and courage. Those virtues spreading, above all else scares the shit out of them.

Throw in countries like China and Russia now pushing back and their little apple cart is in real danger of being upset. Unfortunately this showdown, Globohomo vs Humanity must occur though. If it does not it’s technogulag here we come. As scary as nuclear war/brinksmanship happens to be, nothing frightens me more than the total enslavement of the human race.

**Apologies for any errors am typing on my phone.

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I’m sick and tired of the American inhumane bureaucracy!

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We may have Trump again, but the probability of that is 0.0001%. In any event, we will still have the DC Swamp in complete control of the destruction of the US and planet earth into perpetuity. Even after the planet is destroyed, these arrogant fools will not have had enough. It's like momentum...a body (DC Swamp) stays in motion until acted upon by some force that changes that motion (countrywide revolution)...sponsored by the pitchfork crowd.

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Hahahah. Yeah - I think if Trump does manage to escape all the politically motivated judicial assaults (once again) - they will find a way to take him out some other way. Which shows just how much we Americans have lost any notion of what could be labeled a "Democracy" - of and for the people.

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This is why the Bernie's and the Cornel West's and RFK Jr. are a fool's errand.

There is no righting this ship.

I have to chuckle at RFK Jr. now hawking the idea that we can force the DNC to be fair.

The DNC is a private corporation who has ABSOLUTELY NO REGARD NOR OBLIGATION to the voters.

The first strike against RFK Jr. is still the best -- if he was serious about change he wouldn't have run Democrat.

So now he's run up against what he knew from the start and wants to convince people that they can force the DNC to change.

It's ludicrous and even if he were having a 60's flashback when he thinks it was better, guess what? It's never been any different. They were just better at hiding it.

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In the 60s most of the states didn't have primaries. The party decided directly who got the votes.

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Nothing is different - can't have the unwashed making choices they are not fit to make.

The only appreciable difference is our level of naivete.

And even that is arguable.

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So if Team D were to have, for instance, a whites-only primary, you'd be good with that?

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? Where did that come from?

I'm over caring what the Ds do.

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Perhaps I misapprehended your comment, i thought that you were defending Team D because "hey, it's still better than what they used to fo!"

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For perhaps the first time ever, I disagree with Caitlin, but not because I think Trump is any peacenik or that he would change US policy. Support for the war in Ukraine would diminish for three reasons. One, US allies would be much less willing to follow the US with Trump as president. NATO would likely come apart.. US leadership would be rejected, in part because Trump is very unpopular among the voters in NATO countries. Secondly, the Republican Party is split on the issue of Ukraine and less likely to be militants on the issue than the pack of compliant Democrats currently in control. Third, support for the war is declining now and I expect that to continue. Anyone besides Biden would be more heavily influenced by that decline.

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The Hill loves forever wars...this should be obvious to the least informed voter by now. US “allies” don’t follow the person in the office, they respond to threats. and until they get “protection” from elsewhere they will fall in line. The voters in NATO countries don’t matter just like the voters in US don’t. Only their puppet leaders matter.

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i agree, no personnel changes can change the course. european 'leaders' will only feel inclined to step up the effort. they're too far gone to make the turn.

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I still want to know about the remarks quoted in a Newsweek report by this guy- Colonel General Mordichev, recently promoted from Lieutenant General by Putin.

"...In a recent interview with Moscow's state-run Russia-1, a clip of which circulated widely on social media Saturday, Mordvichev said he believes Putin's war will last quite a long time and expand in the future.

"I think there's still plenty of time to spend. It is pointless to talk about a specified period. If we are talking about Eastern Europe, which we will have to, of course then it will be longer," the general said.

"Ukraine is only a stepping stone?" the interviewer then asked.

"Yes, absolutely. It is only the beginning," Mordvichev responded, who went on to say that the war "will not stop here."

Newsweek reached out to the Russian embassy via email for comment..." (and then the topic is dropped.) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russian-general-admits-ukraine-just-a-stepping-stone-to-invade-europe/ar-AA1gtZQc

The story has been framed as proof of the narrative of Russian militaristic expansionism- that the Ukraine invasion is intended only as the first step in a plan of military aggression that includes marching into eastern Europe with the aim of reclaiming the former Eastern bloc.

To me, a notable feature of the article is that there's only one Mainstream Legacy Media outlet that's reported this story- MSN/Newsweek. The rest of top searches consist of repetitions of the Newsweek report by outlets like The NY Post, Daily Beast, and the Hindustan Times. The top rank major league Legacy Media outlets like the NY Times, WaPo, and the television networks continue to be silent about the claim, which gives me pause.

The MSN/Newsweek story contains no link to the interview, which was broadcast on Russian TV back in July 2023. The Daily Beast report links to a transcript of the speech. https://www.thedailybeast.com/putin-promotes-general-andrey-mordvichev-with-eye-for-attacking-eastern-europe

However, the link leads only to a transcript of the interview in the original Russian, Cyrillic alphabet and all. https://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/news/2023/07/23/986566-vsu-do-kontsa-leta

I can't even be sure that the linked site is a reliable source that provides the original unabridged interview transcript.

That doesn't work as a checkable source for me. I suppose I can feed it into a translation program to convert it into English, but I have no confidence that the result will yield the intended sense of the content.

Frankly, at this point my skepticism is deepening in regard to what Mordichev actually said. The lag time of well over a month since Mordichev's original remarks and lack of follow-up or mirroring by the A-list of Western media outlets indicates that the Newsweek report may be an exaggeration, or a quote misleadingly translated outside of its proper context. A story like that has implications that are too important for it to be dismissed, but at present I'm not going to simply swallow it as presented.

Even if everything inferred in the Newsweek report turns out to be accurate, that isn't diligent reference work. Speaking as a one-person operation, if I were reporting on the speech, there's no way I'd link to a source that didn't supply a full English translation of the interview in addition to the primary source in the original Russian.

Also, there's no way I'd ever re-run this story with a clickbait headline like this:

"Putin’s New General Wants to INVADE Eastern Europe! When Will Russia’s Mad Dogs Stop?"

which leads to this shitshow of an article--presented as a slideshow!--sentence by sentence (with frequent commerical interrruptions.) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/putin-s-new-general-wants-to-invade-aol-europe-when-will-russia-s-mad-dogs-stop/ss-AA1gybqQ#image=7

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According to your analysis, things do point to hyperbolic disinformation about the general. however, whether the Russian leaders want territorial expansion or expanded influence, I think it's believable and verifiable by other means than the general's words. But all powerful countries do that to a degree, expand in order to gain power either through human resources or material or influence or decimation of people and land. The main European powers in the US have long history of geographical colonization but. Russia has done some of that also but typically hasn't established large groups of pilgrims or settlers or cultural Russifiers Russia has done some of that but has not typically dispatched large groups of pilgrims or settlers to far off lands for the cultural war of Russification. Russia and its predecessors and neighboring groups for hundreds of years have invaded one another. Appreciating the Russian leaders' predilections and patterns doesn't require the verbatim ratification of one general. European colonialists spread their seed as far and wide as they could and the influences are still felt. And they have taken land as well. Having to cede some of it back to those they stole it from has been an ugly and ongoing process. but the cultural influence carries on, as does the plunder of natural resources.

I am personally not in a position to judge how popular such expansionist notions are, like those of Aleksandr Dugin's or if the type of nationalism espoused by Navalny involves expansionism and how popular that is and what particular style of expansion is it might be undertaken.

I'l bet Nordic Scandinavian Baltic and Balkan leaders have their own histories and perceptions in mind when they consider Russia's foreign policy goals. And again I am not in a position to understand how much an alignment all those nations' goals are with NATO.

And it's still possible that this general spoke in a deceptive manner to, you know, intentionally. I doubt any wisdom in dealing with these matters is available from individual leaders, individual countries, blocs of countries, and the species in general.

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obvious propaganda rabbit hole, imo.

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DC Reade, I appreciate the deep dive into this particular story that you took to try and establish its authenticity. You did a valuable service to humanity.

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Great article. Elections are kayfabe. Bread and circus for the unwashed masses

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As a guy who watched Trump repeatedly slip their nooses (2015-2020) there was a time when I thought maybe he did have a divine wind at his back. When TPTB had finally had enough and forcefully removed him (Nov 2020-Feb 2021) I knew my faith had been misplaced. If I am V Putin or President Xi I may have been hopeful too during his first time. However watching how easily he was removed without a struggle gives me little hope things will change.

But here’s the thing: The awakening of the masses is paramount to saving all of our asses. If normies come online (awake) in force Western Govts will be delegitimized. This will remove all but two options for our betters, either fade back into the shadows or rip off the mask for good. TPTB are so close in their minds to total power I firmly believe it will be the latter. Full throttle totalitarian it shall be.

At this point, I don’t know who else can facilitate this better than Donald Trump. We could come up with quite a list about the crazy shit he has driven them to attempt/do. While some of it would be matters of opinion there is enough evidence he has played a major role in the tyrant/media meltdown. This is why I fully support his candidacy today. DT is like having our very own claymore mine; nothing less, nothing more. The sooner this shitshow gets rolling the better chance we can get through it one piece IMO. I do not consider living inside a virtual gulag one piece btw. I like RFK Jr and in a sane time he would be far and above the best choice. Don’t think anyone here doubts the severity of the situation and all realize the hour is late.

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reads like a slightly more sophisticated trump campaign. well, he probably caught some accelerationist-doomers last time, it might work again (although he did not deliver).

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It seems like the change first has to happen with the people. Arguably, the illusions at this point can be relatively easily removed, or better said, with the way things are going, people will not have the luxury to believe in some cartoonish good guys vs. bad guys narrative for much longer.

The Truth: all these seemingly disparate tribes, from the Russian people to the Chinese to the average US Democrat or Republican, ALL are threatened by the same common tribe. The change happens when the many different tribes realize that they’re all threatened by the same common enemy, a very old oligarchical system which has been most recently incarnated as an Anglo-American slime mold constituted by an alliance of finance, surveillance and narrative-media-social control.

It may be big and bad, it may be clever, but it’s certainly not wise, and the universe is not exactly on its side.

The devil always overplays his hand.

I recently translated a poem which reminds us of this, Schiller’s “The Ring of Polycrates”—a ballad on fate, fortune and the gods.


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Well all are now threatened with extinction by fossil fuel caused catastrophic globa lwarming (or boiling as it has now been updated to). And it not mythical devils who play this hand but the 'devil' of not keeping people sufficiently informed .

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