So weary of the idiots in Washington and my members of Congress! They are poisoning our water, land, people! I don’t wish war with anyone anywhere! I don’t know any American that does! We’ve had enough of Murdoch too!

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How are they "idiots"? Aren't they doing all that consciously?

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They're getting paid off consciously, I imagine. America has lots of funny money, why not let the Ozzies have some of it?

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Well, Patricia was talking about the US. In any case, "getting paid off" doesn't sound like being "idiots".

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I doubt that they are getting paid, at least not directly.

Rather, they seek power.

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I imagine they're getting paid in the larger sense.

However, it occurs to me that this whole business about Australia is ridiculous. Nothing has changed. After the battle of Guadalcanal, which meant the Japanese were not going to get there, Australia has been a dependent colony of the United States. Wherever English-speaking White people are gathered together, there you will inevitably find the US for racial reasons, but on the other hand it is yet one more thing for the US to defend in a darkening world. Someday the Chinese or the Indonesians or the Indians will come for the poor Ozzies, but they might as well enjoy their nuclear submarines until then.

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Murdoch is one of the longest-standing US lackeys from Australia.

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They are not idiots, P.B.

They have their objectives. Their objectives are not your objectives.

Sovereignty of Allied States - Always that great myth.


Examined in depth . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/p/washingtons-ukraina-grandioznaya

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No doubt you are correct.

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At the risk of boring you, I will repeat Kissinger's quip that 'to be America's enemy can be dangerous,, but to be its friend is lethal! The Mockingbird media brainwashed Aussies with such ease, it is painful to watch. As you pointed out Caitlin, America is involved in perpetual war while China invaded nobody. Democracy is truly the god that failed.

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I am tired of hearing this quote from one of the worst warmongers in the US. He is not imparting any kind of wisdom, but it is a threat - that no country is spared from the empire's wrath.

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Thank you. Kissinger should be in prison and be tried for terrorism.

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Another piece to add you your comment, Lynette, is that it appears that New Zealand is also being conned by the likes of Blinken and embracing US involvement in the Pacific, "boots and all". Very little evident in the backgrounds and experience between Albanese in Australia and Hipkins in New Zealand so either the US is succeeding in their use of blackmail and threats, a common occurrence, or both of these Prime Ministers are prepared to sell out their countries.

Both countries enjoy the relationship with China as their major export market so it obviously has nothing to do with common sense and profit.

Let us see how long it takes for the US to establish yet another base, this time in New Zealand. They have enough in Australia already but the need for new bases is well known.

By the way. Australia is not even allowed to know whether the US B-52's have nuclear bombs on board. Not even the PM.

How's that for 21st century servitude

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I've always found it odd that, as long as I can remember, every incoming Australian PM immediately declares their undying love of and devotion to US foreign policy. What is that? Fear? Blackmail? Quid pro quo? How does China's record of global hegemony compare to that of the US? China is part of the 'global south' movement that advocates for a multipolar world, not a subservient one.

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If what's between the US and Australia is a "marriage" as the Economist says, then it's the old-fashioned kind and Australia is the wife. That is, the other partner has all the rights, all the power...although at least the wife got some economic security out of it in those days, whereas Australia is losing economically with this "marriage." It makes no sense at all, leading me to think some combination of bribery and threats is involved in bringing top government officials along. But the public? Sure there's propaganda, but the bits Caitlin has shown us are remarkably crude. Why are Australians falling for the same crap we in the US are...but at least we get something out of it, there is absolutely no upside in this for Australia. We get to perpetuate our primacy a little longer, rah rah. All Australia gets is its face rubbed in its subservient position, and a massive increase in risk from a potential war that is beyond unnecessary. I've complained in the past about Caitlin using terms like "blithering idiot" and "baby brained moron" as unhelpful in insulting those who disagree with you, but...in this case I just can't see how anyone with normal intelligence could fail to see through this propaganda. It occurs to me that freedom for Julian Assange could conceivably lead to his gaining, and releasing, info on how Australian officials were coerced...

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I suspect that blackmail and threats are rarely needed.

Dogs *want* to be dogs.

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The billionaire's have their underground bunkers in New Zealand! I wonder how that's gonna fly with them?

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As you know, Carbon Copy.........

Only costs them US 0.59 for every dollar they spend. At that rate you could own the country for a bit more than half its value.

Something like the climate in Australia where at $0.64 and with minerals required by the USA for their nefarious profit-making activities, like electric vehicles, we are likely to experience yet another exploitation in the purchase of mining land.

We''l flog it off. No restrictions there. After all, we are almost the 51st State.

But with a bit of luck, the New Zealand "underground bunkers" owned by exploitative Americans, capitalising on a totally 'out of balance' exchange rate, might be situated on top of an active vulcano. They have a lot of them over there.

Fingers crossed.

The Kiwis in 1984 said no to anything nuclear, including US ship visits.

I wonder how the Americans will find a way around that one?

Well, there are always sanctions. They are experts in that practice.

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At least you have a former PM who is willing to say some of what you are telling us. Is there anyone in the US of anything near the status of a former PM who is willing to say anything at all in opposition to this insanity? I haven’t heard of anyone, but it’s a serious question, kinda sorta, as I avoid any U.S. based commercial media like the plague of locusts Caitlin has well informed us that it is.

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What good does it do that there's a "former PM"? Same as it would if any former US "PM" said anything. The keyword is "former".

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And do not forget Josh Wilson, Fremantle senator!

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The US government has Ukraine fighting Russia.

Getting Australia to fight China would fit the US government's pattern.

The US government is instigating wars and unrest across the globe.

US Government's End Goal: Weaken countries so they can implement their Great Reset.

This is not what the people want.

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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023

The US has been at war for 222 of the last 239 years. So sidle up and obsessively fartcatch for the US and you know what’s going to happen. So not content with being corrupted into war crimes by the US in Afghanistan, Oz wants to double down. China has zero interest in military confrontation with the U.S. or Oz. It’s primary concern is improving the lot of its people. The US demonstrably has very little interest in that, being dead last in the Western world for every health care and social outcome. (except for rape, where the US is in a virtual dead heat with….drumroll pls… Australia). So all the talk of war is to distract from the appalling social outcomes, to fearmonger, to bloat military budgets and to sell arms to countries that don’t need them nor can they afford them.

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If Australia is considering a “marriage” with the US, then my advice is to run. Run fast and far away from your potential "mate" and don't get caught and tied down to a relationship that will only end in tragedy. True friends don't park their nuclear submarines in your ports and their bomb-laden B-52s on your runways and paint a big target on your back. It's time for Australia to file for a "divorce."

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It’s all the nato countries

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Thanks so much for all your great work, Caitlin! One clarifying point on your statement, "China has been sorting out its own affairs for millennia and has managed to do so just fine without the help of white people running in firing military explosives at them, and Taiwan is no exception.". There was a century in the last millennia where first the Europeans and Americans and then the Japanese "interfered" with (read: killed, subjugated, coerced, threatened, blackmailed, raped, pillaged, etc) the Chinese. This history shapes Chinese policy to this day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_of_humiliation

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... and of course assistance in the form of industrial intelligence since at least Kissinger's mission in the 70s.

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When it comes to idiocy Washington is the world capital as it only sees the world in terms of warfare and endless violence and exhausts itself pursuing these. It is playing a very stupid and dangerous game of brinkmanship impacting the whole world.

It cannot win a conventional war against China and the question is... are they crazy enough to strike pre-emptively with nuclear weapons? There is the very real possibility we might just be sleep-walked into a nuclear holocaust.

After the mess made in Ukraine by NATO it is incredible they are now turning Eastward.

"Brinkmanship" was a favorite tool of John Foster Dulles and he actually coined the term.

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We are sleep walking into a corporate controlled holocaust for profit, probably a similar one that sealed the fate of the Jewish and disabled in the second we. Greed is behind all evil and wars

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Second WW sorry no edit in comments

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The question is why other countries allow it, effectively playing along.

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Bribes, extortion and intimidation.

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Probably nothing so crudenis necessary in most cases. The politicians know what is expected of them.

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So they are complicit through their electorate. Unless that electorate openly discards its "democratic" status, effectively dropping that definition.

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We can’t stop it, they rot every fightback , they buy everyone

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We're so f-ing obvious, we do the same sh*t every time. It isn't coincidence that all of our big wars occur on the borders of imperial enemies. Nor is it coincidence that we keep them well the F away from our shores. We aim to destabilize entire regions, to weaken major enemies (Russia, China, Iran), and also make bank on MIC profits from years of war and mayhem. A child can figure it out.

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Brics will do this to us because of corporates who control our governments, it’s going to kill the innocent poor. I think they have signed an agreement behind closed doors, the wealthy. They will help brics to manage its powers if they kill their own poor to let the corporate owned tech and mercenaries thrive in order to depopulate the working classes Ie thin the herd for sustainable development . A Tory in the UK I think it was the economist told the under 50s to get out of Britain because our population is over 50 . They want to kill us and remove health care welfare to a people not abled to stop them. That’s why US citizens won’t or can’t drop their guns. UK citizens are unarmed we are going to be left for dead enmasse by destitution.and preventable illness. You don’t need gas chambers for that do we. That is what the rich are doing uk gov sold the lives of its own citizens so the rich could survive and likely show brics countries how to thrive. To save their corporations. I think brics see that as fit given our country did that to theirs in empire. They have offered the brics country the empires that the west had fit to save their own skin at the expense of the innocent public. And they think by killing us public off that it will save the climate too. They are hitler. Hitler thought the disabled and mentally ill and Jewish were useless eaters, the press peddled it. It’s the history repeating itself but the victims will be the wests working classes and sick this time. The war is economic not nuclear. The corps can’t afford to rebuild. So they transferred public wealth to private companies and asset stripped themselves for ( sold us sold uk national corporations and then sold the land , the gas storage , the public services , the NHS, sold the water, poisoned the rivers and seas and got fat off our loses. ) they do t need to rebuild if they kill us with poverty ( thin the herd, the stock , the lower values , as the politicians like to call us). They don’t need to rebuild after an economic war. The nuclear button won’t need pushed , they are going to make us dead or digitally co trolled slaves. They will let illness kill their old and the weather. No holocaust charges needed when they can blame nature and ill health, poverty, Make people suffer a slow death. People that have no arms to fight back. It’s a cowards war. A war of words , pens, lies and depravation in the west, waged by its own billionaires. We fed the rich and they are going to use that wealth to remove our rights , workers rights , human rights to starve us, freeze us, drug us and let us die of treatable illness. That is the war on their own people. That is what is happening. The third world war is a self waged economic war on the wests own populations in order that the rich can live. They were vampires of finance. Gangsters. They had no morals but wage ya British flags people and your US flags and your Australian , Canadian, Newzealand , nato flags people for you will own nothing and be happy. You will own death whilst the rich get their every dream for selling you to save their own skin and assets. Then they will strip the earths bounty to end everything

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All done with [imaginary] money! Powerful ju-ju at work in the long game that they, the Khazarians, have been playing behind the scenes, imo.

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Another 200 years and earth as a planet will be dead completely, no bees to save the planet, a death to civilisation. We will be in end stage civilisation. They use wars to depopulate their own brics countries. Civil wars, drug wars, religious wars, gang wars, wars of the sexes , domestic violence wars, famine wars, poverty wars on their own people. We are as a species dead ( in a few 100 years we will wipe ourselves out with all of nature.) they think they will recover the nature in the depopulated countries. But they have poisoned everything with chemicals. Who knows if nature will recover. Idk. But I see. And it’s not nice. Evil and psychopaths and narcissists destroy, they are a stick of rock through humanity, destroying anything that could be good. I never had kids, I knew this was coming. Why would we bring life , human life in a dying world. One that will be the death of humanity.

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Raise ya British flags (excuse typos the edits not there)

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Because it works, there is no need to do anything differently.

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The CIA coup of the labor party in Australia in the 70s sealed their fate.

Just another toolbox of self interested monsters is all that remains. Stick that on the Barbie. Leave the shrimp alone.

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Thank you Caitlin. This idiocy is just shocking....and, now, the USA is roping in New Zealand.....nothing really changes. We are still lackeys of the Empire.... one issue though, I feel, is not addressed much, so, thank you for bringing it up: “an unresolved civil war between Chinese people”.

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"US planning to use Australians as next cannon fodder" might be the headline here. Ukraine's a fail, even though financial interests will try to continue a "life support" media campaign for it, which actually means more death support.

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Aussies, always running off to war to fight for Empires far away. I'm not surprised that the kangaroo is the emblem of Australia. When the British or American Empire asks Aussies to jump you always responds, "How high?"

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The spineless Canberra poodle club has sacrificed Australia's prosperity for no good reason at all not even security.

Stands to reason that this amounts to treason.

Canberra could have demanded that the war mongering US drops it's illogical trumped up case against Julian Assange in exchange for their ''cooperation'' however that opportunity wasn't explored like it ought to have been.

Not every Australian welcomes the war mongering US - most of the people I've spoken to in recent years would be quite happy to see the US military leave Australia permanently and let us sort out our own affairs.

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Just so you know this writer of comments is a UK benefit claimant who is ex served TA medic with degenerative prolapsed discs OA. A none intellectually disabled adult diagnosed autistic likely with adhd. It’s my birthday today and meta has shut all my accounts. Everyone has a price in the UK all the poor are struggling and all the middle want to be the rich. Me I want it over. I can’t bare it. You could say I’m a useless eater No-one loves with no one. Not a good place to be given the situation and I’m in that o er 50 demographic they seek to cull. Our own army and police are controlling bullying and silencing us. But they will be us as I was once us. Now I’m me soon to be ashes. Because I can’t take what I can see. I have no cover. I was deemed unmilitary by my own unit. Well good, I joined the medics to save lives not take them. I’m nowt special missed the horrors when I served. But been warning people at each stage. But my own class hate me, maybe because they liked their blindness and ignorance or the 30 pieces of silver they took to destroy their own countries economy to do the bidding of evil

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Happy Birthday, Miss M! I too am considered a 'useless eater' by the worthless ones on account of my age so f*ck 'em! A catchy song of defiance is what I'm working on in my own little wardrobe studio. Haha! Country Joe & The Fish managed to whack the Vietnam War into a cocked hat with their flagship song, "I Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die Rag". Music can work! https://youtu.be/ws0DLWApHko

Even Pete Seeger got in on the act! https://youtu.be/7Pi_Gwhi27k

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You remember in the year 25 25, if man is still alive, if woman can survive. I never remember band names but Google it 🤣🤣 always got that song even as a kid

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I didn’t write that as a song but on rereading it I see why you thought it. It just comes from my feelings inside

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Go for it I’ve attempted song writing in the past but I don’t understand the edit suite stuff lol 🤣🤣 Nick it but give credit.

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I wish you well.

Since you're in the UK do you ever watch or listen to UK column?


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The treason is western all over, they all sold their own populations for to be the US poodle. Nato is self flagellation for the public

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For those who've sold out - The steps of parliament double as steppingstones toward cushy and lucrative corporate appointments.

The problem appears to be that there's zero to no accountability to their political oath.

Indeed it's all over the ''WEST'' - one way or another all nations must become obedient US vassal states or they shall be regarded as the enemy.

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And to think I did medcover for them once. I watched them drop one of their bombs that camp. I felt it suck the oxygen out their air from two miles around, my face was flushed. I was stood on top of a basin over a valley they cleared. I know the evil. They suck the life out of everything.

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Assange is there to prove a couple of points, namely that any dissent from Empire will be punished, as well as the utter cravenness of thr Australian political class.

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100% - Indeed that is the sad state of affairs.

Julian Assange's predicament reveals a growing number of things about the society that we're forced to endure but perhaps it's more a case of what people are willing to endure in order to maintain their illusion of freedom and Democracy.

Another is that even though increasing of people are opposed to empire - collectively we've still not figured out how to turn things around in our favor - we're hopelessly disorganized in that aspect while the warmongers, their puppets and profiteers are functioning like a well oiled machine.

Perhaps that' what's prompted the plandemic - Increasing numbers of people are staunchly opposed to empire and it's wasting of public funds on lie based wars for corporate profits- so their numbers have to be reduced for the sake of empire.

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I hate to say it but there is a major shitload of idiots around the world. We can't put Biden in the prison waiting room for treason soon enough. This would at least slow the warmongers down for a bit until perhaps we can get someone else to slow them down.

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Huge swathes of carefully groomed couch potatoes have been turned into foam brained idiots but that's only a stepping stone to the zombie destination where the Hunger Games can flourish without any protest on a private WEF planet bought & paid for with [imaginary] money.

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"That’s not to say Australians are naturally dimwitted; we’re actually pretty clever as far as populations go." says Caitlin about her fellow citizens.

And then she continues with "This artificially manipulated information ecosystem has made Australians so pants-on-head idiotic that they think the US empire is filling their country up with war machinery because it loves them and wants to protect them from the Chinese. That’s as stupid as it gets."

That last one is what matters. Individually one can be as smart as it gets. As part of the herd one is an imbecile. And that's what gets the USA's dirty plans done. Effectively - the Aussies are dumb.

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