So weary of the idiots in Washington and my members of Congress! They are poisoning our water, land, people! I don’t wish war with anyone anywhere! I don’t know any American that does! We’ve had enough of Murdoch too!

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At the risk of boring you, I will repeat Kissinger's quip that 'to be America's enemy can be dangerous,, but to be its friend is lethal! The Mockingbird media brainwashed Aussies with such ease, it is painful to watch. As you pointed out Caitlin, America is involved in perpetual war while China invaded nobody. Democracy is truly the god that failed.

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At least you have a former PM who is willing to say some of what you are telling us. Is there anyone in the US of anything near the status of a former PM who is willing to say anything at all in opposition to this insanity? I haven’t heard of anyone, but it’s a serious question, kinda sorta, as I avoid any U.S. based commercial media like the plague of locusts Caitlin has well informed us that it is.

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The US government has Ukraine fighting Russia.

Getting Australia to fight China would fit the US government's pattern.

The US government is instigating wars and unrest across the globe.

US Government's End Goal: Weaken countries so they can implement their Great Reset.

This is not what the people want.

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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023

The US has been at war for 222 of the last 239 years. So sidle up and obsessively fartcatch for the US and you know what’s going to happen. So not content with being corrupted into war crimes by the US in Afghanistan, Oz wants to double down. China has zero interest in military confrontation with the U.S. or Oz. It’s primary concern is improving the lot of its people. The US demonstrably has very little interest in that, being dead last in the Western world for every health care and social outcome. (except for rape, where the US is in a virtual dead heat with….drumroll pls… Australia). So all the talk of war is to distract from the appalling social outcomes, to fearmonger, to bloat military budgets and to sell arms to countries that don’t need them nor can they afford them.

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If Australia is considering a “marriage” with the US, then my advice is to run. Run fast and far away from your potential "mate" and don't get caught and tied down to a relationship that will only end in tragedy. True friends don't park their nuclear submarines in your ports and their bomb-laden B-52s on your runways and paint a big target on your back. It's time for Australia to file for a "divorce."

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Thanks so much for all your great work, Caitlin! One clarifying point on your statement, "China has been sorting out its own affairs for millennia and has managed to do so just fine without the help of white people running in firing military explosives at them, and Taiwan is no exception.". There was a century in the last millennia where first the Europeans and Americans and then the Japanese "interfered" with (read: killed, subjugated, coerced, threatened, blackmailed, raped, pillaged, etc) the Chinese. This history shapes Chinese policy to this day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_of_humiliation

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When it comes to idiocy Washington is the world capital as it only sees the world in terms of warfare and endless violence and exhausts itself pursuing these. It is playing a very stupid and dangerous game of brinkmanship impacting the whole world.

It cannot win a conventional war against China and the question is... are they crazy enough to strike pre-emptively with nuclear weapons? There is the very real possibility we might just be sleep-walked into a nuclear holocaust.

After the mess made in Ukraine by NATO it is incredible they are now turning Eastward.

"Brinkmanship" was a favorite tool of John Foster Dulles and he actually coined the term.

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We're so f-ing obvious, we do the same sh*t every time. It isn't coincidence that all of our big wars occur on the borders of imperial enemies. Nor is it coincidence that we keep them well the F away from our shores. We aim to destabilize entire regions, to weaken major enemies (Russia, China, Iran), and also make bank on MIC profits from years of war and mayhem. A child can figure it out.

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The CIA coup of the labor party in Australia in the 70s sealed their fate.

Just another toolbox of self interested monsters is all that remains. Stick that on the Barbie. Leave the shrimp alone.

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Thank you Caitlin. This idiocy is just shocking....and, now, the USA is roping in New Zealand.....nothing really changes. We are still lackeys of the Empire.... one issue though, I feel, is not addressed much, so, thank you for bringing it up: “an unresolved civil war between Chinese people”.

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"US planning to use Australians as next cannon fodder" might be the headline here. Ukraine's a fail, even though financial interests will try to continue a "life support" media campaign for it, which actually means more death support.

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Aussies, always running off to war to fight for Empires far away. I'm not surprised that the kangaroo is the emblem of Australia. When the British or American Empire asks Aussies to jump you always responds, "How high?"

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The spineless Canberra poodle club has sacrificed Australia's prosperity for no good reason at all not even security.

Stands to reason that this amounts to treason.

Canberra could have demanded that the war mongering US drops it's illogical trumped up case against Julian Assange in exchange for their ''cooperation'' however that opportunity wasn't explored like it ought to have been.

Not every Australian welcomes the war mongering US - most of the people I've spoken to in recent years would be quite happy to see the US military leave Australia permanently and let us sort out our own affairs.

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I hate to say it but there is a major shitload of idiots around the world. We can't put Biden in the prison waiting room for treason soon enough. This would at least slow the warmongers down for a bit until perhaps we can get someone else to slow them down.

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"That’s not to say Australians are naturally dimwitted; we’re actually pretty clever as far as populations go." says Caitlin about her fellow citizens.

And then she continues with "This artificially manipulated information ecosystem has made Australians so pants-on-head idiotic that they think the US empire is filling their country up with war machinery because it loves them and wants to protect them from the Chinese. That’s as stupid as it gets."

That last one is what matters. Individually one can be as smart as it gets. As part of the herd one is an imbecile. And that's what gets the USA's dirty plans done. Effectively - the Aussies are dumb.

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