Gdamn, you've captured that smirk perfectly, it's so freaking irritating.

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I'm partial to ordering "I'm speaking" and "count smirkula" purely to throw things at and destroy I hope that's considered proper use of your art 🌚

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Count Smirkula is still your best portrait ever, IMO. You captured the smugness perfectly!

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I always wondered what happened to Eddie Munster. now I know he changed his name to Matthew Miller, better known as "count smirkula" tv show "the Munsters" for the younger folk.

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If I had $$$ , I would buy all your paintings, Caitlin. They are wonderfully done .

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there is something important to me that i hope I can mention without ruining the smirkula joke, which would be that at least my homeboy vlad was a child prisoner of war in the empire that opressed his country and he pretty much singlehandedly put the fear of death right back into Mehmed II right after he had just conquered constantinople. I feel like that was pretty significant. Cool motive, still murder.

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wringing bloody hands speaking out of ____ ______ ___________

🙉🙊🙈 of no lesser any evil

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I'd like to support you with a paid subscription but when I looked it seemed a card option was the only way. Is it possible for you to add Paypal or Stripe or some other more secure means?

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The card option is actually Stripe. If you would like to pay me directly via PayPal, Wise or similar, you can find all the links here - https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/about/ - and I can manually switch you to a paid subscriber if you send me an email to admin@caitlinjohnstone.com letting me know that's what you've done.

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Thanks, Done.

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Thank You Caitlin

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Each image evokes old music in my hopeless music-decoder brain. "I'm Speaking" evokes ELO's "Evil Woman". "What Our Ruling Class Has Decided . . ." brings up Billy Joel's "Only the Good Die Young", and Smirkula get me to the Stones' "Gimme Shelter", middle of the song when Merry Clayton belts out "Rape, murder, it's just a shot away."

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