Submission and obedience isn't the goal.

Ethnic cleansing and, barring that, outright genocide was always the goal. October 7 was but a pretext, just as 9/11 was the pretext for the Second War On Iraq.

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But the War on Terror, and Israel's attacks on Palestinians have never been attempts to reduce terrorism. They in fact, have always BEEN terrorism. Yes, Israel hoped to terrorize the Palestinians into submission and obedience, but I don't think that's the case this time--I think Mossad LET Oct 7 happen in the same way the Cheney administration let 9/11 happen, because they don't mind sacrificing a few thousand of their on citizens to set up an agenda otherwise hard to justify. In Israel's case, it's the Final Solution, in which global outrage forces Egypt to take in hundreds of thousands of Gazan refugees, to live in tent cities in the desert for generations, and meanwhile conduct a campaign of terror and annihilation in the West bank to get rid of Palestinians there. I wonder, if they succeed, if they will then continue on the Nazi path by starting wars of conquest against their neighbors for more lebensraum.

I hear worries that either the US, or Istrael, wants to use the situation to start a war with Iran. But I've been hearing worries about the US starting a war with Iran for a decade so I dunno.

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But they don’t want submission or obedience. They want death.

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They try to shout Hamas millions of times to cut the word people from the name Palestine.

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Same formula really that the early 'pioneers' engaged in their treatment of natives in the 'New World' so expect no change from these land thieving Zionist megalomaniacs who have an agenda to take the whole planet over for their murderous entertainment. Depopulation is on their Malthusian/WEF agenda so they're not even remotely bothered about stopping the slaughter. There appears to be a requirement for maybe half a billion zombie slaves to attend to the Zionist masters every needs. When the Gaza thing is done the Zionists know that Jews across the world might well be blamed for all these terrible things but the truth is that the Zionists really don't care and have mercilessly used the Jews and once again put them into the firing line. Seems to me that the Zionist road map is to move towards putting greater israel on the map extending from the Nile river to the Euphrates river, Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. All that oil/gas! All that enormous power over trade routes!

Now that's the chant to get steamed up & angry about and not 'From the river to the sea'. Zionists, even though there are some Jews in their unholy team [think Khazarian Mafia], care nothing about anyone else and that most certainly includes the rest of the Jewish population. Zionists are the enemy of the vast majority of us as far as I'm concerned.

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Brilliant. Dennis Kucinich like. Caitlin, you and Dennis, both amazing writers, are my reason for living. I am not alone.

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Yes. Hamas was created, from the Moslem brotherhood under the British then Hamas under the US for just this purpose. Oct 7th was beautifully timed to turn attention away from the catastrophic failure in Ukraine when it was admitted that the offensive had been halted, and all eyes turned to extremists in Israeli government and Gaza making a perfect storm to raze Gaza, but also to create genuine resistance movements in Palestine for a perpetual war against terror. The region was coming together, the US can't have that. Thankfully Hezbollah etc have quite a lot of common sense and refuse to play the game.

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Just a side note -- if the PENTAGON says that terrorism/drugs/etc has increased 75,000% in a region, the PENTAGON wants an excuse to have a greater presence in said region.

Not that it isn't 'true'... but if it wasn't they would create it if it served their purposes of global hegemony.

And Africa is the new plum that they would all love to get their mitts on.

Any port in a storm.

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The GOAL is to take ALL that land (and in the future even more!) and the resources associated with it and incorporate it into the Great Land of IsRaEl! https://postimg.cc/LhSN9dJP

If a few millions of uman animals (not jewish above all) are there... A proper clean-up is in order.

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Never been great thinkers the US establishment.

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So well presented by the indefatigable Caitlin! Tragically (for the Palestinians...and the rest of humankind), US "leaders" and sycophantic hangers-on here and there are incapable of the most basic comprehension...and so they (Zioneocons and their puppets) continue to dig that ol' hole deeper....

Viva Falasteen!

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Nov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023

There are many voices now being raised against the war crimes and occupation. It wasn't always the way, so I guess that's progress. And I want to thank you, Caitlin for being one of the strongest voices for humanity. It is still TBD whether our species deserves to be considered humane.

I think we must change the dominant narrative, otherwise we just continue on the path of destruction and hatred. Given the craven behavior of the western governments, we have to look to alternatives. I think calling on Pope Francis to go to Gaza might help. It might not work, of course. There are serious obstacles and future problems that could occur, but maybe it's worth trying. Maybe it could save lives. I came up with this petition that is outside of the current narrative, one that I hope might have some effect in stopping the bombing in Gaza. This is not instead of whatever else we are doing to try to change this situation and stop the killing. Please sign and share if you can.


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I’m sure the military death merchants use the % increase in violence data in their annual profit forecasts.

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Whatever the government does, it is always a war on living. By their nature, the government goons hate their citizens to death...literally.

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Washington DC and Langley VA are chock full of bureaucrats with bellies full of ideology and heads empty of logic or historical insight - despite having paper qualifications from prestigious universities.

National capitals around the remainder of the colonial west are unfortunately just full of local vassals or US “assets” pretending to be national leaders.

So nothing has been learned. And nothing will be learned.

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Israel's lies are so blatant and so obvious that even the likes of mainstream media such as CNN and BBC - who feeds their clientele a litany of distortions and lies day after day - now feel compelled to cover their tracks. They must be cursing the the most efficient war machine of Israel for failing to do a cover up properly, that even they cannot spin it anymore. Why would we believe any of them? Did October 7th really happen the way they told us?

Let's not let the world community forget that it was/is the US and its vassals who enable Israel to commit such atrocities.

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