Why are Putin and his Commissioner of Child Welfare labeled as War Criminals for taking orphans and displaced Russian speaking children out of conflict zones and giving them protection in Russia. Netanyahu has murdered 10,000 children and he is not a War Criminal. What the hell is wrong with this F'd up world????

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Rafah is being Aerially bombarded at the same time while a 7+ million USD Super Bowl Ad talking about 'All Dads should come home' (Hint: they are talking about the murderous Zionist soldiers who butchers innocents) is being aired on US Cable Channels. This is not by Accident:

The objective is to get the Egyptian Dictator to use his US Tanks to 'Box in' the Palestinians on the other side... forming a De facto Kill Zone which Zionist Warplanes can Firebomb at will, Slaughtering Hundreds of Thousands (Dresden style) in mere hours & days. This is the 'Final Solution' to the Palestinian Question now being played out LIVE for all to see!

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Some people who have been victimized work really hard during their lives to make sure that others do not get victimized. Israel has, instead, chosen to weaponize their victimization. They say "never again" but they only mean never again will it happen to them. They have no qualms about murdering people they call animals, just as they were called animals. Their actions are endangering Jewish people around the world by creating more antisemitism. Their actions are endangering everyone in the world by taking us to the brink of a world war that will involve nuclear weapons.

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The most dangerous time for any victim of abuse is when they are finally brave enough to leave or fight back.

My heart hurts for the Palestinian people,, But my hate grows for israel.. If that's what they want so be it ,,They have manifested their own destiny from paranoid delusions and the Zionist influence they cling to.

Israel supremacy is not unlike every other in history that seek to scapegoat a people they deem weaker and an easy target ..

This sick bully must be taken down for once and for all..

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Absolutely, they have been doing this since they became a rotten state …with much success indeed. Hopefully this will be the beginning of the end for them

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The whole thing is an exercise in white supremacy.

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Israel is the little mimic of the British and laterally the American Empire where rule is by hate, violence and intimidation. Where the American empire vented its dying rage using Ukraine as a proxy for war against Russia, Israel is now venting its rage at a world it cannot control.

As Putin pointed out in his interview with Tucker Carlson the sweeping changes the world is going through now must be viewed objectively and without malice. For the most part the changes are inevitable recurring cycles of history. Washington and Tel Aviv-Yafo are truly paranoiac as they see the world acting against them when in fact the world is moving toward an essential equilibrium, long over due.

The tragedy is that both the US and Israel are turning themselves into marginal pariah states when they should be embracing the emerging multipolar world and making positive contributions to it.

They defiantly refuse to to embrace peace and prosperity.

Putin also made the very essential point that the world is like the two hemispheres of the human brain fighting each other; rather than fighting each other they must come together in harmony if the world is to survive.

Israel and Washington are traumatized by the dictates of history imposed on them. Adaptation is their only option.

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It won’t change anything in DC; they are 100% compromised by Israel.

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""According to the Israel Democracy Institute, approximately two thirds of Israeli Jews believe that Jews are the "chosen people."


58% Israelis think Israel is using too little fire power.


"On February 1, hundreds of Israelis blocked a convoy of aid trucks headed for Gaza."

Breathtaking arrogance.

Who are these "human animals"?

No matter what anyone or any country does henceforth .... it means nothing. Anything now other than COMPLETE AND TOTAL withdrawal of Israel is meaningless ... equivalent to the "thoughts and prayers" after the slaughter, after the genocide, after the depravity. There never should have been an Israel in the first place.

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'The most characteristic trait of the psychopath is a complete absence of empathy and, as a result, of moral inhibition in harming others, combined with a thirst for power. Psychopathy also shares some traits with narcissism: psychopaths have a grand vision of their own importance. In their minds, everything is owed to them because they are exceptional. They are never wrong, and failures are always the fault of others.'


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Israel has the entire U.S. cabinet and congress, and a huge swath of the U.S. oligarchy on its side, and funnelling it resources. That’s a symbiotic relationship. If Israeli wants a life as an attack dog, well that works because SOMEONE wants that dog biting specific people.

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I think we're going to have to come up with a word that is stronger than "toxic" to describe what Israel is doing in Gaza. It's much more than toxic behavior. It's more like "nuclear radioactive psychotic sociopathic sheer evil" behaviors. And we shouldn't see them as victims or heroes or anything other than the horrible excuses for human beings they are. Too bad we can't put the whole racist lot of them into prison at once.

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(Banned)Feb 12

It seems to me that Zionism is a kind of death cult, not so different from Naziism and other movements obsessed with ethnic cleansing and genocide. America has its own horrific history, which continues to this day--always rationalized, as it is. It is also important to acknowledge that there are many Jewish people who reject what is happening in Israel and speak out loudly against it. It takes courage to do that.

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Outstanding analysis!

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You are more optimistic than I am. I believe the US is setting up to do this exact same thing to the people it has been working so hard to cultivate as “the other.”

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I hope you're right, and that people are waking up. But this has an awful downside. What I see now is: frightened Jews who are not Zionists, and I see growing anti-semitism. The whole Israel- Zionist strategy is backfiring badly - it's counter-productive

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