Thank you for reading The Atlant!c so we don't have to.

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I know--that's quite a task, trying to digest that neoliberal nonsense without going insane. Caitlin is brave!

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Caitlin is not a Jew-hater. But you are, Clarence.

The fact that Caitlin is avowedly committed to the principle of unmoderated freedom of speech is the best explanation for her allowing you to pave over the comments sections with Grand Unified Theory Of Jewish Conspiracy boilerplate (who knows where else you've copypasted the exact same material; of the thousands of words and links you've posted here so far, there isn't an observation in the entire morass that's original with you.

I've known even the fiercest free speech absolutists to get fed with the exploiters of open public comment space who overwhelm their blogs and websites with unceasing axe-grinding spam posts; eventually the sheer clogging up of the conversation gets so tedious and obnoxious that their patience is exhausted. Glenn Greenwald, for example, has recurrently found in necessary to ban posters and restrict abusive, off-topic, and propaganda recruitment screeds and spam posts from his web pages. (But, you know...he's (((Glenn Greenwald)))...)

The practical reality is that the free flow of ideas of open and unfettered public discourse can only be maintained when all participants subscribe to an informal ethos that even though any poster or group could dominate a discussion (in some sense) simply by using swarms and copypasta tactics- "winning" through the intimidation of blanketing column-inches with their adverts- there's a common recognition of the unscrupulous character of such tactics that every participant voluntarily refrains from them. Once that informal consensus breaks down, the golden age of free speech is over, and the private proprietors of any webpage are justified in resorting to restrictive policing tactics.

It also has to be said that those measures bear no resemblance to the advocacy of policing entire platforms with preemptive surveillance and censorship. People have the power to exert agency over their own personal efforts, that's all. It isn't a license for toxic parasites to abuse them.

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Rather predictable that current Israeli crimes would elicit these types of Jew-baiting filth.

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Thanks for doing research. It's a rare quality today. If you're not familiar with Grand Theft world and Richard Grove I think you'd enjoy the program.

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"Clarence Wilhelm Spangle blocked you

You are blocked from subscribing to Clarence Wilhelm Spangle and their publications"

I see that you blocked me from your Substack page, as of a few hours ago. That's your personal prerogative, of course. As it is for anyone else keeping up their own web page on the Internet.

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Who could fail to be convinced by your indictment of me, given the amount of evidence that you've amassed to support it?

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"Thank you for reading The Atlant!c so we don't have to."

I agree with your sentiment, but in fact we *do* have to read it, or at least a representative amount of all MSM. _The Atlantic_ is an important, if jaw-droppingly horrific, influencer. Otherwise, we don't maintain an accurate grip on what are opponents are doing. The consequences of not doing this can easily be seen in the beliefs of people (the majority) who, conversely, refuse to read any alt-news. Don't be them.

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Totally on board with this comment. I'm an avid chess player (though not as competent as I'd like to be) and to play without considering what your opponent is plotting, is sheer madness and yields nothing but bad results.

I'd also add, read it and attempt to comprehend the world view behind it, assuming no intent of evil on their part. It's a mind fuck for sure ;) but essential to stay ....balanced? That might be the right word and then again maybe not ;)

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"read it and attempt to comprehend the world view behind it, assuming no intent of evil on their part"

Bingo. We don't move forward for resolution unless we humanize opponents by stepping in their shoes. It doesn't mean agree with them (we don't have to hold their values), but at least understand them. (Formal debaters, e.g. in school teams, and in law, etc., are taught to understand multiple POVs so they can successfully argue them as needed.)

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"Humanize opponents by stepping in their shoes."

I'll reciprocate your Bingo for the above :)

After reading Schwabs great reset and RFK's Fauci, I was deeply troubled by the thought of Schwab & Gates having grandchildren. I assumed they would want the most beautiful world possible for them. Could it be that they're not inherently evil? Could it be they see a different vision in their minds eye?

For the record I despise so much of what they appear to be responsible for. But if the only argument is, they're just evil, well aren't we all falling into the same idiotic fallacy of, Putin invaded Ukraine cos he's just evil, right. And Hamas are just human animals, right.

Of course, it's true that a plan or vision can be, or have, an evil outcome without having an evil intent.

I'll leave it there cause my head is spinning ;))

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Your head may be spinning, but it appears to be working very well otherwise. :)

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Massive games afoot in the region with the US sending two battlegroups into the area. Talk of gassing Hamas out of the tunnels, by the Israeli’s saying Hamas is about to use chemical weapons because they found laminated recipe cards on dead fighters , Al Quaida written on the page in English lol!! The Syrian playbook all over again.

This is going genocide by any standard definition and at the very least is ethnic cleansing so no one state solution can ever be reached. The West is clearly complicit in all of this.

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To Medium Bad - " talk of gassing Hamas out of the tunnels ". Reminds me of the US/West war against Afghanistan, where bunker busting bombs were used to destroy caves presumably to flush out the Taliban. Those caves were part of world human heritage. Buddhist monks painted the walls of the caves with iconography. As attested to by the Chinese traveller monk Xuanzang ( in the 7th century) that they were like art galleries.

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The hypocrisy coming from the ethnostate zionists is appalling turning to gas

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Indu I think the caves you are referring to are known as the caves of a Hundred Buddhas .Before the Americas got around the totally destroying this history much of it had been ravaged by a traveling American .

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How else could the essential USZION war machine be kept relevant and essential? And Healthcare is not usually needed for young men of fighting age. All else are a drain and the power and might of those Neocon Zionists who run the machine

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I already knew of the Red Terror in europe but I now know that I mistakenly thought the Lenin had not been a captive of the Zionists and that was why the Jews via a young woman had assassinated him and that Stalin was a tool of the Zionists until he resisted and then according to Stalin himself his Jewish doctors had killed him circe 1953. And that demonised Hitler always referred to Russia as the land of the Jewish communists. I sa y 'demonised' because I am a socialist and the National Socialists of the 3d Reich rounded up socialists as well as communists?

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Those instructions in the pockets are a riot indeed.

No worries, though - the intelligence level of the populace has been successfully stabilized at lower than low, so they'll swallow it just fine.

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They're still lining up for the jabs. Mindboggling!

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Chemical weapons! How about the fog that accompanies aerial bombardment with white phosphorus? Whether it's phosphorus pentoxide, any other oxide of phosphorus, or indeed finely divided white phosphorus is a moot point but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind whatsoever that this is HORRENDOUS chemical warfare and not only that but it's against the most vulnerable people that one can imagine. We're dealing with murderous organised Zionist monsters here who actually think they are superior in every way but in reality they are as backward as one can possible imagine. They must be uprooted, shown the error of their ways, and generally deNazified but done humanely please. We mustn't stoop to their vulgar basement knuckle-dragging level.

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Yep, much bigger "event" going on here than I think most can even imagine.

I think we are seeing one of the final chapters (or at least middle ones) of the Great Reset being brought into play - EARLY AS WELL; as they have now failed with the jabs, most mock them regards climate change (see how they have upped the anti, with direct energy strikes ???) and of course Ukraine - where they have failed badly.

I am not saying that Russia, China and Iran (plus others) are not part of the Globalist parasitical scum, but I am saying that these satanic nutters will bring down our Western nations sooner rather than later.

YEars back for info only... I read a report ... that stated that the scum had finished with the West, because they had "bled it dry" and now they are moving Eastwards ... !!!.

PS When did we start to have this term "The Global South" ?

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I can’t really speak to what’s going on jn terms of overall scope as that blueprint is still only schematic and will depend in part on a functioning general AI system that’s not yet built but agree there are powerful interests looking to gain more power and control. How that will be accomplished is an open ended question still evolving. This all seems far too clumsy an attempt at any larger goals you are referencing. I do think it’s a mistake to label them as directly for several reasons.. This looks more like a rinse and repeat of what Naomi Klein calls Shock Doctrine - making use of chaos and conflict to narrow and confine more and more general freedoms, rights and speech in an attempt to keep ratcheting down on these one bomb and click at a time until we’re acclimatized to a new type of digital serfdom.

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I am like everyone... have my views and share (after guessing)... we shall see.

Have a good night or whatever ...

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I get this


The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

Error messagePDOException: SQLSTATE[42000] [1226] User 'russ9747_ri' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 2) in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of /home/russ9747/public_html/includes/lock.inc).


Used to love Russia Insider and on every night; thought it had gone ?.

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There are two more carrier groups heading West from the USA. Destination is not known.

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That’s going to solve mass poverty and homelessness and crumbling roads and bridges in the U.S., right?

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Not exactly. They are well-positioned to be showcase "victims" and thus get the US into the hot war.

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Yes. Aircraft carriers are dangerously strong torpedo magnets.

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missiles. It'll be missiles.

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...and if ever sent on their way with anger they will be in a terrible burning hurry.

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They are being posiitioned to attack largely defenceless targets. And their weapons include nuclear bombs.

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Thank you for taking this reporting on day by day throughout this unbelievable genocide, Caitlin.

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Lying is hard to swallow, like a potato. Gaslighting slices the lies into snack-size pieces, like potato chips, to make them more palatable and before you know it you've eaten the whole "family-sized" bag.

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Good comment! I've tweeted (X-ed?) it.

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Bravo! Caitlin. You are a one woman revolution! We are one with you. We are with the Gazans, the Palestinian people in their hours of misery with Israeli bombs raining down on them; their poor, poor children bewildered, traumatised and lost. No gaslighting will make us believe Israeli and western empire propaganda. What are they taking us for - morons without a heart and mind?

How to convince US citizens who not only believe propaganda tracts from The Atlantic and takes the New York Times as their bible!

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I go on the WAPO to comment. The comments I see there are terrible!

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Way to point out The Atlantic's flip-flop on Colonization/De-Colonization. Their editorial position boils down to "Russia bad, Israel good," with no nuance in between. Their motto should be W. Bush's: "We don't do Nuance."

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Stop spamming the same shit whackjob & learn some social skills.

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Take your meds you copy-paste Manic Bipolar cunt suck

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"Anytime you find yourself involved with someone who continually works to change your perception of yourself in a negative way, you would be well-advised to dis-involve yourself from them as quickly as possible."

I can attest to this truth. Don't stay with your abuser and expect them to get "better." They probably don't want to get better and enjoy what they're doing to make you feel bad about yourself. It's the same with the nation of Israel. It doesn't want to get "better". It just wants to keep massacring Palestinians until they're all gone and Zionist settlers can have the land and Big Oil can have the oil drilling rights off the coast of Gaza. So they'll keep gaslighting us for as long as it takes, telling whatever big lies they can, and threatening us with cries of "antisemitic!" if we should question their methods. Stay strong, y'all. #FreePalestine

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"It just wants to keep massacring Palestinians until they're all gone and Zionist settlers can have the land and Big Oil can have the oil drilling rights off the coast of Gaza."

I am quite sure it won't stop there. The Yinon Plan will be up next and there's a whole planet to seize & enslave!

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Thanks for this report. It is good to have a sane voice amidst all the twisted stories and explanations I hear on the news and sometimes even in the comments under your articles.

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Caitlin, thank you for your courage, your honesty and for always going straight to the heart of the matter. The truths you tell may be uncomfortable for some, but are necessary for all to hear.

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I don't know, the people still regurgitating propaganda that it's inventors have now discarded seem more pathetic than deliberately malevolent. They're like the guy in the nightclub who is having a very slow painful time accepting that he's been ditched, and if wasn't sort of a stupid asshole you'd feel sorry for him

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You’re being kind

These are murderers!

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Not all U.S. citizens believe any of this bullshit. In fact, hundreds of thousands of them have been in the streets for days supporting the Palestinians. Your generalization paints a false picture, which can be considered a form of gaslighting in itself, trying to make people forget they've seen these protest marches.

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So sorry Carolyn, didn't mean to offend. My mistake - I should have added "a few US citizens I know". It is gratifying that so many thousands of you marched in solidarity. If any change is to happen it has to come from the US citizenry.

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The world is protesting too!

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I assumed she was directing her comment toward, Caitlin.

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Israelis and their supporters (well, at least the liberal supporters; the conservative ones just scream, “Faster, Israel! Kill! Kill!”) at this point want some way to support a cause they’ve always believed is right in the face of a mountain of evidence to the contrary, and also consider themselves to be good people afterwards. The things they scream are the things that they want to believe, that they have to believe lest they hate themselves every second of the day.

I feel for the Israeli soldiers who are about to commit unspeakable acts that will weigh on them for the rest of their lives. It’s their job; their sin is not being inquisitive enough to question authority and take a boat to Europe for a long Berlin vacation. The images they’ll see will torment them, and destroy their humanity.

For the pilots, drone operators, and officers giving those IDF grunts their orders to kill mercilessly there can be no sympathy. They can go into Gaza and face the impact of their actions firsthand but are leaving the horrible soul-crushing experience to some 19-year-old kid. I wish there would be a tribunal for their crimes, but I know no justice comes for the tools of the empire.

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All have free will

These perps, supporters complicit types

too are lost souls!

Americans too

Have you killed any sentient thing?

Even a bird.....?

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If we want to get into semantics I politely suggests the "apologists"are really desperadoes, clinging to the propaganda they are fed, too lazy to consider there are two sides to every story. They are caged birds who won't see their belief systems challenged. They like to deal in stereotypes. They are not concerned about what is true, just what is convenient and satisfies their desperate indifference.

Just a few minutes ago I saw a clip on You Tube where our totally FUBAR PM Justin Trudeau told his audience that the Hamas are unequivocally the terrorists. He received enthusiastic applause. There is real desperation, repression and fear in the air and people are more vulnerable to reassuring lies than ever.

It we want to talk about terrorism maybe we should the discuss the biggest of them all.

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Not a criticism of your comment but simply an observation. "...there are two sides to every story." There are THREE sides to every story.

Generally speaking there is your version, my version, & last but by no means least, the truth of the matter.

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One person's freedom fighter, is the others terrorist.

Some truths are more worthy than others based on the chain of evidence, which tyrants and despots are determined to suppress to serve their own purposes.

One measure for truth and virtue is to ask ourselves: What if this was a common practice in our societies, where would it lead, what are the consequences?

Truth is elusive and corruptible but we should never allow it to be slandered and obliterated as it is now.

The power elites are desperately trying to cover their criminality and bloodied hands

by destroying our social and individual consciousness.

Where there are those who claim to own the truth they are immediately suspect and must be challenged.

..... some random thoughts for your consideration....

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

The truth is unknowable. What we believe is truth is our perceptions, and people we respect agreeing with our perceptions. That is, "it's all belief", and always will be. To know something, one must be one with it; in contrast, every human being is limited and imperfect about external reality.

Hence in politics, we can have similarly large groups of sane, intelligent people, yet with radically opposed interpretations of reality and values. Exhibit A are those of the current apologists for Israel who are sincere, as opposed to us. No, we're not "the realists", vs "the deluded"; we just believe we are. That's not a criticism of us, it's just a description.

If we can recognize this, maybe we can recover the humility necessary to successfully conduct ourselves again. The path forward needs to include interactive dialog, where each claim can in turn be tested by an opponent. This is now missing in nearly all MSM, especially when/where they have abolished comments.

And comments are only an unstructured version; we have yet to come up with good structures, ones that aim to "map" reality -- say, by "vote", the congruence in multiple human interpretations of it. Meanwhile, the word "knowledge" and its variants should, eventually, become obsolete; words that are human-centered (e.g. "belief") needs to take its place.

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Trudeau himself is perfect example of the gaslighting. In a supposed democracy of several million people, the prime minster is….the son of a prime minister.

Once he was presented as a candidate it was obvious to me their democracy was a sham.

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Yes i think the Empire has bitten off more than it can chew. It's lost in Ukraine. Putin won. The Israelis will struggle with a ground invasion and will suffer heavy losses. They cannot afford a prolonged siege as public opinion is already against them, hence the crazy desperation. The illegal bases in Syria and Iraq are being attacked by Yemen and Eritrea to stretch the USrael forces. I don't think they can win the physical 'war' either.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

I would say thst too many of the apologists are basically sociopaths.

They're lying, they know that they're lying, but the rewards are better for lying and there are consequences for telling the truth, so they lie.

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I think the sociopathy resides mostly with the power elites as they are making very bad decisions contemptuous of the social good and with no regard consequences. The apologists are mainly the "groupies" of the power elites parroting reassuring lies rather than addressing the inconvenient truths that are manifest.

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Perhaps. I see the apologists as being like smirking Renaissance courtiers, same glib rationalizations but no colorful costumes.

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This is standard procedure for The Atlantic - All lies all the time...

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Excellent, excellent, excellent work. Thank you Caitlin.

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Blimey - this spangle character on here is a piece of work. It's like he has gone to ChatGP and prompted it with "write 10,000 random words about race relations from a vaguely white supremacist viewpoint, with real life persons given comical names, include no facts, and make it unintelligible".

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The most Zionist person I know was quick to tell me that he had previously "thought I was a good person" back when I spoke out about Ukraine last year, and basically called me a Holocaust denier. It's the same emotional playbook no matter what the issue

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They are not cliche. The are real. But they are mis used by imperialist and colonialists as attempted cover to do as they please.

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They have abused the term antisemite so much that no one takes it seriously any more. They may do the same with the Holocaust, the way they refuse to accept that there the nazis targeted groups other than the Jews (eg. Russians)

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Lots of people take it seriously. But by now everyone knows who the fakers are that try to use it as a smear.

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If one is pro-Palestinian one is anti-Semite. How so? Because the Jews said so.

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