One of your best, sister.

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I would love to record a reading of one of your articles one day Caitlin. It would be a privilege to put my voice to yours.

As for this article, no lies detected as usual. I feel it too; like a slow tidal wave, but faster than a virus, consciousness is spreading and bringing light to all the bad and good - but that can only be good.

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You are way more hopeful than I, Caitlin. I think it is false hope, as the common man is as corruptible as our leaders. Bullying is still prized and utilized in all aspects of our lives by personality disordered people in social media and elsewhere using identity politics as the rationalization. Some people who are abused sometimes can hardly wait for their turn at abusing. What could emerge is a new boss, the same as the old boss, who only shifted the attention to some other place. Remember, people put Trump into the Presidency and he is still claiming he is president.

The Palestinian issue is 73 years old. V. Redgrave was fighting for this in the 60s. Arafat's wife was Christian. No one GAF. It was all about the Israeli narrative and that everything was anti-Semitic. and Nazi.

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The normal course of collective human evolution on any planet means progress of our consciousness. There are periods when this happens in a rather steady way and there are in our corner of the universe phases every 24,000 years when the overall constellation provides an extra boost. From that perspective we are currently living through a period of turmoil, the late transition period ending 2029 into the age of Aquarius. It is characterized by a fading appreciation of old authorities and dogmas, disruptive change. When claiming that such galactical energies have some significant impact, I am not promoting the silly way people refer to astrology and horoscopes. Latter is just childish.

However, we need to mention the spoiler part. At least two factors are at a global Earth level negatively influencing the desirable jumps in progress of consciousness: a) the enormous, unhealthy pressure which our incessantly growing mass of human beings, at overpopulation level, is putting on the environment and onto each other, b) the stupefying effect that religions and sects are for the time being still retaining by severely hindering our growth as humane beings.

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Cults abound. One would have to assume the common man is not corruptible, but this is just not true. I have been a front line activist for most of my life and been subject to unthinkable abuse by those who claim to be fighting for the same cause.

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OTOH. Standing at the Lihue airport trying to get a non-existing taxi home, I find myself confronted with the fact that there are still a lot of baby machines who know nothing of child care. LOL

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I appreciate the sci-fi aspects of this column. Reminds me of “Childhood’s End”. Of course, first we have to go through the “Door into Summer “

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Caitlin I follow your work, and I like it, but I guess this 'one' is a bit of wishful thinking, I hope too that the new generations doesn't dress an uniform any time again to wage the war of the 'dogs of war', but I've seen the response to this manufactured pandemic, and they've told us to stay home and let the virus take you without doing nothing, pushing the narrative to the vaccine, and people acted like sheep and done what they've told them, Doctors who've professed a prophylactic treatment were suppressed, warehouses with cloroquin were burned by mercenaries, ivermectin is a forbidden word in social media, and pharmacies wont sell it despite doesn't need a prescription, people are policing each other because of masks. So I guess there's a lot a people seeing things better, but there's no room to change things, one of the symptoms is that CIA docs in youtube arent even censured anymore, cause they dont care, people wont move to change things, they see things but they wont change.

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I completely disagree with you.

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Slavery worldwide is the highest numbers than in any time in history, and growing, thanks to the Internet. No one cares. Internet has created a huge porn market and culture. Very profitable. The 3 major economies in the world in their order of dominance. 1. ARMS 2. DRUGS 3. SEX


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Having "grown up" (still working on that) in the '60s, I've seen a version of this expanding heart centered consciousness before, and we did not carry it through to fruition. We allowed the powers that be to steal our wind and distract us from the core intentions of loving self/other/all.

So a word of caution to be aware of how the powers of perversion are apt to use their upgraded skills and tools of division and disempowerment this time around. AI powered surveillance, psyops and subversion are nothing to sneeze at. Direct resistance will only strengthen their response, while focusing on maintaining the higher vibration ground will allow them to either sink to their lowest vibe denominator, or maybe, just perhaps choose to join the higher vibe. Strengthen your true hearted connections to self and source, and allow the collective choices to be made. Love to all!

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It is already too late; Prof Montagnier said that the vaccinated will be dead within two years.

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Thanks for your positive optimistic words Caitlin. I've also written something I hope brings more awareness and consciousness of what is actually going on @ treebearblog.wordpress.com

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Great article Caitlin, always incredibly prescient with your analysis. This put words to amorphous thoughts i've been having on similar topics for a while. Having read your piece now and understanding my own thoughts more because of it, I feel that one of the things capitalism, and specifically constant competition and 'progress', does is prevent collective human agency from forming... it prevents us from discussing what level of productivity we are happy with, what level of environmental harm we are comfortable with... to ask ourselves, 'hey, if the economist Keynes in 1930 thought we'd be working 15 hours per week in a generation or two because of technological advances, why are we working more and more in 2021?'

I think social media, as you note, is allowing us to have these discussions in reaction to little stories, histories and tidbits across the globe... to exert some collective agency at a meme that tells you the above fact or something like it, we can all gasp or sigh together at the insanity of it, and while we can't materially change it yet, we collectively recognise that it's bullshit and that if we had power we could change it

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True indeed. We've had four previous ages to this culture, Neolithic, Agrarian, Medieval and now the crumpling fourth age, Industrial. Each new age enabled by new technology. The InterWeb, in spite of its initiation for military purposes, enables our new consciousness, which I call World 5.0. Just wait until the totality of Now, which requires that we are all Here together - Always, busts through the noisefloor and into public consciousness!

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