Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Oh, you'd be amazed at the people who still repeat the long-ago debunked narratives as if they were gospel.

Just like I continually meet humans who insist that Iraq was chock-full of WMDs in 2003 and that Saddam's chief scientist (the obviously fake "Curveball") had defected.

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One day I'm waiting for someone at the library and they're late, so I drop in on a class about how presidents try to get it right and be open and aboveboard. I asked what about Bush and the lie of Iraq, not that there aren't others, and a whole circle of old people descended on me in one loud voice "There were weapons of mass destruction and they got them out before we could find them." They said this even though by then it was well known Bush/Cheney lied. Not stupid, and well educated, but they needed to believe in their country and lend it their loyalty no matter the lies and all the deaths and destruction. Why?

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Apr 12·edited Apr 13

I've heard that one before as well, sometimes "the WMD all went to Syria or Iran" in spite of the fact that not only did these WMDs disappear without a trace, Saddam's government were mortal enemies with the governments of Syria and Iran.

Anything to have to avoid facing an unpleasant truth. The term is "cognitive dissonance" and it is well documented.

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To be honest I was shocked since these people were educated, into things historical and political and by then it was pretty well known it was a lie of a war and people were onto Cheney and his Black sites and guantanamo bay. I never really understood why Americans needed to lie about who and what we are since I never really had a sense of allegiance to a country, but to people in the country.

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Because humans are first and foremost herd animals to a degree that puts sheep and dogs to shame.

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Whereas cats think for themselves 😁

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Of course we do.

""ROUSSEAU. 'Do you like cats?'


ROUSSEAU. 'I was sure of that. It is my test of character. There you have the despotic instinct of men. They do not like cats because the cat is free and will never consent to become a slave. He will do nothing to your order, as the other animals do.'

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

Well said, Fran

"Allegiance to the people", Fran, is a good philosophy. Allegiance to the country means accepting all the decisions such as we are seeing every day...genocide assistance, funding of a foreign criminal country, support for ongoing wars, the practice of allowing the likes of BlackRock to become so controlling, military contractors and their profits, non-stop hegemony as a way of life and what all those things mean . Then to top it off, the corrupt politicians sitting at about 86% and rising, all now controlled by a despised state of 9 million foreigners in another country.

The most disrespected country in history, beating Hitler's Third Reich hands down.

In the many many trips I have made over my career to the USA, I just loved most of the people. That is why I find it so difficult to reconcile the outpourings and actions by the feeble-minded sham in the White House, an Israeli puppet controlled by Zionists, as well as the arrogant Republican called Trump, neither of whom are even close to what I have known the people in the USA to be.

Therefore, more power to the people.

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I think a lot of people in the US are against this genocide, especially if they are fully aware of what is going on and I think many are. It is only human not to want to see, or hear, or know that blameless others are being slaughtered, which makes it even more of an abomination. Interesting that Germany while backing Israel, no doubt due to past guilt, are nonetheless supporting a genocide. The choice for them is obvious, you don't support the killing of innocent men, women and children, a genocide, as you did in your own past. More power to the people, good idea, but it's not the case, not hear. If anything the government and that military industrial complex has more control then ever. Right now we're a mess,

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Hi Fran

“Education” don’t mean nuthin about nuthin. Some of the most highly “educated” people I know are still blatting DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ ON THE INTERNET!

Nuthin beats good common horse sense, which calls it like it is. BTW, my IQ is 134 and I didn’t attend college for a single day. The test was administered to me by a graduate student in psychology.

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I was surprised since y for the most part they were college educated, older, wiser, yeah, now I know better. A cousin who works as an administrator in a hospital, er husband a doctor, tells me that all the Iraqis that died were Saddam's fault because he didn't protect them. I said he was locked up and his military couldn't compare to ours, and she just didn't buy that. She stuck to her crazy story. She became a real pain in the ass..

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Feral.... I would suggest the term 'cognitive disequilibrium' might also be fitting...

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Explain, please.

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I'll try. Equilibrium is a state of being in balance in whatever environment it exists. From my perspective, to be well balanced living in a sick society you also need to become sick... and so 'cognitive dissonance' fits that profile well... I just added a little disequilibrium to your phrase, nothing more.

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Very astute observation, John!

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I wish I knew. I ask that a lot. The closest I have come to understanding, from reading and talking to people. is that they have a need to cling to their opinions as it they were some kind of liferaft in storm-struck sea, rather than move into safety of the ship of truth., because somehow they identify with their opinons, however determined, and not with basing their opinons on the facts. But even as I write this, it makes no sense to me.

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Maybe I found it easier because even as a kid I always stuck up for the the Indians, never the cowboys. It was there land.

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lies... lies.... and more lies.... All other species can't talk, therefore cannot tell a lie... it takes a human to activate that quality.....

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What's lie, lie, lie?

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Fran... Didn't you write about Scott Ritter as a liar in your post above? What is it that you don't understand about what I wrote in my post in response to your post ? Actually what I could also have written is that we are all liars at times... that's the nature of the beast...

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No I certainly did not, and have no idea where you would come to that conclusion. He was right on before the war in Iraq and said their were no weapons of mass destruction and that was no more then propaganda.

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ok.. got it! It's only that you wrote:: "He was lying! Scott Ritter".... I should have paid more attention to the punctuation... My bad!

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In July 2004 Tony Blair said, according to Al Jazeera that “We know Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction but we know we haven’t found them,” Blair told a committee of senior parliamentarians on Tuesday. “I have to accept we have not found them, that we may not find them.”

A brass neck!

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He was lying! Scott Ritter a UN weapons inspector in 1997-1998 was making the rounds, talking to audiences and I heard him speak. He said there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and it was no more then the lie they were using to implement a war with Iraq, and said they were simply passing on disinformation to start a war. .

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No one, but no one is more knowledgeable than Scotty on this subject!

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I know I listen to him all the time.

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Fran, would he not make a fine president for us!

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Tony Blair was lying.

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Yes I know. Perhaps my post was less clear than I intended.

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For that matter, there's still people who are convinced that QAnon is real, any day now, everything will happen. QAnon is basically a rehash of the old NESARA conspiracy theory, and there still are a few NESARA diehards out there.

Speaking of QAnon, let's talk about "QAnon for liberals". Plenty of people of influence and authority express loyalty to the crackpot russiagate conspiracy theory, at least in public. This, even though if the Russian government really had the superpowers claimed, every advertiser in the land would be flocking to Moscow and begging them to run their next ad campaign. Anything else would be like bringing a knife to a gunfight.

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When I found myself in the USA in 1981 I could not understand why everyone was talking about Russia.

In Europe we did not talk about them but there was a faint/gurgling/dishwater stuff coming from the Conservatives in the UK. I really did not take notice I was trying to build a life as a single parent family with 2 kids.

Russia was the EVIL empire. I took notice and read new US History. It did not take me long to find McCarthy and the fear he instigated in the US people.

For what reason? Other than to make the US look 'pretty' compared to the USSR

It's STILL going on with China as well...............do people look at the world and figure out we all have our differences?

NO. The US was determined to make 'democracy' the saviour of the world!

I am happy to see so-called democracy (ruled by money) AIPAC die.

When Hilary Clinton came on the scene I was truly shocked by her lies and innuendo.

I am a woman and I thought GREAT lets have a woman in power (BUT I had been through the Margaret Thatcher years) and realised women had to be 'like' men in order to be noticed.

NOTHING Hilary Clinton said felt like the truth. No different from MT

Now it seems (in their unbowed idiocy) the DNC are thinking of replacing Biden with this same nutcase!

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Yes I went through the same bs about Russia or rather the old USSR in 1984, in particular. Everything Russian was considered bad. And it’s still going on now, especially since the SMO in 2022(February 24) in Ukraine. At the university I graduated from there was a joke about the food in the cafeteria not being so good and a lot of the students used the acronym SAGA(what the cafeteria was named) for “Soviet Attempt to Gag America”meaning the food wasn’t all that great. Now, Russia is no where near what it was back then, in fact it has beautiful places in its big cities such as Moscow and the rail system is wonderful and so clean I’ve heard plenty of people I follow say. Compared to the nastiest areas in our large cities in the USA, it’s a “no brainer”. I still hear some family and friends spout negative things about Russia and they ‘re just so misinformed with all the propaganda of lies. It’s so ridiculous.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

McCarthy. Well that was something. What he was investigating in those days, which when compared to the "I love Israel" environment that has been allowed to develop and flourish in the USA government today, was the equivalent of a 5 year old child stealing a pencil in kindergarten.

Communism compared to Zionisim? Chalk and cheese. But if you were around then and I am sure you weren't, Jenny, it was the most frightening criminal action imaginable. Purges, press coverage was front page stuff and many an acting career came to an abrupt end as a result. Yes, the concentration was on well known celebrities and it occupied more media headlines than anything since, even a hegemonic war per courtesy of some sick (and lying) US President like Bush.

Un-American activities? The country is full of therm like never before as the AIPAC-ers rule the roost, with 86% of all politicians towing the line, voting in all matters Israeli-oriented as if their lived depended on it. (Their salaries certainly do)

Come on,Joe (McCarthy, that is). Emerge from the past. We have enough REAL un-American activities to burn in 2024. You'll never get a minute's sleep.

Israel support. Now that is real Un-American activity, and then some.

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Well said Jenny! I question whether the likes of Killary and Cookies Nuland are actually women; they appear to have unusually high amounts of testosterone.

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Missed you Gypsy. Hope all is well?

I do too but we women lived in a 'man's world' for so long and having the right to be good enough was bound to have some raw edges.

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Awww Jenny…thanks so much! I missed you too but have had a VERY busy spring here on Black Crow Farm. Also helping an older neighbor whip his orchard into shape.

I’m just now catching up on Caitlin’s columns. Hope to become a regular again soon! Goddess bless you Jenny and Feral.

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Sounds good, you are out in the Springtime.

I bet the orchard will bear lots of delicious fruit.

Be safe.

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Just on the off chance that anyone might need a little hope today https://twitter.com/McgillSphr/status/1778545086491439420

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Just thinking about it being stupid to support the Israeli atrocities and really, that is giving people an out. Stupidity is not a valid excuse. Some people are developmentally delayed or have other issues figuring things out, but even then, people know when something is wrong. It is not stupidity. It is concern only with the self and what can be gained for the self that keeps those people going. They have to block a lot of stuff out to validate their own sense of well being. This is one definition of stupid that I found: "marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless

a stupid decision. " Stupid gives those people an excuse for their behaviour. It is a choice.

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It's not a matter of intelligence. Humans are very good at rationalization, and smarter humans tend to be better at it, being better at symbol manipulation.

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yes. and they can claim stupidity or lack of knowledge if challenged

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Mostly, I hear them just double down or try to change the subject, attack the messenger, that sort of thing.

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I still have facebook contacts who maintain that the statistics form anyone bar the Israelis are all lies - it's patheic

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Re: WMDs. They are still insisting that? That's dedication.

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Oh yeah, there still are diehards out there that not only insist that those WMDs will be found, somewhere, some day, there are those who claim to be certain that those WMDs already have been found, but the liberal media, see....

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That is almost funny, except that Saddam Hussein (who may or may not have been the perfect leader) was murdered based on a lie and Iraq was destroyed culturally and in every other way. The radiation released by the depleted uranium weapons is still there. Radiation, contrary to some beliefs that it lasts a while and is gone, lasts for at least hundreds of years and people will continue to have higher rates of cancer. Children died in Iraq too from lack of antibiotics and other medication. Iraq was another "mistake" made by the US in their fervour to bring "democracy" to the world. Oh well, at least they got access to the oil they were after.

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Yup, and Madeline Albright croaked that the price was worth it.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

What a piece of crap she was and she did it in one sentence. It was worth it..

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I guess they can say that about Ukraine now.

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Did you ever see the video clip of Wesley Clark telling how he came to learn that before we went into Afghanistan we had seven other countries on our hit list, and Iraq was number one.?


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Susan T, the main reasons for the Iraq War(s) was NOT about the oil, NOT about WMD (obviously), NOT about democracy or freedom, and NOT about the Israel Lobbies either.

The more credible reason is: geopolitics and US global supremacy and US dollar hegemony. Here are 2 articles that go into more depth about explaining the reason behind US's drive for Imperialism vis-a-vis Iraq:

(1) https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2019/3/20/why-did-bush-go-to-war-in-iraq/

(2) https://newrepublic.com/article/156325/end-forever-war-end-dollars-global-dominance

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The real crimes of Saddam were probably much more relayed to Money issues than WMDs.

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Learn the history of the Zionist movement over the last 150 years. Understand that the Jews moving into Palestine in the early years got along relatively OK. It all went to hell for Palestinians in World War One when the British defeated the Ottoman Empire. The British came into Palestine and ravaged it. It has gone downhill for Palestinians since then. I’ve read several books on the subject and the one I’m currently reading is “ISLAM and the PROBLEM of ISRAEL”. Copyright 1980. You quickly get to understand that the shit we’re being fed by the corporate media has little bearing on reality.

Where do we go from here? I think the only reasonable course of action for the US is to cut off ALL funding for Israel. We certainly owe Palestinians some support for what we’ve done to them. The Zionist experiment has existed in a lie for the last 75 years and now needs to sink or swim on its own.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Except the U.S. is riddled with Israeli-loyal fifth columnists and double agents. They even vetted Biden administration’s cabinet appointments.

Stuart Seldowitz took the mask off after leaving, but he’s not alone. Far from it.

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We The People still have control of our country if it’s true that we live in a democracy. We certainly understand that our government is full of evil, corrupt people many of whom are not voted in to their positions such as lobbyists.

Are there enough people that believe in finding truth rather than absorbing propaganda?

Are there enough people that have empathy for others?

Are we capable of taking charge of our government when we find it has been perpetrating evil on our fellow inhabitants of this planet? This is not an easily achievable objective, but it is absolutely essential if we want to maintain the US as an example for the rest of the world.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

You DONT live in a democracy. The fat lady sang a looooong time ago:



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"You DONT live in a democracy." I think we do live in a democracy, that's the bad news., the good news is that we get to choose our masters.

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The US as an example for the rest of the world? I am afraid that has stopped being the case for a while, starting with Vietnam. The US is an example of what the rest of the world should avoid: allowing AIPAC to have so much control, allowing Christian evangelism to have so much influence, allowing racism to exist to such a huge extent, allowing poverty so that people live on the streets or wherever they can find, not providing health care to everyone and allowing billionaires to exist as if they are actually good people just for being rich.

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The U.S. was never an example for the rest of the world, that’s just another myth your masters propagandised you into believing.

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You are dreaming ! Who said "you live in a democracy " ? Do you think your "presidents " are elected ? Do you think Biden, (as Trump has said : he can not walk , he can not speak , he can not think ) that old fart, was elected by people

? Ha ha !

Here , for the beginning. More will come later. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBIllJ-oKc0&t=283s

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Really? right now it is AIPAC money in control l

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YOU do not have control of your Government. You are ruled by money and who has the money? AIPAC

You are but serfs of Israel.

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Jenny, Amen to that ...... in spades, as well as every card in that deck.

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I understand your sentiment and how you feel.

But that ship has sailed, if it was ever docked to begin with.

I gently suggest that you may begin to realize that it has all been a lie.

We have never been in control of "our" country.

The experiment is over, the masks are off.

This is warfare, plain and simple.

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What exactly happened it made the Israelis react like they are reacting?

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PTSD from the trauma of German genocide

+ the sychosis of Zionist supremacy.

= Zionist genocide

With the Germans providing weapons no less.

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they have always acted like this

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Make no mistake, Israel is a District of Columbia project - in fact the most important one. DC will starve Americans to feed Israel (already a reality). Prior to 10/7 this was hard to see, but since then it has become crystal clear - The Hill is loyal to Israel first. Americans are just the atm machine.

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Well, by now it will sink.. also, read Pappe’s The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.

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Scott Ritter, Sympathy for the Devil, Part Two , The Amalek Effect [Work hard for the God of Love. Seek Guidance.]

On November 3, 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu penned a letter to Israeli officers and troops serving in Gaza. “The basis of the existence of the thousand-year-old nation of Israel is the constant struggle for our lives and freedom,” Netanyahu wrote. “The current fight against the ‘Hamas’ murderers is another chapter in the story,” he added, extoling the soldiers to ‘Remember what Amalek did to you,’” before concluding that “This is a war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness.”

Netanyahu’s words, which were clear instructions that were picked up and acted upon by the soldiers he addressed, introduced a sense of moral righteousness to the Israeli cause, appealing to religion and tradition to attack those who might otherwise question the legitimacy of their actions.

The Palestinian people were reduced to nothing more than the “seed of Amalek,” to quote Israeli soldiers inflamed by Netanyahu’s exhortations to violence. And Israeli retribution will be, literally, biblical in nature, a conflict of the bible, justified by the Bible, and as such righteous in the eyes of God.

Shortly after the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, the Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, has likened the modern-day “seed of Amalek” (the citizens of Gaza) to animals. “[Israel is] imposing a complete siege on Gaza,” Gallant said. “No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.”

Gallant’s words were echoed by Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian, the Israeli Army Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). “Human animals,” he said, “are dealt with accordingly. Israel has imposed a total blockade on Gaza, no electricity, no water, just damage. You wanted hell, you will get hell.”

Starvation became another weapon to be wielded against the civilians of Gaza by the Israelis in their biblical quest to impose genocidal “justice” on those they deemed the “seed of Amalek.”

On February 28, 2024, Carl Skau, the deputy executive director of the World Food Program, informed the United Nations Security Council that more than 500,000 people were at risk of starvation in Gaza.

The next day, February 29, a food convoy that had been organized by Palestinian businessmen, and coordinated with COGAT, arrived in northern Gaza. As crowds of starving Gazans gathered around the trucks, the IDF opened fire on them, precipitating a stampede as desperate survivors tried to escape. At least 118 people were killed and 760 injured in what has become known as “the flour massacre.”

A destroyed World Central Kitchen vehicle in Gaza.

To help combat the scourge of starvation, celebrity chef Jose Andres dispatched members of his non-governmental organization, World Central Kitchen (WCK) to Gaza, where they established two main kitchens—one in the southern city of Rafah and another in the central town of Deir al-Balah, which served more than 170,000 hot meals daily to Palestinians. Up until April 1, 2024, WCK had provided over 43 million meals to the starving citizens of Gaza.

“Human animals,” however, cannot be allowed to eat.

Prior to April 1, the IDF had killed more than 200 aid workers in Gaza. Most of these workers, however, were Palestinian, and their deaths were soon forgotten, just another statistic in a conflict that had killed more than 33,000 Gazan civilians since it began.

On April 1, 2024, a three-vehicle WCK convoy departed the Gazan town of Deir al-Balah, having dropped off food supplies that had just arrived from Cyprus. Riding in the vehicles were an Australian, Zomi Frankcom, a Pole, Damian Soból, a dual US-Canadian, Jacob Flickenger, a Palestinian, Saif Issam Abu Taha, and three British citizens, John Chapman, James Henderson, and James Kirby. The convoy was driving along a route that had been cleared by the IDF.

But “human animals” cannot be allowed to eat.

Shortly after departing the Deir al-Balah warehouse, the convoy was tracked by an armed Israeli drone, which proceeded to fire a missile into the lead WCK vehicle. Survivors from that vehicle evacuated to a second WCK vehicle, which then, together with the third vehicle, fled the scene, only to be struck by a missile fired from the Israeli drone. Once again, survivors were loaded into the last WCK vehicle, which was in turn struck and destroyed by a third missile fired by the Israeli drone.

All seven WCK employees were killed.

One of the immediate consequences of the attack was that ships carrying aid to Gaza, including food, turned around, their respective organizations having concluded that the security situation in Gaza was too dangerous for continued operations.

The Israelis investigated the attack and concluded that the drone operators had not been told by their command about the WCK convoy due to “internal failures that led to critical information regarding the humanitarian’s operation to not go properly down through the chain of command.”

The Israelis contend that they had assessed that the convoy contained one or more armed Hamas operatives.

As a result of the investigation, the Israelis fired a major and a colonel in reserve who were responsible for coordinating the drone strike. Three other IDF officials were formally reprimanded: the commanders of the brigade and division involved, and the commander of the Southern Command, who, according to the Israelis, bore “overall responsibility” for an operation which the Israelis claim was carried out in “serious violation of the commands and IDF Standard Operating Procedures.”

This is the same Israeli command which allowed Hind Rajab and her family to be murdered and used Hind as bait to lure in two Palestinian paramedics so they, too, could be killed.

Because the “seed of Amalek” must be destroyed.

The same Israeli command that has given Israeli snipers the green light to kill a mother who was trying to cross the street, hand in hand with her young son, waving a white flag.

Because the “seed of Amalek” must be destroyed.

The same Israeli command behind the genocidal policies which have left more than 33,000 Palestinian civilians dead, including more than 15,000 children.

Because the “seed of Amalek” must be destroyed.

The attack on the WCK convoy was no accident.

The IDF knew who they were, and what they were doing, when the order to fire the missiles was given to the Israeli drone crew.

“Human animals” cannot be allowed to eat.

Because the “seed of Amalek” must be destroyed.

"Amalek", however, is not the word of God.

"Amalek" is the product of a man—and people—who walked away from the God of Abraham, people who followed the corrupted priest, Eli, to Shiloh, and in doing so destroyed the integrity of Moses’ Tabernacle.

"Amalek" is the byproduct of Eli’s deal with the devil, which spawned Samual, a false prophet, who encouraged Saul, a false king, to commit murder.


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Request to publish this as a stack. This genocide is only about the “seed of Amalek”. Its obvious the Israelis don’t even see there is a world beyond their manufactured world. At some level I can understand those within that echo chamber. But what’s baffling are the those outside that chamber, i.e. those among us - their blind defense of genocide is simply stunning. We thought they were humans like us, but every day they keep showing us they are not.

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I just excerpted Ritter to open my blog post yesterday: "Choose Love" https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/choose-love

I am just trying to engage people in consciousness and compassionate action.

Use what you want, Dr. Who.

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Yes I read this....

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I rarely watch Democracy Now (ever since they abandoned real journalism, e.g., Aaron Maté). But their recent interview with two volunteer surgeons showing graphic images of children's faces impregnated with soil particles injected into their facial skin by bomb blasts — and one doc's description of a quadruple-amputee child — should be de rigueur for all US/UK/German/etc. nincompoops who might still get this wrong. I'll be dead, but I'm grateful that a history based on Caitlin Johnstone's columns will survive.

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Excellent interview:


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Yes. That's the one I watched. Thanks for the link. Everyone should watch and increase the depth of their understanding of just how cruel and inhumane is this assault on innocents --

US-manufactured (MIC-profited) ultrapowerful explosives pitted against the flesh of toddlers. Lunacy!

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what do you mean by eg aaron mate?

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Aaron was once a frequent contributor to Democracy Now and a favorite go-to of Amy Goodman's. As Aaron's views moved away from hers (closer to the Democratic party's, than his, certainly), the relationship dissolved to the point where, despite his vanguard journalism on issues like Syria, he's never been invited to appear on the show again. Sorry, don't remember the dates, probably pre-pandemic the last time he was on.

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Would you say that anyone that is on the wrong side of this Gaza Genocide (aka supporting Israel) is genuinely stupid? If so, would you consider 98% of the Israeli population stupid?

I’m just having a hard time grasping how an entire nation can be brainwashed (including extremely “smart” people) into justifying such atrocities.

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Israel from its inception has taught Apartheid in its schools. It’s not surprising that today’s adults believe what they have been taught.

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Many are in denial. Like a child who worshipped his father, finding out the father was a serial killer the entire time. Trying to comprehend the father he worshipped never actually existed. It's hard for some. But there's also the fact that Israeli's are born into a cult and brainwashed by that cult and we have all seen how difficult it is to get cult members to see the reality that they are even in a cult, let alone how depraved that cult is.

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Depends on what you call "stupid". Is it "stupid" to belong to a Fascist, Racist Cult?

Or is it "stupid" to not recognize that cult and destroy it like Russia is doing to the Nazis in Ukraine.

Or is it "stupid" to not recognize that your government is what makes both of these Nazi Regimes possible and therefore your own government is infiltrated and run by Nazis.

Is it "stupid" to not recognize that Nazi and Zionist are the same thing?

Is it "stupid" to not know that it is the Plutocracy (and the pimpocracy) that enables these Nazis?

Is it "stupid" to not take action against these people who obviously have no problem stealing your wealth and turning you into a (wage) slave?


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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Nope. They’re surely not stupid.. the average IQ in Israel is just under 100, but there is a concentration of very clever people, possibly a result of breeding for intelligence in ancient times - and selecting their smartest people for rabbinical roles which enabled preferential mating - this was the informal conclusion of a Cold Spring Habor meeting on genes and intelligence years ago. It entails speculation to a degree.

What we see of Israel today is deliberate dishonest unprincipled behaviour, as far as I can tell. They’ve gotten away with murder for decades. Literally, thanks to hulking big brother. It’s contributed to their ruination.

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As I read about and observe the actions of people, I don't think intelligence equates to honesty and being logical. I have always thought it to be a mistake to regard our enemies as stupid. They often are not stupid, but they are sometimes greedy, heartless, murderous, immoral and mixed up people. If we really want to resist them, we need to see what they actually are.

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What do you call 2-3000 unprovoked missiles primarily supplied by Iran…BLESSING FROM HEAVEN?

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lol "unprovoked". i call you a propagandist.

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I think they’re completely unrelated. Any comparison has to be controlled for the ability of clever psychopaths to evade detection.

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I would say they are a people committed to believing their own B.S. living off US tax dollars, racist as f#ck

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I think many Jews don’t believe a word of it and are completely aware of Israeli perfidy. I’ve heard them. They’ve surely bled the US dry, at the expense of our poor. Very racist in my experience too. Why blacks vote for them is beyond me.

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AIPAC is the answer. Almost every us elected in both parties takes their racist money…@POTUS took a boatload.

Want to know about your people, google AIPAC recipients….and look.

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"Bled the US dry." This means the US had so nsay in the matter. It's called scapegoating. The US is complicit.

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Jenny that is true, all other things being equal. But they’re not. Watch Nutjobahoo’s address to Congress for a redefinition of lickspittle.

I’m not going to get into Jew-counting. But let me say it was fine for Jews to do when I was a boy. Then it was to highlight the dearth of Jews at certain country clubs.

And maybe you can tell me how Israel’s per cap foreign reserves came to be greater than those of China, France, Germany, Canada , and the US. And are greater per cap than Croesus-rich Norway.

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I really do not understand what you are saying here.

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Throughout history a lot of very smart people have done very, very bad things. And never underestimate the power of propaganda, propaganda from birth in the case of Israelis.

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.....and the USA

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

For example, the smart person who invented Pokemon --- bad bad bad.

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Brainwashing is brainwashing....if you are informed from birth that you are the 'chosen' then how do you get over that?

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" Brainwashing is brainwashing "... yes, but that's assuming a brain is present, which is not always the case.

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you read. You observe. You change

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"you read. You observe. You change". ..... a very rare occurrence.

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maybe rare, but the fact that it happens sometimes is hopeful. watch Israelism on kinema.com (free). If those people can change and inspire others to think about changing, that's progress

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Susan, I've had all I can take about Gods... If watching stuff on Christianity is your bag, then that is what freedom is all about... but preaching it is not my bag for 'inspiration'.

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It seems to me that the US cannot change.

You are tied to an old constitution that means nothing in the new world.

Israel is a 'rogue/terrorist' country owned by money tied to the USA

HOW are you going to change?

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I was thinking about those who have been brainwashed to think they are "chosen". There is no one way to change. You suffer. You think. You communicate. And maybe you can change. Many do not though that is for sure.

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I really don't know Susan.

I have spent my life being ME and had some difficult times.

NEVER take things in without complete trust is my motto.

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Please check out Chris Hedges interview with Miko Peled whose father was a general in the Israeli army (The Chris Hedges Report, substack.com) After reading it, I understood the profound importance of alternative news sources with high integrity journalists).

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Max Igan just said in a video ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/abG3txJUIGKK/ ), that 75 percent of the ISraeli population want Netanyahu to go because the military does not do enough to kill all Palestinians off.

This is not an "US murder machine", this is an ISraeli mass murder/genocide machine, and they are just at the beginning: GREATER ISRAEL!

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WHO supplies the weapons and money to Israel?

IF Israel becomes a bigger country because of the demise of Palestinians are you just going to blame Israel.

The USA is owned by Israel.....called money!

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D'accord. But "US murder machine" is still the wrong term.

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I recommend a book called “Thou Shalt Not Be Aware,” by Alice Miller. In it, as in all her books, she explains how people who are perfectly rational in other matters become downright delusional when it comes to the reality of what happened in their childhood. She’s writing of child abuse, and it seems unlikely that every single Israeli is growing up abused or neglected, the conditions of trauma which, if unresolved, make one susceptible to abusing and being violent toward others. That said, it’s clear that Israelis are subject to a socialization that creates a severe siege mentality that, coupled with ubiquitous racism and religious justification, makes vicious hatred of the “other” inevitable. Along with the more than typical amount of child abuse that can be expected from people this dissociated from reality, you have a potent brew of unresolved trauma (personal shame) coupled with a societal assumption of superiority (group LACK of shame). The result is behavior that most people are able to put the brakes on before going too far down that road (though many, of course, do go all the way). Many highly educated people have committed atrocities throughout history, and this is as true within their families as it is toward other groups or societal “enemies.” Unresolved trauma makes possible all manner of cruel and psychopathic behavior, and Miller is the first and last stop in understanding it.

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Your narrative reminds me of a seemingly intelligent TV reporter who believed he was going to heaven riding on a winged-white horse..... Go figure!

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Oops, I meant watch* Israelism:


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LOL. Look how many Americans believed Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11. Look how many thought Russiagate was real. Look at how many still think that 1/6/2021 was an attempted coup by Trump. Look at how many still think that the Covid virus is something worse than a common cold, or than the "vaccines" we're supposed to take.

That doesn't mean all these Americans were or are stupid. It just means they were misinformed by a highly polished propaganda machine controlled by our kleptocracy.

No, the Israelis aren't stupid. They just know things that just ain't so.

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I don't think it's 98% but it's a heavy majority.

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I imagine it's a combination of things--the Israeli media, the educational system, but also two other things come to mind--self selection in that Israelis coming of age who are disgusted by this, get the hell out of Israel, leaving it to the true believers--and...since it seems the Zionists are operating out of the Nazi playbook, perhaps they're using intimidation. In the early years of the Nazi regime, there were brownshirts beating up or imprisoning anyone who argued against Hitler and the Nazis. According to Colonel Wilkerson who was Powell's chief of staff, there would be parades with Hitler in a car as part of the parade, and the throngs lining the street would all be giving the Nazi salute and shouting Heil Hitler--and there were brownshirts running along the sides of the parade and if you didn't salute--never mind anything so daring as holding a protest sign--you were arrested. He said the U.S. embassy had to keep bailing out Americans who didn't know this. Interestingly, the context in which he mentioned this was an interviewer asking him what he thought of Netanyahu's address to the US Congress of a few days earlier, in which he was given 80 standing ovations.

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2000 to 3000 missiles launched at Israel intent on killing as many Israelis as possible might be a start Buttercup!

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I call it racist…stupid isn’t the right word. Settlor colonial states on stollen and every enlarging land, are inherently racist. How do you justify white European colonies these days

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What Israelism to get a glimpse of how an entire nation gets “stupid”. You can rent it for $5 on the films website.

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I watched it at kinema.com for free. A very worthwhile watch

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I believe this article will help you understand. Knowledge is Power. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/04/popular_nullification_of_the_state_s_propaganda.html

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"Gaza is a test of the absolute bare minimum requirements for someone to be worth listening to about anything at all, because if you got this one wrong then there’s just something wrong with you as a human being." Perfectly said. Nothing else need be said.

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Oh, more Jewish jet pilots ready to kill peacemakers and aid givers?

It's obviously (again) a David and Goliath confrontation. A civilian flotilla of small boats to be faced by modern warships, speedboats and military aircraft. A nation that kills aid workers and children with complete impunity will not be deterred by a group of unarmed and unsupported civilians. There could be bloodletting again, but the big powers—led by the US— will look the other way, clutch their pearls, and let Israel do as it pleases. Just put it on the tab, please.

"Hundreds of human rights activists with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, including CODEPINK’s Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin, are due to set sail on multiple vessels in mid-April to carry 5,500 tons of aid for Gaza."

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David and Goliath. It's good to keep in mind which of the two was defending his homeland, Goliath, using only his body and strength as weapons, and who was part of an invading army, David, using advanced weapons, sling-shot. Gaslighting runs throughout the Bible. This is one we continue to use. Why's that?

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The fucking Bible, the lies, the rewrites, the scripts, the foolish myths, the script writing, the propaganda, the plagiarism, the broken narrative. All fucking cartoons and Marvels crap. The God Who Wasn't There.

2Sam 21:15–22 tells of several battles between the Philistines and Israel, and how the sons of Raphah, the ancestor of the giants, fight for the Philistines. However, David is told to stay home so that he does not die and “quench the lamp of Israel”, leaving his warriors to take care of the giants. Abishai kills one named Ishbi-benob; Sibbecai kills one named Saph; and then Elhanan the Bethlehemite kills Goliath of Gath, “the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam” (exactly the comparison made in 1Sam 17). Another unnamed giant taunts Israel, only to be killed by Jonathan, the son of David’s brother Shimei.

It is commonly thought by scholars that this was the original Goliath legend, for various reasons. In the earliest folktales, it was the champion Elhanan who slew Goliath when Israel was threatened by an ancient race of giants. Elhanan, Abishai, and Jonathan were all members of the Shalishim (the “Thirty”), a group of elite warriors who are listed in 2Sam 23. (Sibbecai is also included in the parallel list in 1 Chr 11:10–47.) Later on, as the figure of David the warrior king became more important to Jews and the other characters more obscure, the story of Goliath was retold with David as the hero instead.

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Aided by the USA!

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As a Jewish anti Zionist with likeminded family and friends, I know this to be true. I’ll just say, the question about believing/ supporting Zionism is a left vrs right thing, in

In my circles of mfamily and friends we are on the left! We know racism when we see it, we oppose settlor colonial states…

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I have felt for a very long time Gaza is Netanyahu's "Hail Mary" genocide.

He can see the empire is in collapse and Israel's place in the world diminishing concurrently. It is no coincidence this has happened so closely to the west's loss in Ukraine.

It is also noteworthy that the butcher is 74 and surrounded by other genocidal geriatrics with scores to settle.

We are seeing wave after wave of unhinged psychopathy by too many monsters.

In a larger context we are seeing the rage of a dying empire and how desperate and dangerous it is. The terrorist attack on Crocus in Moscow is just one more example, with how many more to come ?

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That our governments not only don’t stop but still fuel this Genozide not only is beyond me but makes me so angry.

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It seems baffling but it isnt. Humans have been biohacked through social engineering to the point where we are essentially domesticated. The spell can be broken but this process is different for each individual. It seems to me that it usually takes something personal to rattle the perception matrix in people's minds, they have to be stung by the bee in order to see it.

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History shows that truth is never admitted by those who depend on the designators.

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"…US murder machine…" Is the author in the right movie?

And even if at all, it's "Wagging the dog". Ever heard?

Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SSHm8eKXfA | https://rumble.com/v4n9nmk-israels-second-911-how-zionism-conquered-jfk-america-and-palestine.html

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Explain the 2-3000 rockets Hamas attempted to drop on Israel as an act of war Buttercup…that is one heck of a lot of artillery!

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Alert: sock puppet posting Israel regime gaslighting narrative

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No facts name calling, means you are in over your head!

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Gene. You need to read more.

Get off your lonely/teevee addled/backside and listen to something other than Mainstream Media.

DO you know for instance that Israel has used Hamas at least 2x before this happened.

Israel was warned by Egypt this was about to happen but did nothing.

We are told incessantly that Israel is the 'sharpest knife in the drawer.' With it's shields/weapons etc.

Tell me how did this happen? Did Israel not take heed of the warnings or did they want this to happen?

As it is you seem to be excusing the death and destruction of women and children in Gaza and the West bank.

THIS is genocide conducted by a 'nation' which should know better aided and abetted by the USA.

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How do you stop thousands of missiles that are mobile?

You need a practical education in tactical warfare before commenting from you cozy surroundings!

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"How do you stop thousands of missiles that are mobile?" - you don't. You think first why they are launched at you. You look in the mirror. Then you go where you came from.

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Perhaps HAMAS, who launched the IRANIAN STATE SANCTIONED TERROR missiles should have looked in the mirror and considered the consequences for their citizens, since they are their stewards; knowing the Israelis come with a disproportionate response!

Also, understand the Middle Easterners are notorious for hiding their terror and military in civilian locations as shields!

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How old are you?

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It’s the bare minimum. But all too many fail to meet that bare minimum. Because this is a white supremacist empire - see the evidence from Gaza to Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan- and falling on the “left” wing of white supremacist empire doesn’t say much at all.

Hope everyone is waking up.

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I absolutely agree!

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As usual, a great article, Caitlin. These genocidal assholes are telling and showing us what they are doing in Gaza, all being live-streamed in real time. It’s not rocket science, it’s not complicated. It’s a GENOCIDE, not a war.😢😔☹️🇵🇸❤️🖤🤍💚☮️

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