Russell Brand is the exception that proves the rule.

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You've got him, Oliver Stone, Roger Waters, Susan Sarandon, Rose McGowan...I really wish I could think of more examples off the top of my head, because then it would mean a lot more celebrities had their heads on straight.

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Vanessa Redgrave

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Oh man, I can't believe I forgot about her! She was way ahead of her time, criticizing Israel's oppression of Palestinians decades ago. And for that, she had pretty much all of Hollywood turn on her, she had her part in "Murder On The Orient Express" significantly reduced, and she had trouble getting hired afterwards, IIRC.

At least she lived long enough to see the rest of the world wake up to what Israel was doing. I hope that it's given her some level of satisfaction to be vindicated that way, and that it at least partly makes up for all the hate directed at her for so many years.

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

Jane Fonda (a bit), Mark Ruffalo, (a bit), Wallace Shawn, Cruz and Bardem (a bit…but, as soon as the Zionists come down on them for mild criticism of Israel, they and Ruffalo and Fonda, cower and often retract their criticism with phrases such as…”.oh, well, we don’t really understand what’s going on there that much,” etc.)

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They are all foaming at the mouth, rabid, leftists on your list.

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Foaming much yourself?

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Negative. Just despise any leftard bullshit.


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James Woods, John Voight.....

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I mean, I guess they ARE guys who don't just walk in the same direction as all the rest of the sheep...but on the other hand, I'm not a fan of either one's politics. That's not to say that they're never right about anything (I mean, hell, if Marjorie Taylor Greene can out-left the average congressional Democrat, anybody can), but still...

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...and of course the fake left wants to "brand" him as a right-wing cray person.

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Greenwald, too. They really don't know how to think outside the left-right binary.

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I think that caught him by surprise tbh.

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Too much hand waving and waaaaay too much charisma. You're being entertained, not informed.

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Comedians are the best observers nowadays.

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I am enjoying Brand's YT channel. And Susan Sarandon is probably the only other celebrity I respect. The rest of Hollywood can disappear and I would be just fine.

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Often I've been utterly shocked to learn of a movie star's political leanings after watching their performance in a film where they played a character the complete opposite to their own. It's called "acting" for a reason. Actors and other performers make their living pleasing their audience... So, since money talks in this capitalist world, they do their best performances for their corporate masters. Ah, to be able to act, sing, write, paint, sculpt and not have to please freakin' capitalists to make a living!

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Entertainers, including sports figures are the court jesters, the circus part of bread and circuses meant to keep us entertained/distracted while we're being robbed. I find it truly disturbing that people seem to have the same kind of loyalty to their sports teams as they do to their political parties. Why not? They have the same agenda - make money for themselves and their masters while pretending that each is different from the other.

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Yes, I was disappointed to learn Charlton Heston was a conservative nutjob. I liked him as an actor and respected his work.

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

Those awful conservatives eh.

Thank God we have a trustworthy, patriotic and compassionate hero in old Joe, to make America great again.


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Joe is a conservative too. He's a Bob Dole Republican.

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The whole fuckin Dems are reactionaries.... Marjorie Taylor Greene is more progressive cause she didn't vote for the war like those shitbags.

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Yes, MTG is quite the "progressive." It doesn't get any more progressive than this.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed that Satan manipulates women into getting abortions.

"It's whispered, softly and gently, into your ears and into your soul," the congresswoman said in a TV interview with Catholic activist Michael Voris this week.

The Georgia Rep. said that Satan tells women "it's okay" to get an abortion and in exchange promises them "all these dreams that you have in your heart. And that's how Satan sells a sin, and that's how he sells abortion. He tells a woman that all you have to do is you're just going to go to this clinic, just going to get it over with, you know," she said.

"And then you're going to, that guy, he's going to stay with you, that boyfriend or the guy, whoever he is, he's going to marry you, sweep you off your feet."

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Yup, and she's more progressive than all your shitlibs!!

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Why do you think anyone reading Caitlin's articles likes Joe Biden? If anything, genuine leftists hate him more than conservatives do. You're really in the wrong place if you think bashing Democrats is going to cause a riot.

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

What on earth made you think I was trying to do that?

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A joke, right?

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Hence the /s - Sarcasm.

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Look at that trilogy of films he did with Planet of the Apes, Omega Man and Soylent Green. I'm assuming he signed up for those films because he resonated with the messages they were trying to convey at that time.

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He could never be famous in the current climate.

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It's difficult to compete against CGI and AI for that matter.

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He has the wrong politics. Hollywood actors right now need to be good mainstream democrats (like Bono and Bette Midler). Conservatives get cancelled like Gina Curano.

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He did have a sexual relationship with a black woman in The Omega Man, I'll give him that, much to the appalled chagrin of the Minnesota mass shooter.

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It comes right thru

Chrleton never fooled me

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Now that I look at his later work retrospectively and more closely in hindsight, I can see he had a penchant for anti-establishment libertarian roles which, ultimately, are conservative and all supportive of gun culture. Taylor in Planet of the Apes, for example. He was of the establishment but he hated it and he let it be known he did. Neville in The Omega Man, maintaining his well-armed materialistic individualism amidst an onslaught from the socialistic mutant tribe. Thorn in Soylent Green where he transforms from establishment lackey enforcer to enemy number one of the establishment when he uncovers the horrible dirty little secret — that Soylent Green is people.

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Ban the art when the artist has been naughty? (Or worse)


If you like the art, why join a fan club - or anti-fan club for that matter..

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Thanks for the reminder about celebrity, Caitlin. I once listened to an interview Russell Brand did with Sadhguru and I couldn't stand the guy. So full of himself! And I've taken Bono with a mountain of salt since he wrote the preface for Jeffrey Sachs' The End of Poverty. But Steven King truly puzzles me. I just posted an episode on Nina Jankowicz the Warbling Warmonger here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/nina-jankowicz-the-warbling-warmonger

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Sadghuru never actually says anything.

His followers appear to be cretins hanging on every pointless word.

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I have said it before:

If the establishment is good at nothing else, it is very good at deciding whom to co-opt, whom to buy off, whom to ignore, whom to neutralize.

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One of the best ways we can fight the onslaught of destructive rhetoric, and corporate censorship is to stop spending money on any business or celebrity who supports the anti American censorship of speech or political views and stop voting for the same idiots who for the past 40 years have put us in this situation. Why do you think Netflix has just attempted to warn its employees that they will tolerate more than one viewpoint? Their stock price has tanked and people have other choices of what to watch. America is not systemically racist and has welcomed people of all religions, races, and economic backgrounds and they have flocked to become Americans. Now we have idiots telling us we are not Americans but split into dozens of groups who should all fight with each other while they pick our pockets and play "Risk" which you know only relies on the roll of the dice to see who wins.

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To be a celebrity, there is no stated requirement for either intelligence or judgement.

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PS this may be help you appreciate that in the USSA there is no true free market capitalism, and that it is centrally planned crony capitalism and theft via social engineering (i.e. illegal "income" taxes):


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Not sure if there's free market capitalism anywhere on planet earth... just like true communism.

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Some exceptions I can think of off the top of my head: Russell Brand, Roger Waters, Pamela Anderson. Struggling to come up with other names. One of the pivotal moments of my Twitter experience came in 2016 when I reminded John Cusack that he made the movie War Inc and yet was supporting the fake Russiagate scandal backed by the very MIC that movie satirized. He blocked me immediately. Back in the '80's when I was watching The Sure Thing, I never imagined I'd get to witness firsthand what a sad baby Mr. Cusack is. Tennessee Williams called fame the Bitch Goddess. Seems accurate.

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Oh right, Pamela Anderson spoke up for Julian Assange! I can't believe I forgot that, since she deserves credit for doing what so few others in her class and profession have bothered to do.

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I had to scratch my head on Pamela Anderson. I researched it and found this and then you choosing her made perfect sense. Putin the environmentalist. Of course. And a great humanitarian as well.

"On occasion, Anderson’s work has seen her join forces with some questionable allies. Seal hunting is one cause she shares in common with Vladimir Putin, which has led to rumors of a romantic entanglement with the Russian leader, something she has denied. Anderson has spoken at the Kremlin numerous times about environmental issues, she has said."

Pam said the following about the French Yellow Vets riots.

"I despise violence … but what is the violence of all these people and burned luxurious cars, compared to the structural violence of the French – and global – elites?"

Hey Pam, same applies to Russia's kleptocracy. Putin is one of the wealthiest men in the world and he is a dictatorial tyrant and yet you have cozied up to him and his oligarchical mafia and thus have given him sanction thus undermining any credibility you may have had.

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No criticism for Zelenskyy or Biden, or Killary, or Pelosi, or Saint Obama, or Billy G though?

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Who the fuck cares? Why are such a fault finding shit? Let's look into your crap and see what we find.

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We don't have to look too far and deep. He's already telling us he's evil.

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Do you believe everything you're told? Of course you do. You're a lefty.

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As a lefty, I resent the comparison. As far as I'm concerned, real lefties agree with Anderson on most or all of what she says--especially what she's said about Assange--and don't immediately react to the mention of her name with "Oh, did you know that this bitch loves Putin? Just like Jill Stein and Susan Sarandon and all of those people? Nobody listen to this Putin-lover!"

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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

Please d̶i̶e̶ get vaccinated.

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I haven't researched her thoroughly enough to know whether or not she criticized any of them. Who is Billy G?

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That was an excellent read!!!!!

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YOu continue to kick serious ass Caitlin....

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Alternate title: Celebs Assist in Manufacturing Consent

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It is all commercial art and pop culture in the end,

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My mom, try as she may, could not deliver adequate milk. Working mothers have a difficult time too. Scumbags is right.

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It's really mind-blowing that Middler would say something so monumentally clueless, something that not even the most vote-blue-no-matter-who, Russiagating, MSNBC-addicted, #StillWithHer, idiots are likely to defend her for.

OBVIOUSLY people with babies need baby formula. It's not a friggin' *luxury*. If people didn't need it, they wouldn't make it.

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My first album I ever owned aged 14 was U2's War and I played the crap out of that cassette. I'm embarrassed my teenage self ever idolised that ludicrous poser for so long but they did generally seem sincere. He did have a great voice but that's gone now.

I think Vertigo was their admission that these erstwhile Christian boys had sold their souls to remain in the limelight after they had faded in the years previous to that. "All of this can be yours, just give me what I want and nobody gets hurt"

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Everybody turns. For the right price. Never thought I’d see U2 Bono shove his nose up a war criminal’s ass. Makes me glad we’re going extinct as a species.

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And then there is Roger Waters...

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