Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Used to be, the folks who really ran things weren't quite so open about it.

Rather than staying in the shadows, this particular neocolonial project can best be summarized as "We are openly looting, and there is nothing you can do about it, so fuck you!"

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There is just so ,much data available on the internet which analyses the investments made by BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.

It is staggering the number of companies that they control through huge shareholdings in so many critical industries. It will surprise no one to be told that the influence they exert of the military / industrialists, the media and the pharmaceutical industries, all enjoying a very high level of growth (and therefore profit) right now, makes them the virtual controllers of US political policy following apartheid Israel that is, with its now accepted control of the political schedule in both houses of the US government.

As stated, "We are openly looting and there is nothing you can do about it" ......but far more importantly, "we are openly controlling as well and just for the record, there is nothing you can do about that either."


Between Netanyahu and the big three, they are America,

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Agree that neocons have been ascendant in driving U.S. foreign policy since at least 2000 with the exception of a few years respite. American neocons dominate both political parties now, with superannuated NATO. I disagree that Netanyahu and Israel are in control or even major participants, not this time. Here's why:

In November 2022, U.N. gen assembly proposed resolution to hold Russia accountable for war in Ukraine and paying reparations. 94 countries were in favor of. 87 countries were not, including Israel, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq. Russia has become increasingly important as an ally especially with Syria.

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With respect, Ellie, in my opinion it is the selection of members and the voting in both houses that determines control, the thousands of political attendances at AIPAC conferences, the monies and weapon systems allocated to Israel, and the never ending visits by Congressman and Congresswomen to that country. Let us not even mention the 29 standing ovations for a visit by Netanyahu. We should also add the never ending support given to apartheid Israel by the US in the United Nations together with the acceptance of the 400+ nuclear warheads located in Dimona. Never a mention of this arsenal. in the halls of power in Washington.

Yes. I do understand the vote with Israel by so many middle eastern countries. The long term objective of Israel to fulfil their plans for "Eretz Israel" has made it so important for them to maintain a working relationship in that part of the globe, large portions of so many of those countries being part of Israel's plans for ultimate ownership, those areas know as being located in the geography known from " the Euphrates to the Nile". The developing feeling at last in the UN towards Israel's occupation and its cruelty towards Palestinians means that this will never happen, in my considered opinion. The groundswell against this occupation when added to the arrogant makeup of the new Netanyahu government will now not be acceptable to the world.

Not before time.

Finally, and I am somewhat unsure of the exact figure here but at the level of senior public servants providing the feeble Biden with his ongoing plans for hegemonic control of the globe, over 60 % appear to be Neocons, with the very senior advisors rating even higher. I draw your attention the the likes of Blinken and Nuland.

Hard to overcome that level of influence if you are a weak individual controlled as he is by the military complex, big business in the form of BlackRock, Vanguard and others together with those same corridors of power populated with Neocons.

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Oh dear Lord, yes, Vicky Nuland, her horrible Kagan husband, and the venture capital LLC where former Obama administration staff swung through the revolving door and reappeared 4 years later. I don't know what's wrong with Blinken: there's no there there for a Secretary of State. McKinsey Mayor Pete doesn't care about rail workers, nor that most Americans can't afford electric cars. SEC chair Gensler was Hillary's campaign manager, and ALL of them, Dem and GOP, accepted donations from Scam Bankrupt-Fraud. (Except Beto O'Rourke! He immediately returned a $1 million campaign donation from FTX).

I haven't been as aware of AIPAC as I should be. The junkets and dual citizenships of many US senators, including Bernie, is very bad. During the 2nd Obama admin, Yellen was chair of the Federal Reserve, with Stanley Fischer as vice-chair. Fischer is an Israeli citizen! Yet plenty of people I knew wanted him to be chair of our Federal Reserve. It is insane.

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Zelenskyy refused to vote against the UN General Assembly resolution on occupation of Palestinian territories - reason is that Jerusalem has not supplied Kiev with air defenses

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a phone call late Friday asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to vote against a UN General Assembly resolution that calls on the International Court of Justice to issue a legal opinion on the consequences of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories, Ukrainian and Israeli officials told Axios.

Ukraine had voted in favor of the resolution during a UN committee vote but did not attend Friday's General Assembly vote "in order to give a chance to the relationship with Netanyahu," the Ukrainian official said.

Zelenskyy ignored Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's request to vote against the resolution on the occupation of the Palestinian territories. The reason was that in the opinion of the leaders of the Kiev regime, the country did not supply Kiev with enough weapons and air defence systems, Axios wrote with a reference to the Ukrainian officials.

The resolution itself was introduced by Palestine, it was adopted on December 30, and Netanyahu spoke to all the leaders of the countries who expressed support. In the end, as the paper specifies, Zelenskyy went in for de facto blackmail: he wanted to hear what preferences Kiev would receive if it voted against it. In his turn, the Israeli prime minister promised nothing but expressed his readiness to negotiate in the future.


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Zelenskyy refused to vote against the UN General Assembly resolution on occupation of Palestinian territories - reason is that Jerusalem has not supplied Kiev with air defenses

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a phone call late Friday asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to vote against a UN General Assembly resolution that calls on the International Court of Justice to issue a legal opinion on the consequences of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories, Ukrainian and Israeli officials told Axios.

Ukraine had voted in favor of the resolution during a UN committee vote but did not attend Friday's General Assembly vote "in order to give a chance to the relationship with Netanyahu," the Ukrainian official said.

Zelenskyy ignored Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's request to vote against the resolution on the occupation of the Palestinian territories. The reason was that in the opinion of the leaders of the Kiev regime, the country did not supply Kiev with enough weapons and air defence systems, Axios wrote with a reference to the Ukrainian officials.

The resolution itself was introduced by Palestine, it was adopted on December 30, and Netanyahu spoke to all the leaders of the countries who expressed support. In the end, as the paper specifies, Zelenskyy went in for de facto blackmail: he wanted to hear what preferences Kiev would receive if it voted against it. In his turn, the Israeli prime minister promised nothing but expressed his readiness to negotiate in the future.

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Israel has not supplied Ukraine with any weapons, only humanitarian aid and some defensive systems. Ukraine wants the Iron Dome set up for Kiev. I doubt it would be useful. Kiev is being hit by powerful, long range missiles. Iron Dome is only able to protect against scud-like bombs launched from nearby.

You're right: Zelenskyy refused to vote against the recent UN resolution on Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories despite Netanyahu asking him to do so. I don't think Zelenskyy refused solely because Netanyahu wouldn't give Ukraine the Iron Dome tech or start giving weapons in general. Netanyahu's predecessor didn't vote against Russia at the UN in Feb 2022. In mid-Nov 2022, Israel (along with Jordan, Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon) didn't vote in favor of U.N. gen assembly proposed resolution to hold Russia accountable for war in Ukraine and paying reparations. Out of 122 U.N. resolutions involving Israel since 2015, Ukraine voted against 95 times, and abstained 27 other times. Ukraine has never voted in favor of Israel on any issue. That history, along with the greater importance to Israel of Russia than Ukraine, seem sufficient reason not to give military aid.

*OTOH, regarding that 12/31/2022 UN resolution for ICJ advisory of Israel, even the Arab countries with which Israel has diplomatic relations (Morocco, Bahrain, UAE, Sudan) as well as Russia and China, all voted against Israel. So... idk but I'm still guessing that Israel isn't likely to send weapons to Zelenskyy.

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023

I find that comment "defensive systems" rich.

At US behest Israel has promised to send Ukraine weapons on multiple occasions, but has been dragging its feet.

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I confess, I pulled that phrase directly from an Al-Monitor article.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

'don't "like" it?'


there's gotta be Somewhere

that ain't fully Corporatized

like Somalia or the Moon?

you'll be much

Happier there.

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They said the same about the Vietnam war. Don't like it? Move. After 50,000+ American dead, and even more Vietnamese dead, and a huge hole in the US budget - they finally turned tail and ran, and admitted, oh well, we were wrong....

Turns out these Americans were dickheads. Some of them even found a way not to get drafted. The chicken hawks!

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The difference being that the propaganda machine has now been cranked up to levels not seen since Goebbels was alive and foaming at the mouth.

No dissent permitted! Even the most timid MSM attempts to question the war have been drowned out and the perpetrators forced to apologize.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Agree. Worst I've seen it in my lifetime. Similar to all the homeless you now see in California. Meanwhile, our fearless leaders are sending billions to Ukraine. To protect whom? The homeless living under bridges in the US of A?

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the homelessness in SFO, LA, the crime in NYC, has all been STARTED. It takes "a phone call", literally. Policies change coast to coast. No debate. No announcement. No vote. Not even informed. Then the dialog unfolds, which the shysters control. It's a strategy of tension. https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/Strategy_of_tension

The gov is DIRTY. The civilians, and 3 letter agencies are worse than the military. We are supposed to imagine the things they do abroad will not happen here, like the mafioso comes home from a day "at work", and as he wipes his feet on the door mat outside, wipes the blood off his knuckles, and pulls out roses and chocolates for the kids! Yay daddy. Orange fuhrer.

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Hello from Russia :)

It is probably better here, but not funny, of course, and we are very angry with Western elites and mainstr media, and some more people.

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Yes, you're right about the media blackout in the U.S. My only remaining news sources for non-U.S. news were the Wall Street Journal (people don't read it for world news, but they do light but original reporting), World Socialist WS, and al Jazeera. Wire services like AP and Reuters are useless, because they're in Goebbels mode, same as CNN and Fox. Sadly, WSJ is worthless too now, with constant propaganda (e.g. "brave Azov and Svoboda warriors!" and silence about increasing food bank usage) although half of the reader community is in open revolt. WSJ has cracked down by CENSORING wrong-speak subscriber comments!

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

The WSJ once had an article about the MBS (Saudi Arabia) and Bro Biden relationship coloring into Saudis wanting more "relevance" globally. The whole "article" (note the quotes...) was a high school caliber hatchet job completely blind to reality beneath the high school cafeteria narrative, ok. And naturally, the comment threads, feed off the already low bar of the article..so someone was puzzled asking about Saudi Israel relationship and whether Israel was being fooled by the Biden fist-bump (i know,....i'm rolling my eyes...but remmeber....the whole thing is at high school level...) and i commented:

something to the effect: The Saudis need weapons fighting Yemen as US proxies , but US law doesn't allow ANY(!) weapon sales without ISraeli sign off (fact). So given that the US needs to keep Saudis onboard as allies, they have to give em SOMEthing...right? It's only natural Israel and KSA would "become friends". It's Better for Saudi arms purchases if ISrael is at the table from the get go.


Well....it rankled the great people who run editorial policy and it was kicked off thread for violating "policy". Imagine the schmuck subscribers (who pay their freakin salaries and their cocktail soirees) like myself....what goes through our mind? THere's Nothing inflammatory, nothing off the mark....in fact i see it as outright EDUCATIONAL about what's driving the relationship, as opposed to the "fist bump" high school dialog. But no. WSJ is rancid.

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Yes, I understand. You were trying to be genuinely helpful in what you wrote. Same thing happens for me: No four letter words, no URLs (links), I stay on topic, yet my comment gets "held for review", never to be released. I often read the comments more closely than the articles because readers point out and discuss errors of fact. Or, they will answer questions about something that the article got totally muddled. I've subscribed for about 10 years. The archival content is really useful. Also, WSJ will report on things that are directly relevant to me for work, e.g. the coup thing at the FDIC last year. It should have been of great concern to lots of people! (Compliance Week is like a gossip column, didn't even mention it.) It would have been possible if Obama, Trump, or Biden had kept up with appointing directors for vacancies, plus observing term limits. But it is all falling apart. We had lots of really good bank regulators. Like everything else in government and business, they seem to be filling up with nepotism, favoritism, and corruption <=> conflicts of interest. My WSJ subscription is expensive though, and I find it a lot less useful lately.

Ah yes, the fist bump with MBS, I remember that! After getting turned down, I think they asked Venezuela for oil help.

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microscopic overton window. welcome to north korea.

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yeah - except the US is suppose to be the bastion of "freedom"

Welcome to the crock of shit lie.

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amen. when i hear "freeeeedom" "muuuuuuricaaaaah" i turn the other way and run.

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The situation is just yucky, isn't it?

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long as They

were not asked

to fight and maybe Die

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"Haymaker - First to die

We're way behind we're living on the edge of time

We must get rich becoming poor became a crime

Many promises where made but in the end

The first to die has always been the working man

They tell our kids in school it's like that don't ask why

We gotta work until we're old enough to die

The more we learn the more we still don't understand

The first to die has always been the working man


We're the first to fight, We're the first to die

And the last to find the bloody reason why

Again and again since I don't know when

The first to die has always been the working man

To keep your job you have to do the best you can

Building houses for unhandy business men

And when you're all used up nobody gives a damn

The first to die has always been the working man"


We spend all our time, scouring the web for morsels of truth, for morsels of information, for knowledge. which no one wants to hear. Such is the evil of our time.

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A "society" fundamentally driven by greed and the PR/brainwashing lies to promote the model of maximal capital extraction from every disaster --- every war, hurricane, famine, or other mass misfortune, every new opportunity to further rape the planet and biosphere --- is not a true society, but rather a a grotesque theatricality. Real societies are meant to be integrated dynamical systems, where tightly integrated parts function to enable a whole greater than the sum of those parts. Anglo-American Capitalism with its course governed by investor greed, with few (if any) functioning feedback controls on that huge financialized driver doesn't come close to real integration. It's instead a fragmented fiasco, a barely believably Kabuki performance in which the ghoulish voice of huge money drowns out all other voices of human timbre.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Well said. The US is so far removed now from a true society, or a free democracy. Corporate authoritarianism now has a stranglehold grip on this nation (and a good part of Europe). I don't think there is going to be an easy way out of this either. Usually when a governance of a country becomes this amoral and self-serving, the consequences become severe for everyone (eventually).

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The Medical Industrial Complex is not well represented. That has to be corrected.

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That's McDonalds' job - salt, fat, sugar = high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and stroke.

Of course, the severe stress from a precarious and austerity oriented Neoliberal BlackRock investors paradise will drive all those diseases.

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You're right, they are part and parcel of the Meducal Complex..They are synergistic.

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now....now....wait.....they will not be left behind........there's a new strain goin round......

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Does anyone remember The Onion, a newspaper that was completely ironic and sarcastic? It was so funny. Caitlin could have written for them.

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The Onion is still gping strong, better than ever.

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I sautee them all the time.

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Are you sure this isn’t saw they? 🤭

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Thank you. I just read the article on the woman who takes her existential angst out on the Kroger cashier. I just subscribed. Need more laughter in my life these days to stay centered.

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it's Important to

balance the Tears somehow.

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Peak Zelensky - good read over at CN:

"U.S. grain and pharma conglomerates will buy up Ukrainian farmland — some of the best in the world — for pennies on the dollar. This is the standard MO of U.S. multinational vultures coming in after the kill to pick apart the carcasses. U.S. weapons makers will look for and help provoke the next feeding frenzy, much as they materialized Ukraine barely a year after the humiliating U.S. defeat in Afghanistan derailed their last gravy train."


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purchase price: pennies; reconstruction spending: EU Taxpayer! SCORE SCORE SCORE!

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I put the new flag as the cover photo of my Facebook with the comment:« My support for Ukraine »

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Instead of a proxy war, it is a corporate investment. Is this the new world order? Instead of countries, there will be global corporations ruling the world. Yikes!!!

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I think they have been ruling the world for decades.

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Yup - a bad movie script made into a blockbuster movie.

Who TF falls for this shite?

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You left off the swastika

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A honeypot for psychopathic monsters.

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Didn't realize this was satire until half way through. Sigh.

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Lol I just began skimming and rushed to the comments section. Nearly sent it to a friend 😂 We’d been chatting about Russia/Ukraine/NATO just last night.

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Yes the military industrial complex has been ruling the world, at least since the fifties or early sixties. Lee Camp has reported that the reason the CIA, created in 1947, took out JFK was because he wanted to diminish if not abolish the organization which went far beyond collecting intelligence to diabolical actions around the world.

Historical techniques, like violence, will not work against so powerful an entity. Raising consciousness and calling on the power of love is our hope.

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The poor Ukrainians are getting cornholed

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with "their own corn". Double score!

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And they appear to like it. Double the corn, halve the hole.

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McProxy War indeed. I am really starting to wonder if those who are the most vocal about supporting this horrific mess are doing so in order to make their stock shares in Black Rock, Raytheon, Lockheed, etc., soar ever higher. It's time to burn down the stock exchanges then. It could be the only way to end the bloodshed. I say it's worth a shot at least.

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I have to dig deep in my inner resources not to vomit 🤮

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