Haven't we seen this before with the last administration Biden was involved with? Obama continued and expanded Bush's policies and the liberals cheered what they used to be protesting against.

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It isn't Biden's Policy. It isn't Trump's Policy. It isn't even Obama's Policy.

It is Netanyahu's Policy.

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As a Navy veteran, I ask: ... Have you ever been on a large ship out at sea? You cannot stop the vessel on a dime, even if you reverse the propellers at full throttle. .. To avoid collisions, you better hope there is room to maneuver to the left or right while adjusting your speed. .. It can be very tricky, especially if unfriendly forces are taking shots at you. ....

... Since the boisterous blowhard days of Reagan and Thatcher, The U.S.S. United States has been hellbent on a "damn the torpedoes" neo-liberal course of insanity. .. One President, no matter who it is, cannot steer this ship into waters of sanity overnight. .. It will take a long time, with the right crew and a favorable political climate to right this incredible wrong. ...

... I have heard Joe Biden at town hall meetings in Wilmington speak of saner foreign policy ideals and objectives, but that is ancient history in the post-Watergate era of the mid-to-late 1970s, when all good Democrats were "feeling their oats" after Nixon left town --- and before Reagan turned the water BLACK.

>>> I know Joe has it in him to DO THE RIGHT THING deep down inside. .. We had some of the same Political Science Professors at the University of Delaware, so I know of what I speak. ... Whether or not he will act on those old impulses remains to be seen.

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Yes. The Iran situation has been f’ed up since 1954, or even before. But the ayatollahs are every bit as bad as the worst western politician. The people of Iran DO NOT want this theocracy clamping down on them any more than you would. It’s easy to decamp to New Zealand or Oz or wherever you live and pontificate on the US or Iran or Iraq, but you don’t live there. You live in the safest place on earth. And yes, US Imperialism is really fucked. But given the present situation, what do you think the US should do? You criticize but you don’t offer any alternatives. What do you think happens when Iran has nukes? You think that has a happy ending?!

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Oh that is easy what US should do now.

The reasonable option would be to lift all the sanctions on Iran and say, "Sorry, we had an idiot as president, but now things changed, so please accept our sincere apologies and can we get back to the deal?"

But you and I know it would never happen.

Don't act like you care about Iranian people. If you did, you would have been screaming for lifting the sanctions that choke Iran and are responsible for deaths of tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Iranian people. And that is what Caitlin offers as alternative. What is it that you offer?

What happens if Iran had nukes? That is pretty obvious, really - Iran would have nukes and it will be even harder for US to attack Iran. That is it.

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Let bygones be bygones then. That’s easy.

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You have no idea where I live and Caitlin does not live in the safest place in the world. US intelligence assessments have said for several years that Iran has had no nuclear weapons program since 2003 at the latest. Khamenei doesn't want them. He stated in a fatwa that they're un-Islamic. BTW, I get my information by reading the news. You must get yours from ynet.

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The Iranians no longer need to worry about war with the US, because one already started on Jan. 3, 2020, and the Iranians finished it 5 days later by hitting 2 US bases with a total of 22 missiles. Iran scored worldwide propaganda points with the humanitarian warning they provided, which allowed US servicemen to take shelter. There were no fatalities reported and the US initially claimed no wounded, but later we found out around 100 had brain injuries (concussion or worse). US missile defense failed to intercept even one of the missiles and they were far more accurate than the US military expected. The Iranians showed they did not desire war, and the fact that the US did not retaliate showed that they respect Iranian military capabilities and have decided they don't want war, either. Millennium Challenge 2002 demonstrated to the US military its vulnerability of a war with Iran, and 18 years of development have made Iran even stronger. A war with the Iran would be the end of US global hegemony.

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Where do you get your information? Q Anon?

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Go away, troll

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Who are you? The thought police? Go troll yourself!

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Oh, you can dish it out but you can't take it?

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