'Cultiver votre jardin' said Voltaire, himself an attacked and vilified voice of sanity during his own times. When it comes down to it, just cultivate your own garden. You can nourish and heal yourself from it. If other people do too, great. Good advice, Caitlin. All strength to you (us)

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Thanks. This is great advice.

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thank you for describing my 65 years of life. whenever someone asks why i'm not a member of, say, the communist party, i say because it is not really -- purely -- communist, LOL. but i work with all sorts of individuals and groups at any point. as long as we are not in each other's way over particular issues of the day.

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A good debate is healthy, clears the pipes, persuasion is more elegant than coercion. More read it than take part.

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Honestly, I'm glad you did involve yourself though. I hate to say that, because I know you received some undeserved flak for it. I was just trying to clear up misinformation/lies, so at least if there were disagreement, it would be over reality and not a fictional version of it. But it started to get lonely in a tsunami of misinfo, which is even being repeated by people that I like and had respect for. So it meant a lot to me when you helped clear things up.

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Clubs are bad! There is an alleged Mark Twain quote that goes along the lines of “Beware any endeavour that requires new clothes.”

Thanks for articulating the defensiveness and ego parts of the problem.

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Sounds like something he would have said.

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My reflexive reaction kicked-in by your 3rd paragraph. I commend myself for having resisted the regular temptation to join the sniping on Twitter --- by never opening an account. Despite the troubling sense that I'd become more misanthropic and was thereby missing out on discourse, I nonetheless highly recommend it as a strategy for increasing detachment from the loony worlds of corporate totalitarianism and identity politics. And especially from folks who can't debate an issue without ad hominem rubbish.

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My personal revolution can actually help us all. It's called World 5.0, and describes how Life exists only Now, and hence all of us are necessarily connected Here in Life. Much more, like ridding ourselves of fear and corporations, are in the book. And I describe, like Caitlin, that even if the world doesn't change to do our bidding, we can find a quieter, clearer mind and a warmer heart... https://world5.org

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The machine including Biden Inc is well funded and well co-ordinated, the left have become their new useful idiots by and large. I've noticed how their cancel culture and vindictiveness against lawyer's like Lin Wood, and Sydney Powell to investigative journalists like Julian Assange of Wikileaks and James O'Keefe of Project Veritas who is about to nail the NYT for defamation but its being buried by Google etc..

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I really needed this today. All the left faction infighting these last few days has left me exhausted and rather despairing that we could ever get beyond it and focus on the task at hand. This has helped to change my perspective. This was wonderfully expressed. Thanks again for all you do.

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My revolution is to laugh at all the rah-rah team fans, point out to them that their behavior is only team spirit, and that they act exactly like the "opposition," only on behalf of their own team.

The so-called liberals and the Trumpsters act the same. And neither of them can see that their behavior is just like the others', until it's pointed out to them.

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caitlin, you've surpassed yourself, that is so good.

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Nice! Thanks for sharing!

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I get your drift. Thanks.

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The only group I ever felt part of was the hippy community, and one of the premises was that each of us should be our own person.

It was refreshing, as you say, to feel that, for once, I didn't have to fight every battle alone.

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