"They’re just squeezing and squeezing this man as hard as they can for as long as they can get away with to keep him silent and make an example of him to show what happens when journalists reveal unauthorized information about the empire. Just like Gaza, the persecution of Julian Assange makes a lie of everything the US and its western allies claim to stand for, and reveals the cruel face of tyranny beneath the mask of liberal democracy."

Well said, Caitlin.

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It’s truly sickening. And the little toadie Brits have shown themselves to be as unethical as they are spineless.

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The vicious crime of embarrassment. Assange has already served more time than the average convicted murderer in the US. It is completely disgusting.

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My disgust has no boundaries for US & UK! Free Julian Now!

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The process is the punishment.

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The fact that the death penalty exists in the USA should be an automatic barrier to anyone being extradited there.

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Next week I will be interviewing Julian’s brother Gabriel. Please watch out for my piece and share as wide as possible. As for the Biden Administration and their relentless pursuit of Julian - when Biden passes there’ll be a spot in hell reserved for him and his criminal cartel.

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In light of everything that's been going on they've become assured they can do anything at all in full view of the approving majority - the one that votes and keeps them at power.

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Final desperate days of the U.S. empire.

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And in this the Australian government is complicit. They could have sent a top notch team of lawyers to defend Assange (like South Africa did at the ICJ) to signal to the Americans that they (Australia) will be putting in their weight politically because, by now, we all know this is a political game rather than a legal case.

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An "assurance" from the US is not worth the lickspittle it is expressed with.

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The news about Assange this morning was no surprise but it is heartbreaking for his near and dear ones and for all who supported his just cause. US assurances won't be worth the paper it's written on. Assange is being used as a warning and a lesson for any others brave enough to go against the empire. A political prisoner denied justice and kept locked up for years. Was the regime change in Ecuador -which allowed Assange to be dragged out of the embassy by UK police - just a coincidence?

His persecution is the venting of anger and revenge by the US ( just as they will take revenge from Iran - via their proxy Israel - for taking their embassy staff hostage during the Revolution ).

Australia, UK and other countries involved in this injustice haven't covered themselves in glory either. Successive Australian governments played dumb for a long time and at last when Labor pleaded Assange's case, what if anything has been achieved.

All atrocities of empire chillingly hang together - the incarceration of Assange, war crimes, how vassal states are diminished, and most brutal of all a genocide.

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The cruel face of tyranny - revealed again, indeed!

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In America to tell the truth is to lie. The country and all its so called allies are these days sucked into an insidious Kafkaesque paradox from which it seems almost impossible to escape. The idea that truth is indivisible and therefore cannot recognize itself is a lie designed to blind everyone to the actual fact that the truth will set them free. If truth is to be suppressed then it will not be long before it is defended at the barricades

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Burns argument sounds like a ChatGPT generated load of crap.

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One more kick in the ass by Joe Biden before he's ejected in November. That fucker can't go soon enough.

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