For my money the current hive of corporate media censors, defense contractor goons, Silicon Valley techies, CIA operatives, and DNC flunkies pose a far more serious threat to our republic than anything Trump and his supporters have cooked up. Trump was a reaction to a government gone off the rails; what remains is a government gone off the rails.

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Not so sure -- both parties are rotten to core.

1 Trump and GOP are truly HORRIBLE -- see the current insane war on women - once again.

2 DNC oligarchs (Biden, Pelosi, Schumer) are even WORSE (censorship, they concocted Russia-gate hoax, torture of Julian Assange, Daniel Hale’s persecution for Obama’s drone crimes, $16B Haiti-corruption under Hillary/Obama – Biden-family corruption probably pales in comparison)

The ONLY solution – vote THIRD party – now and forever. ALWAYS vote – but VOTE for a Third (or fourth, fifth..) party – at ALL levels, especially at LOCAL levels (vote OUT each and every incumbent).

“If you always vote for the lesser of two evils, you will always have evil, and you will always have less.” [Ralph Nader]

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My comment was in no way meant to absolve Trump and his sycophants from the many deficiencies they represent. Obama fooled me into voting for him, and Bernie got me to believe that he represented an actual third way forward. I was wrong both times. No longer. As you say, both parties are rotten to the core and any sane path forward clearly rests outside these compromised dead-ends. Our job now is to get more of our fellow citizens to realize this and build something worthy of our support.

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I couldn't vote for Trump in 2016 because he said that 1) war is OK if you take their oil, 2) torture is OK and 3) it's OK to punish the otherwise innocent families of terrorists. I couldn't vote for him in 2020 because he consummated all three promises with 1) Syrian oil, 2) the appointment of Gina Haspell and 3) the unapologetic killing of "Nora" al-Awlaki. OTOH, I'm not sure what you're talking about re "the current insane war on women" in light of Cuomo, Biden and the hypocrisy of #metoo.

That said, I agree 100% about voting for 3rd, 4th or 5th parties. The 1854 Congressional election results are instructive. The new Republican Party came in 5th with 13 of 234 seats in the House. A Know Nothing was elected Speaker of the House, his party having won 51 seats, the 3rd highest total. Over the course of the next 6 years, the Whigs collapsed, just as we must do to the anti-democratic Democrats. At least the GOP was democratic enough to nominate an outsider in 2016.

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Thank you !!

A telling detail -- Gina Haspell would fly to Asia specifically to watch tortures -- what a psychopath -- and then destroyed all torture videos.

PS: Current GOP war on women is Texas abortion "law" idiocy... what a gift to reelection of DNC oligarchs.

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Yes, doubling down on abortion while the Democrats are self-destructing on #metoo betrays a sort of death wish on the part of the GOP and is additional evidence of a need for multiple non-Republocrat parties.

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The Christian "family values" vote constitutes a major faction of the republican power base that they are unwilling to jettison (To an outsider, Trump pretending to take these folks seriously is as coldly hilarious as them embracing him as one of their own; the vapidness of each laid bare to Grand Canyon proportions). Clearly, the republicans offer us no serious answer to the many problems of the democrats.

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The pro-life, "family values" vote was locked in. The Texas law is just plain foolish and self-destructive as a political ploy, as it drives away potential allies among disillusioned Democrats.

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Unless it was only meant to trigger a ruling by the Supreme Court, or whip up fundraising going into 2022.

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We agree -- many will never even comprehend, e.g., thoughts of Elon Musk:


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Maybe you missed the law that the state of Texas is trying to pass to restrict women's reproductive rights or maybe you don't care. And maybe you think that #MeToo is some kind of fluff "women's lib" attack on the poor mistreated men who abused their power to commit sexual assault on the women under them, but statistics show that one out of three women is sexually abused in the world. Imagine if one out of three Olympic athletes were attacked as they went about their business: there would be riots. But just those flaky women? Nothing to see here.

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I'm well aware of the Texas law; I just wasn't sure that's what Boris was referring to. Does a request for clarification now imply opposition to equal rights for women? I guess you believe the #MeToo movement cares about sexual harassment when they only use it for partisan politics. They had a perfect opportunity to show they aren't strictly partisan when it came to Cuomo. It was clear he was being thrown under the bus to obscure the Covid-19 nursing home scandal, but they laid off Cuomo even when they had permission from Democrats.

I suppose you're "with =>Her," but I think it's far worse that children already born have to live in fear of death from the sky or being injected with a toxin that causes blood clots and probably infertility as well. You're right that Roe v. Wade, though I support it, doesn't seem as important to me as several other life and death issues and our Bill of Rights. A lot of women agree with me on that, especially Catholics.

Take your partisan Democrat identity politics and pessimism elsewhere.

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Hey, I happen to be one of the millions of women who have had #MeToo experiences. My family have been Catholics for generations, and we have all left the Church, partly because of their patriarchal attitude towards us, as women. Yes, many women still agree with their oppression and I'm sad for them, but I have to live with my own experiences.

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Hey, I happen to be one of millions of men who have been proactive in stopping sexual innuendo in the workplace. #MeToo and Time's Up aren't about that; they're about partisan politics, which is demonstrated by their response to Tara Reade and Andrew Como's accusers.

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Except I believe that plugging a third party into a system that is admittedly rotten to the core won't work any more than plugging the "Squad" into the Democratic Party worked. You don't change the system; the system changes you. The "third party" furor is yet another attempt at incrementally and avoiding the necessary: We have to get rid of the dangerous system and build anew, with multiple parties built in.

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You're right if a new party has the same compromised leaders and funding sources as our current two parties, but I would hope that any third party would be outside of those influences as part of its bedrock founding principles. Otherwise, why bother?

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That's what I'm trying to say. It's a boondoggle, and we could be spending our energy on possibly more successful projects, like changing the system so that we can have the political process that we want. Of course, that is scary and would actually call for a commitment to danger, and I realize that most liberals, who would support a third party because it would be "nice clean change," wouldn't want actually to participate in anything so messy as a revolt. "Adventures," said Bilbo Baggins, "nasty disagreeable disgusting things! Make you late for dinner!" And real change might make you late for dinner too.

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"Changing the system." Three simple words. Now how do we go about it? You seem to be endorsing revolution, something the current system excels at dealing with. So we can't get enough Americans to join a third party that's worth a damn but somehow it's more likely you'll get them to join you in a revolution? Seriously? That's your plan?

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*incrementalism* - I hate spell check

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Well said, Rick, and if this leads to a blood-letting on the scale of 1861-65 that culminates in a restoration of the Bill of Rights, it will be worth it, but let's all hope it doesn't come to that and we can restore the Bill of Rights peacefully through state and/or judicial power unchallenged by federal military and police power.

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I only respond to Rick while in gin joints.;-)

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Hah! Yeah, sorry about that!

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Holt crap! How could I have left out the Bush-era war criminal neocons, who have now so seamlessly aligned themselves with the democrats?

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In fairness, you did mention "defense contractor goons ... [and] CIA operatives."

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Those both tend to be faceless entities, whereas the neocons are household names, deserving their own time in my spotlight of disgust.

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Fair enough. I'm opposed to "cancel culture," and I would not oppose the employment of such people, but they have no unalienable right to appear on broadcast or corporate print media.

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They should all be in prison cells instead of bloviating on cable news and on the editorial pages of the NYT. But we don't live in a decent country, do we?

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Still ongoing Russia-gate, the scam of the century, is far more dangerous than anything Russia can ever do. A solution, including for journalism:

Who will be the first current or former Democrat Congresswoman/man or Senator to publicly acknowledge and confirm the Obama's scam of the century -- the Russia-gate hoax?

There is no "unity and healing" until that...

Please listen to : Traitor to torture -- Scheer Intelligence

Five years after his ABC interview about CIA’s use of torture, narcissist St. Obama ordered Kiriakou persecution -- to protect his legacy

Host Robert Scheer hears from Kiriakou the inside story of how the torture program started as part of a cynical power struggle between the CIA and FBI, why torture does not save lives or secure better intelligence, and how, while the program was started under Republican President George W. Bush, it was a top appointee of President Obama (Obama’s favorite, John Brennan, himself a key architect of the torture program, who chose to prosecute him five years after his interviews with ABC which should have made him a national hero instead of a disgraced felon.

Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/scheer-intelligence/id1054586928?i=1000534891456

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Russiagate wasn't "Obama's" scam, not that I think he did much for us; it was Hillary Clinton's scam, as the excuse for why she lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump. Don't rewrite history.

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St. Obama concocted Russia-gate and expulsed ~70 Russian diplomats in the last week of his presidency.

The Russia-gate hoax and impeachment “entertainments” were concocted by Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi, Schumer, etc. and their intelligence and DNC executives on behalf of their Wall Street and military industry donors. That lying team is now back in full power -- even Kamala Harris (and her sister) is Hillary's protégé.

Remember, Clapper, Brennan & Hayden trio (Obama's executives) were among 50 former Obama intelligence officials stating that Hunter-laptop is classical “Russian disinformation”.

- They were also key promoters of the three-year Russia-gate hoax.

- They were also key intelligence executives in Obama/Biden/Hillary government – the government which hunted Snowden (forcing Bolivian plane with Bolivia’s president to land to search it) and armed Al Qaeda (including the brazen Al Qaeda “white helmets” hoax) and staged all (ALL) chemical attacks in Syria to remove its government.

When asked about Hunter's laptops Pelosi stated "All roads lead to Putin"; commenting on Capitol invasion Schumer said - "worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11"...

Assange must be silenced -- all the players agree. Trump was too stupid and incompetent to realize how important is pardoning Assange, his key witness about Ruusia-gate hoax -- now that the full old lying team is back in power again. Instead he pardoned Black Water criminals who massacred Iraqis in Bagdad’s Nisour square.

We have a two right-wing parties monopoly financed and ruled by same donors and -- playing us like a violin. Lose all hope you who still try to idealize Obama and Biden administrations – see below.

“The Rrrrussians come again.” - Pre-summit nonsense. Patrick Lawrence June 1


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I am actually less afraid of the hard right in the US after 1/6. That was the most inane attempt at "insurrection" I could imagine. It was like an episode of Gilligan's Island. I thought the right wingers had it way more together.

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The USA doesn't need fascism, at least as a form of government. It's an expensive and difficult way to run a country. The main reason that the far right fascists have close to zero support from the corporate, political, military, police and deep state sectors in the USA is that the USA already is a corporate state run for the sole benefit of corporations and their shareholders. The last twenty years of the USA's onslaught against the poor of Afghanistan are a prime example: they were massively profitable for a tiny number of already-rich people via their weapons corporations. Who needs a fascist state when you have that kind of control?

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The greatest false flag ever. When will the walls come tumbling down? Or do we need thermite to achieve that🤔

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False flag? Who do you think was doing the rioting and getting arrested?

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Who do you think was at the center of planning and allowing it to happen?

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20 years ago, obviously. Now, count backwards.

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IMHO as a former "leans Democrat" voter, all the Democrat, Deep State manipulated events of 2020, starting with the scamdemic, fear-mongering and corruption of voting processes, continuing through the Democrat condoned and encouraged "94% peaceful" urban riots, the suppression of the Hunter Biden story and clear fraud of Nov. 3, 2020, were more profoundly dangerous than even the secessionist movement of 1860-61.

They may indeed mark the end of democracy and the Bill of Rights in the US. By contrast, the Jan. 6 event was an anticlimax, planned and manipulated by FBI "assets" and allowed to happen by the blob in DC, very similar to the Whitmer kidnapping entrapment.

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When was the USA a democracy? Your daft conspiracising tells us more about you than about the world you try to describe. The USA has always been run for its wealthy. No-one else matters.

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I see you have no argument and don't really deny any of my allegations. You are reduced to attempting to discredit me by using CIA talking points about "conspiracy theories."

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Over at the World Socialist Web Site, there are many who claim to be lone socialist voices crying in the capitalist wilderness by... echoing the corporate media and Democratic party talking points about the riot on January 6. Or the 'fascist insurrection', as they call it. They are now full supporters of the apparently embattled, underfunded Capitol police, CIA, FBI and the entire mainstream political establishment. Apparently the USA was a workers' democracy which is now under threat.

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Well, they as well as BLM and Antifa, are "trained Marxists."

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I'm not sure what's Marxist about Black Lives Matter, given its full-throated support for capitalism.

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You can't be that ignorant, can you? Here's Patrisse Cullors on The Real News Network describing herself and another top BLM organizer as trained Marxists: https://youtu.be/HgEUbSzOTZ8?t=72

Yes, in reality they have served the interests of the corpos (but definitely not small business) and have profited enormously from race hustling, but those are Cullors' own words.

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Controlled opposition.

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Well done Caitlin. I was worried when I read the headline and I was relieved to see your ironic take.

The people in power truly hate Trump supporters. It’s pure bigotry, they despise uneducated blue-collar white trash working class NASCAR Americana culture. Hate!

Reagan and Clinton de-industrialized America and gutted the social safety net. The people left behind by globalism, those who lost out, found a saviour in Donald Trump. I would say it was more stylistic than substantive. Trump gave voice to their concerns, he didn’t do much of anything to help them, he couldn’t do anything to help them, that ship had sailed. Trump acknowledge them and their plight plus he made great sport of the elite with their twisted logic and blithe hypocrisy. My Lord they take their superiority for granted and when they are proven wrong, they pull all the strings, they control the debate, they simply gloss over inconvenient and embarrassing elements of the story, so very certain are they in their own correctness and our stupidity they bequeath themselves the right to lie - in the name of truth and stopping us the unwashed.

That’s why enjoyed Trump’s rudeness, he was so funny, it was colon hydrotherapy for the oh so deserving ruling class - their anger was palpable, buzzing and brimming over.

I wonder if we will see Civil War?

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I have a theory about why some people genuinely believe this. (Others like Schmidt are probably arguing in bad faith.) And (apologies for the shameless plug) I wrote about it on my own Substack. But the gist of my theory is that the people who believe 1/6 is worse don't actually care about American lives first and foremost.

They care about America the country.

For them, "...it was never 'OMG they killed 3000 of our people, those monsters!' But rather 'OMG, those monsters attacked my COUNTRY! I can handle 3000 people dying if they die somewhere ELSE. That happens all the time. But not here! Not in New York City!' [...] In 2001, a place that was supposed to be safe from attack turned out not to be. In 2021, another place that was supposed to be safe from attack turned out not to be."

Also, since Blue MAGA really IS a cult, members look up to Democratic politicians the same way cult members look up at their leader or leaders. So for them, the idea that their gods and goddesses were hiding from a scary mob that wanted to kill them (according to MSM) is enough to send them into fits of crying and apoplexy worse than anything they felt on 9/11.

I couldn't agree with those sentiments less (which again, I'm only guessing at, but it's the best guess I can come up with and seems to be supported by some of the quotes here) and I would love it if all of humanity stopped placing such a high value on things like countries and Important Buildings and the Important People In The Important Buildings, and valued other humans' lives and their well-being regardless of who they were or where they lived.

I'd love it if that happened and I'm likely to go to my grave still wishing it would happen.

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Yes, but that guy putting his feet on Pelosi's desk and sitting on her chair is probably 10,000 times worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki and 9/11 and all the wars including WW1 and WW2 and the 100 years war all put together....and the Spanish Inquisition...oh the humanity!

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1/6 was worse than 9/11 because it is evidence (slim, admittedly) that even the MAGA crowd is waking up to the fact that the 'war on terror' is really a war on Americans, as well as 99.9 percent of everyone else on the planet.

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Oh, wow... this is a first. I don't know quite what to say... I think I disagree with Caitlin for the first time ever. Both 9/11 and 1/6 were huge tragedies. 9/11 was a tragedy because of the 2,977 deaths, but also because it was intentionally allowed to happen by Bush/Cheney AND THEY GOT AWAY WITH IT because Americans are easily manipulated by the msm. 1/6 was a tragedy because it showed how weak "the left" is, to such a degree that a bunch of neo-nazi lunatics can storm the capitol and succeed. And while some of the 800 or so invaders just wandered about like tourists, many others WERE intent on usurping power for their would-be king. It took a police officer shooting one of them to stop them from breaking into the House chamber. Some of them were serious about executing traitors such as Pelosi and Pence - I actually do agree that both are traitors but for totally different reasons than the invaders. I don't think we do ourselves any favors by downplaying 1/6. I do recognize that the establishment neoliberal democrats are trying to use this to divert attention from their own evil actions, but pretending 1/6 was not a big deal helps exonerate the right-wing extremists, and I don't want that.

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Media hype aside (which you are spot on about), there really is a second civil war brewing here in the USA. Jan 6 was not even close to the most alarming manifestation. Charlottesville or Portland, Oregon street fighting since George Floyd wrongful death protests are the events I would cite. Also, COVID is being used by oligarchy to further divide and conquer us here.

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"Wrongful death"? What a wonderful euphemism! Let's call it what it really was - murder.

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Let's not get too worked up, Ms Savage. Anyone who's experienced a real civil war, such as in the Balkans, knows that the USA is a very long way from that.

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What did you think I meant by brewing?

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If by 'brewing' you meant 'the ingredients are not even in the same building, let alone in a vat and being heated', then perhaps you would be correct. Few makers of alcohol would agree.

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Storm brewing was what I had in mind. A few signs are discernible, but it will be a while before the storm comes to a head.

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We all hope it doesn't come to bloodshed, but were you in the Balkans at the start, with the "peaceful" secession of Slovenia encouraged by the EU?

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Given the evidence so far, such as the Capitol riot and the instances of far-right fanatics openly murdering people in crowds, there is certainly plenty to be concerned about without letting our imaginations run away with us. Not every nation with bitter divisions results in full-blown war.

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People like you who see and cite only half truths push the divisions and make violence more likely. The violence is not perpetrated only by "far-right fanatics," though conservatives and Trump supporters seem to be targeted for entrapment and prosecution more often than Antifa or BLM fanatics at the present time.

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